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Video: Another example of Thai driving as cop hit on Zebra Crossing


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11 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I have always found that Thai drivers speed up when they see you on a zebra crossing. I have asked many Thais what they are for in the road and they believe they are for crossing when there are no cars coming. So you see the mentality.

You would have thought they would learn this at the driving test but having done this a few times here you soon realize that these are not taken seriously and people play on their phones, fall asleep and generally don't care. you pay your money and get your license, so nothing will change until the testing changes.


They also have absolutely no idea how to use a roundabout. I have nearly been wiped out repeatedly when traffic entering a roundabout is totally unaware that they are supposed to give way to traffic already on it, coming from their right.

When I think of Traffic Rules here, I am always reminded of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie where Kate asks about the rules of the Pirate code, and Barbosa says, "They're more like guidelines."

And hence to be disregarded at any opportune moment.

I do hope they nail this retard though. And his many of 1,000s of Com-padres down the road.

Too many accidents and deaths from trying to save like 35 seconds or a minute on the journey.

Rules on the road are only of any value, when everyone understands them and they are firmly enforced.

I am hopeful, but not optimistic about seeing dramatic improvement, given that while the really stupid fall out of the gene pool, allegedly, they will come back again.

In a better life!

I just hope they learn to drive in that one.


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This disregard for Zebra crossings in Thailand reminds me of something i saw on TV earlier in the week, where a taxi driver  had made a woman get out of his cab so that he could pick up a better fare. He was parked right on the Zebra crossing waiting to load up his new passengers.  I wonder if anything was done about that !

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4 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Fruitman is saying that the cars don't stop, we all know they should, but 100%, not 99.9%, of Thai drivers will not stop to let anyone cross the road, they will not deliberately run them down, although that's the impression you get, but put one foot on the road at a crossing, and there is no chance of any Thai driver stopping.

Also, no one has any right to stop traffic to allow someone come out from a side road or an entrance to anywhere, security guard or not, they should wait until the road is clear.

In Nakhon Sawan city they stop for me. Often have assisted old ladies crossing the street and the cars always stop. 


But I expect it as I was raised to help the elderly with that sort of stuff...even if I get looked at like I'm an alien for considering it! My son will be doing the same as good manners are what separate us from the animals.

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12 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I have always found that Thai drivers speed up when they see you on a zebra crossing. I have asked many Thais what they are for in the road and they believe they are for crossing when there are no cars coming. So you see the mentality.

You would have thought they would learn this at the driving test but having done this a few times here you soon realize that these are not taken seriously and people play on their phones, fall asleep and generally don't care. you pay your money and get your license, so nothing will change until the testing changes.

to me drivers think that pedestrians are the cause of traffic.

Tests already changed but everyone who didnt do the tests should pass them to have their licenses renewed.

Public transport drivers and truck drivers should be tested immediately and not waiting licence expiration.

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12 hours ago, boooker said:

I see such happend everyday at the Kindergarten once I step with our 4 year kid on the zebra.You just cannot cross it without constandly being threaten by oncoming Vehicle.

One of these Idiots had push his bumper to a Mother with child crossing the zebra to get into the kindergarten...he actually really roll forward to her knee.

Everyday that happend scarry zebra walk.

It is a simple character and educational +lawenforcement issue...you just cant control this mass of uncontrolled vehicles driver to many characters behind the wheel.

Well, kindergarten is where many of them are to be found.

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:


They also have absolutely no idea how to use a roundabout. I have nearly been wiped out repeatedly when traffic entering a roundabout is totally unaware that they are supposed to give way to traffic already on it, coming from their right.

When I think of Traffic Rules here, I am always reminded of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie where Kate asks about the rules of the Pirate code, and Barbosa says, "They're more like guidelines."

And hence to be disregarded at any opportune moment.

I do hope they nail this retard though. And his many of 1,000s of Com-padres down the road.

Too many accidents and deaths from trying to save like 35 seconds or a minute on the journey.

Rules on the road are only of any value, when everyone understands them and they are firmly enforced.

I am hopeful, but not optimistic about seeing dramatic improvement, given that while the really stupid fall out of the gene pool, allegedly, they will come back again.

In a better life!

I just hope they learn to drive in that one.


