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May’s Brexit: Europe responds


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2 minutes ago, CharlieK said:


However the EU won't want another net beneficiary of Funds. They need paying members once the UK minus Scotland have left. lol





Germany's EUSSR might actually be playing this for the creation of a backdoor into Independent UK.  Otherwise -- yes - -the EU needs to keep it's income stream and Scotland will certainly not be a contributor....

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2 hours ago, jpinx said:

To be honest - she has chosen this way because of the EU's attitude of "no concessions" .  Fine!  Let's see how EU manages it's own problems now with an Independent UK sitting on it's doorstep doing business around the world


Has there been any formal proposal for how to deal with the possible effects on Gibraltar or is it too early to call? Scotland gets enough coverage on these threads (and much of that is, of course, ideological) but the Gibraltar issue has much bigger and more direct implicatons on its residents.

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31 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Has there been any formal proposal for how to deal with the possible effects on Gibraltar or is it too early to call? Scotland gets enough coverage on these threads (and much of that is, of course, ideological) but the Gibraltar issue has much bigger and more direct implicatons on its residents.

It came up in a post, but attracted no interest.  Certainly Gibraltar is a case to consider, being dragged out of the EU against the majority's will, but it was they who wanted to be part of UK, so they have to take the rough with the smooth.  If it all comes to pass, maybe something can be worked out later, but it's a sticky wicket,,,,,,,

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2 minutes ago, jpinx said:

It came up in a post, but attracted no interest.  Certainly Gibraltar is a case to consider, being dragged out of the EU against the majorities will, but it was they who wanted to be part of UK, so they have to take the rough with the smooth.  If it all comes to pass, maybe something can be worked out later, but it's a sticky wicket,,,,,,,


I did read somewhere there is an idea of shared sovereignty or some thing over Gib between Spain and the UK. Not sure it  would happen though.


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12 minutes ago, jpinx said:

It came up in a post, but attracted no interest.  Certainly Gibraltar is a case to consider, being dragged out of the EU against the majority's will, but it was they who wanted to be part of UK, so they have to take the rough with the smooth.  If it all comes to pass, maybe something can be worked out later, but it's a sticky wicket,,,,,,,

Your post reminds me of this wonderful exchange from Yes Prime Minister:


Sir Desmond Glazebrook: City's a funny place, you know, Prime Minister. If you spill the beans you open up a whole can of worms. I mean, how can you let sleeping dogs lie if you let the cat out of the bag? Bring in a new broom and if you're not very careful you find you've thrown the baby out with the bathwater. If you change horses in the middle of the stream, next thing you know you're up the creek without a paddle.

James Hacker: And then the balloon goes up.

Sir Desmond Glazebrook: Obviously. They hit you for six. An own goal in fact.

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8 minutes ago, CharlieK said:


I did read somewhere there is an idea of shared sovereignty or some thing over Gib between Spain and the UK. Not sure it  would happen though.


Here's a thought to conjure with...  If Spain's regions do split off, would Gibraltars situation be any better?  It's about the same size as Andorra I think, and can make money out of tourism and renting out it's harbours to UK as Cyprus does.  There might just be a way things could be worked out if Spain gets a bit of "Independence" from other regions....


BTW -- what about the Falklands and Bermuda?  --  to name only a couple more? 

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3 minutes ago, jpinx said:

Here's a thought to conjour with...  If Spain's regions do split off, would Gibraltars situation be any better?  It's about the same size as Andorra I think, and can make money out of tourism and renting out it's harbours to UK as Cyprus does.  There might just be a way things could be worked out if Spain gets a bit of "Independence" from other regions....


BTW -- what about the Falklands and Bermuda?  --  to name only a couple more? 


The issue is much more acute for Gibraltar in that they are so reliant upon an open and porous border.


Nearly half of all jobs in Gibraltar would be put at risk by a hard border after Brexit, according to a detailed analysis prepared by the Gibraltar Government.

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Just now, RuamRudy said:


The issue is much more acute for Gibraltar in that they are so reliant upon an open and porous border.


Nearly half of all jobs in Gibraltar would be put at risk by a hard border after Brexit, according to a detailed analysis prepared by the Gibraltar Government.


