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Video: Hunt on for foreigners who disrespected Thai flag


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I was going to ask "what were they THINKING?'....talk about impulse control my God.......Having had a moment I was in Thai jails(released....mistaken ID) I can state without reservation.....Whatever satisfaction these gents derived from this,  will be offset by the trip through the Thai judicial system. They will be apprehended and will be found guilty, and WILL spend time in a Thai jail. Two years oughta suffice for an attitude adjustment. I feel for the families of these 2 idiots. Hopefully, this can serve as a watershed moment, and they can get control of themselves. Be prepared for a flood of tears as they beg for mercy.

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


  Ermmmm what are you ranting about ?

Going a bit off topic, dont you think ?

Comparing rules in other Countries and seem to be suggesting that that means ALL rules in other Countries should not be adhered too ..........or something ?

some rules need to be  called for what they are............CRAP......ranting? no thats not a rant and as for off topic were already on about Nazis which is,ahem, comparing other countries

It s a flag, no one was hurt no one  was killed ,yes they were drunk its  just criminal damage and they should pay for it

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1 minute ago, LannaGuy said:


yes of course... one involved Thais marching down the street in public (not drunk as far as we know) the other foolish farang behaviour whilst drunk but we know who may well get locked up don't we?  very fair in your view no doubt as you're a BAT


   One of them breaks a law and the other one didnt .

Its not illegal to walk down the street wearing a uniform, but its illegal to destroy other peoples property .

Its very simple and straight forward .

You get arrested and prosecuted for breaking laws, whist you dont get arrested and prosecuted for not breaking any laws .


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1 hour ago, NickJ said:

I was drunk on Raki in Turkey once. Wanted one to take home. Got caught.

The cops ended up giving me one. And one of there badges. Also got a photo opp with them pretending to arrest me.

and thats probably  the best way they could have dealt with it instead of the  nonsense  of "respect"

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Desecrating the national flag. The days of saluting and bowing to a bit of cloth are long in the past a few hundred years ago in the old empire possibly but this is the 21st century now, visitors tourists should show a bit of respect to various countries customs and traditions, but think some countries should prioritise criminal offences like beating a child/ baby and pouring boiling water on his genitals to me is a more serious crime than some drunk pulling down a flag or two, or not standing to a national anthem.     

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9 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

They weren't giving out any message other than 'we are young full of zest and drunk'


  Maybe it was just a coincidence that the property they desecrated happened to the Thai flags .

   Maybe they were just looking for something to vandalise and some Thai flags happened to be hanging there on the wall ?

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Just now, kannot said:

too stupid to understand science? try religion 

apparently i have to respect religion, unbelievable


HaHa ... good one ... they have their own science though, it started 6,000 years ago when the Earth was created!! :cheesy:

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I was once young; drunk often and liked a good time. However, I always was able to control myself and not become aggressive or damage other person's property or insult the people in the country I was visiting. The issue of symbolism; what flags represent etc have no bearing on this . If they had torn down a poster on someone's gate- it is still vandalism. 

They need to be taught a lesson- an appropriate fine; reporting them to their embassy and possible deportation without blacklist is what will make an impression on them

You don't come into someone else's country and behave like they did. As usual, Thais opinion of foreigners as a bunch of drunks; having no respect for Thai people and their property; and stupidity is what will be remembered. Is it no wonder that some Thai's resent foreigners . 

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


  Maybe it was just a coincidence that the property they desecrated happened to the Thai flags .

   Maybe they were just looking for something to vandalise and some Thai flags happened to be hanging there on the wall ?

maybe they dont remember anything about it at all, however having never been drunk in my life I wouldnt know

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3 minutes ago, Jim walker said:

but think some countries should prioritise criminal offences like beating a child/ baby and pouring boiling water on his genitals to me is a more serious crime than some drunk pulling down a flag or two, or not standing to a national anthem.     


   Good news, the crimes against Children that you mention is actually a "higher priority" then what the Italians did already.

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2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I was once young; drunk often and liked a good time. However, I always was able to control myself and not become aggressive or damage other person's property or insult the people in the country I was visiting. The issue of symbolism; what flags represent etc have no bearing on this . If they had torn down a poster on someone's gate- it is still vandalism. 

They need to be taught a lesson- an appropriate fine; reporting them to their embassy and possible deportation without blacklist is what will make an impression on them

You don't come into someone else's country and behave like they did. As usual, Thais opinion of foreigners as a bunch of drunks; having no respect for Thai people and their property; and stupidity is what will be remembered. Is it no wonder that some Thai's resent foreigners . 