'They also have absolutely no idea how to use a roundabout. I have nearly been wiped out repeatedly when traffic entering a roundabout is totally unaware that they are supposed to give way to traffic already on it, coming from their right.' In common with most things Thai-driving-related. But the giving way to traffic on the right, as in on the roundabout, rule, is not necessarily the rule. France, I believe, does the opposite, wherein those on the roundabout have to give way to those entering it.  

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7 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Are you crazy?:crazy: He can't just pull out a gun and start shooting at a cars tyres, what about pedestrian safety? Pedestrian safety in Thailand??????????? "what are you thinking about Possum"?:blush:

When the shooting starts you hit the ground and play possum. 

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13 hours ago, fruitman said:


Even in the MBK they sell raincoats with the text "POLICE" on them, why wasn't he wearing one of those?


It's time the police defends their colors so nobody else wears it. Also the red/blue emergencylights are used by restaurants and shops along the roads and they do nothing to stop it.


It doesn't MATTER.  That's NOT the ISSUE!  It was a zebra-striped, pedestrian crossing zone FPS.  Don't you get it?  If you want to moan about rain apparel, do it somewhere else.  This is about motorists clipping people on foot in a striped crossing zone.  And NOW it turns out the motorist was actually a COP himself!!  Amazing Thailand indeed!



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8 hours ago, ezflip said:

Pattaya tried zebra crossing for a while but it didn't work. They turned off the electricity to sign posts after 3 month.


I was in Pattaya beachroad 2 weeks ago and tried to cross the road at the stoplights. We waited and waited but the thing never became green, it stayed red for ever. 


So it's still turned on mate.


So we crossed the road over the zebra with a red stoplight, what else could we do?


Also very annoying is that every taxi and bahtbus horned to us, like if we didn't see them.

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I like this story even more now, so it was another cop who had an "emergency" from a sick child...like in an emergency the wife can't take a taxi or let the doctor come to their house. 5555


Well it's a perfect thainess story now, one cop feels too important to stop for another cop.


And also he was soooo happy with the red plates that he didn't want to change them.


But of course he's still a cop now, no punishment cause that would not be Thai enough.

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2 minutes ago, fruitman said:


I was in Pattaya beachroad 2 weeks ago and tried to cross the road at the stoplights. We waited and waited but the thing never became green, it stayed red for ever. 


So it's still turned on mate.


So we crossed the road over the zebra with a red stoplight, what else could we do?


Also very annoying is that every taxi and bahtbus horned to us, like if we didn't see them.

The one near my home on Pattaya Tai (BigC Sukhumvit) is not working and the stripes on the road are already fading away. LOL

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2 minutes ago, williet98248 said:

Good chance they won't find the driver as red plates can be purchased in second hand shops.  Car may not be registered. Or insured. Surprised the cop didn't open up on him with his 9mm.


I thought they already determined it was another off-duty police officer that ran him over?!

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3 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

Elsewhere in the world he would have had rounds going through the back window!


I think we should all have a linked system, where everyone can vote on the other guys driving, too many votes against you, and you suffer a point system that can eventually suspend or revoke your license.

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1 minute ago, ocddave said:


I think we should all have a linked system, where everyone can vote on the other guys driving, too many votes against you, and you suffer a point system that can eventually suspend or revoke your license.

We could call it 'The Apprentice'. Maybe not- look how that worked out! :ph34r:

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15 hours ago, nottocus said:

Cop should have known better. People don't stop at pedestrian crossings here. They speed up and pedal to the metal if it is a farang trying to cross.

This doesn't only apply to farang. I am one of very few westerners where I live and the zebra crossings are just a hazard area where pedestrians feel they should have "right of way" over the traffic.

It actually lures them into a false sense of security, it is better to cross elsewhere and wait for the break in the flow.

The zebra crossings have no signs or flashing lights, and the road markings are just about worn out, so even those few driver that might stop cannot see it is any different to the rest of the road.

The person in the video clip is just an ass#ole, I hope the police find him/her and give them a lesson they won't forget in the cells....


Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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1 minute ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

This doesn't only apply to farang. I am one of very few westerners where I live and the zebra crossings are just a hazard area where pedestrians feel they should have "right of way" over the traffic.

It actually lures them into a false sense of security, it is better to cross elsewhere and wait for the break in the flow.

The zebra crossings have no signs or flashing lights, and the road markings are just about worn out, so even those few driver that might stop cannot see it is any different to the rest of the road.



Just put massive speed bumps on either side of the zebra stripes, that should slow them down.

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