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TAT rethinks plan as China arrivals fall


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12 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


For eg, why not call ahead during hours and pay in advance using a cc, then you can collect your order between 2-5pm.


There will be people in every country in the world who find licensing laws inconvenient because they live in remote locations.   It's just a case of finding a solution to work around.

Excuse my ignorance. Whats a cc?

If its a credit card I don't use them.

Edited by Mooner
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What's to reassess, they bring next to zero money into 

Thailand, all money kept in china by businesses, use the

beaches,all the natural resources of Thailand and leave.


Market to tourists that stay in hotels owned by Thai

companies, eat in restaurants owned by Thais, fly in

And out of the country on Thai airlines,and book tours

with Thai companies.

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Just now, chrissables said:

I'm just back from a three month motorbike tour of Vietnam. The mountain areas are more beautiful than Thailand and free to see. The places that do charge give a lot more for a lot less than Thailand. An example, entrance fee, buggy ride and a cable car ride up a beautiful mountain and back is less than entrance to Khao Yai! There is no obvious double pricing.


If the Thai government were in charge they would make everywhere a national park with 10 fold price differences for the visitors.


After riding for hours i could stop and have a nice cold beer after 2pm! None of the stupidity that rules in Thailand. 


Thailand is not the center of the tourism world and if they want more tourists spending money, they should take a look at what is happening in neighbouring countries. Vietnam is booming! They are spending huge amounts on the infrastructure, it offers more for less.



Ha ha ...that's right

Thai thinks that always will be the same and now when they keep finding ideas how to scare tourists....

Vietnam is taking big advantage from Thai's crazy ideas and really booming with tourists . Even me (old lover of Thai ) Vietnam has more sens to be because those people know how to survive and they terrible experience in the past let them be more sensible.

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18 hours ago, onthesoi said:

The solution is simple.


Nationalise OA Transport, their buses have already been seized, government would manage the bus fleet at cost to provide cheap tour buses for the Chinese so they can travel around in groups if that's how they like to holiday.

The TAT is missing a HUGE opportunity to continue the same zero dollar tours. By promoting the same packages through Chinese tour agencies, they could effectively diverting the money trail from China to TAT. Same buses, same guides, same destinations. They could even hire a Chinese management to ensure a seamless transition. Someone is dropping the ball in that dept, in a big way.

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46 minutes ago, cncltd1973 said:

The TAT is missing a HUGE opportunity to continue the same zero dollar tours. By promoting the same packages through Chinese tour agencies, they could effectively diverting the money trail from China to TAT. Same buses, same guides, same destinations. They could even hire a Chinese management to ensure a seamless transition. Someone is dropping the ball in that dept, in a big way.


Prayut is showing remarkable restraint, if it was me I would have cited section 44 or national security a long time ago to commandeer/confiscate the OA fleet of buses to get the same tours rolling again with the government running the bus fleet.  The government have been warning the Thai companies involved/running zdt for over 2 years before they were finally forced to take action,  it's tricky because they are some of the biggest companies in Thailand owned by powerful & connected families & when I say connected I mean to the very top.

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You guys say they spend nothing?  But how come I saw buses at the fish market in phuket and they swamped the market and cooking restaurants across the street.   I will say I'm not a fan of these large groups joining me at a tourist spot and many Thai people don't like them.    I guess some jealous over how much money they have?  Maybe disdain for boisterous ways?   I did see a few Chinese gals on the dive trips and in town that I wouldn't mind diving with. ;)

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21 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

TAT should realize that a country can comfortably handle only a certain number of tourists before they all start to cause an ecological and logistical problem.

The photo of the beach where the movie "The Beach" was shot says it all.

There are already enough tourists, all TAT has to do is figure out a way of getting their money without letting them in the country :)


Many countries have sussed this out.  It's called the UN.

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6 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

What's to reassess, they bring next to zero money into 

Thailand, all money kept in china by businesses, use the

beaches,all the natural resources of Thailand and leave.


Market to tourists that stay in hotels owned by Thai

companies, eat in restaurants owned by Thais, fly in

And out of the country on Thai airlines,and book tours

with Thai companies.

Even if the buses,hotels etc are Chinese owned Thai's would be employed,taxes would be paid and subsequently money would enter the economy. 


Zero dollar tours do/did bring money in to Thailand but as usual they shot themselves in both feet by not looking at the whole picture. 

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9 minutes ago, Thailand said:

Zero dollar tours do/did bring money in to Thailand but as usual they shot themselves in both feet by not looking at the whole picture. 


Even the jet ski scam brings money into Thailand that doesn't necessarily mean the jet ski scam is something you want.


Zero dollar tours are a scam to fleece tourists ..nothing more nothing less.

Edited by onthesoi
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16 hours ago, JackThompson said:


Bear in mind, TAT is contending with Immigration policies being set by other authorities, which are sabotaging their goals by making it harder for Westerners to spend more time and money in Thailand.


