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Leonardo DiCaprio meets with Trump on green jobs to boost economy


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DiCaprio meets with Trump on green jobs to boost economy



NEW YORK (AP) — Leonardo DiCaprio and the head of his foundation met Wednesday with President-elect Donald Trump to discuss how jobs centered on preserving the environment can boost the economy.


In a statement to The Associated Press, Terry Tamminen, the CEO of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, confirmed the meeting at Trump Tower in New York City. Tamminen said the pair gave a presentation to Trump, daughter Ivanka, and other members of Trump's team on how focusing on renewable, clean energy could create millions of jobs.


"Today, we presented the President-elect and his advisors with a framework — which LDF developed in consultation with leading voices in the fields of economics and environmentalism — that details how to unleash a major economic revival across the United States that is centered on investments in sustainable infrastructure," Tamminen said. "Our conversation focused on how to create millions of secure, American jobs in the construction and operation of commercial and residential clean, renewable energy generation."


The Oscar-winning actor has been a strong advocate of fighting climate change and preserving wildlife, and his recent documentary, "Before the Flood," addresses the peril that the world faces because of climate change.


DiCaprio previously met with Ivanka Trump and presented her with a copy of the film.


The meeting with Trump's team lasted for about 90 minutes. The actor also gave the president-elect a copy of the documentary, and Trump promised to watch it, according to a person who was familiar with the meeting but not authorized to speak publicly.


Tamminen, who was secretary of California's Environmental Protection Agency under former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, said Trump was receptive and suggested they meet again next month.


"We look forward to continuing the conversation with the incoming administration as we work to stop the dangerous march of climate change, while putting millions of people to work at the same time," said Tamminen.


The meeting came after word got out Wednesday that Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, a climate-change denier whose policies have helped fossil fuel companies, is expected to be announced as Trump's pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.




-- © Associated Press 2016-12-08
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DiCaprio is a high school dropout with a GED that fancies himself as an expert on global warming. He has an enormous carbon footprint himself flying around the world in private jets, hitching rides in Saudi yachts and owning numerous very large properties...and is involved in some very shady business deals:

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It is a shame that any number of Hollywood actors could help explain what climate change is to Donald Trump, and why it makes sense to address it, and probably some could even go into how.  Meanwhile Trump is appointing a climate change denier that is paid by the oil industry to reject it's even happening to lead the EPA.  


Trump is a joke; Trump supporters are morons.  One can only hope that some good accidentally comes out of his idiocy and that he doesn't crash the US economy or start a trade war with China. 

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This never ceases to amaze and irritate me.


Why do so many  "actors" somehow feel that because they happen, by mere chance of birth, to look attractive - and have managed to remember and repeat, on instruction, like Pavlov's dogs, words in movie parts, that their opinions should be somehow special: There is little if any intellectual ability involved in what they have personally contributed to the world ....... someone else wrote the dialogue, arranged the choreography, lighting, cinematography etc. - ergo the "actor" has little or no special personal nous.


Why, therefore, do these people think that their opinions should be personally addressed by the President-elect of the United States - or be deserving of more attention than that of the ordinary man in the street?






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14 minutes ago, p_brownstone said:

This never ceases to amaze and irritate me.


Why do so many  "actors" somehow feel that because they happen, by mere chance of birth, to look attractive - and have managed to remember and repeat, on instruction, like Pavlov's dogs, words in movie parts, that their opinions should be somehow special: There is little if any intellectual ability involved in what they have personally contributed to the world ....... someone else wrote the dialogue, arranged the choreography, lighting, cinematography etc. - ergo the "actor" has little or no special personal nous.


Why, therefore, do these people think that their opinions should be personally addressed by the President-elect of the United States - or be deserving of more attention than that of the ordinary man in the street?





Do you seriously have to ask?  Actors and other celebs are recruited by folks who are much more knowledgeable because they bring attention to the cause.  That's just how it is.  Take this meeting with Trump.  If some guy named John Doe (or p brownstone, for that matter) wanted to meet with the President-elect, his handlers wouldn't even answer the guy's call, let alone give him an audience.  DiCaprio is by no means an expert on the topic, but to his credit, he certainly brought one along with him.

