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Trump election: US presidency is not a family business, says Obama


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Trump election: US presidency is not a family business, says Obama


WASHINGTON: -- US President Barack Obama says he has advised his successor Donald Trump not to attempt to run the White House "the way you would manage a family business".


In an interview with ABC News, Mr Obama said that Mr Trump must "respect" US institutions.


"After you have been sworn in," he said, "you are now in charge of the largest organisation on Earth".


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38549132

-- © Copyright BBC 2017-01-09



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Just now, hansnl said:

Mr Barack O should quietly go away and be silent, he has done enough damage to the world, including the US.

Obama brought the US back from the brink of bankruptcy.  Created millions of jobs, oversaw one of the strongest bull markets in history, and the US is rocking now.  Hardly damaged the US.

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I'm guessing most of the posters here who love Obama so much don't live in the U.S.  Obama Care has been the single biggest disaster ever force fed to the U.S.  You won't read that anywhere but here is a real life example.


I worked for a 50 employee small business in rural California until my ultimate permanent retirement last December 31.  In 2015 our health insurance premiums for those employees increased an unbelievable 79% from 2014 to 2015.....not an exaggeration, actual fact as I was the Company's C.F.O. and responsible for procuring said insurance.


My personal insurance for my wife of 28 years who hasn't had more than a slight cold in all that time went from $480 in 2010 to $1,300 a month beginning January 1, 2016.  Aetna Blue Cross.....yes, $1,300 a month, not a year.


Yes, reportedly 26 million people were added to the health insurance roles because of Obama Care, and there were benefits for others such as the elimination of pre-existing conditions but someone had to pay for that.....and it turned out to be the average American.


On the international front Obama has been an utter disaster.  His relationships with Russia and Israel have deteriorated so badly that  of the leaders of those two countries publicly disparage him.


The unrelenting murder of civilians in Syria has caused international condemnation......yet America has withdrawn from the fight;  largely due to Obama's lack of commitment and action several years ago, leaving America's image in the world in the garbage can.  


I could go on but these two simple and verifiable examples should be enough to give one pause about what kind of President we've had for the past eight years.



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In 8 years the US debt has doubled. 1 million Americans out of work. More Americans on food stamps.  Big banks bailed out. 8 years of war yet he received a peace prize on unfulfilled promises etc. Wall St is not the US economy. Obama's administration will be judged after he moves on. 

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1 hour ago, hansnl said:

Mr Barack O should quietly go away and be silent, he has done enough damage to the world, including the US.


       Considering what he inherited from Bush Jr (2 wars, a near-depression, and a nationwide housing crisis) ....Obama has done quite well.  I liked him 10 years ago, and have liked him ever since.  His wife and daughters are also exemplary.


         If you've ever watched Obama speak, you'll see he's thoughtful, wise, soft-spoken, knowledgeable and considerate - the opposite of Trump.



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12 minutes ago, TGIR said:

I'm guessing most of the posters here who love Obama so much don't live in the U.S.  Obama Care has been the single biggest disaster ever force fed to the U.S.  You won't read that anywhere but here is a real life example.


I worked for a 50 employee small business in rural California until my ultimate permanent retirement last December 31.  In 2015 our health insurance premiums for those employees increased an unbelievable 79% from 2014 to 2015.....not an exaggeration, actual fact as I was the Company's C.F.O. and responsible for procuring said insurance.


My personal insurance for my wife of 28 years who hasn't had more than a slight cold in all that time went from $480 in 2010 to $1,300 a month beginning January 1, 2016.  Aetna Blue Cross.....yes, $1,300 a month, not a year.


Yes, reportedly 26 million people were added to the health insurance roles because of Obama Care, and there were benefits for others such as the elimination of pre-existing conditions but someone had to pay for that.....and it turned out to be the average American.


On the international front Obama has been an utter disaster.  His relationships with Russia and Israel have deteriorated so badly that  of the leaders of those two countries publicly disparage him.


The unrelenting murder of civilians in Syria has caused international condemnation......yet America has withdrawn from the fight;  largely due to Obama's lack of commitment and action several years ago, leaving America's image in the world in the garbage can.  


I could go on but these two simple and verifiable examples should be enough to give one pause about what kind of President we've had for the past eight years.




The Affordable Care Act certainly needs some focused adjustments or replacement ... with a single payor national healthcare scheme like those found in other major democracies who are able to provide their citizens. I have not seen any viable alternative plans put forward to replace the ACA since its passage. A few observations ... what was the rate of premium raise previous to the ACA and the projections at that time? You include yourself in the middle class, and by most accounts that may well be correct. It does raise the question as to how close to the US average income you fall? Certainly we agree, there is no "free lunch". The reality also reflects that I can buy international health insurance, which will cover me anywhere in the world ... except for the US due to cost being so far above world averages. That is not a result of the ACA. (OK, actually, I cannot buy the international medical insurance due to age and pre existing conditions). I do not oppose changes as long as they answer the real needs of the citizenry, not just those who can afford health care due to higher income.

