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Dear Nancy L,


At the year's end, I'm looking back on what I feel thankful for.


I am thankful for you.


Even before I arrived, you helped me.


Your impartial, factful, non-judgemental posts have informed so many of us, and I thank you.


I must admit that I have felt intimidated by you, and have thought of you as a "queen bee."  But you know what?  That reflects so much more about me, my insecurities, MY issues (Jung--"shadow?"),  than the consistent good work you have done for us--and Thailand.


If any of us took HALF the time to be as kind, informative and as loving as Nancy L, Thai VIsa would be a better place.


Merry Christmas, Nancy.


You have many years yet on this earth, but I want to acknowledge you as someone who has lived a "life well lived."







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3 hours ago, Gonzo the Face said:

Very nicely stated.  And in my opinion 100% correct.  Merry Christmas to and also to Nancy and  family


I'll second that! 100% correct!

1 hour ago, jonwilly said:

One of the Positive Posters on the board.

Trust she is keeping well.



Not only one of the positive posters but someone who spends a lot of time helping those who may not be capable of helping themselves.

I first ran into Nancy at the Bangkok Bank at KSK.She was helping a very dishevelled, Canadian man get his finances organised and get back to his home country.

You wouldn't have heard about it on TV until now.

Of course like anyone who tries to make the life of Expats, in a foreign land, a better experience she has her critics on this forum.

Thats not uncommon just reflects on the negativity of people who see her as an easy target.



 great call  O/P

Perhaps  (JMO) a very  fitting thank you,   to  N/L ,  for   her priceless assistance  for   you  ,to estabalish yourself in C/Mai, etc etc  would be

a  fine bott of red,    at her favourite nose bag in C/Mai , and if cashed  up, pick up that tab, as well,

a John Farnham, late arvo to all




I am loving this thread!


And yes, her good work far, far transcends what she gives to this forum.  In fact, this is probably one of her "lesser" feats.


She's truly a "positive poster," and she takes the occasional negative blowback with grace.  She just gets on with doing what needs to be done.


Nancy L in 2020!


6 hours ago, Simbaya said:

I am loving this thread!


And yes, her good work far, far transcends what she gives to this forum.  In fact, this is probably one of her "lesser" feats.


She's truly a "positive poster," and she takes the occasional negative blowback with grace.  She just gets on with doing what needs to be done.


Nancy L in 2020!


Truly an exceptional person, and with her latest (reported) accomplishment of time travel, will have to go down as the forerunner in Time Magazine "Person of the Century".

Nancy L, Hubby & Mr Bitey, a Merry Xmas & HNY extended.


I'd look to join the chorus here: like so many of you, I really appreciate Nancy's on-line persona, and her on-line, and 'real world,' (so many hours of) service, and tamboon (good deeds), to/for the expat community !


Khun Nancy, I'd like to thank you by sharing this quote from Albert Einstein:



A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited in time and space.

He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.



blessings be to Thee and Thine, ~o:37;


Thanks, everyone.  This thread was a most welcome Christmas surprise.  I don't know the OP -- well I probably do, but I can't match the posting name with a person, like I can with others.  It was good that this thread stayed (mostly) on track.  Don't know if that was do to extensive efforts by the mods or just general holiday good cheer.  I'd like to think the latter.  







59 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

NancyL -- most deserving (non-mod) POTY ever! :WPFflags:


Great to see Jingthing back in action, ThaiVisa's 2014 Poster of the Year. (POTY).  A few days ago he took the most unusual action of enthusiastically endorsing TransAm in this year's POTY Contest.

   A bit of a surprise (at least to me) since TA gave him a run for the money in the 2014 contest and me in the 2015 and he wasn't always a gentleman.  Now this contest is a bit of fun and the only prize is "bragging rights".  Heck, the winner even has to purchase their own tiara.  See mine on my avatar.  Jingthing's is below.  I questioned if JT was making his endorsement under duress and his several days absence from the forum led me to believe he'd checked into a sanitarium for some much needed calm.  I would have recommended Suan Prung had he left Pattaya and come to Chiang Mai.  


The time has come for me to make an endorsement for 2016 POTY.  I urge those who may not often venture away from the Chiang Mai forum to visit the General Forum and click on the Pinned Topic about the POTY contest at the top and place their vote before 5 pm Wednesday.  The criteria I used in making my selection was based on an examination of the posts of the candidates for the previous year and trying to find the candidate who exhibits the most "Nancy-like behavior".  No not the one who wears women's underwear.  But rather, the candidate who is the most helpful to fellow TV members.  Based on this, I'm making my endorsement for NAAM.  


