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Army Denies Buying Web Security Cracking Devices


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That would explain a lot. The sellout must be complete..... :WPFflags:

I think it is his "star flag". He is a Major General, this rates as a "two star" rank. On his staff car (in the UK) he would have a discreet red plate with two gold stars, attached to the front bumper. He obviously feels the need to have a gurt big red flag with two gold stars on it in his office - presumably to remind him that he is a Major General.
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The Company that sold the decryption devices is the same Company that sold the bomb detection devices to the Thai Army some years back......what where the called....yes...GT200, I bet the decryption devices are named GT3000 or something like that:smile:

Edited by AlQaholic
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“They broke laws so they must be arrested. Don’t ask much [about that],” Prayut said. 


Sadly, all governments seem to have lots of hide, but this military government asks everyone not to dig too deeply and then asks for unearned trust.  Their sense of entitlement is mind numbing. 

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11 minutes ago, JAG said:

I think it is his "star flag". He is a Major General, this rates as a "two star" rank. On his staff car (in the UK) he would have a discreet red plate with two gold stars, attached to the front bumper. He obviously feels the need to have a gurt big red flag with two gold stars on it in his office - presumably to remind him that he is a Major General.


He is the very model of a modern Major General.

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32 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

He is the very model of a modern Major General.

"I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,

I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical

From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical;a

I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,

I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,

...but will this be of any use,

in combating those hackers there,

whose views are quite heretical,

the kit may be impractical. "


Nice to see G & S are still relevant.

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Ohhh, what a grate scam that is! why didn't I come up with this idea before? You put together a box or even better just buy one of those android boxes from china and re-label it, make an app that looks credible that pretends to decrypt stuff on the net, you make a fake demo and sell it to various dictatorial armies around the world for $10,000 a box. Coool!

Oh wait......Someone is already doing it...damn.....

Edited by AlQaholic
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VPNs allow access to certain sites outside of Thailand that are otherwise denied, such as USG portals used to access one's military or Social Security account information and download tax documents.  I discovered that some of these foreign servers reject any connection attempts originating in Thailand because there are certain local ISPs here that have been blacklisted as known spam generators. A VPN is the only way to connect to these sites. I could care less if the MICT know I am connecting to US government sites to perform personal business, but would definitely not want my ability to use a VPN itself denied. 

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2 hours ago, MaiChai said:

Suppose no one knows what a private key is? Providing the private key is kept private and you choose a large cipher then ssl encrypted traffic is not crackable. Well without a hugh amount of processing power.


Openvpn is based on a certificate authority cert and then a pub/priv key pair. Mostly openvpn used these days although cisco vpn still quite popular.


But why does Thailand need this gateway?

For the control of the uneducated masses. They have kept the population uneducated but are now being undermined by the internet which gives people access to information and to the truth about their country. There are also activist which is fighting the junta on the internet and they need to control them.

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59 minutes ago, JAG said:

"I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,

I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical

From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical;a

I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,

I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,

...but will this be of any use,

in combating those hackers there,

whose views are quite heretical,

the kit may be impractical. "


Nice to see G & S are still relevant.

Cleverly done sir! I used to really enjoy G&S operettas at Fort Dunlop, Castle Bromwich, England way, way back when that Dunlop factory had its own amateur opera and drama company. My dad was the wages manager there so it was a lovely free evening out for the family. Oh! Happy days! Sorry - off topic a bit!

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I too am a bit of a Luddite when it comes to things technical concerning computers and would genuinely appreciate any advice or guidance as to how I can keep my internet activities private forum not just the ISP ( through a VPN such as tunnel bear) but also the over reaching claws of those who put themselves in charge. 

Dies a vpn still cut the mustard or is something more substantial required.?


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From the Khaosod article:
Arthit Suriyawongkul of the Thai Netizen Network said the law ultimately places the burden on the courts to decide what is illegal or not, which compromises the supposed separation of powers between the three branches of government.
Isn't that what the Trias Politica is all about?
(1) Making Laws, (2) Executing/Policing Laws, and (3) an independent Justice system, all in separate Silos so there are checks and balances?

Maybe lost in translation, or maybe back to the textbook.

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17 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Thai hackers that just got arrested. Lets say for a moment that the Thai government did locate the hackers by monitoring packets at some place in the "network".

How did they do it? They just got lucky?


They only have to look in the log file when the DDoS attack was done.
If the attacker didn't use a VPN it is very simple to follow up an IP address.

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"Director of the Army’s cyber centre Ritthi Intarawut said they had prepared to defend against any cyber attacks, and shrugged off the failure of several state websites after the legislators passed changes to the contentious computer crime law.

The websites attacked were mostly information distribution channels and contained no confidential information, he said."

Don't get too complacent old chap, I think you will find that they are just teasing you at the moment.


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20 hours ago, Bureaucrat said:

So how will this new single gateway effect people using vpn which is a must have if you like in Thailand? and which some westerners  uses.

The traffic still would have to go through the gateway,  just as water must pass through a single pipe before being distributed.  The gateway switches can detect which direction the traffic is going.  It is not hard to determine that a vpn is in use when the switches detect outgoing traffic but with an originating IP that is not withing Thailand.  So having a single gateway may not necessarily allow them to read your encrypted traffic (although it can make it easier to access the traffic), it certainly can make it easier for them to throttle, or limit, or hinder or even block certain traffic.  The VPN by itself does not protect your data, it just masks where you are sending or possibly receiving your traffic from.

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