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Putin 'very smart', says Trump, as Russia fails to retaliate to US 'hacking' expulsions


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1 minute ago, Dagnabbit said:


Nobody 'hacked the country'

Podesta and Clinton were both using very insecure forms of communication. Podesta gave his password away in a Phishing atrack. Very basic stuff.

What was made public was info about a corrupted Democrat selection process and other Clinton team dirty tricks.

Bottom line is that if you cant do the time, dont do the crime. At some point, liberals need to understand that the emails released were all accurate.

Was it fair for the media to release debate questions to Clinton ahead of time? Of course not. Was it warranted to point out the cheating? Absolutely.

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Hacking is illegal and should be pursued as such.  Regardless of what info was obtained.  Especially if done by a foreign power with the potential intent of having an impact on the elections.  Luckily, those in power are pursuing this with gusto.  Well, all except Trump.

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Thanks for posting that. It's a sad reminder of what we will have to endure for the next 4 or so years.  Brown-nosing borderline-treasonous Republicans bending over backwards trying to curry favor with The Divider.  It's sickening.  Bend over America, Republicans are going to shaft you with bowling pins and cactus chollas until you go bat-shit crazy.  These are sad times for America.





Edited by Andaman Al
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9 hours ago, jcsmith said:


You could substitute that for unprofessional. Or do you believe that it is okay for him to say things that damage or help companies stocks, when we don't know where his investments are? Do you believe it's okay for the president to use Twitter to attack individuals or organizations? Is it okay for the president of the United States to act like a bipolar child? 


LOL> I believe you have a vivid imagination and you're getting worked up over nothing.

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

You hit the nail on the head.  Trump supporters think we're sore losers.  The elections are over.  Trump won.  We're talking about his current actions, not the past election.  These are current events, not past.  Some of us weren't even Hillary supporters, so how can we be sore losers? LOL


Watch that video....


It doesn't really matter if you supported Hillary or not. Any thread with Trump in the subject line turns into a Trump (and supporters) bashing extravaganza. I hope it's helping some of you overcome your grief.

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3 minutes ago, tropo said:

It doesn't really matter if you supported Hillary or not. Any thread with Trump in the subject line turns into a Trump (and supporters) bashing extravaganza. I hope it's helping some of you overcome your grief.

With respect, he's creating this situation.  It's his own actions that are causing the bashing extravaganza.  He's his own worst enemy! LOL  I've got no grief other than worries about the future under a president like this.  Unsettling.

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Seems even Trump's advisors are now backtracking.




A top adviser to President-elect Donald Trump said Monday he thinks the Russians were involved in election-related hacking of the US -- a very different view than that held by the incoming administration.


Former CIA director James Woolsey, an adviser to Trump on national security issues, told CNN's Jim Sciutto that determining who was behind the hacks is difficult, but that he believes the Russians -- and possibly others -- were involved.
One official told CNN the administration has traced the hack to the specific keyboards -- which featured Cyrillic characters -- that were used to construct the malware code, adding that the equipment leaves "digital fingerprints" and, in the case of the recent hacks, those prints point to the Russian government.


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4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

With respect, he's creating this situation.  It's his own actions that are causing the bashing extravaganza.  He's his own worst enemy! LOL  I've got no grief other than worries about the future under a president like this.  Unsettling.


The Trump bashing extravaganza started on June 16, 2015 when he announced he was running for president.

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2 minutes ago, tropo said:

The Trump bashing extravaganza started on June 16, 2015 when he announced he was running for president.

Again, for very good reasons.  He's extremely divisive.  Nobody can argue about that.  You reap what you sow.

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Again, for very good reasons.  He's extremely divisive.  Nobody can argue about that.  You reap what you sow.

There's no good reason to bash anyone in a discussion. It turns the side you're bashing against you. The anti-Trump brigade here are not only bashing Trump - they're bashing anyone who supports him. That's why these threads amount to nothing more than therapy sessions for the anti-Trump crowd.

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3 minutes ago, tropo said:

There's no good reason to bash anyone in a discussion. It turns the side you're bashing against you. The anti-Trump brigade here are not only bashing Trump - they're bashing anyone who supports him. That's why these threads amount to nothing more than therapy sessions for the anti-Trump crowd.

One reason some get a bit aggressive is because the Trump fans give no quarter.  He's right and your wrong.  If the Trump side said, yes, he seems to have made a mistake here, then they'd have more credibility also.  It's a 2 way street.  Nobody's perfect! LOL

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If it were anyone else, I would say that this whole playing footsie with Putin thing is some kind of fake-out, smiling while holding the dagger behind his back, and Vlad doing the same. 

