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Leonardo DiCaprio meets with Trump on green jobs to boost economy


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7 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

It would be nice but again like here its all about the funding and of course loss of profit for big business which is sacrosanct. Yes we the people deserve a better environment but profits Trump that. 


Thanks for your response but why avoid what was asked, which is, why is it that  no one can or is willing to answer the question?:wai:

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DiCaprio talks about Greenland.  fires in Indonesia.  Miami beach. check, check, check.

he doesn't ever even mention Larsen B. 

he doesn't use New York steam pipes as an example. 


never.  no way!!!!


we never see James Hansen, Richard Alley or Kevin Anderson... for more than a VERY quick edited clip within someone else's video.... eh?

what we do get is Leonardo DiCaprio, Harrison Ford and Al Gore.. who are the Ice Slowly Melting and Fires in Indonesia Guys.

how many clues do you need?

and today we have the NSIDC data which is a huuuuge whopper... that was released on Dec 6, 2016..... the same day Al Gore showed up at Trump Tower.

and we are better than others?  the USA is  ****sadder**** than all of the rest... and the chief instigator all rolled up in one... about to rule with our Shale Gas Revolution... holy jeepers we don't want to give up on that one!!!!! 

but we care about most about where we live.. so..... it's all "cool" and very entertaining for sure.  lots of funny stuff..... until it means no cooking gas..... and lots and lots of tourist arrivals....... from Dhaka... at the same time.

Larsen B. Larsen C. Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry.  Hansen group.  April 2016. 


NSIDC.  December 6, 2016.


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1 hour ago, maewang99 said:

DiCaprio talks about Greenland.  fires in Indonesia.  Miami beach. check, check, check.

he doesn't ever even mention Larsen B. 

he doesn't use New York steam pipes as an example. 


never.  no way!!!!


we never see James Hansen, Richard Alley or Kevin Anderson... for more than a VERY quick edited clip within someone else's video.... eh?

what we do get is Leonardo DiCaprio, Harrison Ford and Al Gore.. who are the Ice Slowly Melting and Fires in Indonesia Guys.

how many clues do you need?

and today we have the NSIDC data which is a huuuuge whopper... that was released on Dec 6, 2016..... the same day Al Gore showed up at Trump Tower.

and we are better than others?  the USA is  ****sadder**** than all of the rest... and the chief instigator all rolled up in one... about to rule with our Shale Gas Revolution... holy jeepers we don't want to give up on that one!!!!! 

but we care about most about where we live.. so..... it's all "cool" and very entertaining for sure.  lots of funny stuff..... until it means no cooking gas..... and lots and lots of tourist arrivals....... from Dhaka... at the same time.

Larsen B. Larsen C. Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry.  Hansen group.  April 2016. 


NSIDC.  December 6, 2016.



Your posts are kinda cryptic. Is this what you are talking about?




It is my understanding that this particular iceberg is already displacing the amount of water it will when it eventually calves. Is that not so? And/Or are you talking about something completely different? 

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no bergs... keeping it simple, everything is either an ice sheet.... which sits on land.... or an ice shelf.... that is already pretty much entirely already in the sea.

the short narrative.

Larsen B surprised the same scientists that live and study in Antarctica as a living... when it broke up in about 3 weeks.... not melted.   in about 2002 or 2003.

this surprise was then studied for about 15 years, the peer review of the final analysis took one year and when it got near publication.... Obama signed us onto COP21 in it's wake (my view).

it was released in April 2016 and is available at the website of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.  it's in readable English.


ice shelves are losing mass below the top level we see, they can fracture and collapse... ice sheets on the land that are no longer supported by those ice shelves... can slid much faster into the sea.  before they fail they act similar to the buttresses on an old cathedral building. this was the surprise.  there is 5 meters of sea level rise in the ice sheets in West Antarctica which is important because it slopes towards the sea unlike the bigger mass of ice in East Antarctica.

etc.... you should know the basics of this.... I'm just doing some of page 1. 

this is not ice melting... it is about ice shelves failing similar to how a earth quake occurs... unpredictable as to the exact timing but.....

why learn?  I already suggested one.  there are 100 million folks living less than one meter above sea level, surrounded by three very powerful border armies in the world.... one or two ridges to the west of Thailand...

and then there is stuff such as steam pipes passageways in New York which don't need anything more to happen to ice shelves or ice sheets... all we need is a big storm surge headed for Poughkeepsie... along the Hudson... and 800 miles of steam pipes passageways plus subway tunnels can fill to the brim with salt water in a matter of hours. this scenario of "super storms" as ocean temps rise is also in the same Hansen study I cited above.  April 2016.

gosh, I can't imagine not knowing at least a few of the basics of that Hansen study yet many folks don't.      