There is no doubt about that. Immigration could not give any concern to the impact they are having on tourism. But, a competent government would coordinate policy, and make sure the agencies are working in concert with each other, to achieve an objective. There is no such case here. The left foot has never even seen the right foot. To call this group the Keystone Cops, would be a great insult to the original band of actors. 

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1 hour ago, onthesoi said:


Even the jet ski scam brings money into Thailand that doesn't necessarily mean the jet ski scam is something you want.


Zero dollar tours are a scam to fleece tourists ..nothing more nothing less.

Definitely something they now realise they want and that huge mistakes have been made, no doubt a lot of pressure from the money men here who are hurting now. But the damage may already be done.


And I don't see any complaints from the Chinese who utilised the cheap tours do you?

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On Monday, December 19, 2016 at 6:13 AM, gk10002000 said:

Boy, they just don't get ican.  Most people travel to a place becastnse it is a snantastic val ane  n.e. cheap, or has somevinhing thatfathey really desire or enjoy, out of curiosity andvesna sense of adventure, etc.  Me, I loved the no hassle travel at the last moment with no advance visa required visa exempt on arrival.  That perfectly suited my work and travel.  And I loved the Thai ladies and with a little work I could also get to some good clean sea water to swim in.  I can't speak for what the vast numbers of Chinese wanted, whether it is a cultural thing to go in tour groups or whether it is eaiser for Chinese to get a passport or permission to travel in groups than individuals, etc. 

You are right, and chinese after being once get bored and want something new. They can't think a life quite and relaxed like we do for longer time In a place out of their country. Needs generations to come.

On the other side thai government saw all western countries making life hard to get a visa just for tourism like schengen, with rules regulations documents garanties sponsors Invitations, that they thought to make the same but limiting to the lower visa allowalances (no repeated turist entries, no border runs, headackes ecc) and try to give priviledge to rich arrivals with 10 y visa at 3mil baht +++, visa for Investment over 10mil baht +++++. Condos to buy at more and more expensive prices but with an Inflation of new unsold buildings that are lowering the value of the sold one.

Euro devaluated by artificial means, Yuan devaluated same. World bad economic situation on top. Only hassel to those that Instead already live here.

Difficult visa for those that have a kid with thai woman, difficult to get long visa even for those that have a condo unit under 10mil value ( everywhere In the other countries If u own a property where to live, you can get a visa and automatic stay permit As long as you have that property on y name, here no way ) also family stay permit In case of kids Is a trouble here, they prefear farang leaves (so they help to find right excuse to leave) and let kid and mother alone, she ends In some bar or on the beach road In Pattaya and kid somewhere In village with grandparents If lucky...or In a shelter...

All this just because thai gov thinks they are a top developed country and can pretend.....but mentality still low...beautifull dress but Inside dirty. They are use to It but foreigners look, see and go other places. So many arround the world with realy clean beaches and nice seawater for swimming without allergy after.

They want to Interfear also with those that have long Involvement with thailand but got a long stay permit from near countries living there but traveling to thailand often. Result..? Selling all properties, taking away the money, leaving thailand (infact already 40% did It) Finaly I was and am convinced that milions of people that spend every day 20$ € £ are more safe than few thousand very rich that spend 200$ € £ per day for 10 days and then bye bye see you after years again.

Like every country politicians live In a paralel world...


(sorry for long speach but needed to speak out)z

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On Monday, December 19, 2016 at 7:44 AM, darren84310 said:

So when the "we're aiming for high quality tourists" proved too difficult. They went to other other end of the scale and that's not going to well either.

Now they are In the land of nobody....not high not medium not low...

And having no respect for their own land too like In the picture. (Canal between 2 bful condos of ANANDA IDEO group In Bkk)

This goes In Chaopraya river then Into the ocean In the rice fields In the fish we eat In the water The animals and we drink, finaly also In the rain that falls on our head throu the evaporation. Soon they should beg and pay us to stay...

File 13-12-16, 13 19 42.jpeg

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22 hours ago, oldsailor35 said:

It  ns my opinion thsnt most of the persons in charge of certain dep nrtments and projects in Thailand are are not really vnualified to do their job. A good example is my ar nival recently on an international flight and wanting to use the shuttle bus to Don Muang for flight to Suratthani.  Time was against me, i tried to buy my Surat ticket with Air Asia, but due to very long busy qeue, decided  to get my ticket at DM. I proceeded to the shuttle bus which was about to leave. Because i did not have an onward flight ticket i was not allowed to board the bus , which then took off 2/3 rd empty. Subsequently i had to wait another hour and missed the Surat flight.

My question is.... Why in the hell would anyone want to go to DM just for the ride rather than to fly.

How stupid is this, i offered to pay the fare, but was told "Cannot"

What <deleted> thought this one up ?

Yes was a contradiction not to let you take the bus. But next time take the airport link to Phayatai and there the BTS to Mochit from where by airport bus A1 or 10 min taxi u get to DM. More to say than to do and also faster than the direct shuttle bus In bkk trafic.

About department people: they live In a paralel world. Got the job due to their relations, get high salary, free medical assistance and hospital, bonuses and retirement pension. They just Invent something to do or undo to show that they deserve the salary...burocrats and burocracy, here In Thailand like every where else.

