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Big Waves Spoil Launch of Pattaya-Hua Hin Ferry


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13 minutes ago, Kopitiam said:

Wrong?  Please check you weather map and facts before disputing.  Yes, it is the Northeast Monsoon, that is why we have floods in southern Thailand (facing the south china sea) and the east coast of peninsula Malaysia now.  May-Oct, the Southwest Monsoon and we have the wet season in Phuket (Andaman seas).

consider this you first teachble moment for 2017....you have alot to learn so I will try to be patient





Now go do some reading, I do not have any more time to fill in the gaps in your knowledge!

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48 minutes ago, tx22cb said:

Waves of 4 metre height = 2 m in amplitude - which is nothing in the tropics.

If this ship can't handle such conditions, perhaps it will be better suited along the Bangkok river or canals.

Although I have to admit that the ferry is performing better than the aircraft carrier, which has not weighed anchor for years.

To be fair to them , a 2m wave height restriction sounds about right.

My local high speed ferry in the UK-  weighs 6000 tons, carries 880 passengers and 245 cars- currently has a 2.5m wave height restriction.



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I've been on a longtailboat from Krabi to Riley while i had to scoop water out of the boat nonstop cause the waves came overboard. On top of that the engine also broke of it's stand so my mate had to hold it the whole trip.

It was during a storm with waves but they were maybe 1 meter high and i have never seen real big waves in Thailand, even not after the tsunami.


So this boat is not even built to stand some waves? Fine with me, i'm not gonna use it anyway..Thai are dangerous with boats.


Why not let a farang company run qualityboats from Pattaya all the way to Singapore and stop at every harbour? With a real boat it's sure possible i think.



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30 minutes ago, tazly said:

consider this you first teachble moment for 2017....you have alot to learn so I will try to be patient





Now go do some reading, I do not have any more time to fill in the gaps in your knowledge!

Please come down from your high horse.  You are teaching a person who has lived in southeast Asia for 60 years about weather pattern here?


I do not want to waste TV members' time on this "teachable moment" matter anymore.  I will not make anymore response after this.  Goodnight.

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21 minutes ago, tazly said:

Little wonder you haven't learned anything after 60 years........you spit out the dummy everytime someone who knows more than you comes along...am guessing you still think the world is flat....teaching time is now over....you have lots of reading in your homework assignment....if you have any more questions after finishing this assignment, post them here and I will do my best to answer

what are you on about inferring the world isn't flat? you been on them african woodbines

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5 hours ago, siam2007 said:



so you are happy that many Thais who have only few days off per year got their long awaited holiday spoiled (as some English newspapers that can not be referred to on this board reported today)? And who could never ever afford such an overpriced regular ticket? Wow, what a low-life creature you are....



Amusingly a lot of them would have sat in their car for 2 hours whilst driving up from BKK, shoulda just driven to Hua Hin then their precious few days off would not have been ruined by the big bad choppy ocean.

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3 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

Something else to join the Aircraft Carrier, The Jumbo Dredger, Elevated Rail Blobs , The Firetrucks, useless Bomb Detectors and the Wonkey Airport Scanners.

the  bangkok  buses

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3 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

Something else to join the Aircraft Carrier, The Jumbo Dredger, Elevated Rail Blobs , The Firetrucks, useless Bomb Detectors and the Wonkey Airport Scanners.


I thought this ferry was a private sector deal, not Government.

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9 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Didn't they anticipate there might be big waves in the ocean? First impressions last, what an appalling first day for the new ferry company.



Imagine if they disembarked dozens of seasick passengers who said it was the worst boat trip of their life and that they would rather pay to take the bus back?


It's probably not a case of the ship being incapable, but more a case of passenger comfort.

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What are there so many negative comment,

the ferry into starting before the 12 of january, you are offeret free rund until Then , it is common sense to cancel a ferry, due to bad Weather , I am Danish , and some of our ferry connections are operate with Cat from Australia like this one, there is nothing wrong in staying in port for Security reasons.

   Further more we should all be a bit more supportive , this ferry Line is a step foreward in connecting the two parts of this country, and we should appreciate it.


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8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Nah, they're damned for not choosing/designing a ferry boat that can handle the conditions the ferry is going to face.


About 129,000 results :


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2 hours ago, carlyai said:

Do you complainers ever stop?

The service seems to have been cancelled due to bad weather.

Good decision I would say.

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk


I think the complaints are that:

1.  The ferry can operate in maximum 2 metre seas (nothing wrong with that).

2.  TMD had been forecasting 4 metres seas on 1/1 for days in advance.

3.  They loaded 200 passengers onto the ferry and took a pile of press photos.

4.  Then they cancelled the sailing.


I have no problems with the decision to cancel the sailing.  I have a problem with moving the date of the first voyage forward when they knew that the weather would be bad and then not cancelling the voyage until after loading everyone  was on board. 

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39 minutes ago, onthesoi said:

The boat can't do the job.


That is why they are damned.

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2 hours ago, blackcab said:


Imagine if they disembarked dozens of seasick passengers who said it was the worst boat trip of their life and that they would rather pay to take the bus back?


It's probably not a case of the ship being incapable, but more a case of passenger comfort.

More likely the negative publicity seasick passengers would generate. 

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I lived in an area where there were many ferries and I had to ride a ferry to work and back everyday.   My life revolved around the ferry schedule.   These were big boats.   I don't ever recall them be canceled on short notice.   When there were storms approaching they would announce the time of the last ferry leaving and it was usually a two hour window.   The voyage was about 1 hour and 15 minutes.  


There were smaller express ferries which also plied the routes.   They could handle pretty rough seas, but tended to cancel ahead of the bigger boats.  


It's a double edge sword, the smaller express ferries are fast.   They can pretty much outrun the weather, so I never saw them cancel abruptly.   They did tend to err on the side of caution.  


Ferries need to be reasonably reliable, and anything other than a big storm which would likely affect other aspects of travel should be of a size and safety standard that can actually travel under such conditions.


Ferry services need to work carefully with the meteorology department for travel situations.   That requires coordination and that is sometimes a problem in Thailand.  

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11 hours ago, Kopitiam said:

This is very typical in Thailand.  Jumping into a project without giving it a thorough SWAT analysis.  Typically it is the monsoon season this time of the year (Dec to Feb) in the Gulf of Thailand.  You can only provide this service for 9 months of a year.  To kick off this project at this time, tells you how much planning has gone into it - doomed even before you start.


Hey, whaddya want?  Prayut's fortune teller told him it was an auspicious day for the launch... :smile:

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So where would you load of old grumpy Thai bashers be if the ferry had sailed on time and undergone a successful journey? Sh1t happens and there is no accounting for the weather even if it is monsoon season. Get a life people. I for one will use this service once it is properly up and running and I am sure many other people will as well. 

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16 hours ago, vadid said:

I wonder whether they will cancel so readily, once people have paid and they would have pay refunds?

yeah, and who makes the determination to cancel, who reports the sea states, who receives the sea states? can one check online like an airline flight status?

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9 hours ago, siam2007 said:



so you are happy that many Thais who have only few days off per year got their long awaited holiday spoiled (as some English newspapers that can not be referred to on this board reported today)? And who could never ever afford such an overpriced regular ticket? Wow, what a low-life creature you are....

On the other hand,would have made a great bad news story if it sank on the maiden voyage.

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