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Aboriginal woman's slaying exposes Australia's racial divide


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11 minutes ago, soc said:

And you would be wrong.

l am an admirer of Aboriginal culture & of their accomplishments.

But l am also sadly aware of their failures.

l also have Aboriginal friends & although l do not raise the subject with them, so are they.

Of course they are immigrants.

Do you think that they evolved within Australia?

They came from South-East Asia in waves of different races & cultures.

They also introduced the Dingo, which killed off the Tasmanian Tiger, which used to live on the mainland.

That was only about 4000 years ago.

You are actually talking rubbish when you say that they lived in "perfect harmony" with the land.

You need to take off your rose-coloured glasses.

Ever hear of the "Bunyip"?

Thats a race-memory for all the Mega Fauna that used to live in Australia but was hunted to extinction before the white man arrived.

Similar to how the Maoris exterminated the Moa from New Zealand, before the whiteman.

Maybe you should stop feeling sorry for yourself & just face facts.

The Aboriginal people have to make the effort to help themselves.

The opportunities are there, they just need to take them.

And l wish them luck.


You double down on your moral relativism. Immigrant is not an appropriate word to use in the Aboriginal context just as it is not appropriate in the White settler context. It is a term loaded with ideological baggage. Coming from S. E. Asia is not the same as being South East Asian and many would dispute your contention that they came in a series of waves. Additionally these cultures were universally neolithic or photo-neolithic if not actually paleolithic in the first instance. These peoples were part of the migration out of Africa.


You keep putting words in my mouth and arguing against things that I have not said. I have never said Aboriginal people were 'in tune' nor 'in perfect harmony' with their environment. Why is it so important for you to discredit the way in which they sustained life? Understanding and using the environment is a human facility, applicable to all races and is an entirely different concept to being 'in harmony' with the environment.


You reference the 'failures' of Aboriginal culture does, of course, reinforce my accusation of an ideological taint to your views. You judge Aboriginal people and the Aboriginal culture against some standard that is unspecified but presumably consistent with the White experience. You then prescribe a solution to the issues faced by Aboriginal people straight out of the Right Wing play book.


I have a very long association with Bunyips. It was the name of the local newspaper in the town where I grew up. There is also one upriver a few miles from where I was born that i have seen many times. I have also spent time in the Point Pearce community nearby.



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17 minutes ago, soc said:

l think you are the one talking bunkum.

l've never found an Aboriginal person yet who could drink alcohol & not get into trouble.

l've worked with Aboriginals and they themselves acknowledged that fact.

Many of them didn't drink because they knew what it did to them.

Don't worry there are plenty of white people who can't handle their drink either.

And don't get your knickers in a knot, this is not about bashing anyone.

Nobody is "shifting blame"why? do you feel guilty?

You are the first person l have ever heard that says that the Aboriginal people had alcohol.

Excuse me if l am skeptical……Links please.

“links” - that’s a sure sign that someone hasn’t got an argument. you are the one who should be posting "links" - I doubt if you ever do more than Google...

 the information is available to all  - you should have done so before posting such stuff and nonsense.

It’s fairly obvious that you need to research the topic more thoroughly and if anyone should be posting links it is you with your out-dated and discredited stereotypical ideas about the multiple indigenous nations of the Australian continent that are apparently based on the experience of .......... one? Not a very strong position to voice an opinion from, is it?

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32 minutes ago, soc said:

And you would be wrong.

l am an admirer of Aboriginal culture & of their accomplishments.

But l am also sadly aware of their failures.

l also have Aboriginal friends & although l do not raise the subject with them, so are they.

Of course they are immigrants.

Do you think that they evolved within Australia?

They came from South-East Asia in waves of different races & cultures.

They also introduced the Dingo, which killed off the Tasmanian Tiger, which used to live on the mainland.

That was only about 4000 years ago.

You are actually talking rubbish when you say that they lived in "perfect harmony" with the land.

You need to take off your rose-coloured glasses.

Ever hear of the "Bunyip"?

Thats a race-memory for all the Mega Fauna that used to live in Australia but was hunted to extinction before the white man arrived.

Similar to how the Maoris exterminated the Moa from New Zealand, before the whiteman.

Maybe you should stop feeling sorry for yourself & just face facts.

The Aboriginal people have to make the effort to help themselves.

The opportunities are there, they just need to take them.

And l wish them luck.

your schoolboy knowledge of indigenous culture and history is an embarrassment and sadly typifies so many people in Australia when it comes to dealing with this topic.......

Edited by Alan Deer
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20 minutes ago, soc said:

l think you are the one talking bunkum.

l've never found an Aboriginal person yet who could drink alcohol & not get into trouble.

l've worked with Aboriginals and they themselves acknowledged that fact.

Many of them didn't drink because they knew what it did to them.

Don't worry there are plenty of white people who can't handle their drink either.

And don't get your knickers in a knot, this is not about bashing anyone.

Nobody is "shifting blame"why? do you feel guilty?

You are the first person l have ever heard that says that the Aboriginal people had alcohol.

Excuse me if l am skeptical……Links please.


Alcoholism was also a feature of indigenous Americans when they came into contact with Whites. If your theory of Aboriginal people being genetically predisposed to alcoholism holds, then perhaps you might demonstrate some biological linkage between the two different sets of peoples.


Or you could go with the theory that social conditions contributed to alcoholism and substance abuse since both sets of peoples experienced similar treatment by their colonial masters. You might also look at alcoholism and substance abuse throughout history among the under classes such as the Gin Craze in 18th C London https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gin_Craze


Again, your moral equivalency is completely one sided.

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