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Fears of computer crackdown


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5 hours ago, bangon04 said:

and what would Notthenation make of this? Pity they are already defunct...

You got me on this one brother I am really scratching my head wondering what it means. Notthenation is that like the defunct sheriff of Nottingham and Robin Hood. Come on help me out. 

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15 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

Bet you won't see em trying to defend this one, do as they normaly do when they know they picked the wrong people, hide...


Alternatively perhaps they will simply say, as I am happy to, that this reduction in freedom-of-speech is a backwards step, which appears to reduce the freedom of the people ?


Then again I've always felt constrained, when posting on TV over its lifetime, to be diplomatic & circumspect, regardless of whoever was in-power at the time. So no change there, then !

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Well Thailand is partly already into a control freak country : you need these kind of control because you know you are wrongdoing and have to kill any negative comments on that!

I know this from the communist countries and too bad: Thailand is now running in the same direction!



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On ‎12‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 0:24 PM, Eric Loh said:


Careful with your criticism Som. We don't want that uninvited visit. Day for rejoice for junta supporters who will be singing and defending with gusto. 

Don't panic they already know where you are . Military  intel often drops by.

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With regard to he VPN crackdown 'if' the single gateway is implemented, and remember this is the country of 'Many Pronouncements, Little Action' then the China example is worth looking at.


China blocked most, but not all VPN protocols  few years back. It caused huge problems for multinational companies within their Corporate intranet systems.


However China is the second largest economy in the world and those companies bit their tongue and dealt with it.


But Thailand is not, much to the ruling classes amazement, a major force in world economics, or anything. in point of fact


So if Toyota suddenly found it's Intranet VPN blocked, what do you think would happen?


This is one of those 'It's Thailand' stories, believe it all when it happens, but as I always say here, Plan for the worst, but be happy with the best

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21 hours ago, the guest said:

All internet traffic will be monitored, and VPn's will soon not work when a single gateway is introduced. I would say expression on this forum will also be curtailed, when the authorities will have the power to shutdown any website in Thailand.

There is no tool that will let you monitor all traffic. Just too much data for human  , and besides keyword processing automated processing wont do much.

Disabling VPNs would also means breach in HTTPS protocol used for secure online transaction.


Thats is a major technical issue which would make most of the foreign IT startup go away from Bangkok and big company also.

Any service like AirBnb could not protect your privacy anymore and exposed to liability if your account get hacked.

There are just too much consequences for a modern country and Thailand is much smaller than China so it can't replicates all those services.

Edited by bodymassagemyfriend
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Not only Toyota but big IT giants like Facebook, Alibaba and Goggle will likely to re-consider their presence in Thailand. The junta is so paranoid that some articles that commented are not accessible. I was reading a very good article by David Gilbert and 

it keep dissappearing repeatedly. Thailand can kiss their big digital plan good-bye with this new Internet law. 

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The problem with all of this is the inherent schizophrenia that the ruling elite have.


On one side of their brain they are committed to being the hub of everything cutting edge

On the other side of their brain they are terrified that reality and truth might actually be expressed, and God forbid discussed


What they can't get the middle part of their brains around is that you cant get the first without allowing the latter.


Until they cant reconcile free speech and expression as a precursor to true development, this country is doomed to be a small, silly self obsessed society

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21 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

The problem with all of this is the inherent schizophrenia that the ruling elite have.


On one side of their brain they are committed to being the hub of everything cutting edge

On the other side of their brain they are terrified that reality and truth might actually be expressed, and God forbid discussed


What they can't get the middle part of their brains around is that you cant get the first without allowing the latter.


Until they cant reconcile free speech and expression as a precursor to true development, this country is doomed to be a small, silly self obsessed society

They have three bits to their brains? Goodness me.

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On ‎12‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 7:05 PM, the guest said:


Actually you can block every VPN if you know how to do it.

Anything is possible, WITH sufficient resources & know how.  But it's a moving target.  Cat & mouse.  Making static statements like "you can" or "you can't" are sort of meaningless.   Plug one hole and someone will quickly find another.  Rather than trying to do this, 'seems to me a more effective approach might be to infiltrate/intrude/monitor and then just keep making high-vis examples out of those caught.  Not knowing whether someone's looking over your shoulder or not, with harsh consequences if there is and you're being, emm, "naughty", can be a powerful disincentive...   Still some cat & mouse involved with the tracing process - potentially - but the idea isn't to catch everybody.  It's instead to make it painful and unpredictable enough for those caught, that the vast majority won't think it worth the risk.


But either way, Thailand just cuts itself off from the outside world when they go down this road.  They just don't grasp that they can't control the global cyberspace commons, and what gets publicized and discussed there.  If they want to set themselves back 50 years, this is all a pretty good way to go about it.




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