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Giuliani removes himself from State Department consideration


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Giuliani removes himself from State Department consideration

JULIE PACE, AP White House Correspondent


WASHINGTON (AP) — Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani formally withdrew from consideration for a post in President-elect Donald Trump's administration Friday, putting an end to his ill-fated bid to lead the State Department. Trump is now seriously considering Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson for the post.


Giuliani's prospects to serve as secretary of state had already dimmed, in part because of questions about his overseas business ties.

Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential candidate, is still in the mix.


The deliberations have divided Trump's senior advisers, with some bluntly warning in public that tapping Romney would anger the president-elect's loyal supporters. Trumphimself has sent mixed messages about Romney in recent days, according to people who have spoken with him, suggesting in some conversations that Romney isn't getting the job and saying in others that he is still in contention.


The president-elect is said to be intrigued by the prospect of filling the diplomatic post with an international businessman and has told those close to him that he likes the idea of an impressive-looking Cabinet stocked with generals, the business elite and the extremely successful. And while he is said to be enamored with how Romney looks the part of a statesman, he also likes how Tillerson projects success and gravitas from running a massive global corporation, according to a person not authorized to speak publicly about private discussions.


Tillerson has led Exxon since 2006, a period when record high oil prices and record corporate profits helped make it the most valuable public company in the world. He rose to prominence through the company's Russian energy business and was awarded Russia's Order of Friendship last year.


Giuliani, a loyal Trump supporter throughout the presidential race, quickly emerged as a top contender for secretary of state. But his financial ties, as well as his frequent public campaigning for the job, are said to have given Trump pause. Those close to the president-elect said he had concerns that the 72-year-old Giuliani may lack the stamina and charisma for the high-profile, globe-trotting position.


The former mayor said he removed himself from consideration on Nov. 29.


"The whole thing was becoming kind of very confusing and very difficult for the president-elect," Giuliani said on Fox News. "My desire to be in the Cabinet was great, but not that great."


After leaving the government, Giuliani advised foreign political figures and worked for lobbying and security firms whose clients have had complicated relationships with the U.S. government. While not personally involved in lobbying, Giuliani spent years at firms that represented governments and multinational companies. He also made speeches demanding the State Department remove an Iranian opposition group from a U.S. terror blacklist.


In a statement Friday, Trump said Giuliani would have been an "outstanding member of the Cabinet in several roles." Incoming White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, who is seen inside the transition team as favoring Romney, said the former mayor was vetted for possible conflicts and "passed with flying colors."


Kellyanne Conway, Trump's senior adviser, said Giuliani's decision to remove himself from consideration was a "mutual decision" with the president-elect. Conway has been an outspoken critic of Romney, publicly warning Trump that his supporters would feel betrayed if he tapped the 2012 Republican nominee for the prominent and powerful Cabinet post.


Romney had blasted Trump as a "fraud" who was playing the American public "for suckers." But he emerged from a private dinner with Trump last week — their second meeting since the election — full of praise for the president-elect.


Still, Trump moved to expand his pool of contenders following that meeting. He met this week with Tillerson in New York this week and has also had discussions with Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker and John Bolton, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.


Some Trump advisers had hoped Giuliani would be interested in being nominated for Homeland Security secretary, where they believed his financial ties would not be as much of a concern. But Giuliani made clear he was only interested in the diplomatic post.


Friday's announcement means several of Trump's most ardent campaign supporters will not be joining his administration. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has said he doesn't plan to have a formal role. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was initially seen as a contender for a few posts, but is expected to be left empty-handed.


-- © Associated Press 2016-12-10
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Something has to preempt this. The man has not a clue as to what he is doing. Maybe the 'Russian angle' will pick up a head of steam. No idea what could come of it, but it seems like a good way to further delegitimize the least desirable (by majority accounts) outcome in American History. He's in way over his head, and would be well advised to cut the losses to his already laughable credibility and continue with that stroke he appears to be having before he loses even the ability to make an ass of himself.  

