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Lawless Thailand


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My friend and his family live in Pohvisai area of Isaan. Today my friend told me that his father, who is the eldest sibling of eight children, had a visit from his youngest sisters husband or boyfriend. My friends Grandfather did not leave a will and had land estimated to be worth around 20 million Baht. My friends father was told by the husband or boyfriend of his youngest sister that he and two others of the family would be murdered if they didn't sign over the estate to the youngest sister and her husband or boyfriend. Now my friend and his mother and father and the other threatened members of the family are worried that if they don't relinquish their rights to a share of the estate they could be murdered by paid for hitmen.  What sort of country is Thailand, when people can go around threatening to murder people? is Thailand completely lawless or is it something to do with corruption.? My friends family are good people who have to live with the threat of being murdered by some low life hanging over them if they don't give up what is legally their right to claim a share of.

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Money can cause people to behave badly and so some really strange things.  That seems to be even more so in Thailand but in fairness, this is an extreme situation and you'd hardly call this sort of thing "normal".  Still, plenty of people get threatened, hurt or even killed for much less than 20 million baht!

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I have dealt with cockroaches like that before. My personal opinion is that even if I was murdered, I would still not sign that paper. Just out of compassion. No gifts for b@+*es. 

But as an advice to someone, who can be threatened and manipulated, tell your friend to tell those guys to visit again! Be nice with them, call them and say okay I have given it a lot of thought.. I will sign it. Come over please and so we can talk business. 

Then be prepared for the visit! Set up a camera in some way that is not visible and record the entire encounter! 

During the conversation, make it a point to ask clear questions about the matter such as.. So there's no way around it? If I don't sign, my whole family will be murdered? Play it cool and friendly, so they don't get suspicious! Nothing to worry about, it is just a family visit but accidentally it will be recorded. 

Then you take the evidence NOT to the local cop shop because they might be involved. You make several copies of it and give it/send it to different powerful people. Send it to the army. Send it to the court. Give it to the highest ranking police in the area. 

Based on the way they try to do this, they are small league idiots with a few lower ranking rogue cop connections. 

Don't be afraid of them. Just play your cards right. 

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In a country where a young woman get abducted and callously murdered

just because she stood between a love struck policeman and his lover

than yes, and what's more, apparently they can get you killed for the measly

sum of 3,000 baht.... 

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5 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

I have dealt with cockroaches like that before. My personal opinion is that even if I was murdered, I would still not sign that paper. Just out of compassion. No gifts for b@+*es. 

But as an advice to someone, who can be threatened and manipulated, tell your friend to tell those guys to visit again! Be nice with them, call them and say okay I have given it a lot of thought.. I will sign it. Come over please and so we can talk business. 

Then be prepared for the visit! Set up a camera in some way that is not visible and record the entire encounter! 

During the conversation, make it a point to ask clear questions about the matter such as.. So there's no way around it? If I don't sign, my whole family will be murdered? Play it cool and friendly, so they don't get suspicious! Nothing to worry about, it is just a family visit but accidentally it will be recorded. 

Then you take the evidence NOT to the local cop shop because they might be involved. You make several copies of it and give it/send it to different powerful people. Send it to the army. Send it to the court. Give it to the highest ranking police in the area. 

Based on the way they try to do this, they are small league idiots with a few lower ranking rogue cop connections. 

Don't be afraid of them. Just play your cards right. 

My personal opinion is that even if I was murdered, I would still not sign that paper. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thailand's not lawless what nonsense.

I find it hard to imagine a situation like that,  so until it did I can't offer much in the way of advice.


I would say that if your friend is concerned get the old fella to report it to the police for starters.

That said l would of thought the old fella of eight would be wise enough to go and see the other six who have a claim on the land in the event of his demise. 


The nearest thing l know of was a very pretty daughter being seduced by a good looking lad and it was soon the shotgun marriage type situ  :laugh:  she had six older brothers. :biggrin:

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I agree with the other poster who suggested they set up a meeting and record everything as incriminating proof and evidence of their heinous intentions.

I  further suggest they get themselves several guns and carry them around with them and having them concealed on their person and always have a big baseball bat and or a large machete and a few large knives....on hand

Then go to the police with an affidavit informing the police they are being relentlessly threatened to be killed if they do not relinquish their land to the family member thugs with photos and the videos included of exactly who the family members are and or associates are and let it be known and for the record that they will protect themselves and by any means and at all cost, if need be.

