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22 hours ago, EricTh said:


47 baht is quite inexpensive considering our transport cost to Promenada would be more than that.


What is a yellow book?


A yellow book is obtained from your local Amphur office.It recognises officially that you live at the address,nothing to do with ownership.It saves the need to get a residence letter each time you re new ,or get a driving licence plus handy as proof for Immigration.Do a search theres loads of information about it on this forum

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y/day picked up my  new passport from  Promenada G4T visa agency, and  all items mentioned in my O/P,  were carried out to the letter

in addition received  a  receipt  from The  Royal Thai Police of my old shelias  fine (1600 Baht) for not registering  the TM 30  address etc etc

now with my house in order, its Giddy Up  time!

took the liberty of engaging G4T to assist me, of renewing my  up and coming  retirement visa, took approx 10 minutes

now all is required, is to turn up at my appointment time and date

Fee  3000 baht..+ 1900  Baht Immgr Dept  Fee....total 4900 Baht

its a  G4T good evening to all


Congrats, having dumped your super duper agent that you mentioned in just about every immigration post you ever made you are now making more trips to Prom than most people, probably spending as much time as those that diy and paying for the privilege,and probably helping to ensure that any online services are a thing of the past.

Not exactly a score?

9 hours ago, Thailand said:

Congrats, having dumped your super duper agent


^^^^ to the contrary

just a change of direction,  .  largely  due to their office location,   which is in the heart of Nimanhedin ,with no parking facilities whats so ever

 and my decision  of  using  G4T visa  agency services at Promenada  , to this point of time, has been truly vindicated , its so mutch easier, in  all aspects

its a nice arvo to all




25 minutes ago, evenstevens said:


^^^^ to the contrary

just a change of direction,  .  largely  due to their office location,   which is in the heart of Nimanhedin ,with no parking facilities whats so ever

 and my decision  of  using  G4T visa  agency services at Promenada  , to this point of time, has been truly vindicated , its so mutch easier, in  all aspects

its a nice arvo to all




Your wait time at Imm. for your passport to be returned probably would have been less than the time it takes to drive round trip to and from beautiful Mae Rim to Prom.  Besides, you could pass the time @Prom with a nice meal and a movie and show some support of legitimate businesses.  The money you would have saved with DIY would have paid for a nice day @Prom.


Easier on the environment, too.

1 hour ago, NancyL said:

Your wait time at Imm. for your passport to be returned probably would have been less than the time it takes to drive round trip to and from beautiful Mae Rim to Prom.  Besides, you could pass the time @Prom with a nice meal and a movie and show some support of legitimate businesses.  The money you would have saved with DIY would have paid for a nice day @Prom.


Easier on the environment, too.

Can you give it a rest please.


After an eon of complaints and commentary where is the evidence that this business is not legitimate?


I can think of an Expat organisation that has a much more documented and colourful history that cost some members significantly more than any charge by G4T.  


Perhaps some demand for G4T and other "legitiimate" agents has been created through what was seen through expat complaints (however legitimate) of immigration, though I personally had none.  Perhaps there was some push back from Immi on these well publicised complaints.  Other agents are presumably able to establish in Promenada if they so desire.  Other agents take queue tickets places (even the legitimate? ones) and accelerate services away from DIY.


If you have a scrap of evidence that G4T is not "legitimate" then there is much more appropriate avenues to address any corruption.  I am sure the good General would be more than willing to follow up.  If there is fact based evidence then I would not use them.


I use G4T.  I like G4T.  I do not need hand holding.   I like the choice and service and convenience  it provides.  The same can be probably said for other agents by other TV posters. 


This post simply started off as one persons feedback and you have once again attempted to turn it into a question on the legitimacy of G4T and suggest competing agents, hopefully sponsors or affiliated with the Expat Club (no conflict of interest there).


Use G4T, or other agents, or DIY as you want.  Up to you as they say....but please whinge elsewhere or evidence to the appropriate authorities.





2 minutes ago, mamborobert said:

Can you give it a rest please.


Affter an eon of complaints and commentary where is the evidence that this business is not legitimate?


I can think of an Expat organisation that has a much more documented and colourful history that cost some members significantly more than any charge by G4T.  


Perhaps some demand for G4T and other "legitiimate" agents has been created through what was seen through expat complaints (however legitimate) of immigration, though I personally had none.  Perhaps there was some push back from Immi on these well publicised complaints.  Other agents are presumably able to establish in Promenada if they so desire.  Other agents take queue tickets places (even the legitimate? ones) and accelerate services away from DIY.


If you have a scrap of evidence that G4T is not "legitimate" then there is much more appropriate avenues to address any corruption.  I am sure the good General would be more than willing to follow up.  If there is fact based evidence then I would not use them.


I use G4T.  I like G4T.  I do not need hand holding.   I like the choice and service and convenience  it provides.  The same can be probably said for other agents by other TV posters. 


