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Thais skipping the line


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5 hours ago, Scott said:

Over the years, queue jumping has gotten better.   Thais are by nature quite polite and foreigners, by nature, have a greater respect for personal space.  This is a bad combination because that little extra space seems to scream, 'please stand here, please stand here' to others.  


Years ago, I would go to a local grocery store for my breakfast each Saturday and Sunday morning before going to a part time job.   It was early enough that the store was not at all busy, but it was routine for people to walk up to the cashier and ask for things, usually it was cigarettes, which were behind the counter.   They didn't cut in line, but were on the outside of the counter.   The cashier would invariably stop and take care of their requests.   Since at that time of the morning there were quite a few of these interruptions, I started leaving my stuff on the little conveyor belt and walking away.   After a few weeks of this happening, they started at least asking them to wait.  


As annoying as it is, there are places and groups that are a lot worse than the Thais.  

Like I said earlier, "I pretty much ignore it these days.  Or when someone cuts the line I smile, gesture them to go ahead of me and say mai mi pen ha."  Here in Thailand line cutting really seems insignificant to me.  On the other after spending six months in India doing NGO work, seeing almost daily young guys pushing or elbowing old folks to cut the line,  I admit started getting me real pissed off.


As fate would have it.  On return to BKK while waiting behind the blue line for luggage.  An Indian guy also planted himself right in front of me, why me, LOL.  I also grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him back.  I said this is Thailand not India we 're in a Q here you might have heard of it.


I will never return to India.  After almost 30  years of NGO work there I saw last year it really has become "hell on earth" at least for me.  I will never return.

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You would be surprised how many smiles you get and even nice comments, when you do get vocal at a queue jumper...

Thais dont want to say anything as they are conditioned to "take it"...

Nothing sweeter in life (well there are plenty), than watching a queue jumper vocally humiliated and going to the end of the line. I found out, once I speak up, then other Thais will react accordingly and some even speak up as well!

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22 hours ago, Tagaa said:

The appropriate response is :


Da bawt, mai (are you blind)


Ya sang queue see! (Don't <deleted> jump the line!!!)


Works every time.


Thanks, I learnt something new! 


Its Ya Saeng - rather than Sang ( to order ) - so hard to get the right words when using Anglo script. There's nothing rude about saying it.


If it's a kid that does it, I usually ask them if their parents neglected to teach them manners, which is usually a prompt for their friends or vendor to start on them.

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20 hours ago, Tagaa said:

I can only relate my experience. Sorry if you don't agree with my experiences.


I think I have a pretty good grasp as I have lived in 3 different geographic areas of LOS & have lived in Thailand, full time, for just a few months shy of 10 years. Thai's have no manners.


Thais are all smiley & pleasant when they want something or want you to buy something they are selling. You will get lots of smiles when you are a tourist. But get out of BKK, Pattaya or Phuket and, lets say, go up country. You will have a much different experience. Thai's are xenophobic. That's one reason we have to jump through all the stupid hoops at immigration.


You would think that, after 10 years,  I would qualify for some type of visa that didn't require yearly renewal and/or 90 check ins. Nope. They really don't want you here and hope you will leave. Don't forget to leave your money behind.


By the way, I agree with joeyg...I avoid farangs as well. I'm a quite happy farang quasi hermit.

I think I quoted you already on this post but not sure just another thought though.  On your Thais are "smiley & pleasant when selling."  It's very true.  I find it fascinating when shopping for electronics at Tuk Com or in the other markets for anything.  If you look at something and don't buy the smile goes directly to a scowl and the vibe is like why are you wasting my time, or breathing for that matter.


"Thais have no manners"  I think about this sometimes and it often seems that way.  I really do think people are people though.  Sales people in the USA for example have better training and social skills and are adept at making you think they care wether you live or die.  Most really don't.


I know the 90 day report is a pain for many.  For me it gives me a chance to go to Jomtien.  I never go there because I don't particularly like it.


I'm pretty clear now after 2.5 years here I will return to San Diego, for many reasons.  I'm still loving Thailand at the moment.  Knowing I have decided to leave sometime in the future, if I don't get run over in the street first, makes me appreciate my time here more.

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I never had issues with Thais skipping the line but I sure do with Chinese people. Yesterday at 7-11 I had a Chinese man use his shoulder to push me away as I was putting my things on the counter, and put his instead. Fortunately the cash register right beside was open / no queue so I just went there.

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20 hours ago, jayboy said:


Been to London lately? if you have, you will have noticed bus queues are a thing of the past.

I thought this was down to the fact that the bus never stops where it's meant to. If it stops 5meters short people nearer the back of the queue end up getting on first. If the bus stops on its marks then I rarely see people queue jumping

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20 hours ago, kkerry said:

Had it happen a few times over the years. Sometimes the seller will tell the queue jumper to wait their turn. If they don't I just walk away. I could make a scene but you never know how it will end up if you do.


One time though, I was next in line in Jusco and this gangster looking Thai walks up and puts a can of coke on the belt in front of my groceries. I was just about to say something when he turns around and with a big smile and in perfect English says, excuse me sir but I have only one item and you have many, can I go first? I nearly burst out laughing but said no problem. Couldn't really refuse him :biggrin:

I was about to get served in Big C, I noticed a lady walk up behind me with only one item, I gestured to her to go in front of me, she did so and gave me a big smile, then right away, another lady just walked straight in front of me and placed her one item on the counter, I immediately picked it up and handed it back to her saying "raw deeo" wait a minute.

