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SURVEY: Will education improve for Thai students in the New Year?


SURVEY: Will education improve for Thai students in the New Year?  

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SURVEY:   Will education improve for Thai students in the New Year?


There have been a number of stories focusing on education in Thailand, including topics on severe punishment and on the low PISA exam results.    In your opinion, do you think that the educational attainment as measured by international tests such as PISA improve in the upcoming year?


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Too many inept teaching methods, inept teachers. Violent teachers. No psychology used, Total lack of forethought. Too many interruptions in classes. Lack of sensible syllabus. Lack of knowledge of teachers. Lack of interest by students mainly due to lack of interest by teachers. Teachers that do not understand sensible non violent disciplinary methods.  Yelling and screaming at students in class.  Lack of understanding students individual needs and requirements. teachers that only turn up to class to be a  paid a monthly wage. Authorities refusal to even suggest looking at successful teaching methods  from other countries.



No need to continue further!.


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Speaking to SIL from the south who is a senior English teacher with terrific results because she cares......other teachers are just looking forward to retirement or holidays, they don't care if the students pass or fail they just teach the curriculum until the end of the year and then go on holidays, no problem! The students are promoted anyway, where's the problem?? :wai:

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Education is part of the Thailand 4.0 push from the Thai government. I wouldn't expect instant results but their plan is interesting.

As long as the current government holds on to power the plan has a chance to succeed. A new government may have their own plan to replace the Thailand 4.0 plan.

Scrapping former government plans only waste resources and hinders positive change. This is the darker side of democracy.

Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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I don't hold out much promise in the short term because the emphasis is not on learning; it is on passing exams.   I have seen classes where the only thing taught is the answers to previous test questions.   They do show why a particular answer is correct, but it is a poor method of learning, since it doesn't allow for the step-by-step procedure to figure out how to come up with a correct answer.  


In the social studies, it is based a great deal on rote memorization.   Not that this is all bad, but there is little insight into why certain aspects of the social, geo-political situation than "Thailand has always been an independent nation and remains to be so today."  


I once taught a social studies class where I divided them up into 4 warring kingdoms.   The learning construct was historically correct.   It involved the kidnapping and trading of princesses to other kings when battles were lost, or no conclusion was in sight.   The "king" was then asked if he wished to kill his now royal grandchildren from the neighboring "king" or form an alliance.   The outcome was (with some guidance) the same as the historical facts.   It was amazing that they finally comprehended a whole bunch of things related to their own countries history.   


This or anything like it, is largely left out of history and the understanding of the social situation is very shallow.  

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On 2/1/2560 at 0:42 PM, Rhys said:

Well Educational Administrators need to be leaders....not money makers...

Bang on the money, pardon the pun. Pretty much 90% of the schools here in Thailand have veered away from what the first job was and that was to educate the students. Now it is all about setting up MEP programs and to squeeze as much money out of the parents while pleading poverty to BKK for their next budget. Since I have been here from 2005 I have worked in five different schools and only two of these schools I could say the directors actually gave a crap about the students and their grades. The other school directors where just there to milk as much as they can from the system and drive a very nice expensive car and support their extra marital lifes.

The one director who was blantently robbing the school has now even been promoted so he now controls districts not just one school but all schools within his area. He must be rubbing his hands together now thinking up all the scams he can do to milk as much as he can before he retires.

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4 hours ago, chowny77 said:

Bang on the money, pardon the pun. Pretty much 90% of the schools here in Thailand have veered away from what the first job was and that was to educate the students. Now it is all about setting up MEP programs and to squeeze as much money out of the parents while pleading poverty to BKK for their next budget. Since I have been here from 2005 I have worked in five different schools and only two of these schools I could say the directors actually gave a crap about the students and their grades. The other school directors where just there to milk as much as they can from the system and drive a very nice expensive car and support their extra marital lifes.

The one director who was blantently robbing the school has now even been promoted so he now controls districts not just one school but all schools within his area. He must be rubbing his hands together now thinking up all the scams he can do to milk as much as he can before he retires.




Wait to you see (it) on the university level dealing with construction firms.... Plenty of construction going on at university levels..

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