Edited by Songlaw
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Under normal circumstances (if they ever existed), I would not be reaching for straws. However, the State Department is in a tizzy over something. May it be big, and may it further destabilize an already absurd situation. Trump handles even mediocre pressure badly, and everyone needs to see this clearly, before the 'deal' is finalized. It is for the good of the world that I fervently hope he doesn't make it to the finish line. Which I believe, is January 20th. 

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10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Giuliani, a loyal Trump supporter throughout the presidential race, quickly emerged as a top contender for secretary of state. But his financial ties, as well as his frequent public campaigning for the job, are said to have given Trump pause. Those close to the president-elect said he had concerns that the 72-year-old Giuliani may lack the stamina and charisma for the high-profile, globe-trotting position.


And I heard that Comrade Donald rewards loyalty. Must be the reward of early retirement for Giuliani. Oh, and also the early retirement of Chris Christie as well. Like his rewarding of so many of his loyalists still yelling "lock her up" that he decides that Hillary is no longer a concern of his. He just doesn't care who he steps on, who takes a bullet for him or even basic loyalty of anyone on his team. It just doesn't matter. He was and always will be for himself and himself alone. He fooled his followers, he fooled his team and he fooled those who voted for him. And yet he continues his "Ignore the Russian Meddling" Thank You tour totally oblivious to any past promises that he just tossed by the wayside. Get used to it folks. Comrade Donald will say anything to capture the spotlight whether true or false. It is all the same to him.


Reminds me of some lyrics...

Words are lies the day they're spoken
Promises are made to be broken


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While I did not support Trump- he cut Giuliani and Christie because there is no way they could get confirmed. Both have too much negative history. It has noting to do with loyalty and everything to do with reality. I still don't like his demeanor and his public face but the business community loves him because he will indeed bring prosperity. The 99% will gt a little bit and be pacified temporarily and the 1% will become enormously wealthier. The clock is ticking and eventually the 99% will realize they continue to be scammed. In the next 30 years- a Bernie Sanders type candidate will arise and be elected and America will become a Socialist Democracy much like Scandinavia.

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17 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I think Rudi feels let down.  I am sure Trump promised him the world but when it came to it just gave him the runaround.


"Sorry Rudi, when I said I wouldn't come in your mouth..."

I don't see it like that. I think Rudi had too much baggage not to be hounded on it, so Trump was being realistic in passing him over. Politics is supposed to be the art of the possible.

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On 12/10/2016 at 2:21 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

I saw his interview, and he looked quite depressed. Whether that is because of not getting Sec State I can't say.

I read that he was self promoting for the position, and I would suspect that that alone would have turned Trump off him.

You mean Trump does not like self promoting?  LOL

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On 12/10/2016 at 2:21 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

I saw his interview, and he looked quite depressed. Whether that is because of not getting Sec State I can't say.

I read that he was self promoting for the position, and I would suspect that that alone would have turned Trump off him.

You mean Trump does not like self promoting?  LOL

In his entourage, he likes it only in himself. Everyone else has to be clear that he's the alpha dog.

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On 12/10/2016 at 8:18 PM, dunroaming said:

Songlaw I believe you speak for many people from all over the world.  It is very worrying but I fear there is little anyone can do.  It's time for clenching the buttocks and keeping your head down and hoping for a miracle!


Thanks for the support, DR. In all probability you are right as to the outcome. Consider me already clenched and hoping. Nice handle, by the way. I would like to consider myself 'dunroaming,' but as things continue to simultaneously heat up and dumb down pretty much everywhere, I find that less and less likely to be the case. I do seem to have a 'homing instinct' of some sort, but with little indication of where that home might actually be, it would seem to be for naught, thus far. I get glimpses, mainly through dreams, but as if through a freaking veil. Piercing that veil and uncovering my eternal resting place is what constitutes the last significant 'mission' for me at this point. So much nonsense, and woefully little time left to untangle it all. The irony is excruciating.

To get a bit closer to the topic, at the very least, both the garden gnome from hell and the Pillsbury doughboy have seemingly been ejected from this theater of the absurd. Which in this unscripted and historic clusterf*ck is, I guess, what passes for hope. May it portend of similar eventualities. Dog help us all.

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