But then look this picture...bful outside but dirty Inside....same politicians...

(Klong In Bkk between 2 bful Ananda Ideo condos with nice entrance, garden, flowers, security and this bad smelling full of bacteria and patogens with rats and liszards Swimming between just 2 meters or 2.5 yards away)

Police....? Completely absent...

All time like this since 2 and half years, had to write to unit owner and send pics, he then wrote and brought personaly to management 2 letters In thai and english and wake up the Condo managers (5 In last 18 month) and do something with local police and health authorities.

File 13-12-16, 13 19 42.jpeg

2016-12-12 15.59.58.jpg

Edited by MaxiMaxi
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On 12/19/2016 at 8:19 AM, chrissables said:

I'm just back from a three month motorbike tour of Vietnam. The mountain areas are more beautiful than Thailand and free to see. The places that do charge give a lot more for a lot less than Thailand. An example, entrance fee, buggy ride and a cable car ride up a beautiful mountain and back is less than entrance to Khao Yai! There is no obvious double pricing.


If the Thai government were in charge they would make everywhere a national park with 10 fold price differences for the visitors.


After riding for hours i could stop and have a nice cold beer after 2pm! None of the stupidity that rules in Thailand. 


Thailand is not the center of the tourism world and if they want more tourists spending money, they should take a look at what is happening in neighbouring countries. Vietnam is booming! They are spending huge amounts on the infrastructure, it offers more for less.





Nearly all of the countries in the region are trying harder, and several are significantly more progressive than Thailand, when it comes to policy, environment, visa policy, etc. Thailand is simply not evolving. It is stagnating, and there is no creative juice here, when it comes to leadership. None. So, they are paying the price, for putting people into positions for which they have no experience, nor expertise. It is called cumuppance. You get what you reap. 


They have made the tragic mistake of putting all of their eggs into the Chinese basket, and completely ignoring the far higher quality tourists coming from Europe, and the West. The best days of the tourism industry are behind Thailand, and the sad part of that is that the hard working, average Thai is going to pay the price for that, not the fabulously wealthy people running the country.


The current powers are making travel more difficult, are not relaxing duty on luxury goods, to stimulate the market, or attract high end tourists, are engaging in inane policy like asking for a passport to cash money, and although the police are still refusing to engage in practices that would be construed as traffic safety, they are becoming more petty and difficult. There comes a point in time, where alot of tourists will simply say this place is not worth the hassle. One thing the brilliant people in charge do not seem to realize, is that Thailand is no longer the bargain it once was. And there is no improvement with regard to training, expertise, F & B, infrastructure, and culture. 

Edited by spidermike007
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21 hours ago, MaxiMaxi said:

Yes was a contradiction not to let you take the bus. But next time take the airport link to Phayatai and there the BTS to Mochit from where by airport bus A1 or 10 min taxi u get to DM. More to say than to do and also faster than the direct shuttle bus In bkk trafic.

About department people: they live In a paralel world. Got the job due to their relations, get high salary, free medical assistance and hospital, bonuses and retirement pension. They just Invent something to do or undo to show that they deserve the salary...burocrats and burocracy, here In Thailand like every where else.

But then look this picture...bful outside but dirty Inside....same politicians...

(Klong In Bkk between 2 bful Ananda Ideo condos with nice entrance, garden, flowers, security and this bad smelling full of bacteria and patogens with rats and liszards Swimming between just 2 meters or 2.5 yards away)

Police....? Completely absent...

All time like this since 2 and half years, had to write to unit owner and send pics, he then wrote and brought personaly to management 2 letters In thai and english and wake up the Condo managers (5 In last 18 month) and do something with local police and health authorities.

File 13-12-16, 13 19 42.jpeg

2016-12-12 15.59.58.jpg


Yes, all of what you say is valid. The cannot attitude has to change. Small people flexing their very small muscles can be very annoying. No reason whatsoever to not let you on the bus. Inane policy. And the sheer ignorance, when it comes to things environmental is leaving Thailand in the dust. Other neighboring countries are making great progress with wind farms, solar farms, trash cleanup, waste management, sewage systems, and Thailand languishes at the bottom of the list. There is a complete absence of progressive thinking here, and very, very few progressive minds, or environmental activism. Thais profess to love their country so much, but they continue to litter the seas, consume as much plastic as is humanly possible, and pay no regard to Mother Nature. 


The biggest tragedy here, is that billions have been spent on five star hotels, and resorts. And they are not being supported by the small minds at the top, who do not have the experience, or background. And there seems to be a near total refusal to hire people with great experience, or consult with foreign expertise. The hubris, and lack of humility is breaking the industry. The tourism industry is waning by the day. Occupancy rates are at an alarming, all time low. And all of this is happening during peak season. Astonishing. 


My question is, why did the big guys, who control the little guy, allow all of this to happen? I realize they finally muzzled the ignoramus, but why so late in the game, after all of the damage was done? 

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