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On ‎08‎.‎12‎.‎2016 at 2:50 PM, p_brownstone said:

This never ceases to amaze and irritate me.


Why do so many  "actors" somehow feel that because they happen, by mere chance of birth, to look attractive - and have managed to remember and repeat, on instruction, like Pavlov's dogs, words in movie parts, that their opinions should be somehow special: There is little if any intellectual ability involved in what they have personally contributed to the world ....... someone else wrote the dialogue, arranged the choreography, lighting, cinematography etc. - ergo the "actor" has little or no special personal nous.


Why, therefore, do these people think that their opinions should be personally addressed by the President-elect of the United States - or be deserving of more attention than that of the ordinary man in the street?






Actually, Leonardo is a very good actor, but that doesn't mean he is an expert on climate.


I wonder if the "solutions" he suggested include state ( taxpayer ) funding/ subsidizing. Remember Solyndra.

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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I give DiCaprio alot of credit for making an effort. Many are in denial. I see signs of climate change all around me. The smart ones in denial admit it is happening, but they deny man is involved. The really tone deaf ones, like the new EPA chief, is an ignorant man, capable of massive devastation of the planet. Use your judgment. Our atmosphere is so thin. It is all that keeps us from perishing, or leading greatly diminished lives, should the earths temperatures rise even a few degrees. So, why wouldn't you do everything you could to protect it? Why take that chance? You just cannot have nearly 7 billion people spewing an unlimited amount of junk into the atmosphere, and contemplate the possibility that it is not having an impact. It is just intuitive. Same goes for the seas. The consumption of plastic, etc, etc. To just say we can do anything we want to this rather amazing planet, and it will never have any consequences at all, seems quite bizarre to me. Now, alot of the initiatives like the carbon tax credit seem like sheer nonsense to me. There have got to be better approaches than that. 


The fact is that celebrities have voices, and those that are conscious make an attempt to try to use that voice. Others just collect the cash, and consume as much as they can, without giving anything back. So, I respect what DiCaprio is trying to do. I cannot even imagine what that conversation looked like.


DiCaprio: I know Mr. Trump you are only going to be in office for four years, but you do have the capacity to utterly decimate the planet in that time. Please don't do it. Please do not sell our 56 national parks. People really enjoy them. It is a really lovely planet, and we really need it. I know you care alot more about cash, than about the environment, but think of the 7 billion who really need to survive. You have never been in this position before, but alot of people are really dependent on your ability to make rational decisions for the next few years. 


Trump: I know alot. I know everything there is to know about the environment. I have considered it from all angels, with my huge brain. And I can tell you this, with absolute certainty. There is absolutely nothing we can do to this planet, that would harm it. It is a really strong planet, and the atmosphere cannot change, regardless of how careless we are. It is a really big planet. I know. I have traveled around. How can man affect such a big planet? And we really don't need the seas. We can just bioengineer seafood anyway. I am working on a factory in China right now, with just that intention. So, the sooner the fish die, the more money I will make on my invention of manufactured fish. As to the forests, the mountains, and the streams, well I have always felt nature is overrated. Buildings are much cleaner than nature, where you have to deal with dirt, dust, mud, and all of that crazy stuff. I make all of my money with buildings. What good is nature to me? We do not really need nature. I am sure of that. I have looked into it. I have asked the experts. All of my experts agree. We can live without nature, and we can make alot more money if we do not concern ourselves with it. Leo, I appreciate you stopping by. I really loved Titanic. I did not see the Revenant. As I said, I am not into that nature stuff. But, you are a decent actor. That Titanic boat was almost as big as my boat. But, just as is the case with Air Force One, my plane, and my boat is always bigger. And that is not the only thing that is bigger! 

Why is it down to Trump? Obama has done ZERO to change anything in the time he had. He didn't need an international agreement to put America on the path to zero oil use. More interested in flying around on AF1 than setting an example.

