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Video: School bus driver dead as homeward bound students injured in 18 wheeler collision


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54 minutes ago, Mackstask said:

Thai way of thinking! Overtaking on the brow of a hill.  They think "What is not coming" rather than  "What might be coming".


An oxymoron and a big assumption all in one sentence...........Thais, as far as driving goes, don't think and they have no idea of "consequence" so to suggest that they are doing so takes one huge leap of faith and I'm afraid I have absolutely no faith in their common sense, thinking ability, understanding of consequence and driving skills.


I'm going to do exactly what Crossey has suggested and install a dashcam because I've seen so many idiots driving cars here, not to mention near misses that it's becoming a lottery to drive my car out of the drive.

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a lot of comments about how stupid thai drivers on here which is understandable, credit where credit is due though, I thought the driver with the dash cam was keeping a good safe distance between him and the bus and was driving to the conditions, imo 

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Crossy on page one mentioned the fact that the truck seems to be over the centre lines also...?

 This being the case the truck driver has deffo not been looking ahead up his road..or he would have moved right over to his left..The crash COULD have been avoided..but the truck-driver's stubborn attiude, or failure to react to what was clearly unfolding in front of him when he knew he was over the line also IMO contributed to this smash.

 Plus..Yet again it's pouring with rain & visibility is reduced..the school-bus has no lights on, nor the oncoming truck...TiT.

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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I noticed that the post said that the incident was recorded by a 3rd party dash cam.I dont have a dash cam,so please enlighten me.This camera,is it something you have to turn on,or is it automatically started when the car engine is running? Is there a tape inside that can be removed?like a cctv camera? What is the approximate size?and do they actually sit on the dash,Where are they available and what is the usual price for such an item.Thanx.


Tape? Have you been asleep for 20 years? LOL sorry could not resist. 

Digital storage and cheap to buy, easy to use, always recording. Defiantly recommended insurance to have in Thailand 

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4 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

why is a vehicle with passengers passing on a solid line in wet weather?


Have no sympathy for the driver. Could have been much worse if hit head on...


Many Thais just don't follow driving rules or road conditions. Like 3 seconds in her life would have made a difference. Now she can think about it from now until reincarnation as a soi dog.... 




Note to self never do anything stupid by TVF standards or risk being cursed.


Have some sympathy for the driver's family PLEASE.  I'm sure she was someone's daughter and mother.  Yes it was a terrible and irresponsible decision on her part to speed and overtake given the conditions and cargo.  She paid the ultimate price and luckily no school children died.  


To curse someone like that is uncalled for and lacks serious humanity.  


Be constructive and suggestion solution.

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2 hours ago, balo said:

I'm happy I don't have any kids in Thailand. I would be worried every minute of the day .



I would never let them travel in a bus/minivan/boat in Thailand....and for planes only the ones from decent countries with good reputation.

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Solid lines, wet roads and high speeds- an incident waiting to happen ( nothing 'accidental' about it). If the driver had survived she would have got a minimal fine. A terrible thing to say but she will never put another life at risk.


The driving standards of the others on the road left a lot to be desired as well given the conditions.

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2 hours ago, zorro1 said:

Yes but all the kids are out of danger. If it was a van they would all be dead.. Some are having trouble grasping this concept

.. Move from van to bus will save thousands of lives

A micro bus is bigger and heavier and has infinitely better impact protection. Lots of those vans are converted commercial vehicles with no side impact protection

Point taken. Behaviour of these drivers should still be reform to reduce accidents.no matter big bus or small van, lives should not be put at risk. We dont know the extent of injuries of the victims yet.


15 dead in Thailand school bus crash. Children..

Edited by Moonmoon
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Nothing will ever happen. 

Sorry if that is too pessimistic for some. 

But nothing will ever happen. 

Here is why:

1. The authorities do not understand all the measures that need to be enacted in order to stop the daily carnage. 

2. They couldn't be bothered to enact them even if they knew what they were. 

Nothing will ever happen. 


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5 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:


At the time of impact the bus was actually back in his lane, only thanks the vehicle he was overtaking moving over.

The oncoming lorry looks like it lost the back end.

Some times 2 idiots meet on the road and this is the result. 


Yeah the 18 Wheeler probably locked up brakes when saw a head on coming and lost the backend.

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4 hours ago, LennyW said:

Looks like the oncoming truck and trailer also realised what was about to happen and braked sharply sending the trailer into a jacknife, it was the jacknifing trailer that hit the front of the bus, maybe if the truck driver had just kept his nerve and aimed for the gap without standing on the brakes they might have both made it.

Both truck and bus should not have been overtaking there though.


Thats exactly what I thought. The truck looked to be fairly out of control at the point of impact with the cab well into the hard shoulder and the rear trailer well over the yellow line. I guess the truck driver was stamping on the brakes aborting his own overtaking manoeuvre and the trailers couldn't slow up as fast as the cab and the back end was about to overtake the cab. If the trailer hadn't have struck the bus I wouldn't mind betting it would have kept swinging out and smashed into the couple with the dash cam.


Utter stupidity on the part of both the bus and truck driver but RIP all the same. Very lucky there was only one fatality and thank goodness none of the school kids were killed.

