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Trump blames 'both Democrats and Republicans' for allegations


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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Loved it.  The BBC person ripped him apart.  Even he said Trump isn't a paragon of truth!  

 No one says Trump is a paragon of truth, including Glenn Greenwald, which is why he is so believable. He came off a lot more knowledgeable and logical than the interviewer from the BBC. She gave it the old college try though.

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8 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



They also ignored the career agents and attorneys on the email case who unanimously believed the Hillary should have been charged. Someone should have to answer for that.

And they ignored that Trump could put the claims of financial ties to Russia to rest by releasing his tax returns.  He should have to answer to that.

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11 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

But it's over.  Time to move on.  She wasn't charged.  Isn't that what you tell Clinton supporters.


I have told you several times that I am with Trump about not prosecuting her. Her dream is dead forever and that is better than jail. However, it is Comey who is being investigated now and that is how it should be. He ignored all the FBI agents who investigated the case and recommended prosecution.  He needs to answer for that.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

And they ignored that Trump could put the claims of financial ties to Russia to rest by releasing his tax returns.  He should have to answer to that.


Huh? You don't realize that the authorities have access to his tax returns already? They are the government. :shock1:

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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

 No one says Trump is a paragon of truth, including Glenn Greenwald, which is why he is so believable. He came off a lot more knowledgeable and logical than the interviewer from the BBC. She gave it the old college try though.

What I got out of that interview is the same thing I've gotten from CNN.  Documents were produced by those opposed to Trump.  They were released in some manner and many got their hands on them, quite some time ago.  Buzzfeed released it, then CNN did also.  CNN said very clearly, they were just allegations.  Nothing was substantiated nor verified.  But they had been given to Trump in one of his briefing because they felt he needed to know.


Then, Trump goes off the deep end and calls it all FAKE NEWS.  Sorry, but what a loser.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


Huh? You don't realize that the authorities have access to his tax returns already? They are the government. :shock1:

They need to be released publicly, which they haven't.  They government isn't allowed to do that.

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16 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Huh? You don't realize that the authorities have access to his tax returns already? They are the government. :shock1:

The IRS has access to his returns.  The FBI can't get access without a warrant.  More important, the people of the United States have every reason to be suspicious of him and his financial ties, financial obligations, and conflicts of interest until the tax returns and detailed financial disclosures are released.

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22 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

He is president in 6 days, lots of heads are gonna roll, and I am gonna sit back and laugh my ass off as the purge begins.  


Still smiling

Not sure heads will roll.  His closest supporters don't even agree with him.  Maybe his head will roll?  Or just burst from too many ridiculous tweets? LOL




Donald Trump's top team don't all agree with him on Russia


I predict gridlock.  Luckily, in the US, the president isn't free to do anything he wants.  Lots of support is required.

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49 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The IRS has access to his returns.  The FBI can't get access without a warrant.  More important, the people of the United States have every reason to be suspicious of him and his financial ties, financial obligations, and conflicts of interest until the tax returns and detailed financial disclosures are released.


You made the suggestion that he could clear up illegal financial ties to Russia. The government has access to his tax returns and if they had any such information, it would have already been leaked. His tax returns are nothing but another baseless left wing talking point - another excuse to bash the man. He doesn't have to release them to the public and he won't. 

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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You made the suggestion that he could clear up illegal financial ties to Russia. The government has access to his tax returns and if they had any such information, it would have already been leaked. His tax returns are nothing but another baseless left wing talking point - another excuse to bash the man. He doesn't have to release them to the public and he won't. 

The IRS is not going to report improprieties or ethical violations based on tax records.   They are interested in money earned and taxes paid.   They don't even have an interest in money that is made from countries that under sanctions.   


I am aware of a guy who sold illegal drugs -- marijuana, cocaine and meth and used to report it on his taxes.   He was less afraid of the law than he was with the IRS.   By the way, the IRS never questioned anything.   Go ahead and sell illegal arms to foreign countries and it won't be the IRS that reports it.   It's way out of their jurisdiction.   Most IRS agents aren't even familiar with what to look for.   



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31 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You made the suggestion that he could clear up illegal financial ties to Russia. The government has access to his tax returns and if they had any such information, it would have already been leaked. His tax returns are nothing but another baseless left wing talking point - another excuse to bash the man. He doesn't have to release them to the public and he won't. 

It seems both historical precedent and the majority of the public are bashing him.


" It’s been common practice for decades for presidential candidates to release their tax returns. Despite Trump’s argument that he isn’t releasing his because he’s being audited, the IRS has said he’s allowed to release them whether he’s under an audit or not (as Richard Nixon did). "


" Sixty percent of the people polled by Pew said Trump has a responsibility to publicly release his tax returns."  http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/jan/11/donald-trump/trump-wrong-reporters-are-only-ones-who-care-about/


I agree with historical precedent and the majority.  I want every presidential candidate to show they have no obvious financial conflicts of interest, especially one with global business interests and a questionable financial background.

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4 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

If he has nothing to worry about, why is he lying, dodging and weaving about releasing his tax returns?

This is not just going to go away and if he doesn't release them, the public will make up it's own mind about the reason why.

