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Big Bike driver dead after collision with mini van in Bang Len


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I am a big bike rider ... had accident 36 years ago in Australia that stuff my body for the rest of my life ,Thai's don't look ...but we hop on the bikes knowing that .... best thing is not ride and then you do not get hurt ... I always tell young and older people ... don't ride bikes if you think everybody is going to see you...they don't ... more here then Australia but don't complain about an accident ...or crash ... accident are very few..... crashes happen because one or both vehicles are doing something wrong ... could be 20-80 ... or 40-60 or 10-90 % ... just happened to me 2 weeks ago ..A Thai changed lanes quickly ...when I was looking in my mirror.... 30% me wrong ...just that moment and bang... couldn't stop in time and hit him.... he just keep going in a later model car ... nice slide down the road ... thank the stars for safety gear and engine bars....just a bruised hip ....




Edited by pdoneleg
wrong spelling and add something
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5 hours ago, xerostar said:

My take on this:

From the photo it appears the bike hit the right rear wheel area of the van.

The bike does not seem to be "embedded" in the van.

The van driver (probably in the middle lane) didn't see the bike coming from behind because her forgot to look. in the mirror and forgot to signal as well.

Van driver being sleepy, made a "late" U turn from the middle lane.

Biker in right lane probably doing about 100 Km/h had no time to avoid a collision as the van pulled in front of him.

Entirely plausible


Or even the minivan attempted a U-turn from the hard shoulder (kind of the same thing). But I agree they were travelling in the same direction.

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6 hours ago, Sirbergan said:


Your observation is based on not observing anything but text describing everything but the details leading to the accident. Let's rather call it your biased assumption based on your prejudice towards mini bus drivers, which would be a lot more accurate considering the information provided in this article. You haven't observed anything.

And your asumptions of mini bus drivers needs serious reviewing better you read about the 25 killed today  and tell me it wasnt the mini bus at fault 

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And while everyone is arguing back and forth over nothing really other than a bike ploughed into a mini - van resilting in a death, which in nothing unusual, probably another 100 or so people are dead on the roads - not counting the ones who died on the way or in hospital - so why not get it all into perspective and just accept it as another unnecessary road death.

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1 minute ago, tracker1 said:

And your asumptions of mini bus drivers needs serious reviewing better you read about the 25 killed today  and tell me it wasnt the mini bus at fault 


I didn't make any assumptions. I know there are a lot of bad seeds in that business, but the errors of other drivers in the past doesn't necessarily mean that this particular driver was at fault.

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I am a big bike rider ... had accident 36 years ago in Australia that stuff my body for the rest of my life ,Thai's don't look ...but we hop on the bikes knowing that .... best thing is not ride and then you do not get hurt ... I always tell young and older people ... don't ride bikes if you think everybody is going to see you...they don't ... more here then Australia but don't complain about an accident ...or crash ... accident are very few..... crashes happen because one or both vehicles are doing something wrong ... could be 20-80 ... or 40-60 or 10-90 % ... just happened to me 2 weeks ago ..A Thai changed lanes quickly ...when I was looking in my mirror.... 30% me wrong ...just that moment and bang... couldn't stop in time and hit him.... he just keep going in a later model car ... nice slide down the road ... thank the stars for safety gear and engine bars....just a bruised hip ....

You know I understand the attraction of a "big bike", but I just think it's not worth the risk.
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40 minutes ago, Artisi said:

And while everyone is arguing back and forth over nothing really other than a bike ploughed into a mini - van resilting in a death, which in nothing unusual, probably another 100 or so people are dead on the roads - not counting the ones who died on the way or in hospital - so why not get it all into perspective and just accept it as another unnecessary road death.


Right there is the problem.... "just accept it..."


if thailand would just STOP accepting it, then things may change.... this is probably the first and most important step that is required to stop the carnage

Edited by farcanell
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No one says the obvious.... These U turns are a stupid road designed for  death.  I mean turning from a fast lane to a fast lane is asinine. 

With no space between opposing traffic for even one car to wait in much less a truck or van sized car.. So the guy doing the u turn is worried about being rear ended so he sticks his nose out more on the other side.  I say they need to start building 200 elevated vehicle u turn  and pedestrian cross over bridge systems per year for the next 5o years.

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And as for bike riders wishing other road users to use their indicators/blinkers and mirrors.....come come now.


We all know most Thais have mirrors to help them pop zits into or for extracting some gunge stuck between their teeth.


And for heavens sake they don't use the indicators cause they use up too much power. Maybe their vehicle might stall.


It takes all types and I'm a bike rider too... lack of indication and failing to stay within ones lane really gets my goat (Blood boiling).  And at this time of the year in the Chang Mai region I see more of the VIP vans than normal.


Certain roads are treated like a race track by these morons. The overtake one another without a care of who may be approaching around the next corner.  Just 2 days ago I very nearly had to go off road due to one of these arsewipes.  Yes the adrenaline was pumping and boy to I miss the air horns off my old bike.


If you ride a bike you have to keep your wits about you 100 percent of the time.  Always think about escape routes should things turn to custard.  Unfortunately this riders clock said times up.  

