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Heiress was not raped - but police still go after man and now the short time hotel too


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Just now, Sup Slick said:


So..... Do human beings stop having consensual sex when intoxicated now? Should we get liability waivers or something? 


I mean really. 



I refuse all sexual advances  after 1 beer.

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31 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

It's not me who has problems. 


Ive read read a number of threads where your views on Thai woman have come across as being extreme in their vilification and anger. 

Not just thai woman, but lots are out to get the free money but this is not about me is it , it is about some poor bloke who is going to get thai bs because this thai woman dose not want to lose face I think .

keep me out of it keep to the story.

you have lots of problems in the land of smiles.

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2 minutes ago, Sup Slick said:


So..... Do human beings stop having consensual sex when intoxicated now? Should we get liability waivers or something? 


I mean really. 

When someone takes a drunk stranger they have just met to a short time hotel for sex there is no consent. 

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1 minute ago, georgemandm said:

Not just thai woman, but lots are out to get the free money but this is not about me is it , it is about some poor bloke who is going to get thai bs because this thai woman dose not want to lose face I think .

keep me out of it keep to the story.

you have lots of problems in the land of smiles.

As I say, you have issues. 

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Just now, Bluespunk said:

When someone takes a drunk stranger they have just met to a short time hotel for sex there is no consent. 


When 2 intoxicated people decide to go to a room to bang, consensually, then one party decides it was rape, then its rape? Why is the female the victim in your scenario? Are you saying that women are lesser and more easily manipulated? Weaker of mind or something? 

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4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

As I say, you have issues. 

Why would you say that,  I am very happy have a great thai woman now who knows the rules told from day one no free money like lots do in thailand and she is very happy you seem to be unhappy not me I have a life out side of thailand and Tv not like you .

at 7 post a day for the last 5 years and you say I have issues look in the

 Mira .

Edited by georgemandm
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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


Anyone else would be charged with wasting police time.

I fully support any legislation on rape or any sexual assault, even between married couples. No person should be forced to have sexual intercourse, or any sexual activity against her (mostly the case) or his will. However, this should apply to ALL!! The other aspect of such laws, which I fully support anywhere, can be the misuse. How can one prevent in our "modern" permissive society complaining of rape , when the short relationship was willingly mutual, but for one reason or another, unsatisfactory or the person raped getting annoyed with the partner complaining of being raped? I must admit, I am disturbed by such possibility, but I don't know the answer.


Many well intended laws and situations can lead to a disaster. I remember reading a story in my own country of a man being falsely convicted and spending 7 years in prison, as a result of the 17 year old daughter of his wife charging him of protracted sexual assault. Seven years after his conviction, she regretted this (probably in connection with her falling ill with a serious disease which threatened her life) and told her husband and her mother (who was Thai married to a European) , who in the meantime and as a result of the conviction and her daughter's story divorced the man. Her husband reported this to the police and the trial of the convicted man was immediately reopened and he was declared innocent and not only released from jail but was financially compensated (of course by the state). The culprit, the young woman, got out of this with a small fine and a 2 years suspended sentence. I must admit, I really don't know and can't even think of a way of avoiding such situations.

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1 minute ago, Sup Slick said:


When 2 intoxicated people decide to go to a room to bang, consensually, then one party decides it was rape, then its rape? Why is the female the victim in your scenario? Are you saying that women are lesser and more easily manipulated? Weaker of mind or something? 



cause if the guy passed out with an erection the stiffy is considered as consent !!

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25 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Already covered why consent is not valid if person is very drunk. 

Yes, that's what "they" say, but the logic behind it is a little bit flawed, isn't it?


I mean, if you're old enough to drink, you're allowed to drink as much as you possibly can, but you will still be held responsible for your actions, e.g. if you get into a bar fight and injure somebody else, or if you drive your car and have an accident, you will be held responsible, no matter how drunk you were.


The one exception seems to be, if you're a woman and you're having drunken sex, you can regret it the next day and it will be someone else's responsibility, e.g. rape. But, unless the guy made her drink against her will, it was her choice to drink to begin with, so she can give consent to get dead-drunk, but not to have sex. Also, if two people hook up in these clubs, most of the time they both had a few drinks, so why should he be responsible for her actions as well? In this case, from what I understand, the CCTV recording shows that she was walking to the room herself, so it's not like she was unconscious and didn't know what she was doing - she went there to get laid, but throwing up cancelled the plan, and that's what happened, as simple as that. Was she mad that she left her alone in this shabby motel? Or is the family pressing charges to save face because she is a "good girl", who wouldn't possible go to a hotel to have sex with a stranger? We really don't know, but it sure doesn't look like he would have had to rape her, if she hadn't thrown up at the worst possible moment.

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7 minutes ago, Sup Slick said:


When 2 intoxicated people decide to go to a room to bang, consensually, then one party decides it was rape, then its rape? Why is the female the victim in your scenario? Are you saying that women are lesser and more easily manipulated? Weaker of mind or something? 

Already answered this scenario. 

