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Father stabs young daughter to death - then cleans and dresses her up for mum to find


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45 minutes ago, Yellowbourbon said:

Met this murdered child last year on her birthday. 

I asked what present she got for her birthday and she took out a collage portrait of her family and said with sparkle and pride in her eyes that her father made it for her.It was a birthday present from the same father who killed her. 



how very sad, RIP little girl.

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Every now and then I read stories like this, I see it happens quite frequent. A nation brought up believing in amulets for protection(since when Buddha said his amulets would protect you? ) A nation that believes in ghosts. A nation brought up to believe that if you chant certain mantra you are protected from ghosts. (since when Buddha said mantra could protect anyone from harm or evil spirits ?) I must ask the head monk and the education department. The biggest failure is the education department. They have failed in their job to educate the simple folks.

Those amulets hanging on the rear mirror in vehicles are testimony of a religion wrongly interpreted causing more harm than anything else.

A nation misled. Like this man who just killed his daughter somewhere during his early childhood time he was led to believe he had the right to do so, and he could abuse them or murder them if he wants to. Men are always above the women, go ask any Thai men they will say yes of course Men are always superior to women.

Do the government, the education department, the head monk and the intellectuals in the country see the problems?

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8 hours ago, madusa said:

Every now and then I read stories like this, I see it happens quite frequent. A nation brought up believing in amulets for protection(since when Buddha said his amulets would protect you? ) A nation that believes in ghosts. A nation brought up to believe that if you chant certain mantra you are protected from ghosts. (since when Buddha said mantra could protect anyone from harm or evil spirits ?) I must ask the head monk and the education department. The biggest failure is the education department. They have failed in their job to educate the simple folks.

Those amulets hanging on the rear mirror in vehicles are testimony of a religion wrongly interpreted causing more harm than anything else.

A nation misled. Like this man who just killed his daughter somewhere during his early childhood time he was led to believe he had the right to do so, and he could abuse them or murder them if he wants to. Men are always above the women, go ask any Thai men they will say yes of course Men are always superior to women.

Do the government, the education department, the head monk and the intellectuals in the country see the problems?

You write of ' a religion wrongly interpreted'... maybe you could start an on-line campaign to show Thais the 'correct' way to interpret their own religion? It annoys me that people come to Thailand to live (ya my assumption about you and some posters here) but as soon as there's bad news, they are quick to criticize and condemn all Thais as fools, criminals or complete idiots. Well, you come across as a patronizing ass.  :annoyed:

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Steady on... there are plenty of murdering lunatics and 'scum' elsewhere too. Did you expect Thailand to be perfect when you moved here? 

They have a point. This type of twisted carry-on is quite common here. Any attempt to deflect by pointing out that stuff happens elsewhere is a tad naive. Some Thai males are heavily predisposed to certain behaviour due to a moddy-coddled, backward upbringing. Any sort of emotional rejection overloads these sad individuals little brains. It's disgusting.
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14 hours ago, steven100 said:

no sorry drugs are. Directly and indirectly drugs kill more individuals worldwide than any other substance.

God morning sir !

If what you say is true, i stand corrected..Have a good day sir.

Edited by DuiDui48
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19 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

He already told the neighbours what he'd done, but they did nothing at the time.


He then waited to be found by his wife and didn't try to run then. 


Get the feeling he wanted to be caught and would not have resisted a lynch mob. 


Maybe remorse on his part, maybe he's insane.


Whichever it is he needs locking away in gaol or a psychiatric unit (if they have them here). 

All of the above....

Hard to articulate, but I can see upbringing and societal pressure being a factor.  And I'm not one to let anyone off the hook for such brutal behavior.  But to involve children in a domestic dispute ...

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On 27/12/2016 at 3:53 PM, Essaybloke said:

You write of ' a religion wrongly interpreted'... maybe you could start an on-line campaign to show Thais the 'correct' way to interpret their own religion? It annoys me that people come to Thailand to live (ya my assumption about you and some posters here) but as soon as there's bad news, they are quick to criticize and condemn all Thais as fools, criminals or complete idiots. Well, you come across as a patronizing ass.  :annoyed:

Take it Easy, Essaybloke. You are all work up. Calling me a patronizing ass.

I don't show Thais the correct way to interpret their religion because the Thais are incorrigible for a start, this a fact.(no argument necessary here).

When I took a taxi with my friends on a long journey, I had to buy a special kind of insurance. Once we were on our way, I spoke Thai to the driver( age 30s plus) It went like this, "Ni hi Pee gin ka fair na karp, mai ton karp lui lui, " ( This is for pee(pee=brother) to drink coffee, you don't have to drive fast)  I stick a 100 baht bill into his front pocket. He was smiling of course, profusely thank me for the miserable 100 baht I gave him.

You see I don't want to die in a car accident in Thailand, so I had to do something like this. Only when you do this he will listen when you say slow down at the corner or don't overtake that big truck.

The amulets hanging on the rear mirror in my taxi will not save the lives of my friends and I. But the 100 baht tipping will do the trick. See what I mean? If only the Thais know about this they will improve 100 percent, and stop hanging amulets in their cars.

Sometimes when we arrived safely and I like his driving I gave him another 100 baht, by the way what is 200 baht to me? I got paid a lot more money than this driver ever get in a month. 200 baht to save your friends and your lives is cheap. Very cheap in fact.

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17 hours ago, Jimbo1964 said:

I don't think Thai's understand the concept of real love, for a wife or a child. How could he do that to his own daughter ? It wasn't a fit of rage, it was cold blooded murder which he thought out and did. The police should have left him to the lynch mob. RIP little girl. :crying: :crying: 

Are you serious?  :annoyed:  My Thai wife loves her daughter very much, so do the other 20 people in her big, happy family. So much for your first stupid generalization. An Aussie guy killed 3 of his kids, same stupid conclusion about Australians then? 

