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Brexit: ‘I’m not bluffing on indyref2’, Scotland’s Sturgeon to May


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Brexit: ‘I’m not bluffing on indyref2’, Scotland’s Sturgeon to May

Joanna Gill




LONDON: -- Under pressure to elaborate on her ‘Brexit means Brexit’ motto, British prime minister Theresa May has announced she will set out her strategy for exiting the EU over the coming weeks.


In her first interview of the year, she offered a glimpse of her strategy and set out a rather ambitious goal for the deal with Brussels.


“I think it’s wrong to look at this as just a binary issue, as to either you have control of immigration, or you have a good trade deal. I don’t see it a as a binary issue. We will, outside the European Union, be able to have control of immigration, and be able to set our rules for people coming to the UK from member states of the European Union. But we also, as part of that Brexit deal, will be working to get the best possible deal in the trading relationship with the European Union,” she told Sky’s Sophy Ridge.


The lack of a coherent plan has been seized upon by the Scottish executive with the continued threat of a second independence referendum if Scotland is forced into a hard Brexit.


Speaking to the BBC, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said:


“They (UK government) will be making a big mistake if they think that I am in any way bluffing because if it comes to the point, you know, two years after Scotland had been told in the independence referendum, ‘Scotland don’t leave the UK, lead the UK’. Here we are, we voted to stay in the EU, we were told that voting ‘No’ (in the Scottish independence referendum) was the only way we could stay in the EU, and we now face being taken out of the EU. Now that creates a much more fundamental question for Scotland.”


Sturgeon insists on a soft Brexit, which would see the UK remain in the single market, something which requires free movement of workers. A red line for the prime minister.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2017-01-09
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To hell with them. Scotland was not mentioned on the EU referendum so she is reading something into the results that was not there. Isn't there enough to worry about without her basically making a difficult situation worse. She should have postponed the indyref1 until after the EU membership referendum.

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Bye, If you go England wins, we will have to find somewhere else for our naval bases , but apart from that no loss, we can keep our subsidies.  If you decide to stay, the little teapot will become even more irrelevant than she is now.

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At the pace UK is disintegrating, in a few decades they will only have west and east Wessex left to unite.

When we get to an independent Yorkshire I might consider moving back home though it would depend if we could exclude them dodgy East Riding/Humbersiders.
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Mrs Maybe has now stated UK will indeed leave the single market and customs union. So hard Brexit it is.  Be interesting to see any Sterling movements today.


Scotland should now go for independence. The Scots are much closer to European social democracy than Westminster/Washington "values"

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"Terrible, isn't it, when someone doesn't want to live with you any more. Part of you's thinking, "I don't think you're gonna survive in the real world." Another part of you's thinking, "Well at least I'll be rid of your drunken arguing." Ladies and gentlemen, we need to let the Scottish people go".


- Milton Jones.

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5 hours ago, Khun Han said:

Who cares? An independant Scotland doesn't have a cat in hell's chance of getting any kind of beneficial agreement with the EU. This woman is hot air personified.

An independent Scotland would mean an even poorer UK with less of a voice in their negotiations with The EU.

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1 hour ago, Orac said:


When we get to an independent Yorkshire I might consider moving back home though it would depend if we could exclude them dodgy East Riding/Humbersiders.



  Pleas do get up to date, Edward Heaths little creation of Humberside was kicked out and disbanded years ago. P.S do you know what the word Riding means?

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1 hour ago, jpinx said:

It's from EuroNews -- It seems that the EU is now tacitly supporting Scotlands efforts  as another tactic to stymie Brexit......


Some non British MEP's have overtly supported Scotland - a couple of Germans in particular. They want to undermine and destroy the UK for obvious reasons.


The EU leadership have repeatedly publicly stated that they will not talk to Scotland, which is not a sovereign state, nor would the relax the new member application criteria. Scotland would have massive difficulties in meeting those criteria, and would have to accept the Euro.


Blather mouth Sturgeon has always strongly hinted that privately they've given her the nudge nudge, wink wink, that Scotland would be alright. Just like she claimed May told her she could veto Brexit and just like she wines on about anything that she hope will discredit the British government and stoke bigotry and divisiveness. Her sole agenda is to get an independent Scotland under SNP rule with her and her husband ruling the SNP. For her the EU and Brexit are just a means to an end.


She can't call a referendum, it's not within her or her assemblies powers. She can huff and puff and demand until she's red in the face and wet her knickers - but the decision isn't hers to make. All bluster and blather.


No one with any sense will trust Sturgeon. Juncke and Merkel will play her like a fish on a hook. She's too egotistical, senseless and full of <deleted> to see it.

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  Pleas do get up to date, Edward Heaths little creation of Humberside was kicked out and disbanded years ago. P.S do you know what the word Riding means?

Sense of humour failure there is it. I guess when we leave the EU we can scrap the Ridings to as we don't want to hold with those old fangled European names.
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11 minutes ago, nontabury said:


  The main Question "what do the Scottish people want. Well in 2014 they gave their democratic answer. In 2017, in fact this very morning, I received from Scottish friends living in Scotland the following-



Sturgeon was backtracking last week on referendums - she's not really confident of winning one or she'd be gobbing off much more.


