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Had it before about a year ago. Feels like the onset of a cold but settles down as an intermittent cough and the feeling of phlegm at the back of the throat. Last time was settled by the pharmacy with the prescription of a course of anti-biotics which cleared the problem. I am asking whether any observations and alternative solution before doing the same routine.


The modern take on throat infections in the developed world is that 90% of them are caused by virus's, against which antibiotics are useless.

In the UK, many pharmacies have installed a simple over-the-counter swab test in an effort to reduce the amount of antibiotics being prescribed unnecessarily.

My defence and fix for a sore throat is simple and very ancient. A diet rich in garlic, onions and ginger.

I find garlic very effective if you are able to chew it raw. The clove should be cut in half and left for ten minutes to allow the active ingredients to mix, then chewed and allowed to run down the throat.

Yes, I know, to many, it sounds revolting, but it works.


Have you tried Manuka honey from New Zealand?  It can be very effective for coughs, colds and general throat problems / symptoms.  I have found that a tablespoon every few hours from the moment I feel something coming on can prevent it from developing in to anything more than a tickle.  And if I am out of Manuka honey and I do catch something, picking up a tub and taking it can help alleviate the symptoms quickly.


If you decide to give it a try, please note that you must go for the Manuka Honey with a UMF rating - that is, in layman's talk, the medical grade.  UMF 5 is ok, UMF 10 is much better.  A higher UMF rating than 10 is better still but the price really starts to go up....and it's not cheap in Bangkok at around 2,000 baht for 500 grams of Manuka Honey UMF 10 rating.


Manuka honey works well for me and I along with a couple of friends swear by it for coughs / cold / flu-like symptoms.  If nothing else works, give it a go!


Just as rule out possibility. Go and get your 'Helicobacter Pylori' level checked. I had an unexplained cough for over a year and after a course of H Pylori antibiotics  the cough went. Normal antibiotics do not work.



Chronic, persistent cough is a common clinical problem, the cause of which sometimes remains unidentifiable. To study a potential association between Helicobacter pylori infection and chronic, persistent cough. A clinical observational study with symptom analysis, including 162 patients whose main presenting complaint was chronic, persistent cough of unidentifiable cause (study group) and 42 patients with chronic, non-specific laryngopharyngeal manifestations not including chronic cough (control group). Active H pylori infection was present in 86.4 per cent (140/162) of patients in the chronic cough group, as opposed to 45.2 per cent (19/42) of the control group, as confirmed by detection of H pylori antigen in stool specimens. This difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). There was a significant improvement of the chronic cough of 75.4 per cent (98/130) of patients after successful H pylori eradication using appropriate medical therapy (p<0.001). Helicobacter pylori infection may lead to laryngopharyngeal irritation, with several clinical manifestations including chronic, persistent cough. However, the exact mechanism of this requires further research.



I don't see any reason to investigate for heliobacter for an acute cough. If this was an issue the cough would be chronic/persistant. Likely just a repsiratory infection and likely viral. unless there is fever or enlarged lymph nodes no reason to take antibiotics.


Zinc supplementation can shorten the duration of respiratory infections but need to start quickly. I like Redoxan (Vit C _+ zinc), any Boots or Watsons has it. Effervescent tabs, 1 a day.


This can also sometimes be allergic in origin, due to post-nasal drip. If ti persists that may be worth exploring (and might respond to antihistamines) but for now I'd stick with the zinc.


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