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Run In With A Thai


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Thanks for the responses. Sometimes a good slagged of the bloke helps me have a laugh about the situation...especially after hearing some of the suggest methods of revenge.

(Especially the condom under the door, nice one :o )

A few people mentioned calling the police. At the time i did say to my wife maybe we should call the police. But she said no.

Later she said that if the police had come, seeing as there was no damage to the truck, they probably would have told the guy to <deleted> off. But she said that guys like this always try and get you back.

And also that she was a much easier target, and it would probably be her that had something happen.

It does not seem that Thais have a problem exacting their revenge on a defenceless woman.

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As for calling the police that a few suggested, I think the BIBs have take the lad's side and would have only further compounded your grievance and asked you to pay up.

Quite possibly. And then you say, "I'd be happy to officer, I'll have one of my underlings deliver a company or cashiers check immediately, as we'll need a receipt as evidence of the transaction." And then you take your copy of the incident report and get back to your life. Not all or even most altercations with locals end in a knife or gun fight. As with most normal folks, having the incident (with the names and addresses of all parties involved) on record is enough of a deterrence against further incidents. Plenty of wackos out there, so that's by no means a guarantee. You'll of course want to take into account the environment (are you living in Baan Navarang or S&S Apartments?) and your own and other party's status/importance/power into account.


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If you really want to screw someone and do some serious damage, the way to do it is to get a bottle of cheap whiskey or rum (Sang Som would probably be perfect) heat it gently in a pot on your stove, and stir in the sugar, dissolving it in the booze until the booze is saturated. Pour this cooled mixture into the gas tank.

I think the only thing this is likely to cause is third degree burns or loss of life when it blows up as you're 'gently' heating it. :o

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Thanks for the responses. Sometimes a good slagged of the bloke helps me have a laugh about the situation...especially after hearing some of the suggest methods of revenge.

(Especially the condom under the door, nice one :o )

A few people mentioned calling the police. At the time i did say to my wife maybe we should call the police. But she said no.

Later she said that if the police had come, seeing as there was no damage to the truck, they probably would have told the guy to <deleted> off. But she said that guys like this always try and get you back.

And also that she was a much easier target, and it would probably be her that had something happen.

It does not seem that Thais have a problem exacting their revenge on a defenceless woman.

Glad you're feeling better Dave :D Now then... Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambo! where are you?

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To think this Thai guy is sitting there now gloating about how he bullied a farang out of 250 baht, blissfully ignorant to the devious minds that are conjuring up ways to wreck his precious pick up truck at this very moment. :D

Or maybe, if you can access his petrol/diesel cap, you could pour half a pound of sugar down the tube? :o

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I was cleaning the walls of one of my balconies with my wife, as we're going to repaint it tomorrow. Some of dirty water ran over the side of the balcony and down the building, and landed on a pickup truck that was parked below.

We had not noticed this until the angry owner (a guy about my age; early 20s) came to our door demanding 2000 baht.

We went downstairs to take a look.

The best thing to have done would have been to let your Thai partner deal with the whole matter, and not have gotten involved, even in the cleaning or the financial pay-out.

The guy was threatening violence with a stick, would it really have been best to run away and let your partner deal with a person like that. :o

The moment the guy came to the door, then as a farang dave111223 should have avoided becoming involved.

Then the pointed stick incident could have been avoided, and 'dave111223' wife could have handled the whole matter. Including cleaning and extortion money.

Believe me my Thai Mrs. would have ripped his eyes clean out his sockets, and he would not have got 1 baht or his car cleaned.

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I put a plastic bag with about a cup of brown sugar in a guy's tank once. Later in the week I saw him driving around, and figured it didn't work. About a week after that I found out he had had the engine replaced.

Super glue in the locks of the doors would also be nice. Follow him one day when he goes to a dept store, so he can be locked out away from home.

But as you say, if he is whacko, then who knows how ridiculously crazy his re-revenge could be.

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I had a run in with a Thai guy in my building about 2 years back, it was over a trivial thing but he made a meal of it.

I was living on the 8th floor and him and his wife were on the 5th, she was also a total cow.

I knew that she went to work early in the morning and returned early evening, i also knew that he went to work around 1pm and returned late in the evening.

Once i knew they were both at work i went down to the 5th floor and flicked a condom under the gap in the door.

I suspect when his wife came home she would see it on the floor and think that her husband had dropped it.

Hopefuly this caused a stir when he arrived home.

:D classic.

should've smothered it in chocolate spread - that would need some explaining. :D

SSSsssssssshhh, dude, I think it was still in the wrapper............! :o:D


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Revenge is indeed a dish best served cold but I would treat him to a warm buffet by feasting on corn, cabbage, raw onions, peanuts, spicy som tam, a few Changs and then drop a klinker from the balcony once all this food has been processed. '' How do you like THAT hood ornament?''. :D

Maybe that`s why so many falangs fall off balconies, trying to get revenge by taking a dump on the neighbour`s car.