Edited by Berkshire
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In this case the actors are repeating the concerns of climatologists, the universal consensus of all of the climate scientists around the world, except for those paid directly by oil companies and other fossil-fuel interests to express lies.  In general the point is valid though, and saving the world can become a bit of a comedy, especially when they are more a part of the problem than the average person.  


The real scandal is that the average guy on the street that isn't paid to have an opinion or hasn't been reading fake news sites or listening to Rush Limbaugh could possess the briefest awareness of the subject, and the accurate knowledge that of course climate change is occurring.

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This never ceases to amaze and irritate me.
Why do so many  "actors" somehow feel that because they happen, by mere chance of birth, to look attractive - and have managed to remember and repeat, on instruction, like Pavlov's dogs, words in movie parts, that their opinions should be somehow special: There is little if any intellectual ability involved in what they have personally contributed to the world ....... someone else wrote the dialogue, arranged the choreography, lighting, cinematography etc. - ergo the "actor" has little or no special personal nous.
Why, therefore, do these people think that their opinions should be personally addressed by the President-elect of the United States - or be deserving of more attention than that of the ordinary man in the street?

At least he's doing something! All credit to him and shame more actors don't follow his example.
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he's "pro" climate. 

along with Harrison Ford who made a video just earlier with the exact same storylines as Dicaprio's used.  Fires in Indonesia, beachfront property in Miami and slowly melting ice in Greenland.  

but not Larsen B or Larsen C....  not at all.  


what does a magician do? keeps your eye off of what he or she doesn't want you to see.

also, by visiting Trump... helping to  dissipate concerns just as Al Gore did on the same day the NSIDC (a federal agency) came out with their ice extent data for November 2016... which president-elect Trump and his staff surely had a heads up on in the daily briefing.. if not otherwise.

both "sides" have a way to get their bread buttered... it's almost like the Good Cop Bad Cop routine.

Harrison Ford, Leondardo DiCaprio, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore never talk on any thing along the lines of Larsen B or of tipping points such as New York's subway versus Miami beach property.  And it is all choreographed as to when it is released...... as well as what is released... and as I am trying to point out... what isn't released by these formerly Supposed Workingman's Heroes.. not. 

another they avoid is the basic little thing about Climate and Co2 of a 10 to 40 year lag between emissions and climate effect... it's NEVER referenced ever by any these "pro" climate heroes.



Edited by maewang99
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2 hours ago, p_brownstone said:

This never ceases to amaze and irritate me.


Why do so many  "actors" somehow feel that because they happen, by mere chance of birth, to look attractive - and have managed to remember and repeat, on instruction, like Pavlov's dogs, words in movie parts, that their opinions should be somehow special: There is little if any intellectual ability involved in what they have personally contributed to the world ....... someone else wrote the dialogue, arranged the choreography, lighting, cinematography etc. - ergo the "actor" has little or no special personal nous.


Why, therefore, do these people think that their opinions should be personally addressed by the President-elect of the United States - or be deserving of more attention than that of the ordinary man in the street?






Well I  guess it made news, I'm sure I couldn't do that.

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3 hours ago, honu said:

It is a shame that any number of Hollywood actors could help explain what climate change is to Donald Trump, and why it makes sense to address it, and probably some could even go into how.  Meanwhile Trump is appointing a climate change denier that is paid by the oil industry to reject it's even happening to lead the EPA.  


Trump is a joke; Trump supporters are morons.  One can only hope that some good accidentally comes out of his idiocy and that he doesn't crash the US economy or start a trade war with China. 



The man is a genius - you just can't see it.


He's courted Republican support with the denial part, now he's bringing the left and the right together by discussing with both sides. 


This is first real attempt we've seen at a US President looking to push people towards consensus on the issue.

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3 hours ago, Merzik said:

DiCaprio is a high school dropout with a GED that fancies himself as an expert on global warming. He has an enormous carbon footprint himself flying around the world in private jets, hitching rides in Saudi yachts and owning numerous very large properties...and is involved in some very shady business deals:

Easy DiCaprio the Donald is on a photo-op rampage and you could be his next victim. After he gives you the thumbs up he could tweet that your low energy although by your own description you seem to be high energy with a big carbon footprint. Makes one wonder about your motives. Could this be a do as I suggest not copy my bad habits moment? He will no doubt postpone the meeting till after he has dismantled the EPA.