This post simply started off as one persons feedback and you have onec again attempted to turn it into a question on the legitimacy of G4T and suggest competing agents, hopefully sponsors or affiliated with the Expat Club (no conflict of interest there).


Use G4T, or other agents, or DIY as you want.  Up to you as they say....but please whinge elsewhere or evidence to the appropriate authorities.





Impossible task there mate.she is the number one whinger in chaing mai.immigration banks true visions the whinging is endless.must be a rather bitter women.to hate so many organisations as she does

2 hours ago, evenstevens said:


^^^^ to the contrary

just a change of direction,  .  largely  due to their office location,   which is in the heart of Nimanhedin ,with no parking facilities whats so ever

 and my decision  of  using  G4T visa  agency services at Promenada  , to this point of time, has been truly vindicated , its so mutch easier, in  all aspects

its a nice arvo to all





On 11 มกราคม 2560 at 6:00 PM, mamborobert said:

Can you give it a rest please.


After an eon of complaints and commentary where is the evidence that this business is not legitimate?






no luck cobber,  the G4T  creditbility issue,  based on pure    speculation , continues on TM30 Experience thread (LOL)


On 11 มกราคม 2560 at 6:06 PM, true blue said:

Impossible task there mate.she is the number one whinger in chaing mai.immigration banks true visions the whinging is endless.must be a rather bitter women.to hate so many organisations as she does


Mission Impossible is better suited cobber, will throw in C/Mai Ram Hospital services to your list,anything opposed to her agenda immediately becomes Public Enemy number one

its a Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs good evening to all

On 1/11/2017 at 6:00 PM, mamborobert said:

After an eon of complaints and commentary where is the evidence that this business is not legitimate?


There is none so blind as he who will not see. 

44 minutes ago, amexpat said:


There is none so blind as he who will not see. 


I would have though the unsolicited, unwarranted, and unevidenced digs at G4T fall more under Proverbs 26:11


"As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to their folly".

On 1/10/2017 at 6:49 PM, evenstevens said:

y/day picked up my  new passport from  Promenada G4T visa agency, and  all items mentioned in my O/P,  were carried out to the letter

in addition received  a  receipt  from The  Royal Thai Police of my old shelias  fine (1600 Baht) for not registering  the TM 30  address etc etc

now with my house in order, its Giddy Up  time!

took the liberty of engaging G4T to assist me, of renewing my  up and coming  retirement visa, took approx 10 minutes

now all is required, is to turn up at my appointment time and date

Fee  3000 baht..+ 1900  Baht Immgr Dept  Fee....total 4900 Baht

its a  G4T good evening to all

I normally use G4T for pretty much everything but last week I had a brand new passport and needed the extension and reentry stamps moved to the new book and decided to give it a run on my own. All told, it took less than 3 hours from arrival to departure. The waiting time gave me a chance to have a cup of coffee and catch up on some reading I wanted to do.


For a bit more of a description of the process (there are a few useful bits of information there), you can take a look at my prior post here.



14 hours ago, evenstevens said:


no luck cobber,  the G4T  creditbility issue,  based on pure    speculation , continues on TM30 Experience thread (LOL)



Mission Impossible is better suited cobber, will throw in C/Mai Ram Hospital services to your list,anything opposed to her agenda immediately becomes Public Enemy number one

its a Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs good evening to all


Do you have to post in riddles?  I don't know what 'Cobber', 'Billy Thorpe' or  'the Aztecs'  mean and although you might find it amusing it detracts from what you are trying to convey.

7 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


Do you have to post in riddles?  I don't know what 'Cobber', 'Billy Thorpe' or  'the Aztecs'  mean and although you might find it amusing it detracts from what you are trying to convey.

Well a few of the above posters are Australian

Ypou have to expect them to talk i Riddles

I could but i try to explain In Plain Englis

After all that is there native Tounge

Maybe have been here too long

Lost their sense of humeour

i have to laugh at most of thier posts

being a newby but been coming here for many years

I have to refrain from replying o  a lot of posts

because i would be banned

The moderators have better things to do to delete ridiculous posts

Especially when the whiners complain about others

they actually are doing the same

Talk about calling the kettle Black

Sorry i am not being racist

A top of the morning to all


On 1/11/2017 at 4:25 PM, NancyL said:

Your wait time at Imm. for your passport to be returned probably would have been less than the time it takes to drive round trip to and from beautiful Mae Rim to Prom.  Besides, you could pass the time @Prom with a nice meal and a movie and show some support of legitimate businesses.  The money you would have saved with DIY would have paid for a nice day @Prom.


Easier on the environment, too.

A nice day at Promenada? Some of us probably have better things to do than to hang around in dying shopping malls.

7 hours ago, LannaGuy said:


Do you have to post in riddles?  I don't know what 'Cobber', 'Billy Thorpe' or  'the Aztecs'  mean and although you might find it amusing it detracts from what you are trying to convey.

