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Police refute online claims officer pulled student's hair causing her to come off motorbike


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4 hours ago, fstarbkk said:


Some would say deservedly. Many others would say excessive force. I have seen countless instances, in my years in Thailand, that suggest a complete lack of training and professional skills in every aspect of police work. This certainly includes the ability to execute a safe and effective traffic stop.

I would agree. I never said I said deservedly.

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The post claimed that there were three students on the bike and it was stopping anyway.


Bullshit! ..the bike was directed to stop, instead it accelerated and veered away from the cop looking to escape, which is why the cop made a grab for the bike.  You can also see in the video the bike is moving much faster than the  rest of the traffic, the bike wasn't braking in the slightest!

Edited by onthesoi
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14 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Lawless students". I do what I want" That's why, as Adults there are

so many problems in Thailand...Police should use rubber bullets

to teach these offenders a lesson!!!

lol.....but only if warning shots are correctly applied to the head should this form of traffic control be used of the Road Code (section 1C.ss 2A) (amended 17/01/2017)

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Police chief says he was misquoted by TV as "hair pulling cop" story rages on



Picture: Daily News


HAT YAI: -- The Hat Yai police chief has said that Thai TV misquoted him when he made claims about how a student came off a motorcycle.


Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/964215-police-chief-says-he-was-misquoted-by-tv-as-hair-pulling-cop-story-rages-on/

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There's some fuzzy thinking going on in some of the posts on this topic......


The cops are clearly incompetent. They are inadequately trained and unsupervised. What sort of cop goes running out among the traffic? No regard for his own safety let alone others. A menace. An unnecessary distraction to drivers on already dangerous roads.


Why have a road block? What is it trying to achieve? Lets get some focus.......Is it for checking helmet compliance? That's about SAFETY. Checking only 2 people per motorbike? That's about SAFETY. Checking driver licencing? Licences are about proof of age and competence to ride....and that's all about SAFETY. 


3 school girls on a motorbike! Not exactly 3 gangsters making a getaway from a heinous crime. Hardly a life or death situation......except that this cop turned it into a completely UNSAFE and HAZARDOUS situation by running out into the traffic. HIS ACTIONS CAUSED AN ACCIDENT.


Exactly what was he doing? What was his intention? What was the PURPOSE of the hopelessly unprofessional 'roadblock'?


When is a roadblock not a roadblock? When it doesn't block the traffic and force all vehicles to stop...SAFELY...like this one.


Instead of charging around unsafely in the traffic....why not pop along to the school and teach the kids how to ride safely? Give them a hand to pass their test. Teach them about the fragility of the brain and the consequences of head injury. THEN stand at the gate and make sure they're all helmeted and only 2 to a bike when they leave school.


AND, in many countries cops are very cautious about pursuits. This is because countless police pursuits have led to accidents and death to either the driver, other innocent car occupants (or pillion passengers), or Innocent members of the public....I can't think of anything more likely to lead to a tragedy in this situation than a cop giving chase to 3 girls on a scooter.





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10 hours ago, Longstaff said:

 What sort of cop goes running out among the traffic? No regard for his own safety let alone others. A menace. An unnecessary distraction to drivers on already dangerous roads.


A traffic cop?


Traffic cops the world over stand on the road or in the middle of traffic ...& will employ various measures to stop traffic if they ignore police instructions to stop, including forcing evading vehicles to crash.


You must really hate the lollipop men outside schools?


A traffic cop standing in the middle of busy interaction will cause drivers to slow down, not sure how you arrive at the concept of traffic police being a dangerous distraction to motorists.

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On 2017/1/16 at 6:44 PM, little mary sunshine said:

Lawless students". I do what I want" That's why, as Adults there are

so many problems in Thailand...Police should use rubber bullets

to teach these offenders a lesson!!!

I guess you are right. It seems students are the culprits in the first place and then blame the police. Police are no angels of course.  They will show their power when you make them look small.

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illegal to have more than 2 on a bike, illegal not to have helmets, illegal to try to avoid a police officer when told to stop, tell me again who is in the wrong. These students think they can do as they please, she is injured because she was not wearing a helmet, had they stopped it would not have happened, they were breaking the law and deserve what ever happened to them. I am not condoning rough play by the police but if they were trying to avoid him its their fault anyway

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14 hours ago, onthesoi said:


A traffic cop?


Traffic cops the world over stand on the road or in the middle of traffic ...& will employ various measures to stop traffic if they ignore police instructions to stop, including forcing evading vehicles to crash.


You must really hate the lollipop men outside schools?


A traffic cop standing in the middle of busy interaction will cause drivers to slow down, not sure how you arrive at the concept of traffic police being a dangerous distraction to motorists.


Like I said....fuzzy thinking....


Did you actually watch the video?


There's a significant difference between cops on point duty at an intersection, and cops or lollipop people controlling pedestrian crossings, and a cop running about in moving traffic in an unpredictable and random manner.


Cops, like all good motorists and motorcyclists, are trained to act in predictable ways. Unpredictable people anywhere on a highway are a menace, a distraction, and a cause of stress to others; that's one of the main reasons why the roads here are so dangerous, and why some people avoid driving.


And, seriously, have you actually seen a person on a motorcycle being forced to crash by police? Really? Maybe you've been watching too many movies? Cars, yes, normally using a controlled method involving more than one police car e.g. the 'moving block'. Good policing involves procedures that are designed to minimise risk and maintain control.


Note this:

' An overwhelming number of police pursuits are started over non-violent crimes and escalate quickly, endangering the suspect, the policeman, and any bystanders along the way. ' CBN News


There is a catalogue of examples of motorists being chased by police causing fatal accidents to other motorists and pedestrians. This is why good policing now AVOIDS chases.


3 schoolgirls on a scooter without helmets are not fleeing gangsters. The actions of this cop endangered all 3 girls, caused them to crash, and led to a head injury.....if the issue was about not wearing helmets, this cop completely defeated the purpose of the excercise! He put himself needlessly in harms way, he caused motorists to alter their course to avoid hitting him, he caused a motorcycle to crash, and through all of this he endangered the welfare of pedestrians. 


Modern police forces now utilise deployable tracking devices to catch vehicles later, rather than chasing them, because they recognise the risks involved in chases; or they use road spikes; or they give up because the risks are just too high and their dispatcher orders them to call off the chase.

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