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Step-father bit young girl all over her body because she was crying


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Step-father bit young girl all over her body because she was crying



Picture: Daily News


CHUMPON: -- A cruel step-father bit his wife's two year old all over her body because she wouldn't stop crying, police were told.


This was after he caused large blood loss to the terrified girl who he had assaulted violently with a stick all over her body and head, reports Daily News.


The mother of the child reported her new husband to Lang Suan police in Chumporn yesterday and he was promptly arrested. Sirisak, 23, has been detained.


The mother said that she had a daughter from a previous relationship and had given her to her mother to look after. But when she shacked up with Sirisak in a Palm plantation and got married three moths ago they decided to look after the toddler together.


But "Joy" aged 2 years 7 months was not comfortable in her new home and started crying. This enraged Sirisak who hit her repeatedly with a stick.


When he bit her in the face, in her chest and on her left leg creating four deep wounds she cradled her daughter in her arms and went to her mother then police.


Police also discovered that Sirisak had dodged the draft for the army.


Police are preparing to charge the evil stepfather after further evidence is gathered.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-12-27
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32 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

What the #%€¥ is going on in this country at the moment. 


  • Repeated exposure to crystal meth seems to increase aggressive behaviour.
  • People who use crystal meth can become aggressive if they perceive that they are threatened.
  • Crystal meth can provoke episodes of psychosis, which, in some cases, can lead to aggressive behaviour.

I think that METH/YABA is often involved when we read these sicko stories. *many* of my thai friends have urged me NOT to be out, after dark, into villages surrounding my town. i'm not in a major town and surely no touristy town. things used to be here very relax and peaceful. last 5 years there's an increase in violence, shoot-outs, aids (my buddy works at health center and there has been a substantial INCREASE amongst teenagers!), etc. a lot of stuff is kept locally (domestic violence, rape, child abuse, etc) where village honchos try to solve matters WITHOUT involving the law. there's also a sort of omerta where villagers all know what is going on but don't dare to speak out, ie. mind their own business AKA mai bpen rai. 


and honestly, i also think thai society is more and more getting dysfunctional because of all underlying social issues and the advent of social media increasing rage, hatred, jelousy, etc.

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Those photos are horrific.  Lucky the bite marks don't seem too deep.. so should not leave a scar.


That guy must have a mental health problem or been out of his brain on drugs. 


I hope there will be a follow up on this story to see what punishment he gets.... I hope he won't be let off as seems to happen in most of these cases.



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The courts should give a death sentence to people who attack the young and the elderly

No bail after conviction, allow an appeal then good bye with a bullet or a rope

Mind you I personally liked the sword that was used here many years ago

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9 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

What the #%€¥ is going on in this country at the moment. 

I'm no psychologist, but I'd say being completely unable to express displeasure at those who oppress you leads people to take out their frustrations on individuals who are weaker and unable to defend themselves. Maybe relevant in some cases, maybe not...

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10 hours ago, Mook23 said:


  • Repeated exposure to crystal meth seems to increase aggressive behaviour.
  • People who use crystal meth can become aggressive if they perceive that they are threatened.
  • Crystal meth can provoke episodes of psychosis, which, in some cases, can lead to aggressive behaviour.

I think that METH/YABA is often involved when we read these sicko stories. *many* of my thai friends have urged me NOT to be out, after dark, into villages surrounding my town. i'm not in a major town and surely no touristy town. things used to be here very relax and peaceful. last 5 years there's an increase in violence, shoot-outs, aids (my buddy works at health center and there has been a substantial INCREASE amongst teenagers!), etc. a lot of stuff is kept locally (domestic violence, rape, child abuse, etc) where village honchos try to solve matters WITHOUT involving the law. there's also a sort of omerta where villagers all know what is going on but don't dare to speak out, ie. mind their own business AKA mai bpen rai. 


and honestly, i also think thai society is more and more getting dysfunctional because of all underlying social issues and the advent of social media increasing rage, hatred, jelousy, etc.

exactly.  in my 25 years of substance abuse, I knew many meth addicts.  many of them seemed quite prone to violence, and to a lesser degree, sexual perversion. 

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