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Aussie "rape": Police arrest motorcycle taxi driver - but he says it was consensual sex


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43 minutes ago, gemguy said:

And....... I would surmise SOME of the police ( as in not all but some of the police ) probably enjoyed the details of his sexual conquest while thinking how lucky he was to get it on with the attractive foreign women...in such a "studly" manner while actually believing the man's fantasy based explanation.


I suspect most of the cops did enjoy listening to him digging his hole deeper by expanding on details they know they can disprove.

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27 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Says who?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Try, A Voice For Men and their articles as an initial introduction to Feminist Jurisprudence at work within the legal framework of "western society".

Far too many men are wrongly being thrown under the bus by enabling White Knighters.

It does appear there is a slight pendulum swing back towards the wellbeing of men, especially now with the release of the documentary "The Red Pill" by Cassie Jaye  has overcome feminist barrier to get it shut down.

As if mankind, ooops personkind, hadn't enough to contend without the infiltrated inclusion of a socially engineered gender war.

Or there again maybe I'm ready for refitting of my tin foil hat:smile:

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"Look at me!  I'm sophisticated because I'm in a big city.  I get drunk in my city all the time at home.  I would never in a million years get on a motorcycle when I'm blitzed back home with a guy I don't know, but again...I'm young, cool and sophisticated.  I know what I'm doing.  I'm always right.  Don't question me". ?

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On 12/16/2016 at 11:37 AM, Nasrullah said:

accurate post!...the irony is thailand's weak justice system vs a very harsh 'no second chances' american one


The weakness of America's system in my view is not the laws themselves but the court system.  However, America is actually a shitpot mess right now, tangled up in partisan politics, demagoguery, empire building, decadence, income inequality, religiosity, and nationalism, among other ills.  The legal system has been unjust for decades, and we put more people in jail in America than any other country in the world including North Korea, China, you name it.  I believe more than any in world history, although certainly Cambodia in the 70's under Pol Pot had to be close.  


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