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23 minutes ago, wonder6281 said:

In 8 years the US debt has doubled. 1 million Americans out of work. More Americans on food stamps.  Big banks bailed out. 8 years of war yet he received a peace prize on unfulfilled promises etc. Wall St is not the US economy. Obama's administration will be judged after he moves on. 


Indeed President Obama will be judged in the reflection of history. Overall, he will fair well. It will fairly be observed that he did not fulfill the hopes of his supporters during his two elected terms. It will also be observed that he had quite a "headwind" of dedicated opposition from the moment of his first election. Disappointments? yes. Failure to achieve stated aims? yes. But reasons will also be noted by history ... the doubling of debt? Care to include the reason? Military spending is more than half of discretionary spending. A nation cannot spend more of war than it is willing to tax itself to support those costs (including after care for vets), without going into debt.

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34 minutes ago, TGIR said:

I'm guessing most of the posters here who love Obama so much don't live in the U.S.  Obama Care has been the single biggest disaster ever force fed to the U.S.  You won't read that anywhere but here is a real life example.


I worked for a 50 employee small business in rural California until my ultimate permanent retirement last December 31.  In 2015 our health insurance premiums for those employees increased an unbelievable 79% from 2014 to 2015.....not an exaggeration, actual fact as I was the Company's C.F.O. and responsible for procuring said insurance.


My personal insurance for my wife of 28 years who hasn't had more than a slight cold in all that time went from $480 in 2010 to $1,300 a month beginning January 1, 2016.  Aetna Blue Cross.....yes, $1,300 a month, not a year.


Yes, reportedly 26 million people were added to the health insurance roles because of Obama Care, and there were benefits for others such as the elimination of pre-existing conditions but someone had to pay for that.....and it turned out to be the average American.


On the international front Obama has been an utter disaster.  His relationships with Russia and Israel have deteriorated so badly that  of the leaders of those two countries publicly disparage him.


The unrelenting murder of civilians in Syria has caused international condemnation......yet America has withdrawn from the fight;  largely due to Obama's lack of commitment and action several years ago, leaving America's image in the world in the garbage can.  


I could go on but these two simple and verifiable examples should be enough to give one pause about what kind of President we've had for the past eight years.



I have quite a few friends in the US who say Obama Care is fantastic.  They wouldn't have health insurance otherwise.  It has problems, but it's also helped a lot of families.


But this is about Obama telling Trump not to run the presidency as a family business.  A sound recommendation.

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      Obamacare is large program cast upon a nation of 360 million people who mostly had private health insurance policy (expensive) options available.

Whenever a new program is introduced to hundreds of millions of people, there are going to be glitches.  Plus, there's resistance from insurance companies and medical providers who want to keep everything privatized, so they can make as much money as possible. 


       Then there are right-wing politicians who simply don't want a Democratic president to succeed at anything.  


        In lieu of those, and other obstacles, Obama care has fared rather well.  Polls show that most Americans, including Republican voters, want it to continue.  That's even more so, when folks consider that Republican politicians don't  have anything worthwhile to replace it with. 


          What will Trumpcare look like?  We don't know, because as usual, he's big on tough talk tweets, but bereft with details.   I'll venture that Trumpcare will be top-heavy with lots of money going to insurance corporations, Big Pharma, and medical providers.  In a nutshell, it will be more expensive than Obamacare and will focus on making corporations richer.   ....and it will be less inclusive for poor and lower-middle-class.

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11 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:


Indeed President Obama will be judged in the reflection of history. Overall, he will fair well. It will fairly be observed that he did not fulfill the hopes of his supporters during his two elected terms. It will also be observed that he had quite a "headwind" of dedicated opposition from the moment of his first election. Disappointments? yes. Failure to achieve stated aims? yes. But reasons will also be noted by history ... the doubling of debt? Care to include the reason? Military spending is more than half of discretionary spending. A nation cannot spend more of war than it is willing to tax itself to support those costs (including after care for vets), without going into debt.


LOL.  "Headwind"? "Headwind" you say??  No, I'll tell you what "headwind" is.  Headwind is the opposition going postal out in the streets smashing car windows, setting fire to buildings, vandalizing private party with graffiti, closing public roads, delivering hate mail and death threats to members of the electoral college, telling voters who didn't vote "your way" that they're not welcome at the workplace, and viciously attacking a mentally disabled person and posting it live on facebook so all the other brownshirts can enjoy it, too.  


Obama will definitely NOT fare well as his history gets written.  He'll instead go down in history as the most inept, self-absorbed, arrogant, divisive, anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-middle class president in history. 


