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Outrage at Le Pen call for free school ban for migrant children in France


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Outrage at Le Pen call for free school ban for migrant children in France 

Alasdair Sandford




PARIS: -- The French anti-immigration leader Marine Le Pen has called for the children of illegal migrants to be denied free education in France.


She told a conference in Paris that foreigners coming to France could not expect to have free schooling for their children.


“I’ve got nothing against foreigners but I say to them: if you come to our country, don’t expect that you will be taken care of… and that your children will be educated for free,” she said. “That’s finished now, it’s the end of playtime.”


Le Pen later clarified her comments, saying she did not mean all foreigners, only those in France illegally.


“I consider that free and compulsory education for the children of illegal immigrant parents is a suction pump for immigration which must be stopped and I’m thinking of putting into place a waiting period before foreigners who come to work in our country can access certain public services or social welfare,” she told reporters during a walkabout at a a Christmas market on the Champs Elysées.


In a scathing condemnation, France’s Socialist education minister said free education was an absolute right, accusing Le Pen of total indifference to the “terrible plight” of young children.


Another leading socialist called the comments an “enormous provocation”, as “barbarian” by far-left presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and as “shameful” by the former head of the employers’ federation Medef.


The Front National leader has campaigned for severe restrictions on immigration. Her 2012 presidential election manifesto called for entries into the country to be cut to 10,000 a year.


Her sights are now set on next spring’s presidential election, where she is likely to face a serious challenge from the newly anointed Conservative contender Francois Fillon.


He has also vowed to cut immigration to a “strict minimum”.

-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-12-09


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1 hour ago, DavidVincent said:

Le Pen will not be elected in 2017, we can't compare french election to US election in any way.

As previously said : ask them to integrate but cut the kids from school so they can't. School in France is free and mandatory until 16.

Anyway such stupid thing will never happen


Illegal immigrants would never get free education in Thailand, or I suspect anywhere else in Asia; yet presumably you are happy to live here. Have you told your Thai friends this is stupid too? What was their reaction?


Anyway, there is no such thing as free education, or for that matter free health care. It is only free at the point of deleivery and paid for out of citizens' non-optional contributions (ie, taxes); contributions that illegal immigrants have not made. Liberals are always happy to give the beggar a slice from the servants' loaf.

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16 minutes ago, DoctorB said:

Illegal immigrants would never get free education in Thailand, or I suspect anywhere else in Asia; yet presumably you are happy to live here. Have you told your Thai friends this is stupid too? What was their reaction?


Anyway, there is no such thing as free education, or for that matter free health care. It is only free at the point of deleivery and paid for out of citizens' non-optional contributions (ie, taxes); contributions that illegal immigrants have not made. Liberals are always happy to give the beggar a slice from the servants' loaf.

What you say is first OT,  as far as I can see if you want to compare Thailand with France there is a long way to go...do you really want to take this road?Cause I am sure you're not saying anything about a couple of things you really do not appreciate in this country.

A thing you may forget is in France we had a thing called : "liberte, egalite, fraternite", it was on every coin and is the national motto. wherever the kids are in the world they should receive education....

I was waiting for the tuition free...yeah nothing is free in this world but you can put your kid in any school and not pay a dime until they are 12 years old. Of course you have to buy the bag, the pen and everything, but you also have what they call the CROUSS if I remember correctly.

I bet you pay not so much taxes now that you're in Thailand...or do you still profit from any income from France ? In this case you don't like the thai system, do you?Did you ask for thai nationality? I bet not, do you still have health care from France? because in any of such case you profit from taxes paid by people in France while you do not contribute to French economy....




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20 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

What you say is first OT,  as far as I can see if you want to compare Thailand with France there is a long way to go...do you really want to take this road?Cause I am sure you're not saying anything about a couple of things you really do not appreciate in this country.

A thing you may forget is in France we had a thing called : "liberte, egalite, fraternite", it was on every coin and is the national motto. wherever the kids are in the world they should receive education....

I was waiting for the tuition free...yeah nothing is free in this world but you can put your kid in any school and not pay a dime until they are 12 years old. Of course you have to buy the bag, the pen and everything, but you also have what they call the CROUSS if I remember correctly.