I used to live very close and I know how Gib works.  Many of the workers, both Spanish and "british" actually live in Spain and cross the border every morning and night.  The residents are - in a large part - people with businesses in Gib, mostly tourism business. The Gib government is shit-scared of brexit, as they are of anything that they perceive as giving the Spanish the slightest excuse to blockade, barricade, etc - which has happened many times.  The net result is that the Gib Government is the last place to look for an impartial view of what's going on there.  "Half of all jobs in Gibraltar" will include a large proportion of jobs on the Rock currently occupied by spanish people living in Spain........

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3 minutes ago, jpinx said:


I used to live very close and I know how Gib works.  Many of the workers, both Spanish and "british" actually live in Spain and cross the border every morning and night.  The residents are - in a large part - people with businesses in Gib, mostly tourism business. The Gib government is shit-scared of brexit, as they are of anything that they perceive as giving the Spanish the slightest excuse to blockade, barricade, etc - which has happened many times.  The net result is that the Gib Government is the last place to look for an impartial view of what's going on there.  "Half of all jobs in Gibraltar" will include a large proportion of jobs on the Rock currently occupied by spanish people living in Spain........


I have no doubt - I spent a fair amount of time in La Linea and Gibraltar in the 90s so I can accept that most of the wealth is to the south of the border, but if the labour is stranded on the north, who is going to do all the work?

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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


I have no doubt - I spent a fair amount of time in La Linea and Gibraltar in the 90s so I can accept that most of the wealth is to the south of the border, but if the labour is stranded on the north, who is going to do all the work?

Yes - - you are right.  This has happened before when the Spanish have closed the border, or taken up some incredibly slow procedures for going in or out, at times when they were miffed at something, but everyone survived.  Gibext would need a long-term solution, obviously, but sometimes the only catalyst for a long-term solution that politicians understand is a short term disaster that is giving them a major headache and a possibility of losing their place in the house.

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1 minute ago, nontabury said:

I'm sorry! How is this relevant to my post.


You appended it with the following comment:


2 hours ago, nontabury said:

  Perhaps the SNP have yet to do their homework.


and I pointed out that opposition to Brexit is not the sole preserve of the SNP.

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1 hour ago, jpinx said:

Germany's EUSSR might actually be playing this for the creation of a backdoor into Independent UK.  Otherwise -- yes - -the EU needs to keep it's income stream and Scotland will certainly not be a contributor....


 Does N.S. care where the money comes from?


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19 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 Does N.S. care where the money comes from?


"Where" is - as you imply - totally irrelevant.  She is such a little tart she could turn up at the Kremlins door if she thought the hand-outs were good !!  The thing that makes her frantic about the EU money is her view of how the EU treated Greece, Italy, Ireland, etc. 

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31 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

UK  unemployment the lowest it has been for years, Europe unemployment through the roof, yep dont need this lot, many countries only joined for the handouts by their richer cousins


Note that this exceptionally low level of unemployment in the UK results from its situation inside Europe.

We will see the results of Brexit on employment from 2018, when the separation will have really taken shape.

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38 minutes ago, sd44 said:

The scots independence idiots won't pay attention to this thoughemoji57.png


You just called more than half of Scots who voted in the referendum idiots. Please keep up the good work - the more people like you who spew such ill-informed insults, the better for our cause.


Independence referendum figures revealed: Majority of Scots born here voted YES while voters from elsewhere in UK said NO

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1 hour ago, mercman24 said:

UK  unemployment the lowest it has been for years, Europe unemployment through the roof, yep dont need this lot, many countries only joined for the handouts by their richer cousins


Yes - and the Tory dream of the removal of workers' rights, decimated unions and low wages keeping us all in fear, is another step closer.


Britain is one of the worst advanced economies for jobs, pay, and living standards


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6 hours ago, oilinki said:

Of course they are willing to do trade deals. All of those parties know that they have much more negotiation power when independent UK is alone and in need to make quick deals. That's just politics and economics. Larger entities have more negotiation power.




I am thinking that the rest of the 27 EU countries are all watching each other carefully and seeing who will be the first of them to blink . If just 1 more country indicates it may follow the UK there could be an avalanche .

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4 hours ago, jpinx said:

It came up in a post, but attracted no interest.  Certainly Gibraltar is a case to consider, being dragged out of the EU against the majority's will, but it was they who wanted to be part of UK, so they have to take the rough with the smooth.  If it all comes to pass, maybe something can be worked out later, but it's a sticky wicket,,,,,,,


Gibraltar is not part of the UK. It is a British Overseas Territory.

It is also important as a tax haven for the uber rich and the UK online betting industry. Any other activity is trivial in comparison.