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As for calling the police that a few suggested, I think the BIBs have take the lad's side and would have only further compounded your grievance and asked you to pay up.

Quite possibly. And then you say, "I'd be happy to officer, I'll have one of my underlings deliver a company or cashiers check immediately, as we'll need a receipt as evidence of the transaction." And then you take your copy of the incident report and get back to your life. Not all or even most altercations with locals end in a knife or gun fight. As with most normal folks, having the incident (with the names and addresses of all parties involved) on record is enough of a deterrence against further incidents. Plenty of wackos out there, so that's by no means a guarantee. You'll of course want to take into account the environment (are you living in Baan Navarang or S&S Apartments?) and your own and other party's status/importance/power into account.


Thats great news. So tomorrow when you paint your balcony while his car is parked downstairs, make sure you drop the bucket. Than ask the police to come to negotiate. Do mention that yesterday you already paid Baht 250.- for previous accident and than offer Baht 2000 extra for HIM to clean up the rest.

Dont clean the car yourself, give him the money to clean it himself.

Than make sure you follow him, make pictures. When developing the pictures slide them together with a USED condom under his door with a little note saying: Greetings "next door"

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stick a potato up the guys tail pipe & pour sugar into his gas tank.

Pouring the raw sugar granules in the gas tank has a minimal effect, as it will just sit in the bottom of the tank below the fuel line pick-up, or is likely to be caught by the fuel filter. Of course it will clog the filter and cause a problem, but it is a minimal repair.

If you really want to screw someone and do some serious damage, the way to do it is to get a bottle of cheap whiskey or rum (Sang Som would probably be perfect) heat it gently in a pot on your stove, and stir in the sugar, dissolving it in the booze until the booze is saturated. Pour this cooled mixture into the gas tank.

This ensures that the sugar will get past the fuel filter. When this sugar / alcohol mix hits the hot fuel injection system and valve train / cylinders, it will turn into instant treacle.

The result is nasty and expensive. In most instances, a new engine is required.

I've never tried this sugar-in-the-tank trick before, but I do know that most modern cars have locked filler caps. Some the filler door, and others the cap. How do you gain fast access to pour the required liquid into the tank?

Wouldn't you have to butcher the lock, filler door, or cap. Wouldn't that be a little hard to do discretely in a car park? I'd consider the risk of being caught a little too high.

Edited by tropo
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Revenge is indeed a dish best served cold but I would treat him to a warm buffet by feasting on corn, cabbage, raw onions, peanuts, spicy som tam, a few Changs and then drop a klinker from the balcony once all this food has been processed. '' How do you like THAT hood ornament?''. :D

Maybe that`s why so many falangs fall off balconies, trying to get revenge by taking a dump on the neighbour`s car.


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That truck is that Thai's entire life probably. He likely keeps it pristine and immaculate. Then a bumbling balcony cleaner dumps a bucket full of scum water onto the truck. Thai goes ballistic, can't blame him. OP cleans truck but he won't have that truck back the way it was. Thai makes reasonable demand for pittance amount of 250 baht. Amount should have been paid immediately w/o hesitation. everything that happened after (actions by OP) and suggestions in this thread are insane and ludicrous

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That truck is that Thai's entire life probably. He likely keeps it pristine and immaculate. Then a bumbling balcony cleaner dumps a bucket full of scum water onto the truck. Thai goes ballistic, can't blame him. OP cleans truck but he won't have that truck back the way it was. Thai makes reasonable demand for pittance amount of 250 baht. Amount should have been paid immediately w/o hesitation. everything that happened after (actions by OP) and suggestions in this thread are insane and ludicrous

Reasonable demand whilst brandishing a stick and threatening violence. Another sucker farang who lives in fear of upsetting the Thais.

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I was cleaning the walls of one of my balconies with my wife, as we're going to repaint it tomorrow. Some of dirty water ran over the side of the balcony and down the building, and landed on a pickup truck that was parked below.

We had not noticed this until the angry owner (a guy about my age; early 20s) came to our door demanding 2000 baht.

We went downstairs to take a look.

The best thing to have done would have been to let your Thai partner deal with the whole matter, and not have gotten involved, even in the cleaning or the financial pay-out.

The guy was threatening violence with a stick, would it really have been best to run away and let your partner deal with a person like that. :o

The moment the guy came to the door, then as a farang dave111223 should have avoided becoming involved.

Then the pointed stick incident could have been avoided, and 'dave111223' wife could have handled the whole matter. Including cleaning and extortion money.

Believe me my Thai Mrs. would have ripped his eyes clean out his sockets, and he would not have got 1 baht or his car cleaned.

Nope, can't agree, I would have dealt with it myself, and he still wouldn't have got one baht. I didn't come to Thailand to hide behind my girlfriend every time some <deleted> has a problem.

