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Video: Another example of Thai driving as cop hit on Zebra Crossing


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On 1/13/2017 at 8:55 AM, Ratcher said:

Typical Thai arrogant scumbag driver. Things aint going to change here anytime soon. I took a one day trip to Sakon Nakhon this week distance 250 kilos. Saw three accidents involving cars on the way. During the evening around midnight going back to the Hotel on a relatively quiet main road two motorcyclists lying at the side of the road.  A few cars were stopped probably involved waiting for help. They both looked dead to me. Drink driving is common place amongst Thai people. Most do it. Dog eat dog on the roads.

I have just been from to Bangkok from Surin including Pak Chong and backroads of Saraburi and i did not see one accident or near accident.Nor did i see any law breaking besides a bit of speeding.Now it is double lane the whole way it is a rather boring drive with no life threatening manouvers.

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On 1/13/2017 at 9:56 AM, fruitman said:


He doesn't look like a cop AT ALL...he should also give clear handsigns or show a trafficsign to the cars to stop.


He doesn't even have the text POLICE on his coat. And since when is the police wearing orange?


Also a zebra means nothing at all in BKK, nobody stops for them so since when do we have to stop at a zebra?? 



Since it is the law and anybody can see it is a cop,but that doesn't matter he is on the zebra crossing.

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On 1/13/2017 at 0:58 PM, ezflip said:

Pattaya tried zebra crossing for a while but it didn't work. They turned off the electricity to sign posts after 3 month. Too many pedestrian getting hit and to many farang cars getting rear ended by thai drivers since only the farang stopped their vehicles at zebra crossing, as the law state you should.


Even normal intersections in BKK are perilous, nevermind the zebra crossings.

A fixed camera at all zebra crossings would soon fix the problem.

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On 1/13/2017 at 4:23 PM, NCC1701A said:

Erratic, impatient driver who clipped traffic cop turns out to also be a cop (VIDEO)



55,still no fine for going through zebra crossing with somebody on it.You couldn't make this up.Meanwhile the kid who actually ran over a cop and killed him is still on the run.They are ineffectual even when it comes to taking care of themselves within their own ranks.

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13 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Most zebras have been replaced by pelicans (with traffic lights).

They wouldn't work here either as the Thais don't stop at red lights when it suits them.

There is a crossing not far from my house in the UK and one side is a hairdresser and the other a betting shop. The zig-zags don't stop anyone parking. I also have a brilliant picture of a UK police car parked on a roundabout and has stopped all traffic.

The foreign ownership of land would be my 1st thing to take from Thailand? Half of London is owned by non-Brits.

And who sells it to them?

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3 hours ago, louse1953 said:

Nothing wrong with the testing,it's the enforcing that is the problem.They have the car number and still don't do anything.

So testing for driving and you don't even have to get in a car. You can fall asleep, play on the phone and take no notice of the test and exam. What planet are you on that the testing has no problem.

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All sorts of pedestrian crossings are dangerous for pesdestrians in Thailand. Cars do not stop n give way at zebra crossings or traffic lights when the green man comes on.

N if u wonder why most people do not use the overhead bridge, it is not cos they r lazy, they r afraid of being rob on top of bridge. Ask any Thai, n they wil tell u so.

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As has been identified time and again above, the Thai motorists typically choose to ignore the law regarding pedestrians at zebra crossings. 


Yet, these same motorists will generally stop to allow passangers to board/alight from buses that choose to stop in lanes well away from the kerb. 


Where's the logic in that ??? 

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On 1/13/2017 at 3:36 AM, fruitman said:


He is not a cop, he even doesn't wear a mouthmask or sunglasses and also there's no text with POLICE on his coat. He could also be a carhijacker.

are you kidding? not all cops wear sunglasses and facemasks, bank robbers do though, hes wearing a police issue helmet

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On 13/01/2017 at 8:34 PM, Jonmarleesco said:

'They also have absolutely no idea how to use a roundabout. I have nearly been wiped out repeatedly when traffic entering a roundabout is totally unaware that they are supposed to give way to traffic already on it, coming from their right.' In common with most things Thai-driving-related. But the giving way to traffic on the right, as in on the roundabout, rule, is not necessarily the rule. France, I believe, does the opposite, wherein those on the roundabout have to give way to those entering it.  

I had to laugh at this post ( no offence meant) but using French driving as a standard.......


next it will be the Italians then we are all buggered........

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On 1/17/2017 at 3:29 AM, brianj1964 said:

are you kidding? not all cops wear sunglasses and facemasks, bank robbers do though, hes wearing a police issue helmet

Yes, and not only the helmet, but also the raincoat that according to the multiple lunatic-like postings of fruitman is a color that Thai police don't wear and according to fruitman's all powerful vision wasn't even marked, is also an official police raincoat with markings. You can see pics from my post on page 5 of the postings... fruitman is out to lunch.


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I have never seen a book in any store that is the Thai version of the highway code.Thais dont have the same test as in real world.Why would they read it,if they had it?95% of them dont have driving licences anyway.A green light means go and a red light means go even faster and an amber light means 'up to you' And lets face it, a 400 baht fine for having no licence is no punishment.I go to Tesco every thursday,Its 15 minute drive.There is always a police check on the road.The same cops every day. They always pull me over with a big grin "You have licence"...Yes i do."You show" grin gets bigger.one cop even started laughing.I always make a show of looking shocked and guilty.Then i wack out the Thai 5 year licence.Grin disappears like rat up a drain pipe.Is that ok officer?.'

"You go now" same cops,same procedure every week.Getting boring now.

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On 20/01/2017 at 11:29 AM, The Dark Lord said:

I had to laugh at this post ( no offence meant) but using French driving as a standard.......


next it will be the Italians then we are all buggered........

Even the most superficial observer will have noticed that there are dashed white lines at the entrance to roundabouts, indicating that you don't have the right of way.

Mind you, you have to know what 'right of way' means.

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