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Trump says Michelle Obama's 'no hope' comment about the past


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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



The woman who was never proud of America until her husband was elected? Voters have rejected this type of spiteful thinking. Not likely.

You're kidding right? I think a black woman born during segregation, might, just might have a reason or two to be skeptical about her country. Just maybe.

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I didn't vote for him but I want to give him  a chance. However, his self aggrandizing tour and constant telling us how wonderful he is makes me wonder about his mindset. His cabinet appointees are disappointing and it reinforces the fact that he wants only the 1% in charge and the rest of us do not matter.  He is not even President and has already caused an international incident with China and is interfering in foreign policy. There can be only one President at a time and President Obama is the man until noon on 20 Jan 17

Trump needs to stop his incessant use of Twitter and concentrate on what he will do as President. I am really disappointed in him so far and his Republican minions who want to spend billions more on defense yet come out with ways that will reduce Social Security and Medicare for the elderly.

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10 minutes ago, kamahele said:

You're kidding right? I think a black woman born during segregation, might, just might have a reason or two to be skeptical about her country. Just maybe.


She was born the year segregation was outlawed legally. She should have been proud of that as well as many other things. America put the first man on the moon just about when she would have been coming conscious of the world around her.

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6 hours ago, Basil B said:

A bit petty coming from a guy who's wife is so thick she need to plagiariser Michelle's  old speeches.

How do you build a brave new world when you cannot string 200 original words together, keep your promises, declare a vision positive in nature and show personal integrity with restraint, practice and perhaps clean accounts. 

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18 hours ago, Silurian said:


Nice to see Comrade Donald continue his humble ways with his self promoting Thank You tour. I am sure once he gets into office and Putin bears down on him it will all change. Got to keep that Exxon oil flowing. Got to keep those foreign real estate deals churning.



Alas, he lives in his own world if he doesn't recognize that over 1/3 of the nation are feeling hopeless. Now it is his turn to just dismiss them and turn his back. Yep, divider in chief.


one third of the nation? have them take an aspirin! they will get over it (maybe) it took me eight years to get over the parasites nighmare and I survived.

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21 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

I have to wonder what Michelle would hope for if she had hope? Not money or power; she and hubby have plenty of that. That black people rule over the whites, everywhere? That blacks have all the white money, everywhere? What is it that she would hope for considering she is one of the most well off families in the world. I have no hope that she'd be full of good hope for me and mine.

Yes the gravy train will move on for Obama and Michele and their family. I hope I made their Christmas card list this year. No doubt industrial/big business suitors are lining up, offers being made for future services. Whats in the cards a foundation of sorts, maybe Trump will don surgical gloves and offer a cushy job as a sign of working across party lines who knows. Its the way of the political world then there is reality our world. I hope because of Christmas and New Years my pension check arrives early. I hope Santa brings me a decent COLA for a change this year. Cheers!

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3 hours ago, beechguy said:

Michelle can speak for herself, I and many millions have far more hope now, than we have had for the past 8 years.


- Trump picks opponent of higher minimum wage  Andy Puzder to head the U.S. Department of Labor  ( it's always comfortable when you are a millionaire - a 2012 salary figure for Puzder of more than $4 million — via Forbes — to decide that workers at the lowest salary level,  contributing to his wealth deserve the minimum possible , and ask for too much , and therefore praise the benefits of automation in the fast food industry)




Let's hope "business friendly" is not limited to "profit friendly"



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1 minute ago, Opl said:


- Trump picks opponent of higher minimum wage  Andy Puzder to head the U.S. Department of Labor  ( it's always comfortable when you are a millionaire ( a 2012 salary figure for Puzder of more than $4 million — via Forbes —) to decide that workers at the lowest salary level,  contributing to his wealth deserve the minimum possible , and ask for too much , and has praised the benefits of automation in the fast food industry)




Let's hope




I am pretty sure that you and I do not agree on much politically, but this is a different story. IMO, it is insane to not pay a living wage to adults in the richest country on earth. Trump speaks out of both sides of his mouth on this, but putting this guy in charge is not a good sign. 

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As far as a New Years present from the American Government- my Social Security Pension  will increase in 2017 a whopping .3% or about $5.   The Reubs have a new bill in the Congress which will reduce Social Security for future retirees and limit cost of living increases. I don't see anything on the table to limit the military budget which already stands at $630 Billion the largest in the World; or start to dismantle all the redundant Inelligence agencies; or guarantee a living wage for all Americans. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour which is not a living wage. It needs to go to $15.00 per hour right now. However, you have a business cabinet of millionaires/billionaires that got wealth off the backs of the working poor and middle class and they will fight this as too costly to the economy.

I have yet to see any of the Company CEOS volunteer to even take a 10% pay cut or the politicians so as to at least show the American people they even care about any of us and want to show their good faith.

I just see more of the same from Trump and his henchmen and the Dems are no better. There is too much wealth in the hands of a few and it must be redistributed or America is going to have a new American Revolution . Greed is not good it destroys civilizations.

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On ‎18‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 11:50 AM, Mansell said:

All the Obama bashers are either not American, or been watching a different president to me for eight years, or maybe racist.....you decide. The countries economy is in the best shape for many years, he ended two wars which he didn't start, ended the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression which he didn't start, saved many banks and auto companies from disappearing which he didn't create, revived the economy. The classiest couple in the White House without a hint of scandal. But the haters only see what they want to see. Let us see how the new Liar in Chief holds up to the challenge. 

Yeah  well said!!  Obama  has been the  best  for a long  long  time!!

