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Asylum request in US by first female Afghan fighter pilot causes stir


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Again i do not presuppose to know, how can I ? You seem to have a good grip on things from this thai visa thread. You are a dolt drawing conclusions so. If you cannot laugh at that you cannot laugh at anything. 


Get over yourself Halloween. 


I desist now.

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46 minutes ago, halloween said:

Post 20 " Scott, a "well founded fear of persecution " upon return if proven is an axiomatic ticket. I think if she has documents adn can verify her story this is not so hard. She will be granted. 2cents. "


Really? UNHCR was mentioned? And you still don't wish to discuss the questions raised?


Does the reasonable fear of persecution not apply to any muslim woman who refuses to accept her religions dictates?

"well founded fear of persecution " is the UNHCR criteria Halloween. It is the base criteria


Sorry to return but i thought it was commonly understood terminology. You are uncommon.  I obviously overestimated your biased cognitive functions.

https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/About Us/Directorates and Program Offices/RAIO/Well Founded Fear LP (RAIO).pdf

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She is a huge target for the rag heads.

To be killed by a woman denies you paradise....no 72 virgins. As if there ever was. 


ps......knowing she was a target....

.why did she decide to become a fighter pilot.  

The answer is obvious....train in the US and then say I need protection/asylum


A scam for sure


Edited by harleyclarkey
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I think some members can stop with the bickering.   As I said, her case will be reviewed VERY, VERY carefully.   Pretty much all military personnel are targets, regardless of the country they come from.   It's the nature of the beast.  


Not wishing to serve in the military, is NOT grounds for refugee status.   She will not get a free pass.   She will have an uphill battle proving her case.   She will not be viewed in a positive light.   Her situation is unique, but the objective facts of her claim will have to be stronger than the subjective interpretation.  


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14 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

How soon the sheep forget about 9/11.  Pilots trained in Florida on education visas.  Muslim extremist groups are adapting their tactics to take advantage of security profiles.  Take a look at the clothes and appearance of the assassin of the Russian ambassador to Turkey.  The Muslim extremists are relying more and more on  women to carry out attacks.  The whole purpose of asylum and immigration policies is not to admit everyone, but to root out security threats.

I live in Vero Beach FL, where the terrorist trained at the flight safety school. There are still plenty of brown skinned muslim trainees for a number of different airlines. One of them drove his car into my wife's parked car, but that's a different story. Point is, muslims aren't automatically excluded from participating.

Plus, as an Afgan fighter pilot, she probably had some good opportunities to wreck havoc on a US base already, if destruction was in her plans.

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16 hours ago, jaidam said:

Send her back. Her country needs her. End of.


Years of endlessly giving "refugee" status to all and sundry from the 3rd world together with a free house, lots of cash to spend, and even being elevated beyond the standard laws of the land has totally robbed these 3rd worlders of any strength of character. After WW2 Europeans rolled their sleeves up, gritted their teeth and rebuilt. It wasn't easy, sure there would have been some grumbles, but by jove they succeeded and were the envy of the rest of the world. Just look at the state that alot of the ME and NA is in, all the fit young men are on benefits in Europe and there's nobody left to rebuild and repopulate. FRT That is not what I call helping.


Yes. By Jove. Rolled up their sleeves and... migrated to other countries like Australia, the US, Canada. Particularly the Brits. You know. Your lot. Between 1949 and 1959 nearly 420,000 Brits migrated to Australia. 200,000 Italians, 162,000 Germans, 100,000 Dutch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-war_immigration_to_Australia Haven't looked at the US or Canada but there were hundreds of thousands moving through the mid west and into the north west.


As for the reconstruction of Europe, massive funding and technical assistance was provided through the Marshall Plan and Cold War real politick provided incentive for the US to work for the stabilization and economic growth of Europe.


You ignore all this because the current migration involves muslims and dark skinned people. Your gross stereotyping of refugees as welfare recipients and being granted privileges above 'local' populations is intended to slur and engender bias against such people.


Yes. By Jove. One reads such rubbish through gritted teeth. Diaspora can rob a country of human resources needed to contribute to the proper functioning of that country - Afghanistan is such a case, as are the Cook Islands however diaspora does not 'rob a country of its strength'. This is just pompous fantasy to go along with the rest of your cliche stereotypes. Don't need to put the word refugee in quotation marks. We all know what you mean.

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