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Are Cambodians Better Informed in the Internet and Facebook Era?

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By Menghun Kaing


For the first time, the internet has surpassed traditional media as the main source of news for Cambodians, according to The Asia Foundation’s 2016 annual survey on mobile phones and internet usage. This has significant implications in terms of connectivity and information access in Cambodia: just three years ago, only 15 percent of people said they received their news from Facebook or other online sources, compared to 30 percent today.

Cambodia street scene

96 percent of Cambodians now own a phone and 48 percent own a smartphone, with urban respondents more likely to have access to the internet on their own phone than their rural counterparts, according to The Asia Foundation’s new survey. Photo/Ian Taylor

The survey, based on 2,061 interviews across Cambodia, found that 96 percent of Cambodians now own a phone and that 48 percent own a smartphone, a 21 percent increase from 2015. Thirty-seven percent of respondents said they use or have used the internet, and 33 percent said they accessed the internet using their own phone. Forty-eight percent said they have used Facebook while 37 percent of Cambodians indicated that they used Facebook on their own phone.


With greater access to the internet, Cambodians now have more choices in terms of where information comes, from instead of relying only on the state-controlled media. However, having access to more information does not necessarily mean that people are better informed. In one of many examples (and certainly not unique to Cambodia), last week, a story about canned fruit produced in Thailand being contaminated with HIV/Aids went viral on Facebook in Cambodia. The incident prompted the Thai embassy in Cambodia to issue a statement to clarify that the message was a hoax.


LONG ANALYSIS TO BE READ HERE http://asiafoundation.org/2017/01/11/cambodians-better-informed-internet-facebook-era/

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