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A car is a treasured possession that many people spend hours a day keeping perfect. When a moron comes around and fcuks it up, that car owner gets pissed off. Now if something insane occurs whereby the OP engages in some kind of revenge as suggested in some posts here, I would not be the least bit surprised if the car owner responded with deadly violence

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Ice picks are great for tires, but you must hit the sidewall as that can't be repaired and would require a new tire.

If the guy was half your size, I wonder if he would have continued wielding the stick if you would have squared up to him. It could have just been a show; he may not have really been prepared to actually use the stick. What amazes me about a lot of Thai men is that they have no guts and will insist on either jumping you with their friends or using some kind of deadly weapon. It's funny because a lot of Thai me DO know how to fight having learned Muay Thai as kids (kind of like American men learning to play American football). Most American guys DON'T know how to fight but at least they have the guts to duke it out one on one.

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Little t#at is obviously trying it on with the OP judging from the demands for money first. He got paid too, which might mean that next time his football gambling / karaoke funds are low, he might try it on again.

I wouldn't advocate confronting the little twerp, just move out and leave him a souvenir / lesson in life.

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I think the OP did the right thing. That was good of you to actualy go down and do the manual labor of cleaning the guys truck. I might have just paid 300 baht to have someone wash it for me :o

I hate how girls will actualy give into these guys. I remember once my Dad and I were at a large hotel in Pattaya and I was helping him get checked out when the room service bill came back padded by about 500 baht and a forged signature.

Dad was like I ain't paying shit, they can just call the police they can drag me down to the station if they want to. I Laughed as dad and I just sat down in the lounge down stairs as the hotel management went through all their usual gimicks, "oh we no make no mistake", then "Oh look poor room service boy loose salary if you no pay, and him only make 50 baht and 1 kilo rice each month" Then finaly "We call police if you no pay!" My dad chuckled at that one as we just looked at them and smiled.

The police came and told my dad to pay, he refused and said no thats not my tab and I will not pay. Then just as we were getting ready to roll down to the station the bar girl he was with (who was hanging out with us the whole time translating and looking nervous) pulled out 500baht of her own money and paid the Police!

That blew me away, Thai women usually seem to seriously dread conflict between her farang and Thai men over money.

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Of course you shouldn't have given him 250 baht, let alone 2,000 baht. You were right to wash the pick up. I think, however, that giving him the 250 baht was a good idea--you should have done it earlier.

People like him are potentially dangerous and there is no way of knowing how long he can/will hold a grudge and what he might do. You don't want that kind of problem in your home area, especially when he knows where you live etc.

Best of luck.

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ALWAYS in these situations. Tell your g/f to go sit in a corner and face em yourself (angry Thai owner, immigration, policeman or other).

Force their hand and make them speak english (you are the one that is paying) or make them speak Thai to you (if you can speak Thai).

I have ALWAYS found I achieve more on my own (I do speak pretty good Thai if the need arises) than if you have a subservaint female to negotiate.

Thais are pre-conditioned to believe anything that another (percieved higher in class) Thai says to them. Women especially are bad negotiators since any man is higher (generally).


G/F says I cannot have bank account after talking to clerk. I talk to Manager...no problem.

Landlord says I owe telephone bill of 8,350 THB. After going to TT&T (alone) it's only 540 THB.

Irate man wants 2,500 THB for damage to his car (which I had no knowledge of). He buggered off after he knew I knew I could speak Thai and I started to phone police.

Policeman (in his very broken english) wants me to pay 1000 THB for no helmet. After asking him why (in Thai) is it only farang that have to pay more than everyone else who was paying 200 THB (hinting at racism and double charging) ..... my fine was 200 THB!

Farang have money too much!!!!!

Edited by Indifferent
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That truck is that Thai's entire life probably. He likely keeps it pristine and immaculate. Then a bumbling balcony cleaner dumps a bucket full of scum water onto the truck. Thai goes ballistic, can't blame him. OP cleans truck but he won't have that truck back the way it was. Thai makes reasonable demand for pittance amount of 250 baht. Amount should have been paid immediately w/o hesitation. everything that happened after (actions by OP) and suggestions in this thread are insane and ludicrous

So where do you draw the line?

What if someone stepped in a puddle next to the truck and it splashed some mug to the side, they should we also be required to pay money?

What if someone poured some water in the street, and he drives over it causing dirt to be flicked up onto the truck. They should have to pay money?

And not just pay, but pay all demands instantly without hesitation?

Personally i just dont see why money needs to come into. We took the time to apoligize and made it right by cleaning the truck (and it was spotless).

In my book (and most people i know) that would be the end of it.

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this is another "hard man" thread

It's not - most people are just joking around.

How about mixing eggs, milk and flour together and chucking that on the car, and let it bake in the midday sun? Would be difficult to do without the security noticing though, I suppose...

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