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I don't understand why cars and motorbikes can be allowed to run about without plates here. In Western countries, dealers are issued with blocks of registrations for new vehicles which they notify to the authorities the same day they are issued. Here they could also be issued with the corresponding plates in advance, and just fit them when the vehicles are sold. 


No point in having CCTV or ANPR cameras here for speeding, running red lights or terrorism intelligence tracking if the vehicles have no plates. Can also be linked to insurance and road tax databases to catch evaders and false plates, I know, I helped with it in the 1980s. One day they will catch up here.

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In Thailand might is right, of course. I've been run off the road several times on my scooter whilst buses, trucks, and other vehicles are passing  - in my lane - on a curve in the mountains even. If you're a biker, best give these F*ckers the right of way so you can live to tell the tale and bitch about it at Thaivisa.com.

Edited by TerrylSky
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9 hours ago, coxo said:

Being a big bike rider here Thai fck tards never bother looking at U turns and if its a bike coming they just go as they could not care less, my bet that is again exactly what happened here, RIP big bike rider, hope the driver gets a manslaughter charge!!! Fat chance of that!!!

a bike on the fast lane, driving at speed at a u-turn, is simply suicide, the police will see it the same way.

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9 hours ago, bheard said:


I've unfortunately been in a few too many of these tin cans. And I'm in full agreement - they always are! - the drivers take little heed of road conditions and take no responsibility for the lives of their passengers!

Is sleep driving more dangerous than sleep walking?? Just asking. 

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55 minutes ago, TerrylSky said:

In Thailand might is right, of course. I've been run off the road several times on my scooter whilst buses, trucks, and other vehicles are passing  - in my lane - on a curve in the mountains even. If you're a biker, best give these F*ckers the right of way so you can live to tell the tale and bitch about it at Thaivisa.com.

Being a small guy that had sand kicked in his face all his life at the beach while with a beautiful girl I hear you.

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9 hours ago, Honthy said:

I think we do not have information enough to judge who made mistake and who not.

True minivan drivers could drive crazy sometimes and bikers do not like to run slow.

R.I.P.  not a good start ... 

It seems to me that they must rub some liquid testosterone on the bike seat before the owner takes command. Whatever happened to the days of "Hi Oh Silver Away"

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10 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Being a small guy that had sand kicked in his face all his life at the beach while with a beautiful girl I hear you.


It's a rough ride being small but can't you buy high heeled shoes to boost your stature?  You should try something.

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15 hours ago, impulse said:

One more data point:  4 wheel driver and passengers- mostly okay.  2 wheel driver- not okay.


Be careful out there.  No matter how good you are, there's always someone making a U-turn.  Helmets are great, but they wouldn't have (didn't?) save this guy.

I want to add watch out  for water buffolos....20 y . ago i had this wonderful bike ,on a quiet  stretch of the road i wanted to check max speed suddenly a water buffolo appeared out of nowhere almost hit him..what a <deleted>....

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10 hours ago, JAG said:

None of us I suggest know who was at fault. It is very sad.


I really don't understand why some of these bikes have no number plates. The 20 year old Honda pottering about the villages with a sack of dung wedged between the drivers legs maybe, but a bike like this?


Mind you I also don't understand why the police don't bother stopping them and asking.....

would not make much of a difference who fault it was....same result one dead one injured..blaming one or another does not bring  back the dead to life RIP

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1 minute ago, free123 said:

would not make much of a difference who fault it was....same result one dead one injured..blaming one or another does not bring  back the dead to life RIP


Blaming someone may not bring back the dead.... but....  if this was the van drivers fault, then blaming him may prevent further deaths.... that would be good, wouldn't it?

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Even if the Van was making an illegal U turn, the turn is not instantaneous.  If the biker had left enough space between him and the Van and was alert and paying attention he could have braked or slowed a lot, certainly enough to not impale the bike into the van

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30 minutes ago, GuiseppeD said:


It's a rough ride being small but can't you buy high heeled shoes to boost your stature?  You should try something.

I know I have even inflated my ego and that does not help either. O woes is me I am  some where between Peter Dinglage and Arnie S. Its either the Game of Thrones or Terminator or somewhere in between for me. As a wanna be actor I want to ham it up somewhere. 

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15 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

I know I have even inflated my ego and that does not help either. O woes is me I am  some where between Peter Dinglage and Arnie S. Its either the Game of Thrones or Terminator or somewhere in between for me. As a wanna be actor I want to ham it up somewhere. 


Yes, it's a shame but if you had my Italian looks and charm you wouldn't have a problem.  I hope 2017 is more successful for you.

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Thailand leads the world in traffic  deaths so one must be aware of this when driving and be extra careful. Sometimes its nice to be able to drive how you want but the cost of that freedom can easily be death. Defensive sane  driving is what everyone needs to know. There is no highway patrol in Thailand  so  you are on your own. Happy motoring.

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13 hours ago, sanemax said:

How would the van driver know that the biker was speeding ?

For him to state that suggests that he must have seen the biker .

That begs the question, why did the driver attempt a U-turn if there was a speeding bike coming ?


because  they  are C^^^^s

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