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3 hours ago, honu said:

In this case the actors are repeating the concerns of climatologists, the universal consensus of all of the climate scientists around the world, except for those paid directly by oil companies and other fossil-fuel interests to express lies.  In general the point is valid though, and saving the world can become a bit of a comedy, especially when they are more a part of the problem than the average person.  


The real scandal is that the average guy on the street that isn't paid to have an opinion or hasn't been reading fake news sites or listening to Rush Limbaugh could possess the briefest awareness of the subject, and the accurate knowledge that of course climate change is occurring.


If the carbon emissions was lowered to say 30 percent that climatologists suggest, by how many degrees will the Earth's temperature alter by?   :wai:

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we have to be careful.... this topic is not something at all easily subject to thinking intuitively.... example only Einstein ever made any real headway in physics with that kind of approach and he never finished his life's work..


but here we go anyways....

Bill Gates says we must cut it 100%.

not 30%.

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Yes they should do a remake of Soylent Green starring Donald Trump and Leonardo DiCaprio. 


Oooo! Can I pick the one that gets ground up and made into Soylent Green...um, I mean Soylent Orange?


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1 hour ago, maewang99 said:

we have to be careful.... this topic is not something at all easily subject to thinking intuitively.... example only Einstein ever made any real headway in physics with that kind of approach and he never finished his life's work..


but here we go anyways....

Bill Gates says we must cut it 100%.

not 30%.


Bill Gates isn't a climate scientist.


Might as well ask an actor.... ;-)

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Finally an artist that wants to talk with Trump. Most other Illuminati owned Hollywood hi so lows have grinded him thru the mill beforhand. DiC is most probably Illuminati owned as well as he is advocating the climate profitable hoax  'they' want us to believe/swallow. 

My say...don't trust DiC.


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9 hours ago, p_brownstone said:

This never ceases to amaze and irritate me.


Why do so many  "actors" somehow feel that because they happen, by mere chance of birth, to look attractive - and have managed to remember and repeat, on instruction, like Pavlov's dogs, words in movie parts, that their opinions should be somehow special: There is little if any intellectual ability involved in what they have personally contributed to the world ....... someone else wrote the dialogue, arranged the choreography, lighting, cinematography etc. - ergo the "actor" has little or no special personal nous.


Why, therefore, do these people think that their opinions should be personally addressed by the President-elect of the United States - or be deserving of more attention than that of the ordinary man in the street?







My dear Patrick, I agree with you wholeheartedly, but the fact is actors and singers feel that way because most human beings madly worship them and empower them with this fake importance. They are constantly asked what their opinion is on every possible subject and of course, they very seldom answer "thank you for asking but, well, I wouldn't know, I'm just an actor" ... Because if an actor or singer did that repeatedly he/she would most probably be quarantined from the media for not playing the game.


We now live in an era of image, of 'communication' (read propaganda cum manipulation), and one of the most revolutionary things we can do is ... turn off the screen, TV or smartphone ... If we don't do that, then we can't complain about the consequences, can we ?

Sure, we can accuse the media, the actors, the system, the politicians, whatever, but ultimately, we, the 'end user' are the ones who have the only real power : the power to boycott. So the interesting question is : why don't we do just that ?

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10 hours ago, honu said:

It is a shame that any number of Hollywood actors could help explain what climate change is to Donald Trump, and why it makes sense to address it, and probably some could even go into how.  Meanwhile Trump is appointing a climate change denier that is paid by the oil industry to reject it's even happening to lead the EPA.  


Trump is a joke; Trump supporters are morons.  One can only hope that some good accidentally comes out of his idiocy and that he doesn't crash the US economy or start a trade war with China. 


I don't understand why there isn't a GW or Pollution Index tariff. Kill two birds with one stone. If you're importing goods from a country just because they are a low cost importer, while they are simultaneously ruining the environment and climate, then you are not paying the full cost of those goods. Levy a tariff on countries that pollute to produce your goods, not because they stole your jobs. That will produce two benefits IMO. One, some companies will find it cheaper to produce in the US and Two, other companies will find it cheaper to continue producing where they are but will have to clean up the damage their production has caused.  Win/Win.