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5 hours ago, onemorechang said:


I think most Drivers / Riders  on the roads here,   are to stupid to operate a motor vehicle  of any kind and should only be allowed to use Flip Flops as a mode of transport.

maybe then,    the innocent will  be safe.


Let them return to buffalo power, at least the animals made it home when Somchai was drunk

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In Australia in the early 90s all it took was 2 serious bus and truck crashes,

before the government acted speed limiting all trucks and buses over 12 tone gvm To 100 km an hour , 

but I doubt they will do anything here lucky no kids killed this time.

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Look at the video again. At the point of impact it was the truck trailer that was totally on the wrong side of the road, the small vehicle was in the emergency lane and the bus was completely in the left lane. It was the truck at fault! (Despite the bus overtaking). 


A lot of people have jumped on the bandwagon here. 


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6 hours ago, NanLaew said:


It looks like the bus is almost completely back on its own side of the yellow lines at the point of impact while the truck trailer was on the wrong side of the yellow lines. Both the small bus being overtaken by the large bus and the oncoming small sedan ahead of the truck/trailer pull over on to their respective hard shoulders to make way. Admittedly the big bus pulled an illegal overtake on a hill but I wonder if the truck driver bottled out after he had already committed to overtake the small sedan in front of him and forgot that he was about 30' longer than his regular 10-wheeler.



Agreed it looks like both the large bus & the truck were overtaking at the same time, almost mirror image maneuvers.
One manic you only have a slight chance of survival, two together you got no chance!!
Looking at the road markings both were doing an illegal overtake, add in poor visibility, road conditions both were in the wrong.. but therein lays the problem.. put all the safety controls in place that you like... but if you put a suicidal idiot behind the wheel nothing will prevent this type of accident.
Vehicle safety features only go some way to preventing accidents, driving education should be the priority with severe penalties for anyone who breaks them, eventually the message will get through!!


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smedly     12,412

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ID: 5  Posted 6 hours ago (edited) · 

and he was overtaking on a single then double yellow, not to mention the weather conditions


also worth noting that without the dashcam and social media we would have heard nothing about this accident



jail him.......................oh wait


HIM why do people coment without reading the actual story. Plus all the likes proves they don't read either. 

SHE paid the ultimate price for stupidity however RIP

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Hi,yes mate lived on krypton for the last 20 years.We made do with our x ray and 360 vision to sort out any space ship accidents.Sorry couldnt resist :-) However now living on planet Thailand i am interested in anything that you mere mortals have invented to make transitional movement easier,since my  ship is resting at the bottom of the expanse of water you humans call the Anderman sea,i find it difficult to explain to the Asian female,to which i am attached,where i am going when i wish to make contact with the last of the Kryptonites living on Saturn.

But seriously,i can remember when mobile phones were as big as a suite case.I have never really got in to the technology that you youngsters have treated with complacency,although i do have a Garmin GSP or what ever its called. I have seen video's on here about people who have been saved by a 3rd party dash cam,and having read what it can do,i am now very interested in obtaining one. when i have purchased the said dash cam,i report to you and you can enlighten me as to the uses i can put it to.

Your pal from the Alpha Century system,KKD

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6 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

why is a vehicle with passengers passing on a solid line in wet weather?


Have no sympathy for the driver. Could have been much worse if hit head on...


Many Thais just don't follow driving rules or road conditions. Like 3 seconds in her life would have made a difference. Now she can think about it from now until reincarnation as a soi dog.... 




She prob completely and selfishly forgot that she had kids in the bus with her, let alone thinking of their safety.

As usual get from A-B as fast as possible thinking about her next meal, the only thing that matters.

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1 hour ago, Deepinthailand said:

smedly     12,412

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ID: 5  Posted 6 hours ago (edited) · 

and he was overtaking on a single then double yellow, not to mention the weather conditions


also worth noting that without the dashcam and social media we would have heard nothing about this accident



jail him.......................oh wait


HIM why do people coment without reading the actual story. Plus all the likes proves they don't read either. 

SHE paid the ultimate price for stupidity however RIP

read the story are you kidding ? sorry but I saw the whole thing on video and it matters not a jot male or female, either way a lunatic was at the wheel of both vehicles

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8 hours ago, smedly said:

for <deleted!> sake yet another serious bus crash, when is this madness going to end, something drastic needs to be done


Thailand, the hub of serious bus accidents in the world......by a country mile


surely someone is going to waken up to this carnage and start getting serious


Limit all buses and mini vans to a strict 45kmph speed limit until a long lasting solution has been found and anyone caught going over 45kmph or committing any other moving traffic violation gets a mandatory month in jail and licence revoked for a year forcing them to take the test again to get it back. and a hefty fine of at least 20kbaht

I think all vehicles should be limited to like 80kmph .. Driving faster than that on thai roads is way too dangerous in almost all situations. 

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7 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

why is a vehicle with passengers passing on a solid line in wet weather?


Have no sympathy for the driver. Could have been much worse if hit head on...


Many Thais just don't follow driving rules or road conditions. Like 3 seconds in her life would have made a difference. Now she can think about it from now until reincarnation as a soi dog.... 



Yeah, i would say pretty much everybody on thai roads are overtaking too often and switching lanes way too often, all it ever does is slow everything down for everyone and create danger for everyone. Motorbikes too. seriously.

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