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1 hour ago, madusa said:

Take it Easy, Essaybloke. You are all work up. Calling me a patronizing ass.

I don't show Thais the correct way to interpret their religion because the Thais are incorrigible for a start, this a fact.(no argument necessary here).

When I took a taxi with my friends on a long journey, I had to buy a special kind of insurance. Once we were on our way, I spoke Thai to the driver( age 30s plus) It went like this, "Ni hi Pee gin ka fair na karp, mai ton karp lui lui, " ( This is for pee(pee=brother) to drink coffee, you don't have to drive fast)  I stick a 100 baht bill into his front pocket. He was smiling of course, profusely thank me for the miserable 100 baht I gave him.

You see I don't want to die in a car accident in Thailand, so I had to do something like this. Only when you do this he will listen when you say slow down at the corner or don't overtake that big truck.

The amulets hanging on the rear mirror in my taxi will not save the lives of my friends and I. But the 100 baht tipping will do the trick. See what I mean? If only the Thais know about this they will improve 100 percent, and stop hanging amulets in their cars.

Sometimes when we arrived safely and I like his driving I gave him another 100 baht, by the way what is 200 baht to me? I got paid a lot more money than this driver ever get in a month. 200 baht to save your friends and your lives is cheap. Very cheap in fact.

OK, OK I've had my meds. Anyhow, I wrote Well, you come across as a patronizing ass. There's a big difference; you're probably a nice guy like me. My point is these charms are just as good or bad as some Catholic with his crucifix hanging from a mirror or round his neck.  It was the tone of your writing (likely unintentional) that poked me. And you must concede that many posters here are very quick to denigrate Thais in general. Like you, I too get frustrated with (some) drivers' rudeness, neglect, stupidity and sense of entitlement.  I feel all better now. Have a great day, and sawasdee pi mai!

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4 hours ago, daveAustin said:

They have a point. This type of twisted carry-on is quite common here. Any attempt to deflect by pointing out that stuff happens elsewhere is a tad naive. Some Thai males are heavily predisposed to certain behaviour due to a moddy-coddled, backward upbringing. Any sort of emotional rejection overloads these sad individuals little brains. It's disgusting.

Well yes you're right on a couple of points of course. It's disgusting and of course some male Thais have a bad attitude. 

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7 hours ago, Essaybloke said:

Steady on... there are plenty of murdering lunatics and 'scum' elsewhere too. Did you expect Thailand to be perfect when you moved here? 

Obviously not, that's why I said another piece of Thai male scum over here. A lot more of these horrific crimes over here than from where I come from (UK)

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way too many cases like this in Thailand, where the guy lashes out at innocents.  This reminds me of that case in America a few years back.  A middle eastern couple's store was being monitored by the Feds for some possible terrorist connections.  The husband and wife were not happy with their daughter and her black boyfriend as I recall so the mother held her down and the father stabbed her to death in the store!  The whole thing was recorded on audio.   Took a while for the tapes to be released to the other agencies and police.  But what sickos. 

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On 27/12/2016 at 8:39 PM, Essaybloke said:

OK, OK I've had my meds. Anyhow, I wrote Well, you come across as a patronizing ass. There's a big difference; you're probably a nice guy like me. My point is these charms are just as good or bad as some Catholic with his crucifix hanging from a mirror or round his neck.  It was the tone of your writing (likely unintentional) that poked me. And you must concede that many posters here are very quick to denigrate Thais in general. Like you, I too get frustrated with (some) drivers' rudeness, neglect, stupidity and sense of entitlement.  I feel all better now. Have a great day, and sawasdee pi mai!

Good to know you are happy now. Best regards

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What is it with these fellas getting into a tantrum and killing (usually) innocent people? 

It's a good foot up the ar*e is what this lad needs. 

Is it any wonder there are so many wives leaving their hisband? 



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Oh   No  do  not  bring  back  the  Death  Penalty,  the  peace  nicks

would  all be  up  in  arms!  Instead,  have  pity  on these  poor

misguided  murderers,  they  all  are just  misunderstood. Okay

I  am just  being  sarcastic,  this  father  needs  his  neck  stretched...Period...


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On Tuesday, December 27, 2016 at 0:09 PM, NCC1701A said:

RIP little girl who was murdered by your own sick <deleted> father.


"He was whisked away in a police truck as a lynching mob threatened to grab him and exact instant justice."


the one time you don't want the cops they show up.


Shame they weren't on their normal long lunch break..

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On Tuesday, December 27, 2016 at 10:14 PM, madusa said:

Every now and then I read stories like this, I see it happens quite frequent. A nation brought up believing in amulets for protection(since when Buddha said his amulets would protect you? ) A nation that believes in ghosts. A nation brought up to believe that if you chant certain mantra you are protected from ghosts. (since when Buddha said mantra could protect anyone from harm or evil spirits ?) I must ask the head monk and the education department. The biggest failure is the education department. They have failed in their job to educate the simple folks.

Those amulets hanging on the rear mirror in vehicles are testimony of a religion wrongly interpreted causing more harm than anything else.

A nation misled. Like this man who just killed his daughter somewhere during his early childhood time he was led to believe he had the right to do so, and he could abuse them or murder them if he wants to. Men are always above the women, go ask any Thai men they will say yes of course Men are always superior to women.

Do the government, the education department, the head monk and the intellectuals in the country see the problems?

Simple answer to seeing any problems - NO. Does that answer your complex question fully?

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