I bet you pay not so much taxes now that you're in Thailand...or do you still profit from any income from France ? In this case you don't like the thai system, do you?Did you ask for thai nationality? I bet not, do you still have health care from France? because in any of such case you profit from taxes paid by people in France while you do not contribute to French economy....




Actually I am English. I receive a company pension and a state pension (the smallest %age state pension in Europe I believe) to both of which I contributed for 40 years. All my income is taxed in the UK before I even see it. For this 25% of everything that the government takes I get nothing back in other benefits. Yes, if I were sick I would return home to receive NHS care. But even this, the nearest Britain has to a state religion, is now on the point of collapse. Immigration has been at such levels that UK medical services are now unsupportable in their current form.


All social services in the UK are under intolerable strain as the population rises year in year out. The words of the old song have come true, "Strangers now have come to blight the seeds that we have sown". True I guess for much of Europe. One thing I admire about the Asian mentality is that surely they will never fall for this idiocy.

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33 minutes ago, DoctorB said:

Actually I am English. I receive a company pension and a state pension (the smallest %age state pension in Europe I believe) to both of which I contributed for 40 years. All my income is taxed in the UK before I even see it. For this 25% of everything that the government takes I get nothing back in other benefits. Yes, if I were sick I would return home to receive NHS care. But even this, the nearest Britain has to a state religion, is now on the point of collapse. Immigration has been at such levels that UK medical services are now unsupportable in their current form.


All social services in the UK are under intolerable strain as the population rises year in year out. The words of the old song have come true, "Strangers now have come to blight the seeds that we have sown". True I guess for much of Europe. One thing I admire about the Asian mentality is that surely they will never fall for this idiocy.

Well as en English guy I don't see your point to argue a french problem. I am much better with my french Health care, thanks for that. I am also much happier with the french way of seeing the interests of having the kids who have landed in France, legally or not, being able to read and speak properly.

As for your words from the old song I am quite sure the Thai thinks the same toward the farangs.

I guess the difference between "God and my Right" (which is from french origin by the way) and Liberty, equality, fraternity, is also another cultural difference, and I prefer my side of the Channel.

Have a good day

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1 hour ago, Mosha said:

I doubt illegal immigrants are contributing to the government coffers either.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Either you trust the lies said by Le Pen and you believe the illegal immigrants earn more money than the french jobless and hobos, and therefore they are spending money in France, or you know the truth and they do not have money and need to work therefore contribute to the economy as soon as they work.

Immigration in Europe had and still has a POSITIVE economy output (they bring more than they cost)


Edited by DavidVincent
cause I can
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1 hour ago, DavidVincent said:

What you say is first OT,  as far as I can see if you want to compare Thailand with France there is a long way to go...do you really want to take this road?Cause I am sure you're not saying anything about a couple of things you really do not appreciate in this country.

A thing you may forget is in France we had a thing called : "liberte, egalite, fraternite", it was on every coin and is the national motto. wherever the kids are in the world they should receive education....

I was waiting for the tuition free...yeah nothing is free in this world but you can put your kid in any school and not pay a dime until they are 12 years old. Of course you have to buy the bag, the pen and everything, but you also have what they call the CROUSS if I remember correctly.

I bet you pay not so much taxes now that you're in Thailand...or do you still profit from any income from France ? In this case you don't like the thai system, do you?Did you ask for thai nationality? I bet not, do you still have health care from France? because in any of such case you profit from taxes paid by people in France while you do not contribute to French economy....




"you can put your kid in any school and not pay a dime until they are 12 years old." Are you thinking kids are learning something in these free schools.........

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Just now, Borzandy said:

"you can put your kid in any school and not pay a dime until they are 12 years old." Are you thinking kids are learning something in these free schools.........

Well I have been to the public school, my 4 yrs old nephew is there as well : he learn to write, speak properly, socialize, don't give a sh!t about his friend color...

You probably know better, right? private schools in France are most of the time Catholic schools where they have to learn about a big barbed guy in the sky every morning and I am happy I didn t went to this crappy place

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6 hours ago, jybkk said:

Brilliant idea. (I'm sarcastic here).


Complain that imigrants don't integrate, then cut out the best way you have of getting their children to adopt your values.