I  fully agree except Thais need  to get a grip on whats really important and dump the nationalist tripe they have been brainwashed  in, the super nation  etc etc

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  Maybe it was just a coincidence that the property they desecrated happened to the Thai flags .

   Maybe they were just looking for something to vandalise and some Thai flags happened to be hanging there on the wall ?

They are colourful and they seem to be the easiest thing to rip away, then you have the fun of jumping up to get them while drunk.

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42 minutes ago, TSF said:

Some years ago I was a teacher in a Thai primary school, I was in the classroom one day with the Thai teacher. On the wall behind us were pictures of the Thai flag. I saw one little kid had a cold and he had one of those bandannas they sell in the markets, this one was the Union Jack and the kid was wiping his nose with it. So I said to the Thai teacher. "What if I took the Thai flag and wiped my face with it and blew my nose on it, is that OK? So she replied. "No cannot, you must respect the Thai flag." So I then said. "Well I'm British and that's my country's flag and that kid is using my flag as a snot rag." So she told the kid to stop using the bandanna and put it away. I didn't really care but just wanted to make a point.


You should have told them you didn't care.  It would have been an education in free speech.

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2 minutes ago, kannot said:

maybe they dont remember anything about it at all, however having never been drunk in my life I wouldnt know


  Let me explain. Just because you have no recollection of the events whist being drunk, that doesnt mean you didnt intend to carry out any actions you did, at the time, whilst drunk

   Things seem like a good idea to do when you are drunk , and they arent such a good idea in the cold light of day . 

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


  Let me explain. Just because you have no recollection of the events whist being drunk, that doesnt mean you didnt intend to carry out any actions you did, at the time, whilst drunk

   Things seem like a good idea to do when you are drunk , and they arent such a good idea in the cold light of day . 

how can you know if you cant remember?

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5 hours ago, watcharacters said:



YOU are correct about how to act in a foreign country.


However, if you were in my home country you could spit,  stomp on,  and burn my countries flag in public and you would have the protection of the law for your actions.


It's called freedom of expression/speech.


If a country does not allow for  that then  anyone breaking the law in a foreign country  should realize the potential  gravity of his actions.


Yes, you can spit, stomp on, and burn a flag that you own, but not the flag that someone else owns.  Freedom of expression/speech will not protect someone who destroys the property of another person.


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5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

They are colourful and they seem to be the easiest thing to rip away, then you have the fun of jumping up to get them while drunk.


  Although when people get drunk, they tend to say what they really think 

Things that they normally wouldnt say , all comes spurting out whilst drunk

Maybe this was an example of that .

   Maybe they had a disagreement with some Thais and decided the best course of action , at the time, would to be to get even by destroying their flags ?

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5 minutes ago, kannot said:

how can you know if you cant remember?


   The fact that you did something at the time, shows that you thought that it was a good idea at the time . If you didnt think that it was a good idea at the time, then you wouldnt have done it 

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


  Although when people get drunk, they tend to say what they really think 

Things that they normally wouldnt say , all comes spurting out whilst drunk

Maybe this was an example of that .

   Maybe they had a disagreement with some Thais and decided the best course of action , at the time, would to be to get even by destroying their flags ?

lot of "maybe's" in there, if they have no recollection of what happened  any reason would be nothing more than a guess

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Just now, sanemax said:


   The fact that you did something at the time, shows that you thought that it was a good idea at the time . If you didnt think that it was a good idea at the time, then you wouldnt have done it 

if  you are drunk you are  not of sound mind  so good  or bad is impaired they may have thought it was a  dancing naked lady in their minds for all we  know they  may have thought nothing of  good  or bad idea at all

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We all know what a Thai flag looks like but I doubt the average tourist does. There would be a large percentage mistaking it for the Dutch flag.

The first time I came here many years ago I didn't know what a Thai flag looked liked.

But saying that I would have worked it out when I saw them hanging there.

And even if I didn't know what it was I still wouldn't have pulled anything down after a few beers.

I hate idiots who act like that after a few beers in my home country and here, Any race including Thais.

Being drunk is no excuse if you act like that when you are drunk don't get drunk.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Kannot, you missed something in your life when you never got drunk.Namely the experience why a ruling elite is interested in providing alcohol at an affordable price and alcohol producers are an important economical factor in most countries (exceptions like Saudi Arabia where money is the alcohol).

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