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PM vows to get tough especially with passenger vans within 3 months from now


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1 hour ago, SunsetT said:

What gets me is that the Thai passengers dont care either. Over 10 years  Ive been on many minibus trips between BKK and Bam Phe or Hua Hin with maniac drivers and observed the passengers. (Now I use taxis). Quite a few carry briefcases indicating they are on business so have at least half a brain. But  Ive never seen anyone appearing to care or show  any stress. Most doze or fall asleep during the journey. They dont seem to even think about the real and possible consequences  of death or serious injury. Do they simply resign themselves to their good or bad karma; their good luck or bad luck and so  think and feel no further? It baffles me!




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4 hours ago, Phuketboy said:

"Exhausted all means to reduce accidents" - no you haven't.  Maybe have the police force actually enforce the road rules instead of just standing on the side of the road watching them happen. A couple examples:  there were 4 police officers directing traffic through a round-a-bout yesterday because nobody knows how to use them.  Right in front of the police as traffic was proceeding round a pickup pulls out (without giving way to the cars on the right and already on the round-a-bout) which blocked the traffic.  The police did nothing.  Many times you see people driving on the wrong side of the road (including the police).  Another incident was 2 police standing next to a pedestrian crossing near traffic lights fining people for not having helmets..... cars and bikes did not stop for pedestrians (yes it is law in Thailand) and were driving through the red lights.  Again the police did nothing even though it was happening right in front of where they were standing. 


“Simple fact. If there are activities, there are consequences as occurred. Many people using cars, cheap oil, good roads and cars run faster while drunk driving remains. So what laws can solve these problems besides the spirit of joint participation of every one of us. You asked how they can be solved? We in the cabinet have discussed the issue long enough,” said the prime minister, adding that he preferred the next government to tackle the problems. - no issued need to be discussed except having the authorities do their jobs properly or sack them.  Don't need anymore laws to solve the issues, just need the police to enforce the road rules/law that is already in place.  


Its actually unbelievable that he said that they had exhausted all means...it has to be a translation error or this guy and his staff all mist have combined iq of a half dead chimp

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1.   compulsorary drug and alcohol testing 

2.   2 drivers on a trip more than 8 hours

3.   techographs installed on all coaches

4.   more intensive driving tests for drivers

5.   more thorough vehicle roadworthy tests carried out every 6 months.

6.   all minivans and public hire must have 1st class public  liability  insurance 


i mean look at the deaths in the past year only !!

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I find that hard to believe.  Prime Minister.  Your police let a van with completely bald tires with holes in the tread continue on it's way.  You can't really be serious?  :dry:  TIT.  Another joke perhaps?

Talking the talk without walking the walk. 

Edited by connda
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Does that include the minivans that pick up the school kids, because I see it every single day, overloaded and mostly speeding to get the kids home at all different locations, now wait for it, and the minivans, or most of them are driven by school teachers as their extra income, at 700 baht per head per month.

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The police and army set up two huge tents near me on a busy road. Was up for days and full of guys. They didn't stop a single car. I went by there several times a day and late in the night. I regret not setting up my gopro with a time lapse video.

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I used to see how long the journey took and work out how many trips the driver would make in a day and guessed that the working day was something like 14-15 hours with the odd 30 minute break if traffic allowed. The drivers are tired, the vans dont get much maintenance as they need to be on the road to get the costs back, whichever way you look at it its not a good situation and nobody seems to checking anything.

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11 hours ago, Credo said:

I firmly believe that the Thai police and gov't don't really mind the carnage on the roads.   I have never seen anything that even remotely resembles an attempt to reduce it, other than rhetoric, and a few new laws, regulations and crackdowns.



Helps  flatten the population curve.

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10 hours ago, 01322521959 said:

Pathetic. Why not do something before now? What are laws for? It seems everyone wipes their a$#es on them.
No awareness. No public information. No enforcement.
People need to know that they'll be in shit street if the don't follow the law.
Archaic society. Never change.
Colonisation would have sorted everything out.

Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

But they are so proud, they were not colonised?

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12 hours ago, 01322521959 said:

Pathetic. Why not do something before now? What are laws for? It seems everyone wipes their a$#es on them.
No awareness. No public information. No enforcement.
People need to know that they'll be in shit street if the don't follow the law.
Archaic society. Never change.
Colonisation would have sorted everything out.

Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


Of the top 20 worst countries for road deaths:


1 Libya - Colonised

2 Thailand - Not Colonised

3 Malawi - Colonised


The other 17, except for Liberia and Iran,  Colonised.


List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia



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9 hours ago, Phuketboy said:

"Exhausted all means to reduce accidents" - no you haven't.  Maybe have the police force actually enforce the road rules instead of just standing on the side of the road watching them happen. A couple examples:  there were 4 police officers directing traffic through a round-a-bout yesterday because nobody knows how to use them.  Right in front of the police as traffic was proceeding round a pickup pulls out (without giving way to the cars on the right and already on the round-a-bout) which blocked the traffic.  The police did nothing.  Many times you see people driving on the wrong side of the road (including the police).  Another incident was 2 police standing next to a pedestrian crossing near traffic lights fining people for not having helmets..... cars and bikes did not stop for pedestrians (yes it is law in Thailand) and were driving through the red lights.  Again the police did nothing even though it was happening right in front of where they were standing. 


“Simple fact. If there are activities, there are consequences as occurred. Many people using cars, cheap oil, good roads and cars run faster while drunk driving remains. So what laws can solve these problems besides the spirit of joint participation of every one of us. You asked how they can be solved? We in the cabinet have discussed the issue long enough,” said the prime minister, adding that he preferred the next government to tackle the problems. - no issued need to be discussed except having the authorities do their jobs properly or sack them.  Don't need anymore laws to solve the issues, just need the police to enforce the road rules/law that is already in place.  


In the PMs defense, he probably tried to tell police to do their jobs. He needs some way to make the police do their jobs.

It all comes down to economic incentives.

Give police good salary etc. And if the <deleted> up, take it all away.


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11 hours ago, Farang99 said:


What is this extraordinary Thai attitude of "We will do something about this urgent problem - but not just yet" Why do they have to wait 3 months before starting whatever they plan?


Because the policemen got hemorrhoids from sitting 24 hrs in those tents. Also they have rsi from working those notebooks nonstop.


I almost got killed 3 times on the roads today, selfish minivan/taxidrivers at the malls make a big mess of the traffic. Other drivers are too lazy to use their indicators and many motocy's drove against traffic. Oh who cares, farang no understand...This is Thailand.

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Thailand practice passive policing in terms of enforcing traffic laws. The use of traffic CAMS and Speed limit enforcement is passive policing.

Most tires on minivans and buses don't have sufficient or proper tire tread. All vehicles needs to be inspected for safety and environmental emissions.

I agree with some comments, it's seems like nobody cares about road safety. It's all just government propaganda.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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On 05/01/2017 at 8:01 AM, al007 said:

I hope he reads Thai Visa and some of our comments


We could then all PM to the PM

Yeah, from the monkey house judging by some of the posts. Sadly correct but not in line with "approved thinking"

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22 hours ago, crickets said:

speed cameras

red light cameras

ban tinted front windows

shock road safety advertisments

demerit point system

big fines

too many cowboys on the road who get away with anything.

Agree with all except the tinted front windows.  Having a tinted front windscreen is fine within reason and if its not too dark.  It's no different to wearing sunglasses.  I have been saying for the past 20 years that they should allow this in other countries.  Having the sun beaming directly in your eyes is also dangerous.    

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Does anyone know the link, website or have the contact information to whoever we need to contact in order to TRY and help them out.  I personally would be one to contact them and offer some of these solutions mentioned.  Somebody needs to offer their services because it seems like they are in desperate need of some help.  I remember they did have a site a while ago for the public to send in ideas, but I can't seem to find anything.  If anyone knows the contact info or link, please send it through.  

