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Two men wanted over rape of Australian woman in Bangkok


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6 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I'd imagine, the problem with the notion of any justice ever being served in these kinds of cases is.. 


It's not like the tourists/victims want to hang around the place where they were assaulted for who knows how long until their attackers are possibly caught...


And have to deal with the male dominated, antiquated RTP establishment...


And then even longer for any case to come to trial...only to see the perps walk with a typical fine and short jail sentence suspended.. so really...no jail time at all... 


I know the government launched "tourist courts" lately, supposedly, but have yet to hear anything of them playing any kind of meaningful role.


I think all the tourists courts died out and closed a week after launching the same as reporting crimes at 7 Eleven.

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17 hours ago, Katipo said:

Poor woman :sad:. Not something that anyone expects when heading off on holiday. I do hope they catch the 2 alleged culprits and punish them fully according to the law. A precedent needs to be set that it is not acceptable at all to do this wort of thing to tourists, and women in general.

Surely you jest.

" and punish them fully according to the law."  plead guilty ... first offence.

Judge warns them not to do it again. End of story.

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That's not the way it is sold in the brochures and other media campaigns.  You have beautiful crystal clear seas, white sands, beautiful  smiling women in traditional thai dress, food sunshine and pics of happy smiling and friendly taxi and tuk tuk drivers helping foreigners and returning thier wallets.

You think they should include crime in their advertising? I'm guessing you don't work in marketing!
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When ever this type of crime is committed,it never ceases to amaze me how many posters reply with the idea that these men will 'Suffer when they get to prison' 'they will get their just desserts at the hands of the guys inside'

And then there are the ones who post fantasy sentences,that includes mob justice.I.E.'hope the judge has their balls cut off,castration with a rusty knife,'let the women have 5 minutes with them'

I am sorry,but these wishes are just not going to happen.The prison population in this country is purely apathetic towards these type of sexual assaults on women and even minor's.Half of them are in there for some sort of assault on a woman or a child anyway.And the intelligence level of these inmates would make any good old boys who have raped a ferang woman,heroes.They would be looked up to and be considered gods because they know what its like to have sex with a ferang woman.The telling of the tale would be nightly entertainment for the rest of the wing population.There is no compassion for the rape of a Thai woman,because they are considered mere chattels,for the use of.Even less for a white woman because they matter even less.In fact the only commiseration the perps would receive would be for being caught.When people understand this,there will be less demand for horrendous punishments because they will realise they are pissing against the wind.

When we come to live here we have to leave certain standards and belief's behind that's one of the conditions we accept for living here.It's not Europe,its not a developed country,it's ways are not our ways when dealing with matters like this.But we accept it with gritted teeth,because we know we will never change it.So anybody who reads about these crimes and makes remarks that would incur 16th century punishments,and then think that their remark will have had some kind of impression,are very wrong because we all know it wont make a bit of difference.

maybe,in a 100 years or two,when this part of Asia has been dragged,kicking and screaming into the 22nd/23rd centuries,when it is a truly free place,and corruption is gone and the police forces and the army really do protect and serve.These sort of crimes will be very much in the past

We can only hope.

Ok,hang 'em high boys,bring it on!


I know that the 'hang em high brigade will always exist'Because

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13 hours ago, hdkane said:

not blaming the victim 100%...but when will people and women in particular realize that thailand is not a land of smiles...and that the men can do most anything here with impunity...if i had a daughter, there is no way i would allow her to come here...and if she chose to visit, i would caution her of the real dangers that may await her if she ventures out at night...

Your view is the thin end of the wedge. Please state the % you do blame her?

No rape victim can be blamed, not one % of blame. No human being has any excuse to rape anyone.

Your % blame of the victim actually contributes to the overall occurrence of rape.

All non rapist must have a zero tolerance.

Get on board.

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A Caucasian woman, travelling alone, gets off a bus in a strange city in Thailand very late at night, and takes transport with a man she doesn't know to a place she's not familiar with? What's wrong with this picture? Sometimes Australian women can be very arrogant!


I'm not blaming her, it's just the naivety of some people is frightening in this modern world! :wai:

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14 hours ago, hdkane said:

not blaming the victim 100%...but when will people and women in particular realize that thailand is not a land of smiles...and that the men can do most anything here with impunity...if i had a daughter, there is no way i would allow her to come here...and if she chose to visit, i would caution her of the real dangers that may await her if she ventures out at night...

Well that's kind of nonsense.  I have had plenty of women friends visit Thailand in my 26 years here.  None have ever had any problems whatsoever.  Why?  Because they didn't leave their brains at home when they came.  They would be responsible and wary of their environment and situation and maintained control of their faculties to avoid being taken advantage of.


Please let's find the bastard and give him full brunt of the law.  But what you wrote above is just not true and shame on you for your sweepingly racist view of Thai men.  

Edited by tominbkk
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8 hours ago, Thechook said:

That's not the way it is sold in the brochures and other media campaigns.  You have beautiful crystal clear seas, white sands, beautiful  smiling women in traditional thai dress, food sunshine and pics of happy smiling and friendly taxi and tuk tuk drivers helping foreigners and returning thier wallets.

Every country does the same thing for their tourist brochures.  Nice try.

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The DLT claims that taxis, including tuk tuks, are safe because the drivers are licensed by them.  The truth is that many have no licenses at all and the police are too corrupt and lazy to enforce the law.  The poor woman would have been much better off in an Uber taxi which the DLT says are unsafe because backgrounds of drivers have not been checked by their corrupt staff.

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I would too advise my daughter if she ever come and visit to be extra careful if she want to see night life she is a falang and white so watch out for anything.

Thailand is nice only for weather and food  as for the rest of it it is like any other country all let live.

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