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On 12/8/2016 at 1:29 AM, honu said:

It is a shame that any number of Hollywood actors could help explain what climate change is to Donald Trump, and why it makes sense to address it, and probably some could even go into how.  Meanwhile Trump is appointing a climate change denier that is paid by the oil industry to reject it's even happening to lead the EPA.  


Trump is a joke; Trump supporters are morons.  One can only hope that some good accidentally comes out of his idiocy and that he doesn't crash the US economy or start a trade war with China. 


I've never heard of anyone denying the climate is changing. I don't suppose you have any evidence to back up your assertion.

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13 hours ago, maewang99 said:

someone is concerned we are being advised to cut emissions 30 %.

and they don't like Bill Gate's suggestion of 100 %.

but at Paris COP21 we agreed to cut more than 100%.  and that, retroactively.  and the aviation and shipping exemptions were for only one year.... 2016.  and it's now December.  one year later already.

Obama has an escape clause, he signed COP21.  for Donald, chats with Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio.. the Ice Is Slowly Melting in Greenland Guys who point at Indonesian forest fires to misdirect the little people from what we now have concluded the story of Larsen B was all about.  it's out there for anyone with some time on their hands to read about. not just Bill Gates.



It looks like Bill Gates is making tremendous strides to reduce his carbon footprint, yes?


Image result for bill gates private jet

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why is it down to Trump? Obama has done ZERO to change anything in the time he had. He didn't need an international agreement to put America on the path to zero oil use. More interested in flying around on AF1 than setting an example.


It's ironic how many of the people who tell us WE need to change our lifestyle fly around on private jets. I'm guessing most also use quite a bit of natural gas to heat their multiple mansions as well.


Perhaps if they walked their talk, people might take them seriously.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why is it down to Trump? Obama has done ZERO to change anything in the time he had. He didn't need an international agreement to put America on the path to zero oil use. More interested in flying around on AF1 than setting an example.



Difficult to argue that point. Obama could have done so much more. He gave up on the initiative to manufacture green energy devices, and equipment in the US, once the Solyndra scandal broke, and the background of his new green energy czar surfaced. He had no stomach for a battle, even though it was the right battle, at that time. But, by appointing Pruitt, Trump has essentially said f*** you to the planet and the environment.

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On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 2:29 PM, honu said:

It is a shame that any number of Hollywood actors could help explain what climate change is to Donald Trump, and why it makes sense to address it, and probably some could even go into how.  Meanwhile Trump is appointing a climate change denier that is paid by the oil industry to reject it's even happening to lead the EPA.  


Trump is a joke; Trump supporters are morons.  One can only hope that some good accidentally comes out of his idiocy and that he doesn't crash the US economy or start a trade war with China. 


Just out of curiosity how does climate change, global warming, the ozone layer, or whatever else they want to call it, when it suites them, affect you and how are you contributing to lessening the carbon dioxide, it's not carbon, pollution?


Have you stopped using a motor vehicle, stopped flying, stopped using base load electricity, stopped using gas, freezing in winter, hot in summer?  If you haven't then you're just as hypocritical as the idiots you support. But then wait, you're probably into the same scams and making a motza like the rest of the alarmists. 


I do not mind wind power, solar heating or any other renewables as long as they can stand on their own two feet and not require the huge subsidies to keep going.  This, in turn, increases the cost of electricity and gas to the extent that the poorer people can not afford to meet the costs.


In doing so, and not using these essentials of life, they are doing more to cut the carbon dioxide emissions than you or you like have ever done.  But they are being forced to, it is not voluntary, so please get off your high horse and stop calling people morons, they like you, are entitled to a reasonable life, which the alarmists are trying to deny them.  Just remember, we do not deny climate change only the scams and the scaremongering that have evolved from it. :wai:




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the economy will not win over quantum physics.

it just won't.

example.  900 miles of steam pipe passageways and subway tunnels in New York.... cannot be sealed off from a Hansen style storm surge... it will only take 3 or 4 hours to fill them with salt water. okay.... maybe 5 or 6 hours...?

Atmos. Physics and Chemistry.

March 2016. Hansen study.

it's in English.

and that's also why Leonardo and Harrison Ford only ever talk about Miami beach property and thermal expansion... cause it's an old and not so scary story.

the Trump knows better. he's a New Yorker. 