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16 hours ago, honu said:

It is a shame that any number of Hollywood actors could help explain what climate change is to Donald Trump, and why it makes sense to address it, and probably some could even go into how.  Meanwhile Trump is appointing a climate change denier that is paid by the oil industry to reject it's even happening to lead the EPA.  


Trump is a joke; Trump supporters are morons.  One can only hope that some good accidentally comes out of his idiocy and that he doesn't crash the US economy or start a trade war with China. 

Trump supporters are morons ?? I thought the crying like babies saga was over. You have proven they still walk amount us. Go watch a re-run of Titanic, make sure you have your echo friendly tissues by your side. 

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DiCaprio , Gore, and Suzuki should all get together with some scientists and be shown  as  the non experts they all are.   I feel sorry for people who  actually believe what these three say.  Climate change , is a cyclic event.  Carbon Tax is a cash grab by any government,  Federal or Provincial.


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someone is concerned we are being advised to cut emissions 30 %.

and they don't like Bill Gate's suggestion of 100 %.

but at Paris COP21 we agreed to cut more than 100%.  and that, retroactively.  and the aviation and shipping exemptions were for only one year.... 2016.  and it's now December.  one year later already.

Obama has an escape clause, he signed COP21.  for Donald, chats with Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio.. the Ice Is Slowly Melting in Greenland Guys who point at Indonesian forest fires to misdirect the little people from what we now have concluded the story of Larsen B was all about.  it's out there for anyone with some time on their hands to read about. not just Bill Gates.


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14 hours ago, maewang99 said:

we have to be careful.... this topic is not something at all easily subject to thinking intuitively.... example only Einstein ever made any real headway in physics with that kind of approach and he never finished his life's work..


but here we go anyways....

Bill Gates says we must cut it 100%.

not 30%.


He'd have to have two, can't be that stupid with one. No carbon dioxide to produce oxygen.   :wai:

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I give DiCaprio alot of credit for making an effort. Many are in denial. I see signs of climate change all around me. The smart ones in denial admit it is happening, but they deny man is involved. The really tone deaf ones, like the new EPA chief, is an ignorant man, capable of massive devastation of the planet. Use your judgment. Our atmosphere is so thin. It is all that keeps us from perishing, or leading greatly diminished lives, should the earths temperatures rise even a few degrees. So, why wouldn't you do everything you could to protect it? Why take that chance? You just cannot have nearly 7 billion people spewing an unlimited amount of junk into the atmosphere, and contemplate the possibility that it is not having an impact. It is just intuitive. Same goes for the seas. The consumption of plastic, etc, etc. To just say we can do anything we want to this rather amazing planet, and it will never have any consequences at all, seems quite bizarre to me. Now, alot of the initiatives like the carbon tax credit seem like sheer nonsense to me. There have got to be better approaches than that. 


The fact is that celebrities have voices, and those that are conscious make an attempt to try to use that voice. Others just collect the cash, and consume as much as they can, without giving anything back. So, I respect what DiCaprio is trying to do. I cannot even imagine what that conversation looked like.


DiCaprio: I know Mr. Trump you are only going to be in office for four years, but you do have the capacity to utterly decimate the planet in that time. Please don't do it. Please do not sell our 56 national parks. People really enjoy them. It is a really lovely planet, and we really need it. I know you care alot more about cash, than about the environment, but think of the 7 billion who really need to survive. You have never been in this position before, but alot of people are really dependent on your ability to make rational decisions for the next few years. 


Trump: I know alot. I know everything there is to know about the environment. I have considered it from all angels, with my huge brain. And I can tell you this, with absolute certainty. There is absolutely nothing we can do to this planet, that would harm it. It is a really strong planet, and the atmosphere cannot change, regardless of how careless we are. It is a really big planet. I know. I have traveled around. How can man affect such a big planet? And we really don't need the seas. We can just bioengineer seafood anyway. I am working on a factory in China right now, with just that intention. So, the sooner the fish die, the more money I will make on my invention of manufactured fish. As to the forests, the mountains, and the streams, well I have always felt nature is overrated. Buildings are much cleaner than nature, where you have to deal with dirt, dust, mud, and all of that crazy stuff. I make all of my money with buildings. What good is nature to me? We do not really need nature. I am sure of that. I have looked into it. I have asked the experts. All of my experts agree. We can live without nature, and we can make alot more money if we do not concern ourselves with it. Leo, I appreciate you stopping by. I really loved Titanic. I did not see the Revenant. As I said, I am not into that nature stuff. But, you are a decent actor. That Titanic boat was almost as big as my boat. But, just as is the case with Air Force One, my plane, and my boat is always bigger. And that is not the only thing that is bigger! 