Because releasing them will show all the dodgy stuff he's done.  Kinda flies in the face of "drain the swamp!" and "make America great again!" when you do dodgy stuff like this.  Lots of people lost lots of money because of him.

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10 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Because releasing them will show all the dodgy stuff he's done.  Kinda flies in the face of "drain the swamp!" and "make America great again!" when you do dodgy stuff like this.  Lots of people lost lots of money because of him.


At the moment there is no proof either way, so, accusing him of "dodgy stuff" is premature and unfair.

If he doesn't prove that everything is above board, Joe Public will make their own conclusions.

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58 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You made the suggestion that he could clear up illegal financial ties to Russia. The government has access to his tax returns and if they had any such information, it would have already been leaked. His tax returns are nothing but another baseless left wing talking point - another excuse to bash the man. He doesn't have to release them to the public and he won't. 


Of course he will not release his tax returns, he never was going to. That bit about being under audit and thus being prevented from releasing his tax returns was another of his lies. Nixon released his tax returns while under audit and as so many other top business people and tax lawyers have stated there is nothing about being under audit that prevents you from releasing your tax returns. Just as he will continue to run his businesses that is another of his lies.

As for being a baseless left wing talking point, every candidate for that office in the past 40 years has released their tax returns and it was Donald Trump who was urging Romney in 2012 to release his tax returns when he was somewhat reluctant to do so.

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13 hours ago, al007 said:

I admire Trump, I do not like him


I believe he is exactly what the USA needs at the moment


Yes he is likely to rock a few boats but the whole system is long overdue for a shake up


Lets also not forget he was elected

Yes he was elected to be the next president of the USA, but it looks like Putin will be pulling the strings

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


You made the suggestion that he could clear up illegal financial ties to Russia. The government has access to his tax returns and if they had any such information, it would have already been leaked. His tax returns are nothing but another baseless left wing talking point - another excuse to bash the man. He doesn't have to release them to the public and he won't. 

Because he is afraid of what will be revealed to the public if the information isrevealed

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15 hours ago, Berkshire said:

"...Russia says nothing exists," Trump said in a series of posts on Twitter.


Freakin amazing.  Trump has already conceded that the Russians were involved in the election hackings.  The Russians denied that as well!  Man, this is one loonie bird. 


Hacking the DNC and exposing their, including Honest Honorable Hilary's lying and cheating?


Somebody did - and how that's been so diverted in attacking the messenger, the one apparently identified by assertions rather than facts.


Have you noticed how little interest main street media has shown in pursuing the undisputed lying and cheating that went on to try and manipulate Clinton into the White House?

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Didn't Trump say the same thing about Russian hacks?  FAKE NEWS!  Then he admitted it was true.  He's starting to sound like Putin.  There are NO Russian troops in Crimea.  Oops, I lied and we now own Crimea.  There are NO troops in Ukraine!  Oops, they are there on their own personal holiday.


The CIA clearly said there was no proof and the claims needed to be vetted.  Something Trump obviously didn't read or hear...or just chose to ignore.


How about say, OK.  Let's investigate this and get to the bottom of the matter.  Instead of slinging mud at any and everybody.  Extremely unprofessional.  He should avoid Twitter. LOL


But nobody seems remotely interested in getting to the bottom of the matter of the lying and cheating by Hilary and the DNC to disadvantage Bernie Sanders and then Trump.


Wonder why that is?

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

But it's over.  Time to move on.  She wasn't charged.  Isn't that what you tell Clinton supporters?  You lost!  Deal with it. LOL


You are correct. A very strange situation when her husband has a private meeting with the Attorney General on an airport runway, the FBI Director goes public saying nothing to prosecute even before prosecutors do, and the AG provides a lesson in how to avoid answering any question meaningfully when questioned about it under oath.


But, yep, she wasn't charged so move on. She didn't win the election either. Time to move on.

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Used to be a big admirer of American democracy; not any more.

There used to be an ideological overlap between the two parties because each party had a broad umbrella. The most extreme member of the left wing of the Republicans overlapped with the right wing of the Democrats; not any more.

Members on each side of the aisle used to show respect to each other; not any more.


And you know what? It's all mirrored here on TV.

Sad that it's got to this state.

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12 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


But nobody seems remotely interested in getting to the bottom of the matter of the lying and cheating by Hilary and the DNC to disadvantage Bernie Sanders and then Trump.


Wonder why that is?

Possibly it has something to do with the fact that Hillary is not going to be the president. Donald is.


Donald is also being investigated for being blackmailed by Putin. Don't you think it's worth of checking if a foreign country have power over him?


Later on Donald's inner circle will be checked. Especially Jared Kushner. 


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Trump has business interests all over the world, many in corrupt countries.

US (and UK) law states that it is illegal to give bribes, yet, for those of us that have traveled to some of these corrupt countries, we know that it is virtually impossible to do business there without paying bribes.


If the Orange Don does fall, I think the reason will be proof that he has being paying bribes to corrupt officials whilst he was still in charge.

You read it here first. 

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2 hours ago, KarenBravo said:


At the moment there is no proof either way, so, accusing him of "dodgy stuff" is premature and unfair.

If he doesn't prove that everything is above board, Joe Public will make their own conclusions.

From what I've read. There's plenty of dodgy stuff already out there about his business deals. Nothing illegal. Just dodgy.

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