But this is DT, a faithful adherent to the looking-out-for-#1 lifestyle.  Maybe he's fishing for a chain of hotels in Russia, a gaudy posh resort on the Black Sea?


And there's the Trump Chumps who will swallow any poo he tosses at them.  I'm getting a kick out of these blood and guts conservatives, always too eager to call for war, now defending Russia because this fool says it.  Foreign interference in a US election?  If the GOP lost and this were revealed the flying monkeys of the right would have been all over this and demanding the election be voided.  This is why I hate the Dems, bunch of damn wimps sitting there wringing their hands saying "ooooo, they're not allowed to do that...!" and doing nothing.   Wise up, that thing about the meek inheriting the earth?  That was sarcasm.  Maybe the Dems should fold and start a new party, shed their jackass leadership. 



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On 1/1/2017 at 3:45 AM, Andaman Al said:

What Trump is saying in public is simply unacceptable. There are no more words. Unacceptable.  The threatens absolutely the stability of global power. It is disgraceful that he would undermine his own countries administration in front of the whole world. Obama has not just acted 'on his own', are you all completely daft? These recommendations for this action have come from all his state, security, intelligence and Military advisors. He is truly off his head, with zero idea about the principles of leadership. He has just weakened the position of the USA more than he has the brain cells to imagine. You Republicans are actually all morphing into Commie loving, Ruskie hugging traitors. Not only your Grandfathers but your Fathers would be ashamed of you. I bet John Bolton choked on his own spit when he heard Trump had said this.

What's next?  The pardon of Aldrich Ames once Trump is in office?

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Seems like some people think Comrade Donald's words could be considered treason or very close. I actually think is is more of a violation of The Logan Act.


Donald Trump accused of treason for praising Vladimir Putin and his attitudes towards Russia by liberal celebrities and a former State Department official


The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799 ) is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments having a dispute with the U.S. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.

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Actually, I don't quite understand Comrade Donald's tweet. "Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!"


Why is Putin smart in this case? If Comrade Donald thinks Obama isn't a good negotiator, wouldn't Putin be better off negotiating with Obama?


This tweet makes no sense. Seems like Comrade Donald is putting himself down. It is almost as if Comrade Donald thinks Putin would get a better deal after Comrade Donald is POTUS. Why is that? Is there some quid-pro-quo thing that will happen? Or is this just more of Russia pulling the POTUS-elect strings?

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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Thanks. Yes it is a bit of an outlet.  It's still soaking in to my brain, how such a large number of voters (nearly 47% of total voters) were so easily duped by such a low life swindler.  I knew there were ignorant easy-to-fool rednecks in the US, I just underestimated how prevalent their numbers.


I still can't believe ANYBODY voted for him.  He is not only an obvious con man, but in moments of perceived candor he will admit it straight out, eg "I said the system is rigged because I thought I was going to lose; I won so I don't say it anymore."


Just think, two years ago every good ol' boy with a pickup truck wanted to kick his ass, that fast-talking rich guy from the northeast with a superior attitude -- "let him come around here and we'll see who's fired!"  Now he's the redneck Jesus who will make all their wishes come true.


IMO it's just a matter of time before the same yokels are chanting "lock HIM up."  He has to make sure that doesn't happen before he runs for re-election.  He doesn't forget anyone who slighted him in the least, and lives for revenge.  I'm looking forward to seeing how he takes it out on the GOP leadership.



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Russia is running low on money. Have been doing so for quite some time. 


Very true. Read somewhere that Russia is reducing it's military spendings and plans to reduce the military budget this year again. Does not sound like Russians are going to Overspend the west. Indeed, they have managed to reform their troops and have added some military capabilities in the last 7 years. I know a bit more about their naval capabilities and Russians have made some serious progress. But they cannot cope with the navies of the USA , Britain etc. their fleet is mostly inshore and their offshore components are intended for guarding their own coasts.

If you read the MSM and the resident posters here, you will get the impression that Putin can project power globally. It's very far from the truth. Russia is obsessed with their borders and the time of their global presence was over in 1990-1993.

I believe that the scary fairy tales about the military might of Russia serve the American politicians as the cards in their internal political games.