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On 05/01/2017 at 9:02 AM, webfact said:

If a driver is found to have driven beyond the time limit, the vehicle must be impounded and all passengers told to get off to board a new van or bus and a new driver must be found,”


An over tired bus driver tried this himself recently and was fined 5,000 baht for being a responsible driver.

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Accept that humans are law breakers and respond by stiff penalties and pay the police or a special group of employers a decent wage to patrol the roads , apprehend these law breakers , impound the vehicles and put the culprits in jail - no warnings, no 2nd chances - make them pay through their wallets

In my hometown as many as 80% of motor cyclists don't wear helmets - police do nothing I guess the same with seat belts - police do nothing

People will continue to break the law if they think no consequences

Mandatory driving tests for everyone with no under the table bribes

Prayut saying the government have exhausted all ways yo deal with problem is laughable

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20 hours ago, Enoon said:


Of the top 20 worst countries for road deaths:


1 Libya - Colonised

2 Thailand - Not Colonised

3 Malawi - Colonised


The other 17, except for Liberia and Iran,  Colonised.


List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia




Thailand must be proud to have a carnage rate the same as war torn nations.

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On January 5, 2017 at 8:45 AM, arrowsdawdle said:

Three months....that ought to be enough time for everybody to forget what the little general said. More talk and less action. Nothing new here, move along.

Too true. I read an article about Thailand recently. It is believed by many that Thailand is starting its "lost decade" for economic growth, similar to Japan in the recent past. 


What is interesting is a point made that Thailand has a reputation of not getting things done. In the 70's and 80's Thailand was investing heavily in Oil, infrastructure, transport, tourism and manufacturing growth. The work done then drove the economy for 20 years. However, Thailand has done very little since then. No serious investment and constant broken promises on work such as flood prevention (after 2011), infrastructure improvements, attracting foreign investment etc, etc,


It is getting a reputation for a country that just can't execute plans, lots of words but nothing ever happening. 


The article suggested that foreign investment will continue to fall as other neighbouring countries improve and specifically create policy to "attract" investment.


After living here for some years now i do subscribe to this, Thailand just can't seem to get anything done, the roads are no exception. Thailand has the second if not the worst road death statistics in the world. And it is so easy to see why when you look at how the system works here. Until there is a complete overhaul of the driving tests, driving licence, insurance and policing it will never improve and since I have lived here i have seen zero changes being made anywhere so I won't hold my breath.


Thailand is heading for an even tougher time I think as I cannot see what will drag it out of the current horrible position it is in.





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  • 2 weeks later...
Too true. I read an article about Thailand recently. It is believed by many that Thailand is starting its "lost decade" for economic growth, similar to Japan in the recent past. 
What is interesting is a point made that Thailand has a reputation of not getting things done. In the 70's and 80's Thailand was investing heavily in Oil, infrastructure, transport, tourism and manufacturing growth. The work done then drove the economy for 20 years. However, Thailand has done very little since then. No serious investment and constant broken promises on work such as flood prevention (after 2011), infrastructure improvements, attracting foreign investment etc, etc,
It is getting a reputation for a country that just can't execute plans, lots of words but nothing ever happening. 
The article suggested that foreign investment will continue to fall as other neighbouring countries improve and specifically create policy to "attract" investment.
After living here for some years now i do subscribe to this, Thailand just can't seem to get anything done, the roads are no exception. Thailand has the second if not the worst road death statistics in the world. And it is so easy to see why when you look at how the system works here. Until there is a complete overhaul of the driving tests, driving licence, insurance and policing it will never improve and since I have lived here i have seen zero changes being made anywhere so I won't hold my breath.
Thailand is heading for an even tougher time I think as I cannot see what will drag it out of the current horrible position it is in.

Well said that man! Totally agree with all you've said. We can't all be wrong, can we?

Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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