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Do i have to serve in the Thai military?


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On 12/13/2016 at 9:57 PM, sotonowl said:

Just spoke with my missus whose son has just completed his. Who is to say they haven't been looking for you? Your name is on the household register, you have a Thai passport and nothing else, if they pick up on this either entry or exit they'll probably have you away, it's a big risk mate.

On another subject, how do you get away with living in the EU on a Thai passport? Just curious.

plenty of Thai's living in the EU with only a Thai passport, there is no obligation to obtain another.

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My thai girl friend came to america with her 7 year old son and 5 year old daughter about 13 years ago. We all traveled back to thailand and we went  without him to her local goverment office to ask the same thing about him. At first the Uniformed officer offerd a payment of around 1,500.00 usd to have a doctors letter made saying he was not healthy to sever in the military. Part of the money going to the doctor and the rest going to who ever. I was shocked setting at his desk with him making this offer. But this is thailand. He said come back tomorow with the money  after they pull his records. We went back the next day but they could not find his name anywhere . We asked a friend who had some conection working with the goverment what to do. He said if they do not have him listed on record anywhere or any address do not worry about it. No letters were sent out to him so do not worry. He has been back 2 times without any problems.  This is what happened to us. Good luck to you. 

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4 hours ago, steve187 said:

i stated a fact, you asked an unrelated question to the op. 


4 hours ago, steve187 said:

i stated a fact, you asked an unrelated question to the op. 

Who cares, I wanted to know how he did it, don't you understand the question.

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On 12/14/2016 at 10:23 AM, Strange said:





Um, you realize that you would be speaking German right now if it wasn't for the "rubbish" "brainwashing" nonsense you are speaking of currently. 


Amazing how quickly you guys forget. Its not like it was that long ago either. 


As for OP, I highly doubt he needs to worry about being drafted/conscripted. 

"We'd all be speaking German."

Funny how they don't all speak English in either Germany or Japan.

And they all volunteered for duty. The only side which had conscription were the Germans.

And it was long ago. Long before most people were born.


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2 hours ago, duanebigsby said:

"We'd all be speaking German."

Funny how they don't all speak English in either Germany or Japan.

And they all volunteered for duty. The only side which had conscription were the Germans.

And it was long ago. Long before most people were born.


I did not say "We'd all be speaking German" I said "You'd be speaking German" as I thought I was talking to an Englishman.


The United States had Conscription/Draft during WW1 and WW2. UK, Same. Australia, same. 


It was NOT that long ago. There are people still alive today that fought in that war, and it was huge. Millions died. 


Not really sure what you are upset about.

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8 hours ago, duanebigsby said:

"We'd all be speaking German."

Funny how they don't all speak English in either Germany or Japan.

And they all volunteered for duty. The only side which had conscription were the Germans.

And it was long ago. Long before most people were born.



I was born in 1944 and I remember national service and conscription. My brother would have been called up but he was an apprentice and was exempt until he had finished his apprenticeship. Less than 4 weeks after he had finished he was on a boat to Canada.


Conscription in the UK as compulsory from 1916 until 1920 and again from 1939 until 1960.


I remember as a Boy Entrant that many of the instructors were national servicemen and I served with a few up until 1962 or early 1963.

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On 12/13/2016 at 9:07 PM, sotonowl said:

what a load of cobblers,discipline is seldom found in youth, it has to be instilled

most countries don't conscript their women, so those women are not disciplined? Many men don't get conscripted or join the military service.

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29 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

most countries don't conscript their women, so those women are not disciplined? Many men don't get conscripted or join the military service.

Women are disciplined by their parents as are men, can't believe you wouldn't know that.


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While I doubt you would have any issues you are wise to check and be certain. My brother

was born in France in 1956. When he was 23 or so my uncle who he was named after

happened to take a trip to France from the UK. My uncle was detained by French immigration

for my brother not having served his French national service. They arrested him even though he

had his passport showing he was 25 years older than my brother and that the person they

were interested in was his nephew, not him. Saner heads eventually prevailed and he was

released after being interrogated for 6 hours. 

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