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Digestive enzyme supplement


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I am suffering with bloating and gas and I will try to change my diet to see if my digestion system will work better.   I am aware of which food to avoid so that is a simple way to avoid bloating but if my body lacks certain enzymes that could also be a solution . 


So I have been told to try a  a digestive enzyme supplement that will help my body to digest the food  . Any brand names in Thailand or should I just order from iHerb?  Thanks. 




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I have similar problems and have had camera's shoved everywhere trying to figure it out.


What happens in many cases is that either an overgrowth of bacteria causes gas or delayed food digestion does similar.


In my case taking two Air-X after meals shows great benefit, a cheap and easy solution.


I've now started taking probiotics (first time) and that is also proving beneficial - probiotics attempt to restore the balance between good and bad bacteria in the gut, it doesn't work for everyone.


Finally, it's worth watching your diet closely to see what things cause the gas and to try and eliminate them. Also worth studying is the speed with which you eat, swallowing air is another cause often overlooked, try eating more slowly.




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Unless you have pancreatic or small bowel disease it is very unlikely that you lack any digestive enzymes. But if you insist, brand names here are:





They are quite expensive.


Disturbance of gut flora is more probable than an enzyme deficiency, especially if yo uhave taken antibiotics recently and probiotics may help.


Suggest you eat fresh papaya daily - it contains a number of enzymes helpful to digestion though not the same ones present in the human GI tract.


For probiotics: Infloran is sold in larger pharmacies.


The other thing that is often the culprit for bloating is lactose intolerance which can develop later in life in people who previously had no problem with dairy. Easy to find out, just stop all dairy products for a week or two and see what happens.





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9 hours ago, Sheryl said:

The other thing that is often the culprit for bloating is lactose intolerance which can develop later in life in people who previously had no problem with dairy. Easy to find out, just stop all dairy products for a week or two and see what happens.



It's been on my mind yes ,  I only use a bit of fresh milk in the coffee , and some cheese , but not much .  Anyway I also stopped drinking coffee now , I hope its not coffee causing my problems , I only drink 2 cups per day and I really need it. 


I will try a papaya diet this week . 






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Activated charcoal will not treat parasites.

It is useful in soaking up toxins from bacteria that cause traveler's diarrhea, which does not seem to be your problem.

While it usually also causes diarrhea, giardia is a common cause of bloating and will sometimes present as bloating alone.

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Low cost digestive enzymes and probiotics...

1. Raw papaya

2. Raw pineapple, eat the small sweet ones.

3. Raw passionfruit.

4. Raw green ginger, Use a piece about the size of the base of your thumb. Chop it up into small pieces and smash it in a mortar. Mix with a cup of cold water and sieve into a cup. Drink.

5. Water Lotus (water or coconut  kefir) a probiotic and enzyme food. Can add ginger to this (ginger beer).

6. Snow Lotus (milk kefir), make with Thai Danish UHT milk for an excellent probiotic brew.

7. Fermented Fruits, very popular in Asia, pack ripe fruit into a jar with sufficient brown sugar to cover. Loose top on jar and put in the dark for a month or so. Delicious and loaded with enzymes.


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The good news is that its not the coffee so I can continue drinking 1 or 2 cups , but it's some sort of digestive problem .   I do eat some Papaya and I really believe in the power of that fruit. Also pineapple.  


On 1/16/2017 at 5:34 PM, Sheryl said:

For probiotics: Infloran is sold in larger pharmacies.


Infloran really helped , I had less gas for 2 weeks  and took 3 capsules daily, combined with a change in the diet.  But when I stopped I got worse again .  I did some online search and a lot of food produces gas and should be avoided , even a banana is not good , and I love bananas on my yogurt, 

So I am not healed but some food seem to work better for me so just have to continue testing out what food to include in my diet. 





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On 1/26/2017 at 10:41 AM, balo said:

The good news is that its not the coffee so I can continue drinking 1 or 2 cups , but it's some sort of digestive problem .   I do eat some Papaya and I really believe in the power of that fruit. Also pineapple.  



Infloran really helped , I had less gas for 2 weeks  and took 3 capsules daily, combined with a change in the diet.  But when I stopped I got worse again .  I did some online search and a lot of food produces gas and should be avoided , even a banana is not good , and I love bananas on my yogurt, 

So I am not healed but some food seem to work better for me so just have to continue testing out what food to include in my diet. 







How old are you? Do you take any medications? Are there any types of foods that make your symptoms more likely to happen?

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Yoghurt is not good, change to the snow lotus (milk kefir). This is much better. You will need to make it yourself. Get some kefir animal and use UHT milk from Thai Danish. I can give you some, Send me your address or visit me in Chaiyaphum.

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I posted earlier on this subject because I have a similar problem. Subsequently I went to CM RAM and saw Dr. gastro. who performed a gastroscopy (camera into the stomach), fully sedated and pain free. The findings were a bleed in the junction between the stomach and oesophagus and a small area of irregular mucosa which has been sent for biopsy. Ten days before having the gastroscopy I started taking combizym which helped enormously, subsequently I've been prescribed Dexilant which is also helpful. The bloating has lessened and digestion is very good, a nervous wait however until the 9th when the biopsy result is available. The official diagnosis at this point is GERD and hopefully the biopsy results wont change that.


I can highly recommend combizym taken after each meal, I can also highly recommend getting a gastroscopy just to ensure there's no underlying problem - 11,500 baht and half a day of my time, well worth the effort and expense.

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On 2/1/2017 at 4:36 PM, chiang mai said:

I can highly recommend combizym taken after each meal


I did an online search and I think  Cotazym  is the Thai brand or is Combizym imported? 


Can you buy it in all pharmacies here?  

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Just now, balo said:


I did an online search and I think  Cotazym  is the Thai brand or is Combizym imported? 


Can you buy it in all pharmacies here?  

Dunno, but combizym is widely available here, 56 baht for a sheet of 10 tablets.

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  • 1 year later...

1. I have problem. Think pancreas in some way. Since two month my system changed. Totaly.  Any specialist doctor in Rajajev or Maharadja you recommend. Or do I first have to meet up with regular dr?

2. I been reading everything about pancreatic and small bowel disease.  Can I test to eat combizyn without risk?

Worrie a lot

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24 minutes ago, JanPeder said:

1. I have problem. Think pancreas in some way. Since two month my system changed. Totaly.  Any specialist doctor in Rajajev or Maharadja you recommend. Or do I first have to meet up with regular dr?

2. I been reading everything about pancreatic and small bowel disease.  Can I test to eat combizyn without risk?

Worrie a lot

You can consult directly with a specialist. But before I recommend one please specify what your symptoms are exactly.


Combizym is usually safe.


Google is not designed to make medical diagnoses, if you enter symptoms what it kicks up is nto the most likely cause (usually quite the opposite) and online self-diagnoses are wrong most of the time. So I suggest to drop the assumption re pancreatic or SB disease, odds are it is something simpler and more common, but wait for a Dr diagnosis.


If you are nto comfortable posting your symptoms  then PM me.



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