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9 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

When someone takes a drunk stranger they have just met to a short time hotel for sex there is no consent. 

Please stop repeating this inaccurate bogwash.  Until sex happens, there doesn't need to be consent.

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4 minutes ago, Sapporillo said:

Yes, that's what "they" say, but the logic behind it is a little bit flawed, isn't it?


I mean, if you're old enough to drink, you're allowed to drink as much as you possibly can, but you will still be held responsible for your actions, e.g. if you get into a bar fight and injure somebody else, or if you drive your car and have an accident, you will be held responsible, no matter how drunk you were.


The one exception seems to be, if you're a woman and you're having drunken sex, you can regret it the next day and it will be someone else's responsibility, e.g. rape. But, unless the guy made her drink against her will, it was her choice to drink to begin with, so she can give consent to get dead-drunk, but not to have sex. Also, if two people hook up in these clubs, most of the time they both had a few drinks, so why should he be responsible for her actions as well? In this case, from what I understand, the CCTV recording shows that she was walking to the room herself, so it's not like she was unconscious and didn't know what she was doing - she went there to get laid, but throwing up cancelled the plan, and that's what happened, as simple as that. Was she mad that she left her alone in this shabby motel? Or is the family pressing charges to save face because she is a "good girl", who wouldn't possible go to a hotel to have sex with a stranger? We really don't know, but it sure doesn't look like he would have had to rape her, if she hadn't thrown up at the worst possible moment.

Already covered my view on these points.


Make them if you wish but I am not going to repeat my responses. 

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5 hours ago, huanga said:

It just goes to show, if you have money and power, this is the country to be in.


Something definitely defies the usual logic when this hi-so girl (drank her ass off, got into his car, puked herself into oblivion) accused him for rape/molest/kidnap, all in the face-saving gesture. In the US, it will be a he said-she said, and the doctor's report already gave him more credibility than her.


If the family is so concerned with its name and reputation, they should have sent her behind to a "catholic" school long ago to learn how to keep both of her mouth and you-know-where shut! 

chappaquidick all over again

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Just now, Bluespunk said:

Already answered this scenario. 


No, you are vilifying the guy. Not condoning rape by any means but the female has accountability for her actions too. Its not victim blaming. 


Anyway this has devolved into 'who gets the last word in' and I just don't buy it. Nowadays its all 'equality' and equal rights, but apparently only for certain instances. I guess you believe women to be of a weaker species and need more protection as they are easily manipulated. 

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13 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Why would you say that,  I am very happy have a great thai woman now who knows the rules told from day one no free money like lots do in thailand and she is very happy you seem to be unhappy not me I have a life out side of thailand and Tv not like you .

at 7 post a day for the last 5 years and you say I have issues look in the

 Mira .

Yeah, right. 

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3 minutes ago, Sup Slick said:


No, you are vilifying the guy. Not condoning rape by any means but the female has accountability for her actions too. Its not victim blaming. 


Anyway this has devolved into 'who gets the last word in' and I just don't buy it. Nowadays its all 'equality' and equal rights, but apparently only for certain instances. I guess you believe women to be of a weaker species and need more protection as they are easily manipulated. 



I just know the difference between right and wrong. 

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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


Anyone else would be charged with wasting police time.

Absolutely!!!!  And she gets off scott free,  Got plastered, decided to have a bit of rough and then cries wolf to cover up her loss of face when it all goes wrong.   No victim,  no crime.  There but for the grace of ??? could go any of us!!!   Beware drunken Hi-So's; as if we all should have known that already.

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5 hours ago, seajae said:

so a female gets herself rotten drunk, flirts with a guy and goes to a hotel with him to have sex, throws up, passes out then wakes up in the morning and cant remember sh*t because she drank so much, so she accuse the man of drugging  her and rape rather than simply lose face because of "who" she is.  Can remember when I was 19 and picked up a well stacked really good looking woman when I was very drunk and went home with her, when I woke up in the morning I was ready to chew my arm off rather than wake her up, if it had of been here I could have charged her with drugging me and rape, go figure

No one is ugly at Two AM!!!

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4 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Damn right they should. 


What he intended to do is rape. 


You take a drunk woman you've just met in a club to a short time hotel then any sex that happens is rape. 

IF she consented it is not rape.Some women change their mind in the morning.Only 2 in the room comes down to he said,she said.

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1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:


This happened to me. I went into a bar in Thailand. Normally I don't drink. But a unattractive girl kept asking me if I wanted a drink and to have sex with her. I was in a good mood so I had one beer but I said no to having sex. The girl kept after me to drink another beer. So I did. On the third beer, she suggested we go have sex, which now seemed like a good idea. So we did.


Was I raped?


    How many guys have been taken advantage of when drunk in Thailand?

Nearly all of us 


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16 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Make them if you wish but I am not going to repeat my responses. 


Lmao but your gonna keep replying with one-liners saying 'I already answered that' & 'read the thread'?


Kinda childish don't ya think?


Anyway I'm out. 

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