Basically let the thugs know that they will go to war with them if need be and tell it to their scum bag faces and in their faces  and turn the tables on them...or at least try rather than get run over and or killed by a bunch of greedy A-Hole family members and their thug associates....

Might as well go down fighting as the police are not going to be there when it happens and the police are going to be indifferent to what is going on even after the family members do steal the land by force or kill them to get the land.

Best to be fully prepared and ready to fight.


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I was at Udon A few years ago and A European man said that his Thai wife was taking A hit out on him for 300,000 baht.Said that part of the money would be going to the local police.Don't know if anything became od it.I never saw him again.

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:


In a country where a young woman get abducted and callously murdered

just because she stood between a love struck policeman and his lover

than yes, and what's more, apparently they can get you killed for the measly

sum of 3,000 baht.... 

i had to pay that to a engineer who works for 3bb to fix my internet ! id like to pay another 3k to get him offed 

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3 hours ago, KittenKong said:


No, it isnt. But it does have a very large number of people in it who have no morals and who care only about money and themselves.

and don't forget about all these people with "connections".

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Fortunately my wife is from an old Phuket family and several of the cousins are known to be "influential". One did offer to give me a hand settling some unpleasant business dealings with clear implication of various types of persuasion could be implemented. Never used this but good to have if needed eg. per the problem described by the OP.

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Yes, rule of law is almost non-existent in Thailand. Over the past 16 years, I've dealt with the court/legal system, police, lawyers, hospitals, insurance companies, government offices, and other businesses. I've never been in trouble other than minor traffic tickets for "driving while farang" and lead a low key life with my Thai spouse so it's not like I'm some pissed off troublemaker.


But all of the systems I listed above I have encountered moderate to severe corruption at every level and almost every single time. It is RARE that I encountered honest people in these systems when it comes to money when given the chance to scam a foreigner.


Is it the dishonesty the exception? Absolutely not. I've adapted, otherwise it would drive me crazy. But it definitely changed my mind about investing here and I've also told our investment group that we aren't investing in Thailand as well as anyone else that I consult from the West. I tell them don't bother. If you want to open a bar as a hobby but not live off the income, then fine, give it a try. But we are involved in real estate, banking/finance, and other non-entertainment businesses so Thailand is a waste of time for us. Contracts are only as valid as the size of your goon squad to enforce them and we don't operate that way.


I've had doctors, lawyers, police, immigration, court staff, and various others all try to either make me pay bribes, try to sell me something they knew I didn't need or want, or overcharge me because I'm a foreigner. Yes, they do it to Thais too. Yes, other third world countries do it too. But I'm not Thai and I don't live elsewhere, I live here. So, I'm only discussing Thailand.


It's only a roll of the dice to stay under the radar here. You will encounter one or more of these systems at some point. I managed for a couple years but you can't do it forever. But, it was back when I live a half ass life of a simple job, hanging at bars, and running around.


If you try and live a grown up life, the lack of rule of law catches up with everyone. Maybe it hasn't yet, but it will. We all have or will have visa issues, health issues, issues with property ownership, etc. Those who rent a little room, live on a retirement visa, have no meaningful health insurance and cruise around on their Honda Clicks think they are immune. They aren't.

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This is why most of us are here because of the lawless way of doing things and of course trying to be under the radar but the main thing is to have connections and well paid so they might be there when you need them otherwise remember we are farangs and with no rights what so ever.

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You say...... "What sort of country is Thailand, when people can go around threatening to murder people?"



Sorry to say it happens in every country an Thailand is not on its own ..........


For instance lets take Northern Ireland ......  In the past my fathers house yrs ago got machine gunned with us as children in it at the time !

                                                                              Ive had several friends murdered ,Ive been saved by the change of the traffic light where the Omagh bomb went off. etc etc ....this all yrs ago 

 more recently last year ive been threatened 2 times over the phone !.


On the home front my mate mum died leaving him the home or atleast he thought so .... he had 2 sisters (well off already) their names were on the deed an they made him sell the house as they wanted their money essentially turfing him an his family out of the house .


The list goes on mate 


lets not start on England were on the news theres murders an rapes daily  .... nevermind the 1,400 girls in Rotheram plied with alcohol & drugs and raped by muslim men an passed on to family members .


