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Inspection of Laptops on arrival


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I have no doubt that a person of interest stopped by immigration for any number of reasons may have their laptop's content inspected.    If they've pissed off the wrong people by posting defamatory (edit: or subversive) stuff from overseas, thinking they'll never get caught (especially in violation of lese majeste laws), I'd suggest they wipe their hard drive with proper software- or better yet, install a new HD or have it done professionally.


Anyone who believes the Thai government lacks the skillset, the equipment, the time or the will- is at risk of being seriously surprised- and not in a good way.  It doesn't take too many returning dissidents being checked to get the social media buzzing, and that may be the genesis of the warning from the friend.


That said, I suspect the average Thai returning from overseas knows if they have anything to worry about.  And most of them don't.

Edited by impulse
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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


Yes that is true,but is checked baggage liable to the same exposure.I never see many people in customs when coming in taking their LT's out of their cases.I suppose i just havent taken notice.


Do people really put laptops in check in baggage?


All checked baggage gets scanned 

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13 hours ago, pumpuy said:

B.S. If she wants the Laptop to be reset , she will lose all personal data ... browser history can easily be deleted , even the HD can be changed to another one , and the original can be kept for replacing it later ...

Never thai customs would take the time to inspect privat PC's if there is no very important reason to ...

Just roll up with a flat battery.You carry the power cord.

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6 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


Yes that is true,but is checked baggage liable to the same exposure.I never see many people in customs when coming in taking their LT's out of their cases.I suppose i just havent taken notice.

They always asked me,then i got a tablet.

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