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Testos testosterone supplement


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Anyone have experience with this?  I am 40 and survived testicle cancer about 15 years ago.  Feel a bit low on energy and have been forcing myself to exercise at a gym but I don't feel the endorphins as much as I used to.


A 50+friend told me about Testos and swears by it.  He says he has more energy and feels more focused.


I don't know if tinkering with my hormone system is such a good idea.  I will ask a doctor about it next week but wondering if anyone has tried this......

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Googling "Testos" doesn't give testosterone-related results, just lots of Italian restaurants.  :smile:


Is Testos a marketing brand for some type of testosterone supplement?  If so, what country?

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I don't get it, you asked if people have done it and i told you many have. I know people who are doing it and I myself am on a low dose of test too. I like the effects on my mood and energy. It also helps a bit with recovery from hard workouts.


If you want to do it you need to do blood tests (before and after) to set your levels correctly and do estrogen tests to make sure that is also in the right range. Because once you ad testosterone estrogen goes up too. I take something to counter that. I am on a real low level of test so I don't need much. I take regular blood tests to see if the levels are in range.  

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thank you robblock!  I asked if anyone had experience with this.  This referring to Testos specifically as it is otc where I am at in the islands and figured some older retirees may have tried it.  


Its kind of inferred that that it is hrm therapy.  I guess it's nice and thoughtful of people to google for me but idk if they think I would just come on here without googling first myself and telling me to check my diet (also something I am perfectly aware of) has nothing to do with a testos experience nor does asking me a question about it.....why do you think I am asking?


Thanks for sharing your experience. Guess the lack of testosterone made me a snappy beach!

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2 hours ago, mangyH2obuffalo said:

thank you robblock!  I asked if anyone had experience with this.  This referring to Testos specifically as it is otc where I am at in the islands and figured some older retirees may have tried it.  


Its kind of inferred that that it is hrm therapy.  I guess it's nice and thoughtful of people to google for me but idk if they think I would just come on here without googling first myself and telling me to check my diet (also something I am perfectly aware of) has nothing to do with a testos experience nor does asking me a question about it.....why do you think I am asking?


Thanks for sharing your experience. Guess the lack of testosterone made me a snappy beach!

My point is more that there are far more detailed reports out there and information far better written as what i just put down. This is not really the site for it. 


I could for instance tell you about how to inject yourself, but there are far better tutorials about that found online. There are details about what people take to counter the estrogen and how it works. 


I am not that old 42 but my test was not that high and I workout hard so i decided to supplement to normal levels (for an 18yo). It gives me energy and combined with a good diet and workouts keeps fat off. Its no magic pill (its an inject but i mean to talk about the saying) but you will be sure to notice differences. 

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As you have had testicular cancer you should under NO circumstance take testosterone without first consulting a urologist specializing in it (cancer of the testes, not HRT).


The experiences of healthy men who have not had cancer of the testes is not relevant to your situation.

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8 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

As you have had testicular cancer you should under NO circumstance take testosterone without first consulting a urologist specializing in it (cancer of the testes, not HRT).


The experiences of healthy men who have not had cancer of the testes is not relevant to your situation.

Good point I did not even catch that one.. all the people i know who did HRT did a test for prostate cancer before starting. 

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I survived testicular cancer as well and am on testosterone replacement therapy since I was 18. I'm now in my mid 20s. It is suprising that you have not required TRT before, assuming that a cancerous testicle was removed? There seem to be many doctors who believe that you can survive with one testicle, but experiences many other survivors indicate this is rarely the case.. For me, I noticed the effects of low testosterone immediately after the surgery. After measuring my levels, they were similar to those of a 70 year old man. 


Firstly, I have never heard of a brand called "Testos". There are many brands available, but I would recommend going with reputable international ones such as Pfizer or Bayer. Try ton avoid counterfeit drugs in Thailand. There are different esters of testosterone available, that define their half life (so how often they need to be injected). For example, Testosterone Enanthate would be typically injected every 14 days, while Testosterone Undecanoate would be injected every 2-3 months with similar effects. I would particularly recommend a brand called Nebido, which contains a 4ml injection, 1000mg Testosterone Undecanoate, a slowly working testosterone that guarantees stable levels. I personally take one injection every 8 weeks, as prescribed by my doctor. 


I would also recommend for you to see an endocrinologist first, or at least get your testosterone levels measured. Your doctor should prescribe the drugs for you, so you can get your insurance to pay for them (if you have one). It is highly likely that insurance will cover it in your case, as you have had cancer. 

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