Most of my friends see through her and don't want to leave the UK.  The SNP would turn Scotland into a one party state given half a chance, where no criticism of the leader is tolerated and the state controls things. A very dangerous woman.


Tell your friends to be careful. I was very critical of Sturgeon on The Scotsman on FB. Then suddenly I was blocked off the site. No discussion, communication or reason - just blocked completely. UK free speech - not in SNP land.

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SNP rhetoric waxes and wanes according to the private reception they are getting in Brussels.  The public statements by Sturgeon are merely a reflection of that -- she has no original thoughts and relies entirely on her "team".  The SNP is only in power because of the dramatic collapse of the Scottish Labour party, but until there is a viable alternative and the SNP are cauterised from politics in both capitols, Scotland must remain in UK, and then only accept Independence if the referendum is UK-wide.  This is the break-up of the Union and everyone is affected.



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The quicker they (Scotland) get their independence the better.   We (England & remaining parts of the UK) have had this yoke long enough.   She keeps threatening, let them have their independence and get on with it.   Rebuild Hadian's wall to keep all the immigrants out of England who will no doubt flood into Scotland with her and Merkel's open border policies.

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Brexit, close the border for EU citizens and still demand full access to the European market... EU should just close the borders for UK citizens and impose import-export tariffs for anything from/to UK and see how the Brits like that!

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21 minutes ago, Golden Brown said:

The quicker they (Scotland) get their independence the better.   We (England & remaining parts of the UK) have had this yoke long enough.   She keeps threatening, let them have their independence and get on with it.   Rebuild Hadian's wall to keep all the immigrants out of England who will no doubt flood into Scotland with her and Merkel's open border policies.


You think Hadrian's wall is the current border? I assume you are a Brexiteer?

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Some non British MEP's have overtly supported Scotland - a couple of Germans in particular. They want to undermine and destroy the UK for obvious reasons.


The EU leadership have repeatedly publicly stated that they will not talk to Scotland, which is not a sovereign state, nor would the relax the new member application criteria. Scotland would have massive difficulties in meeting those criteria, and would have to accept the Euro.


Blather mouth Sturgeon has always strongly hinted that privately they've given her the nudge nudge, wink wink, that Scotland would be alright. Just like she claimed May told her she could veto Brexit and just like she wines on about anything that she hope will discredit the British government and stoke bigotry and divisiveness. Her sole agenda is to get an independent Scotland under SNP rule with her and her husband ruling the SNP. For her the EU and Brexit are just a means to an end.


She can't call a referendum, it's not within her or her assemblies powers. She can huff and puff and demand until she's red in the face and wet her knickers - but the decision isn't hers to make. All bluster and blather.


No one with any sense will trust Sturgeon. Juncke and Merkel will play her like a fish on a hook. She's too egotistical, senseless and full of <deleted> to see it.


Scotland are and will be received with open arms by soul mates, friends and colleagues in the EU. Count me in

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21 minutes ago, Grouse said:


Scotland are and will be received with open arms by soul mates, friends and colleagues in the EU. Count me in

I think you'll find Spain will veto any application of Scotland's to join the EU over the Catalan question as it will encourage them to try for independence even though it goes against one of the EU's stated objectives to promote democracy .....

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:


Scotland are and will be received with open arms by soul mates, friends and colleagues in the EU. Count me in

You might have second thoughts when you realise that you will be expected to pay for their "European model of Social Democracy ", you know, the one the Wicked English have been stumping up for for umpteen years despite our despicable "Westminster /Washington values".

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3 hours ago, nontabury said:


  The main Question "what do the Scottish people want. Well in 2014 they gave their democratic answer. In 2017, in fact this very morning, I received from Scottish friends living in Scotland the following-


Spot on.

This silly little woman actually thinks that she is in some way relevant in the great scheme of things and needs to constantly "make noises" to prove to herself that she is somehow important..........

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3 hours ago, nontabury said:


  The main Question "what do the Scottish people want. Well in 2014 they gave their democratic answer. In 2017, in fact this very morning, I received from Scottish friends living in Scotland the following-



Go on Nicola - Stamp your feet ......

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1 hour ago, sandrabbit said:

I think you'll find Spain will veto any application of Scotland's to join the EU over the Catalan question as it will encourage them to try for independence even though it goes against one of the EU's stated objectives to promote democracy .....


You forget that Catalonia and the rump of Spain are both pro EU. Wise people....

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1 hour ago, JAG said:

You might have second thoughts when you realise that you will be expected to pay for their "European model of Social Democracy ", you know, the one the Wicked English have been stumping up for for umpteen years despite our despicable "Westminster /Washington values".


Not at all


I lived in Denmark for several years and paid taxes that would make your eyes water. Highly civilised!


Not much difference in Germany.


The UK is losing its way in apeing

USA ideas. No surprise that many want no part of it


You need to experience more of life methinks 


Drinking beer at Boat Quay since you ask.....

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