But maybe his golf game has improved...



Edited by hawker9000
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1 minute ago, hawker9000 said:

LOL.  "Headwind"? "Headwind" you say??  No, I'll tell you what "headwind" is.  Headwind is the opposition going postal out in the streets smashing car windows, setting fire to buildings, vandalizing private party with graffiti, closing public roads, delivering hate mail and death threats to members of the electoral college, telling voters who didn't vote "your way" that they're not welcome at the workplace, and viciously attacking a mentally disabled person and posting it live on facebook so all the other brownshirts can enjoy it, too.  


Obama will definitely NOT fare well as his history gets written.  He'll instead go down in history as the most inept, self-absorbed, arrogant, anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-middle class president in history. 


But maybe his golf game has improved...  


        I didn't hear about all that violence after the election.  Methinks you're reading and believing too much fake news - much of it put out by Macedonian (and Russian) teenagers who get paid for the number of hits they get on their fake news sites.


        Guess why the fake-news shysters focus only on fake news which denigrates HRC and Democrats?   Answer: it's because Democrats don't generally get sucked into believing fake news, so it doesn't pay money to the fake news shysters.  In contrast, Republican right-wingers lap it up like sugar milk.  They'll believe (and re-tweet, re-post) any fake news, no matter how ridiculous it is. 


If there were gold medals going to those who most gullibly suck up fake news, Republican right-wingers would get all the gold.



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         Obama may also want to advise Trump not to read fake news over a microphone in public places, while touting it as real.  ....particularly if the news he's spreading comes from an official Russian source.


       That's what Trump did repeatedly, when someone handed him a copy of a Russian newspaper called Sputnik.  The article Trump read was patently scurrilous, but Trump didn't care.  It hurt his opponent's chances of getting elected - that's all that mattered to Trump. 


        Is Trump stupid?  Yes.  Is he dangerous?  Yes, to the security of US and Europe, but not necessarily dangerous to Russia and its desire to cobble the Soviet empire back together.

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A survey performed by Texas A&M shows Americans think Barack Obama is the 5th best President, ever.


Here are the results of the survey:


1. Reagan and Lincoln tied for first;

2. Seventeen other presidents tied for second;

3. Twenty-three presidents tied for third;

4.Jimmy Carter came in fourth; and

5. Obama was fifth.


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1 minute ago, EddieBaBaBoBo said:

A survey performed by Texas A&M shows Americans think Barack Obama is the 5th best President, ever.


Here are the results of the survey:


1. Reagan and Lincoln tied for first;

2. Seventeen other presidents tied for second;

3. Twenty-three presidents tied for third;

4.Jimmy Carter came in fourth; and

5. Obama was fifth.


That was fake news.



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53 minutes ago, DavidVincent said:

Remeber as well Obama ruled with Republicans all over the places to be sure he would fail or minimize every effort possible.


A key observation.


The USA are supposed to run on the principles of democracy, which indeed allows for different currents of thoughts, but in effect it is run by capitalism, and capitalism is Republican.


Yes, it's as simple as that, and the idea that when it comes to politics, the Democrats and the Republicans are on an equal footing is one of the largest smokescreen in history.


The Founding Fathers should not be blamed for that, however, because in their time the economy could be, and was controlled by politics. Could they foresee that the situation would rapidly be reversed ? Perhaps some of them feared so, but within the paradigma they lived in, it was almost impossible to envisage that the situation could go so wrong.

Edited by Yann55
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1 hour ago, wonder6281 said:

In 8 years the US debt has doubled. 1 million Americans out of work. More Americans on food stamps.  Big banks bailed out. 8 years of war yet he received a peace prize on unfulfilled promises etc. Wall St is not the US economy. Obama's administration will be judged after he moves on. 

How soon you forget, I remember John Mcain canceling a debate with Obama as the bank bailout was so much more important, the bank bailout was done under the Bush Admin. and never a dime paid back. Obama did the auto bailout and most has been paid back. Bush spent another trillion dollars on his Lie induced war in Iraq which destabilized the whole region.

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1 hour ago, TGIR said:

My personal insurance for my wife of 28 years who hasn't had more than a slight cold in all that time went from $480 in 2010 to $1,300 a month beginning January 1, 2016.  Aetna Blue Cross.....yes, $1,300 a month, not a year.

Yes the price went way up as the insurance company actually has to pay for your care now, have you forgotten already how they managed to pay less than 1/2 of the average bill before and nothing on pre existing conditions. Most middle income people before who got bad sick lost everything while having your so dearly missed cheap coverage.            It was the conservatives that decided that the private sector [ insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, and lawyers] could do a much better job on health care than a single payer plan. You think your wife's insurance is high now, wait till she gets old and the SS and Medicare you hate so much is gone.

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