.........and thats only 2 countrys mentioned an only a few examples of many  so lets not get blinkered here. .



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I have a house in Battersea,Sw London,UK.My will reads that if i die here,my wife will contact my solicitor in the UK.The arrangement is that my wife and daughter would sell the property and the proceeds split between them.My solicitor is a good friend and is perfectly aware of what can happen over here,as he lived here for some years.My will and any money is in the uk and is available by an ATM here.There is only ever 50,000 baht in that account.My death would have to be supported by a proper death certificate,of which a copy sent to my solicitor.I believe that my wife would have to present the certificate to the British Embassy.This is all arranged by a friend who is in business here.I make bi monthly calls to my solicitor as 'proof of life' And also i am in constant contact . with her by Android.There are plenty of email addresses and phone numbers available to all parties,to make the division of the money as easy as possible.I have advised mrs Kaen not to engage a solicitor her,as my one is capable of handling all matters.If it meant visits by plane to here my solicitor would be happy to do so.

The house is nothing huge or fantastic,but my grandfather bought it many years ago,it has always been in the family,and i no longer have any family to who i am responsible. I had the property valued some time ago and it had increased beyond my wildest dreams.Battersea was a shit are years ago but has now escalated to the high earning classes.My point is that if i was to be murdered,or met with a nasty accident,there would be so many hurdles to jump before anybody got anything.I can think of no other way to self guard my wishes.I am worth more alive than dead here.

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7 minutes ago, alwaysrainsinUK said:

You say...... "What sort of country is Thailand, when people can go around threatening to murder people?"



Sorry to say it happens in every country an Thailand is not on its own ..........


For instance lets take Northern Ireland ......  In the past my fathers house yrs ago got machine gunned with us as children in it at the time !

                                                                              Ive had several friends murdered ,Ive been saved by the change of the traffic light where the Omagh bomb went off. etc etc ....this all yrs ago

 more recently last year ive been threatened 2 times over the phone !.


On the home front my mate mum died leaving him the home or atleast he thought so .... he had 2 sisters (well off already) their names were on the deed an they made him sell the house as they wanted their money essentially turfing him an his family out of the house .


The list goes on mate


lets not start on England were on the news theres murders an rapes daily  .... nevermind the 1,400 girls in Rotheram plied with alcohol & drugs and raped by muslim men an passed on to family members .


.........and thats only 2 countrys mentioned an only a few examples of many  so lets not get blinkered here. .




But the topic is Thailand so any other country is irrelevant to this conversation. Murder, mayhem, and lawlessness elsewhere doesn't justify it here. No one is saying this is the only place on planet earth that is lawless, but this is THAIvisa.com, so we discuss Thailand.


I'm waiting for the "if you don't like it, don't the door hit you in the ass on the way out" genius posts to come up. As if you cannot discuss things that go on and still remain in the country. Both can occur at the same time.

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1 minute ago, Global Guy said:


But the topic is Thailand so any other country is irrelevant to this conversation. Murder, mayhem, and lawlessness elsewhere doesn't justify it here. No one is saying this is the only place on planet earth that is lawless, but this is THAIvisa.com, so we discuss Thailand.


I'm waiting for the "if you don't like it, don't the door hit you in the ass on the way out" genius posts to come up. As if you cannot discuss things that go on and still remain in the country. Both can occur at the same time.

No mate its your decision to talk about only Thailand and its my decision to draw comparisons to other countrys equally as lawless .

In other words as Thai people like to say ...... Up to me and up to you ;0))

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Does the 'friend' speak Thai? Has anyone considered the possibility the whole scenario is a charade organised (or simply misinterpreted) to encourage the "friend" to part with some money and be the hero who 'saved' the family inheritance. And everyone else in the family benefits. Win-win. It sounds a lot like the story came straight out of some crappy lakorn.  If it is true, video recording a meeting might be useful. If I was the 'friend" I'd be inclined to keep the plan secret so the supposed 'toughs' don't get prior warning.  Guns in the hands of amateurs, however. screams disaster in bucketloads. If armed, you have to be ready and determined to use that force without hesitation.  Make sure only those with guns in hand survive the confrontation  if it arises - their statements will be the only reliable evidence or record available.

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