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Why aren’t Thai drivers getting the message?


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3 hours ago, webfact said:



The television commercials for pick up trucks like Mazda, Toyota, Nissan etc don't help in responsible driving here as they all advertise their vehicles like racing cars, which appeals to the Thai way of road thinking/driving.

To me these ads look nothing less than a way to sell a killing machine to any inexperienced maniac.

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3 hours ago, keith101 said:

a big problem is that you cant say to someone that their driving is bad (to their face) creating loss of face and some drivers will kill anyone who complains no matter how bad they are . a lack of proper on the road driver training is also to blame so most drivers don't know nor understand what they should be doing behind the wheel of a car or on their motor bike .

In driving or motorbike riding, IMO it is about 80% common sense. No need to go any further I don't think.

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Thais are no different to  some other Asian countries where the people have chromosomes that carry  a genetic message that they always have to get to where they need to go as fast as possible and get there before anyone else and stuff the consequences. That mentality applies to driving on the roads, standing in queues, bus convoys, getting on and off planes etc.

Hitting the booze before they hit the road simply exaggerates ten fold the normal danger of reckless and impatient driving.

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I don't know but it can be one or more of the following:

If you believe you return to earth and a new life after 100 days you loose your fear of death ?

If you may not become angry, you keep anger inside which errupt's behind the steering wheel ?

Lack of enforcing the law ? Total disregard for the law ?

Lacking DL training and testing ?

Too many vehicles on the road ?

Drivers not adjusting to traffic and driving conditions ?



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In my hood is a HiSo guy with a new AMG powerd Mercedes. Even after three month he is incapable to park the car in a huge space between two others.  I watched  7 minutes long attempts before he handed the car to a perking lot attendant. Now imagine how this moron acts on a highway expecting everyone else to pay due respect to the star on the hood of his car... 

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Why do you think they have trip boos in n.a. Because drivers there did not get the message.
Raise the fines not of the drivers but the owners and things will change.
Imagine 50k for first offence double for second

Nothing only level of fines, but deterrent only with genuine risk of getting caught!
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Knocking Thai people is not the answer its the governments responsibility with their lack of education in all forms but road safety is a big We Do Not Do Here In Thailand as our drivers are very good just like our police > next comment from the Ministry of murder

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I just park my car infront of a shop parking space to buy stuff. This while i was getting onto my car, this lady came behind me and park close to my car n went into the shop.


Becos of a lamppost infront, i had to reverse a little to get out, while reversing just 2 cm.. the lady ran out screaming " Motorcy! Motorcy!"


Then why park so close behind me?

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Many of the victims were young adults with promising futures ahead of them, including a second-year medical student and a medical-science researcher at Chulalongkorn University.

Whether in the van or the pick-up, one would think they would have had the intelligence to have avoided testing fate.

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26 minutes ago, lungbing said:

They drive like that because they know one of three phrases will get them out of trouble:


1.. Do you know who I am?

2.  Do you know who my great-great-grandfather was?

3.  Is 200 baht enough?

'2.  Do you know who my great-great-grandfather was?' Obvious response: no, do you?

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Thai drivers are the worst drivers on the planet, its like taking all the bad drivers I've encountered back home in the US, and having them all here in Thailand at the same time. I can't even think of a worse driving experience than Thailand, they are oblivious to safety, and drive more aggressive than their skills or vehicles will allow. 

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This might be far fetched, but since Thai's seem to emulate most of the behaviour in the rubbish soapopera's , how's this idea...
Let all the "pretty 's" and "handsome's" that have such impact in the social media take the lead in a nationwide campaign to promote responsible traffic behaviour...heck, even pay them to bask in the spotlight, throw in a couple of popstars and make it cool to drive like a sane person.
Since they not listen to anyone else, why not give it a try...
And if just one life gets saved this way, the media darling's have for once accomplished with something useful...double whammy !

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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2 minutes ago, currynamnam said:

This might be far fetched, but since Thai's seem to emulate most of the behaviour in the rubbish soapopera's , how's this idea...
Let all the "pretty 's" and "handsome's" that have such impact in the social media take the lead in a nationwide campaign to promote responsible traffic behaviour...heck, even pay them to bask in the spotlight, throw in a couple of popstars and make it cool to drive like a sane person.
Since they not listen to anyone else, why not give it a try...
And if just one life gets saved this way, the media darling's have for once accomplished with something useful...double whammy !

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


Better yet, have a special once every month, where they kill off some Hi-SO's in the Soap Opera, make it especially bloody/gruesome. Maybe they'll get the hint...nah.

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5 hours ago, MaxLee said:


Irreparable brain damage and elimination of any human dignity and common sense via propaganda from a very young age.


+ 1 and I am sure every friend of mine adds his/her +1. No hope left......Sadly..............And getting worse in most respects....A total lack of respect for humans, animals, nature....We should not generalize, but why don't take the good ones action? Starts at home......MS>

Edited by moonseeker
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49 minutes ago, George Graham said:

Could it be that they are, mostly, just stupid. It's a viable hypothesis.


Yes but...............They are not born stupid, their children are born with all the natural curiosity and intelligence of any other human bean. Their parents, however, are products of the same brain removal process the children are about to undergo, and treat them as little gods, with no discipline and no moral values. They then go to "school" where the are bludgeoned into not thinking, not questioning, and not analysing anything. They go in with no "normal" ( by farang standard) upbringing, and come out zombies. 

The lucky??  ones who are educated in international schools or abroad, end up unable to survive here - they are shunned by the indigenous because they are too clever. So, they end up married to farang and living abroad, or leading expat lives here and supporting the brain dead family.


So sorry, actually you are correct- they are mostly just stupid...and lazy and amoral. But, they were not born that way.......that is how they have been deliberately programmed. This is not a situation that can be remedied in a week, a year, or even a century, and certainly not by any administration who regards them as human beans, not human beings!

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7 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

This is the situation I expected.

Not a big surprise.


So nothing to do with the asian thing about getting in front regardless.

Also education . When you are 14 years of age mentaly .(never met an asian that was over 14 in the head) you know everything so no education could change their thought pattern.

"Live for the moment" can only add to the problem.


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7 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Ban tinted windows on new car purchases and remove all film from cars within 30 days or face 5000 baht spot fines.


Once they are clearly visible, eyeball to eyeball and no longer a faceless part of an anonymous speeding car, they'll finally get the message.

No they won't.

Edited by Hutch68
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