Read the article carefully. Spot the word "illegal" before immigrants?


She isn't talking about the children of legal immigrants and those legally granted asylum in France. She is talking about the children of parents who chose to break laws to illegally move to another country whose welfare benefits and access to free education and healthcare are much greater than those in their own country. Parents willing to risk the lives of their children with people traffickers for economic benefit.


Those criminals, if not detected and allowed to stay, know they would be illegal. They would never ever integrate or have any intention too. Only hope their illegally entered offspring might be pardoned for some bizarre reason.

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2 hours ago, DavidVincent said:

Either you trust the lies said by Le Pen and you believe the illegal immigrants earn more money than the french jobless and hobos, and therefore they are spending money in France, or you know the truth and they do not have money and need to work therefore contribute to the economy as soon as they work.

Immigration in Europe had and still has a POSITIVE economy output (they bring more than they cost)



Why would any sane country allow illegal immigrants to work, earn money, provide amenities and look after their families?


They entered illegally. They knowingly broke the law to try and get economic advantage? 


She is not talking about immigration into Europe. She is talking about illegal economic migrants chancing their arm to get freebies from states far more caring and tolerant than the corrupt and religious zealot homelands they come from. Your logic seems to be scrap all the immigration laws, let them come, look after them and then they will enrich us. Good luck with that! Ask Angela how it went for her.

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3 hours ago, DoctorB said:

Actually I am English. I receive a company pension and a state pension (the smallest %age state pension in Europe I believe) to both of which I contributed for 40 years. All my income is taxed in the UK before I even see it. For this 25% of everything that the government takes I get nothing back in other benefits. Yes, if I were sick I would return home to receive NHS care. But even this, the nearest Britain has to a state religion, is now on the point of collapse. Immigration has been at such levels that UK medical services are now unsupportable in their current form.


All social services in the UK are under intolerable strain as the population rises year in year out. The words of the old song have come true, "Strangers now have come to blight the seeds that we have sown". True I guess for much of Europe. One thing I admire about the Asian mentality is that surely they will never fall for this idiocy.


Why do you think a considerable number of the illegals in France are trying to get to the UK? Perceived as a softer touch and better benefits. Which it has been since the 60's. 

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11 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Why would any sane country allow illegal immigrants to work, earn money, provide amenities and look after their families?


They entered illegally. They knowingly broke the law to try and get economic advantage? 


She is not talking about immigration into Europe. She is talking about illegal economic migrants chancing their arm to get freebies from states far more caring and tolerant than the corrupt and religious zealot homelands they come from. Your logic seems to be scrap all the immigration laws, let them come, look after them and then they will enrich us. Good luck with that! Ask Angela how it went for her.

Well good to see you can read my mind. First of all, most of the illegal immigrants come from ex french colonies, where France still maintain the corrupted government who suit their business needs or from places torn by civil war...bad immigrants! they want to save their children lives! bad bad bad!... And then once they here? Better to let them at home, grow up without any proper LAIC education, better let them ignorant, right? It is so bad to wish to let the children having a proper education, to be able to give a sense to their life, to have a social life...bad bad bad!

My logic is and always was : if you want to stop the immigration flux you have to know WHY they come, why they risk their life on boats, why they sell everything to live in semi-poverty...Maybe France should stop abusing its ec-colonies, maybe France should stop pressure the African countries to use the Franc CFA (40% of the value is kept by France by the way to pay the "decolonisation tax"), maybe Lybia was not so bad under Khaddafi neither (a big thing he wanted to get rid off was franc CFA by the way, surprising no?)....

So if you do not supress the reason of the immigration, you will suffer the consequences...

Until this is done and as long as kids are in France, they should ALL be able to have a proper education.

As I said, it has been a long time the french forgot what is the french Motto.


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Le pen has good ideas but she doesn't go far enough . I guess she's holding back not to appear too extreme with the election coming up.

Illegals should be deported immediately , so not even time to get their ofspring to school.

Sadly she won't get elected . The french , like the rest of the nanny states are too indoctrinated since birth .