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On 12/9/2016 at 7:03 AM, Stargrazer9889 said:


Climate change , is a cyclic event. 



yes but it should be slow, over hundreds of years at least, if you see the data on Co2 its a massive spike caused by you and me and its rising off the scale. The nay sayers show data that's not up to date, check the data showing this year as well. If you do you should be stunned. This one is from NASA.

Remember the Ozone layer problem, everyone pulled together across the globe, now its stable and shrinking. That was kids play compared to the sacrifices we must undertake. the only way is to make it unprofitable to be a polluter.



nasa cc.jpeg

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piewarmer... that's right... but that chart and way of looking at things is the Climate Change scenario/mechanics [thermal expansion, ice slowly melting, Miami beach front property] .... the Abrupt Scenarios/mechanics [Hansen storms, Larsen B and C, NYC subway tunnels] are also playing out.  the NSIDC data released on Dec 6.... which Trump had a heads up on... and is the really big WHY of why Al Gore showed up the same day... not the appointments i.e. EPA etc. that Trump has total control of.. is really surprising.  just like the NASA Goddard monthly land temps for 2016 were... and it can't be mostly El Nino cause the NSIDC charts go all the way back to.... oh my goodness... 1978.  which includes more than one El Nino!!!!! eh?   


that we don't need to be statistical experts who can do regression analysis but can see things in simple charts ..... is the really scary part.

before it was a lot easier to deny. now only crazy rants work at all.




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Leonardo DiCaprio's agenda is to keep the spotlight on the wrong things... i.e. to put it a bit too simply.... Leonardo made a recent video that highlighted Greenland ice shelves.....

but it is Larsen C which could have a series of events similar to what the APC made a determination on in March of this year..... in which ice shelves in West Antarctica [ not Greenland ] are acting as buttresses to land ice sheets that hold 5 meters worth of salt water/sea level behind them. with a topography very different from Greenland as well. 

it's done on purpose. all of it.  including the Dec 6 Al Gore Trump Tower on the same day as the NSIDC data came out.




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Nice....but what does either of them know about "Green jobs to boost the economy"

the only difference i've seen in the daily "scam"  letters I recieve in my Email offering me "unsecured  money at low interest rates" is that previously it was supposedly Obama that was offering me these loans, but now it is Trump making the same offer.

Same scam, just different people running the scam.



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when Greenspan says "entitlements" he includes monthly Social Security payments.... but not low cost loans for email scammers. sorry...

yeah... it ain't DiCaprio... but it another of those guys with big noses (farlang).... and green eyeshades.

@ 19:50 in the following video he draws the dots for you 


"global warming may be an issue"


Alan Greenspan on secular stagnation and, possibly, stagflation
American Enterprise Institute
Streamed live on Nov 15, 2016


wake up and smell the coffee.... unless you are in your 80's maybe 70's... in which case maybe it's cool.... unless you know someone(s) you love who is any bit younger than you.  I do.



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give a listen to a US central banker who is retired.... has time to think.... but not so much time he reads crazy email messages about low cost loans for Obama (IMA-FARANG above)


on the video at 19:50:

"global warming may be an issue" [ the "may" thing is how Greenspan talks, i.e. no rants... not even ever close to one.. and he loves to underplay what he thinks is quite obvious, trust me. I have always followed everything he says or has written since the 1980's  ]


for long lived assets... for CAPEX... for business confidence...

now...... not in 2100.

"that's the way it works"


"a huge problem that as far as I can see is
politically almost insurmountable"


but does so very carefully.. obliquely... just as Elon Musk now never even uses the C word in 2016.... or Leonardo sticks with Greenland instead of ever mentioning Larsen B or C because someone would bop him on the head [ no more ****big**** movie deals ]  


Alan Greenspan on secular stagnation and, possibly, stagflation
American Enterprise Institute
Streamed live on Nov 15, 2016

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12 hours ago, spidermike007 said:



Difficult to argue that point. Obama could have done so much more. He gave up on the initiative to manufacture green energy devices, and equipment in the US, once the Solyndra scandal broke, and the background of his new green energy czar surfaced. He had no stomach for a battle, even though it was the right battle, at that time. But, by appointing Pruitt, Trump has essentially said f*** you to the planet and the environment.

