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Trump dismisses reports of Russian meddling


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The trump - Putin connection connection.

Very scary stuff. 

Is the U.S. headed to a MAFIA state like Putin's Russia?




There is still much we don’t know about how Trump will rule. But in the month since his election, some characteristic patterns have emerged—and they bear some instructive similarities to the style Putin has practiced over many years. Here are a few of them:

In both cases, however, the sense of being chosen lends itself to a blurring of borders between the president and the state. Putin has long equated opposition to him with opposition to the Russian state itself. His perception of mass protests as enemy action stemmed at least in part from this conflation. Trump, with his tweets about stripping flag burners of US citizenship, seems headed down the same mental road: the electors have not even voted yet, but Trump already thinks that he is the United States and citizenship is his to grant and revoke.





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9 hours ago, Silurian said:

Pretty good article on how fake news from oversees might have manipulated the US election.


How a Putin Fan Overseas Pushed Pro-Trump Propaganda to Americans




I've seen a lot of that fake news stuff get posted here on our forum.  If you see it, use the report button and let the mods deal with it.


Here are a few fact checking sites. 




Five fact-checking and news organizations are working with Facebook on this: ABC News, The Associated Press, FactCheck.org, Politifact and Snopes. Facebook says this group is likely to expand.


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