Edited by BuaBS
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13 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

Well good to see you can read my mind. First of all, most of the illegal immigrants come from ex french colonies, where France still maintain the corrupted government who suit their business needs or from places torn by civil war...bad immigrants! they want to save their children lives! bad bad bad!... And then once they here? Better to let them at home, grow up without any proper LAIC education, better let them ignorant, right? It is so bad to wish to let the children having a proper education, to be able to give a sense to their life, to have a social life...bad bad bad!

My logic is and always was : if you want to stop the immigration flux you have to know WHY they come, why they risk their life on boats, why they sell everything to live in semi-poverty...Maybe France should stop abusing its ec-colonies, maybe France should stop pressure the African countries to use the Franc CFA (40% of the value is kept by France by the way to pay the "decolonisation tax"), maybe Lybia was not so bad under Khaddafi neither (a big thing he wanted to get rid off was franc CFA by the way, surprising no?)....

So if you do not supress the reason of the immigration, you will suffer the consequences...

Until this is done and as long as kids are in France, they should ALL be able to have a proper education.

As I said, it has been a long time the french forgot what is the french Motto.



Incredibly naive. Just like all those religious missionaries who went out to the colonies to convert, in some cases by force, the newly enslaved, whoops I mean colonized, people. Nothing really changed. The people were exploited and had to except new cultures, norms and rules.

Do you think allowing descendants of those people to illegally come to France, or any other former colonial ruler, or EU state, will make them change their behavior? It won't. They will simply revert to type and grab every freebie they can get. How can you expect someone to respect your laws when you reward them generously for breaking them?


Helping them to elect real governments, with real policies, delivering real benefit to the people in their own country is what should be happening. But the capitalist West is too driven by big business and its thirst for profits whilst the non democratic East despise democracy and want state controlled countries. 


In all of this, simply allowing people to illegally enter your country and then reward them for doing so isn't going to make anything better.

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8 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Incredibly naive. Just like all those religious missionaries who went out to the colonies to convert, in some cases by force, the newly enslaved, whoops I mean colonized, people. Nothing really changed. The people were exploited and had to except new cultures, norms and rules.

Do you think allowing descendants of those people to illegally come to France, or any other former colonial ruler, or EU state, will make them change their behavior? It won't. They will simply revert to type and grab every freebie they can get. How can you expect someone to respect your laws when you reward them generously for breaking them?


Helping them to elect real governments, with real policies, delivering real benefit to the people in their own country is what should be happening. But the capitalist West is too driven by big business and its thirst for profits whilst the non democratic East despise democracy and want state controlled countries. 


In all of this, simply allowing people to illegally enter your country and then reward them for doing so isn't going to make anything better.

I am the naive? lol what a joke!

Learn a bit about France afrique, Franc CFA, debt from the ex-colonies, corrupted governments there maintained and helped by the french, then come back..


Clearly you do not follow the news or try to find some infos...France or other countries in Europe do EVERYTHING BUT HELP them to elect a non corrupted government and as long as this will last, the people will come...


" reward them generously "...what is generously for you? cause you know the things the FN say are wrong

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5 hours ago, DoctorB said:

Illegal immigrants would never get free education in Thailand, or I suspect anywhere else in Asia; yet presumably you are happy to live here. Have you told your Thai friends this is stupid too? What was their reaction?


Anyway, there is no such thing as free education, or for that matter free health care. It is only free at the point of deleivery and paid for out of citizens' non-optional contributions (ie, taxes); contributions that illegal immigrants have not made. Liberals are always happy to give the beggar a slice from the servants' loaf.

 Ignorance at the top.  The millions of immigrants in Thailand are not illegal, ok.  Then you are right.

Edited by lungmi
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8 hours ago, webfact said:


In a scathing condemnation, France’s Socialist education minister said free education was an absolute right, accusing Le Pen of total indifference to the “terrible plight” of young children.

A plight that is hardly the fault of the French; or, for that matter, the British, Italians, Spanish, et al. I, for one, am fairly sure that the right to free education was never intended to cover illegal immigrants - even if some governments, and all of the human rights quangos, think it should.

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10 hours ago, DavidVincent said:

Le Pen will not be elected in 2017, we can't compare french election to US election in any way.

As previously said : ask them to integrate but cut the kids from school so they can't. School in France is free and mandatory until 16.

Anyway such stupid thing will never happen


never say never !?!?!?....

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