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Controversial amendments to the 2016 Traffic Law passed the National Assembly with strong support yesterday, a development that one traffic expert warned may have sacrificed public safety to score political points.


The amendments passed with support of 93 out of 100 lawmakers present, including acting opposition leader Kem Sokha. The original Traffic Law was signed by King Norodom in January 2016, with Prime Minister Hun Sen almost immediately calling for an amendment eliminating the requirement for a driver’s licence for any motorbikes 125cc and under.


Yesterday that proposal officially became law, as did an amendment lowering the legal driving age from 16 to 15. Sun Chanthol, Minister of Transportation, insisted at the assembly yesterday that eliminating licences will not lead to more traffic accidents.


read more http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 27/12

My God! this is tantamount to genocide.15 year olds behind the wheel,and Cambodian to boot???? No licence for 125's and under.What are they thinking?Now every mother's brat will want Santa to bring him a scooter for Christmas and they will set wheels on the road,convinced that they are fully able to control the thing as any other driver.Watch the death toll go up this year,and not only for scooter drivers.how many pedestrians,and children will they kill,when they lose control of the bike,or are F###### about with their mates doing wheelies and all that Shit.What would you call this? Cambodianess?


It's called 'culling the population' If Governments made it too safe, there would be too many people. Many more are born each day then die PLUS if you aren't taught 'self preservation and self worth' then you have no value on your life (or others) and the rest as they say... is history.


Yeah...kinda going in the opposite direction. 

P. Penh itself should have a different standard.

As for other posts.  They have already pretty much been culled.


Actually, makes no difference. Because driver's licenses are quite expensive in  Cambodia many people find it cheaper to drive without them and just pay off the police (sound familiar?) so the only real effect of this is to stop putting the squeeze on the poor who are the ones driving such small motos.


Might add that having a license in Cambodia in no way implies an ability to drive well. Just that one paid the required bribe.


Most people do not take driving lessons...but for those who wish to, one of my all time favorite business names is the "Eternity Driving School". Yes, there really is one.



(My second favorite is Lemon Computers..which is actually a pretty good shop)





Sounds like you can save even more money for traffic offenses. Last year I was riding a rental bike in Sihanoukville and a cop pulled me over. It was daytime and I had the lights on--only VIPs can use their lights during the day, it means get out of the way--hence the pull-over. He told me I could not run with the lights on, asked why I wore no helmet, and demanded my driver's license--I had an International permit, a US permit and a Thai permit. "Sorry, must have Cambodian permit," he insisted. So, I gave him a US dollar, that's right B36, and he allowed me to continue on my way--all was right with the world again.

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