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Time calls Donald Trump ‘President of the Divided States of America’


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"Time calls Donald Trump ‘President of the Divided States of America’ "



Perhaps.  Obama did a truly masterful job of dividing 'em.  And in the second place, it's a really simple-minded thing to say the U.S. is divided.  It's BEEN divided since its founding.   Even before and during the Revolution there was a significant loyalist faction (But unlike the current generation of spoiled, entitled brats, they actually DID go to Canada. <sigh>  One can but wish...)  .   Fluff&stuff like this in the MSM with a clever ring to it never fails to appeal to the naïve and easily led.  'Never takes much.   So now the Dem brownshirts will start leaving "DSA" graffiti as they go about their petulant vandalism, and think it's soooooo cool.  Well, like I said, easily led.


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the biggest thing is the ****expectations**** not the "divide" thing

the ****expectation**** that He will Make America Great Again.

absolutely crazy rants.
in diametric opposition to reality on almost all of them.


Edited by maewang99
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