Trump promised jobs. He never supported man made climate change theory. If he is keeping his promise on jobs that would make him the first president in 9 years to do so.

Trump isn't stupid, and he has children. If he was given real proof that if he didn't do something his children would die I'm sure he would do something. If Obama has any real proof that climate change is caused by man and is reversible by something he can do, why hasn't he done it already?

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36 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

when Greenspan says "entitlements" he includes monthly Social Security payments.... but not low cost loans for email scammers. sorry...

yeah... it ain't DiCaprio... but it another of those guys with big noses (farlang).... and green eyeshades.

@ 19:50 in the following video he draws the dots for you 


"global warming may be an issue"


Alan Greenspan on secular stagnation and, possibly, stagflation
American Enterprise Institute
Streamed live on Nov 15, 2016


wake up and smell the coffee.... unless you are in your 80's maybe 70's... in which case maybe it's cool.... unless you know someone(s) you love who is any bit younger than you.  I do.



Good ol' Alan Greenspan, the man that allowed the subprime collapse. He is the last person in the world I'd listen to for good advice.


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wonderful.... there's a handful of super heroes.... i.e. Trump.... and a handful for super boogeymen... i.e. Alan Greenspan.



Greenspan is definitely worth a listen.... as for this blog..... I am doing what I should do given how I stumbled into this mess.... the same way Greenspan did.  it's not just science and political nonsense... Climate is now one of the risk factors for the rising possibility that the USA is about to enter a period of stagflation that will make the 1970's look like the good ol days... not just in it's music. it's creating unknowns that unsettle folks because of it's actual effects which folks with real money on the line cannot just dismiss with a bunch of nonsense and rants.

that's why I love economics and.. George Soros... whose name always pops up along with the level of rants going on.  enjoy.



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Why are so many of you so narrowly focused and obsessed with the fact that your dems lost and Trump won?

I'll guarantee you that the ONLY tidbit that interested Trump about the whole meeting was:

"Today, we presented the President-elect and his advisors with a framework — which LDF developed in consultation with leading voices in the fields of economics and environmentalism — that details how to unleash a major economic revival across the United States that is centered on investments in sustainable infrastructure," Tamminen said. "Our conversation focused on how to create millions of secure, American jobs in the construction and operation of commercial and residential clean, renewable energy generation."


Do you REALLY think he cares Where the jobs for Americans come from? Of course he has his own team looking over the data to see if it can be implemented and he can take credit for it for the 2020 re-election campaign. :)

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17 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

Why are so many of you so narrowly focused and obsessed with the fact that your dems lost and Trump won?

I'll guarantee you that the ONLY tidbit that interested Trump about the whole meeting was:

"Today, we presented the President-elect and his advisors with a framework — which LDF developed in consultation with leading voices in the fields of economics and environmentalism — that details how to unleash a major economic revival across the United States that is centered on investments in sustainable infrastructure," Tamminen said. "Our conversation focused on how to create millions of secure, American jobs in the construction and operation of commercial and residential clean, renewable energy generation."


Do you REALLY think he cares Where the jobs for Americans come from? Of course he has his own team looking over the data to see if it can be implemented and he can take credit for it for the 2020 re-election campaign. :)

Listening to the talking heads, I think Trump will go for increased frakking, because that will be paid for by the oil industry and will also create many jobs and bring in revenue to pay for his wall etc.

If the green jobs require massive government investment I don't think he will be interested. If they can be paid for by private companies he will support them.

Like you say, why would he care where the jobs come from, but only if they don't increase the national debt.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Listening to the talking heads, I think Trump will go for increased frakking, because that will be paid for by the oil industry and will also create many jobs and bring in revenue to pay for his wall etc.

If the green jobs require massive government investment I don't think he will be interested. If they can be paid for by private companies he will support them.

Like you say, why would he care where the jobs come from, but only if they don't increase the national debt. Even the  tax foundation, an extremely right wing organization, says trump's proposed tax cuts will increase the debt. And that's not taking into account his proposed spending increases.  


Even the very right wing tax foundation says that Trump's tax cuts will increase the deficit. And that's not counting his proposed spending increases. What fake news websites do you frequent?

And why should Trump need revenue to pay for his wall? Doesn't he claim that Mexico is going to pay for it? In fact, I believe there was someone who posts regularly on this website who pointed that out once. My guess is that this person just doesn't care.

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