It's ok mate(cobber)..., it's called free speech(actually, I don't mind a bit of that myself in moments). You see the fact is we(Aussies generally) tend to allow quite a bit of free speech within Australia(and we also tend to carry it with us wherever we go)..., in some moments we can tend to not let the truth get in the way of a good yarn(story), just like old mate 'Red(not no more) Rupert' Murdoch. Anyway, so sorry mate(not really), you'll have to forgive my antipodean brothers..., they're used to having(possibly) too much free speech(it permeates our very soul don't you know)..., and silly as it may sound in this post 9/11 world, we even still allow others their full expressive free speech voice(go figure eh !).  
It's an Late arvo Ernie Dingo cooee from me !


^^ Surely the intention is to communicate, as simply, clearly and effectively as possible. 


By making it all Ozzie slang.. Comes over like a Pearlie Queen doing rhyming slang in a bank. Whats the point, whose it impressing, hows it helping ?? Not funny, not clever, just dumb as a bag of rocks. 


Is that the impression Aussies are trying to make of themselves ?



5 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

Comes over like a Pearlie Queen doing rhyming slang in a bank

I assume that you will now explain in the purest of 'Queen's English' what that 'quote' above means and what, if anything, it has added to your little rant and to the subject under discussion.


5 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

Surely the intention is to communicate, as simply, clearly and effectively as possible


I totally agree with this statement.  I do however believe that the addition of some 'local flavour' from the author does no harm.  It does not detract from the meaning of the post to those who do not understand it (or do not wish to 'do a Google' and find out what it means) but it does add flavour for those who do understand the comments.


Lets get back on subject!


Well Phar Lap died years ago

Plus the horse has bolted

What do we have left Now!!!

I heard enough Aussie slang when living in OZ

Dont need to be reminded it nearly day after day

11 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

^^ Surely the intention is to communicate, as simply, clearly and effectively as possible. 


By making it all Ozzie slang.. Comes over like a Pearlie Queen doing rhyming slang in a bank. Whats the point, whose it impressing, hows it helping ?? Not funny, not clever, just dumb as a bag of rocks. 


Is that the impression Aussies are trying to make of themselves ?



Please do not include the 99.9 % of Australians on this planet as being in the same mode as ES. Trust me the 0.1% is being generous


As I  said ages ago its a pretty pathetic attempt at humour purely to gain attention,its like the old joke you have heard a million times but is on replay.


Nothing against him personally but its deadly boring for not only Australians but the rest of the members who frequent this forum.





  • 1 month later...

my appointment time and date, was confirmed to day,   by G4T visa agency, at Promenada Mall

next Monday  27/2  at 3PM

latest betting is , Odds On,      that the old champ, Retirement visa extension  plus single re- entry  visa will be completed  by 4pm

my experiences will be posted in due course


Its  a Giddy Up  early evening to all

13 hours ago, evenstevens said:

my appointment time and date, was confirmed to day,   by G4T visa agency, at Promenada Mall

next Monday  27/2  at 3PM

latest betting is , Odds On,      that the old champ, Retirement visa extension  plus single re- entry  visa will be completed  by 4pm

my experiences will be posted in due course


Its  a Giddy Up  early evening to all

So I guess you are over 70 or infirm to get a priority appointment,must be one of the first?

11 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

So I guess you did not know visa agents can make appointments for anybody who pays their fees.

I thought they had to have staff sit  in the queue with the ordinary people, well there you go learn something new everyday.

Is the priority system for the elderly and infirm overidden by the agents then or is it simply not working?

On 1/13/2017 at 4:26 PM, Sandy Freckle said:

It's ok mate(cobber)..., it's called free speech(actually, I don't mind a bit of that myself in moments). You see the fact is we(Aussies generally) tend to allow quite a bit of free speech within Australia(and we also tend to carry it with us wherever we go)..., in some moments we can tend to not let the truth get in the way of a good yarn(story), just like old mate 'Red(not no more) Rupert' Murdoch. Anyway, so sorry mate(not really), you'll have to forgive my antipodean brothers..., they're used to having(possibly) too much free speech(it permeates our very soul don't you know)..., and silly as it may sound in this post 9/11 world, we even still allow others their full expressive free speech voice(go figure eh !).  
It's an Late arvo Ernie Dingo cooee from me !

ah you mean it's 'insider' speech for Australians?  rather than gibberish that most of us cannot understand?  bit like a 'secret society - freemason secret handshake type of thing'? just for those Aussies who are in the 'know'?  


now i get it

3 hours ago, Thailand said:

I thought they had to have staff sit  in the queue with the ordinary people, well there you go learn something new everyday.

Is the priority system for the elderly and infirm overidden by the agents then or is it simply not working?

No - As I understand it there are designated time slots & desks used to facilitate agents, appointments, processing....That/those desks can process more pre-screened people in less time utilizing the agent - appointment system....

24 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

No - As I understand it there are designated time slots & desks used to facilitate agents, appointments, processing....That/those desks can process more pre-screened people in less time utilizing the agent - appointment system....

Really?  I have never seen any information relating to special desks and agents being allowed to make appointments, perhaps I should pay more attention, or simply pay more.

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