And ask any sailor or soldier with real world experience, and they will tell you that Russia is not invincible. It is just a nuclear power, skilled enough to use their limited military capabilities in a clever and brutal way, and the west almost forgot how to do that. Russia has no permanent allies and they have no burden of a coalition with the countries such as KSA etc. with their own agenda and presence in DC. That's why Russia is able to concentrate their limited resources in relatively small theaters and win there.
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1 minute ago, Gene1960 said:


Very true. Read somewhere that Russia is reducing it's military spendings and plans to reduce the military budget this year again. Does not sound like Russians are going to Overspend the west. Indeed, they have managed to reform their troops and have added some military capabilities in the last 7 years. I know a bit more about their naval capabilities and Russians have made some serious progress. But they cannot cope with the navies of the USA , Britain etc. their fleet is mostly inshore and their offshore components are intended for guarding their own coasts.

If you read the MSM and the resident posters here, you will get the impression that Putin can project power globally. It's very far from the truth. Russia is obsessed with their borders and the time of their global presence was over in 1990-1993.

I believe that the scary fairy tales about the military might of Russia serve the American politicians as the cards in their internal political games.

And ask any sailor or soldier with real world experience, and they will tell you that Russia is not invincible. It is just a nuclear power, skilled enough to use their limited military capabilities in a clever and brutal way, and the west almost forgot how to do that. Russia has no permanent allies and they have no burden of a coalition with the countries such as KSA etc. with their own agenda and presence in DC. That's why Russia is able to concentrate their limited resources in relatively small theaters and win there.

Russia's new "war" is with propaganda and cyber warfare.  They've already hacked into several foreign government's computers.  Germany, Georgia, etc.  They financed a political party in France.  Sent out propaganda about Brexit.  They're trying a "soft" war and it seems to be working.  Sowing discontent and trying to break up the EU and NATO.




Ex-Soviet states tell US 'I told you so' over Russia hacking allegations






Russian Meddling and Europe’s Elections

While revelations about Russian involvement in the American presidential election rock the United States, there are ominous signs that Russia is spreading propaganda and engaging in cyberattacks in Europe in advance of several national elections next year.



And Trump seems to be ignoring all of this.


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And Trump seems to be ignoring all of this.


You have your quotations ready for every possible occasion. I am envious.

If you really think that hacking and propaganda became the new warfare , may I assure you that it's nothing new. We just got a new actor - Russia. Before that we had only western and Arabic MSM visible with their propaganda.

Indeed a lot of ppl in France are enraged with the Russian loan to FN and Le Pen. But again. It's no news. I remember the times when the left in Southern Europe and France were directly financed by the URSS. You are really got it right.

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30 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Russia's new "war" is with propaganda and cyber warfare.  They've already hacked into several foreign government's computers.  Germany, Georgia, etc.  They financed a political party in France.  Sent out propaganda about Brexit.  They're trying a "soft" war and it seems to be working.  Sowing discontent and trying to break up the EU and NATO.







And Trump seems to be ignoring all of this.


Wonder how Trump will counter this: US Administration '100% certain' about Russian hacking




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I still can't believe ANYBODY voted for him.  He is not only an obvious con man, but in moments of perceived candor he will admit it straight out, eg "I said the system is rigged because I thought I was going to lose; I won so I don't say it anymore."
Just think, two years ago every good ol' boy with a pickup truck wanted to kick his ass, that fast-talking rich guy from the northeast with a superior attitude -- "let him come around here and we'll see who's fired!"  Now he's the redneck Jesus who will make all their wishes come true.
IMO it's just a matter of time before the same yokels are chanting "lock HIM up."  He has to make sure that doesn't happen before he runs for re-election.  He doesn't forget anyone who slighted him in the least, and lives for revenge.  I'm looking forward to seeing how he takes it out on the GOP leadership.

I think the bottom line is that you aren't really aware of why people voted for Trump.

People got so caught up in the name calling and baseless accusations, that they cant see the woods for the trees.

I know a number of very succesful business people that voted Trump. We discussed it at length and bigotry, racism etc weren't even on the agenda.

Time will tell at the end of the day but I think for those shaking their heads, they simply need to think more 3 dimensionsally about why people chose one over the other.

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23 hours ago, nausea said:

Putin ain't stupid, he doesn't take the bait. It's gonna be ann interesting clash of egos, Putin v. Trump. To be honest Trump holds all the cards. I wait to see how Putin plays his hand.

What about the sex tape with Trump and the underage Miss Teenbopper Russia Universe contestant then?

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Dagnabbit opines; "Nobody 'hacked the country'
Podesta and Clinton were both using very insecure forms of communication. Podesta gave his password away in a Phishing atrack. Very basic stuff."


Using that logic, if a person doesn't lock the gate and all doors and windows in his house, then, if he gets burgled, he deserves it.


Incidentally, US Intelligence services aren't backing down on their Trump/Russia findings.  Despite Trump wanting them to stand down and trash their findings, the CIA and others are standing firm.  I respect them for doing that.  

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