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9 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:

I never had issues with Thais skipping the line but I sure do with Chinese people. Yesterday at 7-11 I had a Chinese man use his shoulder to push me away as I was putting my things on the counter, and put his instead. Fortunately the cash register right beside was open / no queue so I just went there.

Yeah I know.  Been there, done that.  I pretty much let it all slide these days.  In fact sometimes I find it comical.  Like "how $$$$$$ up are you really? LOL. And I make it a point to chuckle or laugh out loud.


I tend to react more when I see this happening to elderly people.  Hell I'm 64.5 still like a bull.  I'll enjoy it while it lasts.  Just keep up the pushups and squats.


God I hate squats!!!

Edited by joeyg
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20 hours ago, joeyg said:

Can you be a bit more specific.  I mean only one person can go through the door at a time right so how does it work?


Quite easily, they push their way in front of you just before you get to the door, the OAPs are the worst.

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What annoys me is when people shop in 7/11 or CJ and they place a few items on the counter, then continue shopping. A couple of items get scanned and then no one else can be served at that til until the selfish so and so has finished wondering around the store.

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1 minute ago, alien365 said:

What annoys me is when people shop in 7/11 or CJ and they place a few items on the counter, then continue shopping. A couple of items get scanned and then no one else can be served at that til until the selfish so and so has finished wondering around the store.

Now that's entertainment!!! LOL!!!

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2 minutes ago, leither69 said:

Man up,  its not the first time I've taken stuff of a counter belonging to a queue jumper and set it behind mine.  I swallow the dirty look but my place in the queue is  not relinquished

I was quite aggressive in my younger days.  Imagine that 555!.  These days I'm, in general becoming much more passive.


In rarely in a hurry.  Of course wrong day, wrong time, wrong person it can still go very differently.

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18 hours ago, sirmud63 said:

its not just in shops and markets either . i remember one evening ,going into town in a red bht bus with 2 other thai girls i didnt know . about half way there the driver stops and kicks us all out just so he can cramb in 12 chinese tourists . 

all 3 of us were gob smacked . since we were all going in the same direction i offered to shout them a tuk tuk ride the rest of the way . 

it turned into one of the most awsome nights iv ever had in LOS. :biggrin:


I was sitting in a baht bus waiting at the terminus to go to Jomtein, all the seats were taken, the driver approached the back of the bus with a school girl maybe about 12 years old, he gestured to me to get up, I shook my head and said no, then he gestured to another guy and he got up and the girl took his seat.

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By far the best defense is telling them in their own language you saw what they did and it is bad behavior.  Ignore anything they say in reply.  They are always stunned when I do that.  And other Thais in earshot often snicker at the offender when they see a farang put them in their place.  I on the other hand regularly extend courtesy to them by holding open doors (a concept entirely foreign to them), allowing people with more items ahead of me on the queue etc.  

Not to deviate but what was said about the Russians, again generally speaking, is basically true.   They are PHENOMENALLY rude when it comes to social etiquette, personal space boundaries and volume control. 

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14 minutes ago, alien365 said:

What annoys me is when people shop in 7/11 or CJ and they place a few items on the counter, then continue shopping. A couple of items get scanned and then no one else can be served at that til until the selfish so and so has finished wondering around the store.

I once came across that, I picked up the things she left and put them on the floor, another cashier, maybe a supervisor, came and picked them up, I just left my trolley and walked away.

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15 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Now that's entertainment!!! LOL!!!


17 minutes ago, alien365 said:

What annoys me is when people shop in 7/11 or CJ and they place a few items on the counter, then continue shopping. A couple of items get scanned and then no one else can be served at that til until the selfish so and so has finished wondering around the store.

What could be good fun, when someone does that is when they go back for other items.  Pick up things, in reach,  preferably more expensive ones and put them on the counter with the things they've got up there already.  Could get interesting... :clap2:

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3 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:

As a American I find this English fixation with the queue funny.

I once worked in Saudi Arabia and the Saudis were far worse then at jumping the queue than the Thais are here.



English fixation?


It is simply a matter of good manners and ensuring fair play my good chap, i.e. Good Form...

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2 minutes ago, joeyg said:


What could be good fun, when someone does that is when they go back for other items.  Pick up things, in reach,  preferably more expensive ones and put them on the counter with the things they've got up there already.  Could get interesting... :clap2:

Yes, ideally a big box of ribbed condoms and tube of KY Jelly lol...

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22 hours ago, sanemax said:

I sometimes jump the queue .

At 7/11s at 11.58 PM

I just say "Sorry, this is an emergency"

And go straight to the front of the queue

Some day that emergency might take you to the hospital, better be careful out there.

Edited by Gerard052
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6 minutes ago, Lokie said:

Yes, ideally a big box of ribbed condoms and tube of KY Jelly lol...

Now this is possible as they are easily in reach and on the sly I could easily do this lol.

What I normally do is tut fervently and ask they cancel her order or open a new til. It's not the cashiers fault so I don't take it out on them.

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21 hours ago, kkerry said:

Had it happen a few times over the years. Sometimes the seller will tell the queue jumper to wait their turn. If they don't I just walk away. I could make a scene but you never know how it will end up if you do.


One time though, I was next in line in Jusco and this gangster looking Thai walks up and puts a can of coke on the belt in front of my groceries. I was just about to say something when he turns around and with a big smile and in perfect English says, excuse me sir but I have only one item and you have many, can I go first? I nearly burst out laughing but said no problem. Couldn't really refuse him :biggrin:


Nice story, but if I see someone with just one item, Thai or farang, I automatically indicate for them to go first and am met with a smile and a thank you by all. However, if anyone, Thai or farang, attempts to queue jump, I elbow the buggers out the way.

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