Edited by spidermike007
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26 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I give DiCaprio alot of credit for making an effort. Many are in denial. I see signs of climate change all around me. The smart ones in denial admit it is happening, but they deny man is involved. The really tone deaf ones, like the new EPA chief, is an ignorant man, capable of massive devastation of the planet. Use your judgment. Our atmosphere is so thin. It is all that keeps us from perishing, or leading greatly diminished lives, should the earths temperatures rise even a few degrees. So, why wouldn't you do everything you could to protect it? Why take that chance? You just cannot have nearly 7 billion people spewing an unlimited amount of junk into the atmosphere, and contemplate the possibility that it is not having an impact. It is just intuitive. Same goes for the seas. The consumption of plastic, etc, etc. To just say we can do anything we want to this rather amazing planet, and it will never have any consequences at all, seems quite bizarre to me. Now, alot of the initiatives like the carbon tax credit seem like sheer nonsense to me. There have got to be better approaches than that. 


The fact is that celebrities have voices, and those that are conscious make an attempt to try to use that voice. Others just collect the cash, and consume as much as they can, without giving anything back. So, I respect what DiCaprio is trying to do. I cannot even imagine what that conversation looked like.


DiCaprio: I know Mr. Trump you are only going to be in office for four years, but you do have the capacity to utterly decimate the planet in that time. Please don't do it. Please do not sell our 56 national parks. People really enjoy them. It is a really lovely planet, and we really need it. I know you care alot more about cash, than about the environment, but think of the 7 billion who really need to survive. You have never been in this position before, but alot of people are really dependent on your ability to make rational decisions for the next few years. 


Trump: I know alot. I know everything there is to know about the environment. I have considered it from all angels, with my huge brain. And I can tell you this, with absolute certainty. There is absolutely nothing we can do to this planet, that would harm it. It is a really strong planet, and the atmosphere cannot change, regardless of how careless we are. It is a really big planet. I know. I have traveled around. How can man affect such a big planet? And we really don't need the seas. We can just bioengineer seafood anyway. I am working on a factory in China right now, with just that intention. So, the sooner the fish die, the more money I will make on my invention of manufactured fish. As to the forests, the mountains, and the streams, well I have always felt nature is overrated. Buildings are much cleaner than nature, where you have to deal with dirt, dust, mud, and all of that crazy stuff. I make all of my money with buildings. What good is nature to me? We do not really need nature. I am sure of that. I have looked into it. I have asked the experts. All of my experts agree. We can live without nature, and we can make alot more money if we do not concern ourselves with it. Leo, I appreciate you stopping by. I really loved Titanic. I did not see the Revenant. As I said, I am not into that nature stuff. But, you are a decent actor. That Titanic boat was almost as big as my boat. But, just as is the case with Air Force One, my plane, and my boat is always bigger. And that is not the only thing that is bigger! 


Given the great monologue you have just presented maybe you should apply to become their speech writers on the environment.  Oh, and if I might also ask, what is the actual climate change you are seeing all around you, the operative words being ACTUAL and SEEING.


I do however, agree with you on the carbon tax, plastics in our rivers and oceans and that climate change is real, not the scaremongering that many are using in order to frighten the populace and scam money from others.  (wealth redistribution)


And yes, there are many options that could be used but cannot be because of certain people who oppose anything that does not fit with their beliefs.  However, as far as Mr Di Caprio is concerned, he is an actor, not a scientist and is only proffering what he is being told by others.


There is nothing Di Caprio can prove through any actual scientific facts of his own.  He should stick to his career, or maybe he was and with this little acting role is looking for his second Oscar. :wai:

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16 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


If the carbon emissions was lowered to say 30 percent that climatologists suggest, by how many degrees will the Earth's temperature alter by?   :wai:

It would be nice but again like here its all about the funding and of course loss of profit for big business which is sacrosanct. Yes we the people deserve a better environment but profits Trump that. 

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