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On 12/18/2016 at 6:50 PM, Mansell said:

All the Obama bashers are either not American, or been watching a different president to me for eight years, or maybe racist.....you decide. The countries economy is in the best shape for many years, he ended two wars which he didn't start, ended the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression which he didn't start, saved many banks and auto companies from disappearing which he didn't create, revived the economy. The classiest couple in the White House without a hint of scandal. But the haters only see what they want to see. Let us see how the new Liar in Chief holds up to the challenge. 

Mansell, there will be many people on here and around the world will want to have your babies after that post ;)


On 12/19/2016 at 0:13 AM, Ulysses G. said:


Yep. Hope and change did not work out under her husband and Trump is going to throw out the Obama agenda with the trash.

Hope and change did not work because the Republicans filibustered EVERYTHING and NEVER worked as a Government.

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22 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Voters have rejected this type of spiteful thinking.

And what kind of statement is that when Trump ran the most spiteful campaign in living memory. He even called his own supporters mean and nasty - but they won so its ok.


What exactly is spiteful about an intelligent woman exercising her right to free speech and saying 'there is no hope'? If that is spiteful then where do we put Trumps comments about others? Fat, Ugly. Moronic, Liar, useless, throw em out, beat em up etc etc etc. As you and others said many times, he is just saying what others think, well what an eyeopener to realise that so many white American males have so much hate in their hearts that they think such racist bigoted things that spewed out of Trumps mouth. Trump - Lets Make America Hate Again.

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36 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

 As you and others said many times, he is just saying what others think


I do not recall ever saying that. Please stop accusing me of things that I never did to make your argument easier.

Michelle Obama can say anything that she pleases - even if it is not true. At least half of the country finally has hope again. Many had given up with what was supposed to be the "third term of Obama". Thank heavens Trump won.

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I do not recall ever saying that. Please stop accusing me of things that I never did to make your argument easier.

Michelle Obama can say anything that she pleases - even if it is not true. At least half of the country finally has hope again. Many had given up with what was supposed to be the "third term of Obama". Thank heavens Trump won.

At least half? Really? Actually, I shouldn't be surprised by this comment since a recent poll showed that 52% of Republicans believe Trump won the popular vote. Another fake news junkie.

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For those interested in the background of Trump I highly recommend David Cay Johnston's recent book"The Making of Donald Trump". Johnston is a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter who normally focuses upon financial statements and tax reports. He began to follow Trump when he began writing about the opening of gambling in New Jersey. He presents an even more disturbing picture of Trump than even I had imagined, a dark man who inhabits the grey world at the intersection of con men and mob "wise guys" .

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

At least half? Really? Actually, I shouldn't be surprised by this comment since a recent poll showed that 52% of Republicans believe Trump won the popular vote.


The do not care about that. They care who won the vote that COUNTS. Donald Trump brought back hope to half the country.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

Donald Trump brought back hope to half the country.


Naa, the ignorant buffoon will drag the country back a half century. :coffee1:


And what is this "hope" you are speaking of?

Some hollow cartoon phrase like "Make America Great Again"?

You know, the slogan he stole from Reagan?

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All the Obama bashers are either not American, or been watching a different president to me for eight years, or maybe racist.....you decide. The countries economy is in the best shape for many years, he ended two wars which he didn't start, ended the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression which he didn't start, saved many banks and auto companies from disappearing which he didn't create, revived the economy. The classiest couple in the White House without a hint of scandal. But the haters only see what they want to see. Let us see how the new Liar in Chief holds up to the challenge. 

The Reagan Time was good for us
Income,Housing and cost of living.
After startet Dream of new World Order. No Salary races, living cost to the Roof, --and all other cost every year up. 30 million on Food-stamps in
Bush time--45 after Obama .plus he made US death from 8Billion to 20 Billion.Who ever wrote this comment
live in a Dreamworld and has no Clou what's going on.Obama in his eight years has pusch for disarm the American people und taken more Rights away.oh forget he also made a 60 Million Vacation on Taxpayers Money. When he startet he had good Income---but now he has Multimillion
why? 450 Billion to Iran and 200Million
to his friends from Muslim Brotherhood.
You total wright he was an Hero and top notch President -

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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5 minutes ago, Hulu said:

The Reagan Time was good for us
Income,Housing and cost of living.
After startet Dream of new World Order. No Salary races, living cost to the Roof, --and all other cost every year up. 30 million on Food-stamps in
Bush time--45 after Obama .plus he made US death from 8Billion to 20 Billion.Who ever wrote this comment
live in a Dreamworld and has no Clou what's going on.Obama in his eight years has pusch for disarm the American people und taken more Rights away.oh forget he also made a 60 Million Vacation on Taxpayers Money. When he startet he had good Income---but now he has Multimillion
why? 450 Billion to Iran and 200Million
to his friends from Muslim Brotherhood.
You total wright he was an Hero and top notch President -

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Nearly nothing of you write is correct. Keep on dreaming.

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6 minutes ago, Hulu said:

The Reagan Time was good for us
Income,Housing and cost of living.
After startet Dream of new World Order. No Salary races, living cost to the Roof, --and all other cost every year up. 30 million on Food-stamps in
Bush time--45 after Obama .plus he made US death from 8Billion to 20 Billion.Who ever wrote this comment
live in a Dreamworld and has no Clou what's going on.Obama in his eight years has pusch for disarm the American people und taken more Rights away.oh forget he also made a 60 Million Vacation on Taxpayers Money. When he startet he had good Income---but now he has Multimillion
why? 450 Billion to Iran and 200Million
to his friends from Muslim Brotherhood.
You total wright he was an Hero and top notch President -

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

And you came from an era when education was at its peak eh?

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On 19/12/2016 at 3:02 AM, dunroaming said:

Michelle Obama, the next president of the USA.  Once we get rid of the moron!

I rather doubt if it would happen, but golly, it would be funny to watch the meltdowns!

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