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2 minutes ago, mrfill said:

Gibraltar is not part of the UK. It is a British Overseas Territory.


Even worse then - not even part of the UK but they are getting dragged out of the EU despite almost unanimously voting to stay in.


3 minutes ago, mrfill said:

It is also important as a tax haven for the uber rich and the UK online betting industry. Any other activity is trivial in comparison.


Trivial to you, maybe, but I should imagine that, to the average Gibraltarian, these issues are of the utmost importance.

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I agree  that it is a good thing that Britain does not have a need for even a few thousand so called refugees or immigrants that. 1, do not speak the English, Scottish or Iris languages, or have any common reasons to be going to the Islands. 2.  Most of these people who are currently in German or France or such are not only Muslim who being also Islam, do not have the same agendas as the Christians who are becoming a minority in too many countries, and the future is going to get more difficult, 3.  Once Britain has left the EU , it has a lot of newly minted immigrants, or new citizens who are already on the dole  instead of working and helping the country, that should be sent back to their other European home countries.  That is how the British economy can get a better start on its recovery.


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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:


Even worse then - not even part of the UK but they are getting dragged out of the EU despite almost unanimously voting to stay in.



Trivial to you, maybe, but I should imagine that, to the average Gibraltarian, these issues are of the utmost importance.



What numbers are we talking here, population ;30,000 the same as a small market town. And you expect their wishes to be more important than that of millions of mainlanders.

P.s   RR, While in the RAF I also visited La Linea. Just a little pat pong if you knew where to go.

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5 minutes ago, nontabury said:



What numbers are we talking here, population ;30,000 the same as a small market town. And you expect their wishes to be more important than that of millions of mainlanders.

P.s   RR, While in the RAF I also visited La Linea. Just a little pat pong if you knew where to go.


19,322 votes to remain and 823 to leave, so 96% in favour of remaining in the EU.  I do not claim that their wishes are any more important than yours, but I would also dispute that, on a personal level, yours are more important than theirs. In fact, it would appear that the average Gibraltarian is going to be much more negatively affected by Brexit than they average UK mainlander is going to be positively affected - especially as the benefits are so nebulous.


La Linea is great in June if you get there for the Domingo Rociero festival - you just need to watch your wallet.  


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EU population 600,000 UK population 60,000 so we are 10% of the population. Do they really care about deals with us, NOO. There are very few home owned industries and those that are there use the UK to get access to the single market. So that is Toyota, Honda and Nissan out, probably Rolls Royce and Bentley too. So no car industry. There is no electronics industry. Food is not enough for the population, so a lot is imported. Companies like Amazon are big in the UK and employ a lot of people, but that is because the government and workforce accept zero hours contracts. McDonalds is big too, why? Because no one seems to give a toss that the UK allows LOS chicken in. The financial institutes, well last I knew Germany had plenty and so does France, I'm sure they will take over!! Much employment there is administration and service based. A lot of UK financial companies are Scottish and they'll be back in the EU soon. So in short, the UK as we know it will die after 2019...... RIP

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11 hours ago, PeeJay1959 said:

EU population 600,000 UK population 60,000 so we are 10% of the population. Do they really care about deals with us, NOO. There are very few home owned industries and those that are there use the UK to get access to the single market. So that is Toyota, Honda and Nissan out, probably Rolls Royce and Bentley too. So no car industry. There is no electronics industry. Food is not enough for the population, so a lot is imported. Companies like Amazon are big in the UK and employ a lot of people, but that is because the government and workforce accept zero hours contracts. McDonalds is big too, why? Because no one seems to give a toss that the UK allows LOS chicken in. The financial institutes, well last I knew Germany had plenty and so does France, I'm sure they will take over!! Much employment there is administration and service based. A lot of UK financial companies are Scottish and they'll be back in the EU soon. So in short, the UK as we know it will die after 2019...... RIP

You might want to check your population numbers, and home bases of the various industries you mention....  Just because a business has Scotland in it's name  does not mean it is based in Scotland or owned by Scots, and Scotland will never be allowed to join the EU anyway because it does not meet the entry requirements.    Sorry to pop your bubble :P)

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23 hours ago, uptheos said:


Good one, I like it!


Your president Donald J Trump seems to have a soft spot for her, so the question is 'what goodies will he offer her'. Aren't you thankful that guy....errr forgot his name already, who said we would go to the back of the queue has gone and your new great president has elevated us to the top......what a sock in the chops for that other guy.........what was his name?

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