I don't know Naam personally.  I don't know any of the candidates personally.  The sort of assistance Naam provides isn't at all like what I do.  He lives near Pattaya where he has a big, fancy house, several cars and travels extensively.  Sounds like he ventures out once a week or so to go into town to drink coffee and purchase produce and imported delicacies.  Money's not a problem and it would be easy to dislike someone like this, but he takes kidding about his "palatial estate" in a good way..  He's always cheerful and polite on the forum, and shares his extensive knowledge of world events, history, cooking, foreign currency exchange and, most importantly, home do-it-yourself activities.  Looks like he's walked quite a few people thru maintenance problems at their homes.  He never whines about the state of life in Thailand or Pattaya, nor does he seem to pick on people.  I could be wrong -- just cherry picked some posts from each of the candidates, but I think I got a flavor for how they spend their time on ThaiVisa.


Jingthing in his 2014 POTY Tiara:

diamond tiara.jpg




NancyL has clout and cred and as expat havens goes, Chiang Mai ain't chopped liver! (Northern sausage maybe but not chopped liver.)


How about all the Chiang Mai NancyL admirers show your electoral power and mosey along to this year's POTY contest and follow the good guidance of NancyL and VOTE FOR NAAM!:intheclub:



Get about 20 votes from the Chiang Mai forum and you just might put NAAM over the top!


Feel the power of NancyL ... in real life, in POTY, in pictures of cats ... 


(Please note ... this year, it is impossible to change your POTY vote, once cast. Also do not click on show results before voting because then you won't be able to vote for anyone. So if you've already voted or clicked show results ... NEVER MIND.)




1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

NancyL has clout and cred and as expat havens goes, Chiang Mai ain't chopped liver! (Northern sausage maybe but not chopped liver.)


How about all the Chiang Mai NancyL admirers show your electoral power and mosey along to this year's POTY contest and follow the good guidance of NancyL and VOTE FOR NAAM!:intheclub:



Get about 20 votes from the Chiang Mai forum and you just might put NAAM over the top!


Feel the power of NancyL ... in real life, in POTY, in pictures of cats ... 


(Please note ... this year, it is impossible to change your POTY vote, once cast. Also do not click on show results before voting because then you won't be able to vote for anyone. So if you've already voted or clicked show results ... NEVER MIND.)




Feelin' the power...A vote for NAAM it is.


How 'bout the rest of you cool CM cats?




This year's POTY race has tightened up considerably.:post-4641-1156694572:

Naam is now within realistic striking distance of the prize.

Could it be the NancyL bump?!? (Channeling the famous Colbert bump?)













To vote for Naam, go here:






It's really tightening now. 

Only a 5 vote difference.

Could we be looking at another exciting photo finish in this year's POTY?:partytime2:




From the POTY poll. Time is running out --


The poll will run till 5pm on Wednesday the 28th of December 2016 and then closed.


3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


It's really tightening now. 

Only a 5 vote difference.

Could we be looking at another exciting photo finish in this year's POTY?:partytime2:




From the POTY poll. Time is running out --


Jingthing, sod off with the electioneering crap.

General Forum, yes we heard you.

Back to Nancy L and any praise, else move on.


1 minute ago, Paul Catton said:

Jingthing, sod off with the electioneering crap.

General Forum, yes we heard you.

Back to Nancy L and any praise, else move on.


NancyL -- Paul is being mean! You know what to do. :stoner:

15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

NancyL -- Paul is being mean! You know what to do. :stoner:

Not mean, admonishing and bringing thread back on track, focussing deservedly on praise back to Nancy, strike 2. :post-4641-1156694606:

(Nancy would side with me as a future CEC breakfastarian, so snitching won't help).

5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

NancyL -- Paul is being mean! You know what to do. :stoner:


paul is on the money, it would be a relief for most,  to  buzz off!!!! or be on topic


its a Foreigner good morning to all


JT is feeling slightly homeless after being given the exact same message in the POTY thread and threatened with an expulsion vote, what it must be to be loved!

2 hours ago, chiang mai said:

JT is feeling slightly homeless after being given the exact same message in the POTY thread and threatened with an expulsion vote, what it must be to be loved!

Hey, what a great idea - an expulsion vote to replace the POTY nonsense!

Drain the ThaiVisa swamp by voting out the most aggravating members.

40 minutes ago, VillageIdiot said:

Hey, what a great idea - an expulsion vote to replace the POTY nonsense!

Drain the ThaiVisa swamp by voting out the most aggravating members.

That would be a true landslide election and for the betterment of the forum and its members.

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