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Video: Puddle Rage as motorcyclist smashes car window after dousing


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The matter was reported to Bang Plee police who were quickly on the scene and the motorcyclist agreed to pay compensation for the window.


Under the law even if it were proven the car was driven recklessly, that man still committed criminal damage and common assault and should have been charged as such. An easy conclusion for the police, just pay for the damage and goodby. No justice at all for those in the car who could have sustained serious injury from the flying pieces of glass and have no doubts will have to chase up that man for the money, that`s if they ever get paid at all.

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4 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

I'm not surprised this doesn't happen more often. People driving cars don't seem to give a crap when driving through puddles.

Where I live it floods terribly. Whether people are ploughing through the streets on bicycles or walking, SUV's, vans and trucks look

 go fast because they can and it's up to you to get out of the way. Same on the major roads, they don't care if someone gets splashed.

It's part of driving right?

It's just the way it is. This woman's excuse she couldn't slow down because of traffic "behind" her is ludicrous.

How do you deal with it? The cop says you can't smash people's car windows. How do we deal with it?

Yes I agree her road manners left something to be desired, but as he managed to stop her car then an enormous bollocking would have been more appropriate than this thuggish road rage 

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I hope they bitch slap the moron motorcycle driver up the side of the head good and hard for his aggressive stupidity besides making him pay 3 to 5 times the amount for the cost of replacing the window because of the waste of time he has caused everyone for his child like behaviour.....


The car drivers are not obligated  by any means to suddenly slow down on a busy highway or suddenly veer around mud puddles because a motorcycle is beside their car at the time or a motorcycle is passing by their car or they are passing by a stopped or parked motorcycle beside a mud puddle and one of the vehicle wheels or both of the vehicle wheels drives through a mud puddle and splashes the motorcycle driver....UNINTENTIONALLY......obviously...

I am almost certain the motorcycle driver was passing in-between the woman's car and the curb where excess rain water would commonly accumulate creating a water puddle condition close to the curb and if so, the motorcycle driver was in effect making an illegal maneuver anyhow while risking his own safety and his children's safety every time he does drive in-between a vehicle and the curb.  

If your standing beside a mud puddle on a busy highway or road you would logically understand or realise or recognise you are going to get splashed by any number of motor vehicles passing by at speed and having to pass through the mud puddle.... ..like.... Duh

Geez...what does the moron do when it starts to rain and there is loads of water being splashed up all over the place and upon him continuously while he is driving his motorcycle????.....

Does he go on a rampage and start to go around smashing vehicles and swearing at the gods.


I hope they make an example out of that "dildo"





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7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

No, he and his children were exposed to an unexpected spray of water that could have caused him to lose control of the bike leading to, at best, injury and possibly death. 


I know I'd be annoyed. 


He didnt seem to mind spraying the driver and passenger with glass. I know which i would prefer.

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7 hours ago, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

Drivers could give a hoot, when there's water on the road.  They splash walkers and bikers with no regard.  When I rode a bicycle to work, it was so bad, I got to a point of catching up to cars and taking off their mirrors. Of course making certain the traffic was so bad they couldn't catch me.  Only did this a couple times...but damn it felt good.  Sorry, it's rude to drive like an ass when there's heavy rain pools.  Arrogance is rampant. 


And your attitude isn't arrogance based on a feeling of self importance?????

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I think it should be clarified, did she purposely  splash the rider or did she splash him because the puddle was unavoidable. 

If it was unavoidable then it's not her fault, but the riders fault for not  avoiding the possibility of being splashed. 


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Just another example of a Thai man, who looks like a man, dresses like a man, and appears to be a man, being exposed as a child, after behaving in such an immature, and foolish manner.


The parents here have a responsibility to start telling their young boys, you are not much. You are not important. Your sister is far, far better than you. She is smarter, she works harder, and the women really are the ones who run this country, and keep things together. You amount to very, very little until you prove yourself, on a daily basis. Only then, will you be taken seriously, and considered a man. Until then, you are just a little boy, of little consequence to society. 


These boys are made to feel special, just due to their gender. It is so false. This country would grind to a halt tomorrow without it's industrious and clever women. 

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21 hours ago, Squeegee said:


Nevermind not wearing helmets, a bit of water is the father's priority. The guy is a dick.


So your saying because he wasn't wearing a helmet the car driver is entitled to cancel any responsibility on her part.


But he and his kids should have been wearing helmets. 

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1 minute ago, scorecard said:


So your saying because he wasn't wearing a helmet the car driver is entitled to cancel any responsibility on her part.


But he and his kids should have been wearing helmets. 


Perhaps more along the lines that the father was already showing a callouse disregard for his own safety, and that of his kids, by not wearing helmets.... which should have been a higher priority to the "parent", especially when taking the kids out on his scooter during inclement weather, on dangerous roads.


ive been rained on, splashed, had buckets of water hurled at me (some even containing ice cubes!!!) while riding in Thailand.... it happens.... avoidance is easy... don't put yourself out there in the first place. If you do, suck it up, and get on with life.


squeegee is right... the guy's a dick.... a dangerous one at that, who has been excused of his crimes, by the RTP... which equals condoning road rage

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2 hours ago, scorecard said:


So your saying because he wasn't wearing a helmet the car driver is entitled to cancel any responsibility on her part.


But he and his kids should have been wearing helmets. 


Of course, you needing to add your little "But..." would be necessary if you were just putting words into my mouth and I clearly didn't say anything like that at all. At least now you don't look so silly and only look silly.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, but driving without due consideration for other road users or road conditions is one of the 1st rules of the road...

The m/c rider went over the top in his response, but I can understand why he was angry with this inconsiderate woman.

I'd bet she was on the phone or not taking due care and attention and didn't see him.

Bring on the Trolls.......

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25 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but driving without due consideration for other road users or road conditions is one of the 1st rules of the road...

The m/c rider went over the top in his response, but I can understand why he was angry with this inconsiderate woman.

I'd bet she was on the phone or not taking due care and attention and didn't see him.

Bring on the Trolls.......


Lol... would it be impolite to suggest that perhaps your the troll today?

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