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"ASEAN's most wanted drug lord" taken down at Bangkok airport


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Judge Roy Bean, Law West of the Pecos says:

"Give the man a taste of his own medicine, so to speak"

"Get him hooked on Ya Ba and or Heroin and then put him in prison for life and forget about him"

"Where is the next drug dealer, quick now, step up and be sentenced....I haven't got all day"




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That's a good looking drug lord. He is Lao so I guess he could negotiate his way out, how much did you say? He called Vientaine and then say to the BIB, "ok done, bank into the account". Day to day business as usual.

Next day news, wanted drug lord escaped, police wounded in shooting.

And life goes on ................

Edited by madusa
to add more sentence
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15 hours ago, zorro1 said:

Not at all, it's a deterrent. you must remember he is in a public area and could easily have several body guards stationed stratically armed to the teeth, a bloody gun fight is preferable to life in the Hilton . USA uses 20 swat team members for similar arrests, less but better trained

In the "air-side" of an airport? This is a restricted area and for someone to just wander in with any gun is laughable.

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What, if any, laws apply in Thailand relating to sub judice statements - these are laws that prohibit anyone providing information about alleged criminal activities by a person before they've been before a court where any so-called "evidence" can be tested for veracity or proven to be false? After all the grandiose claims of a member of the highly-esteemed Thai Police Force  are highlighted as the gospel truth (we know police never tell lies, especially in Thailand), the news report concedes that this alleged Kingpin of Drug Crimes has not been convicted once of any charge. 
How should the news media handle responsible coverage of criminal activity, and do it with integrity, in what appears to be a police state?  Why should any news media believe anything a police spokesman says when it's obvious that in so many instances in the past the authorities have had little regard for the truth?
I don't know the person arrested, nor do have any particular bias about drug offences. I just object to being fed BS by any news media that seems prepared to swallow crap fed to it and repeat it as endorsed "truth" without any apparent checking or taking responsibility for the true value of the information apart from its potential to "thrill" a jaded target audience.

Jaded I am....so why preach to this jaded audience?

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk

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23 hours ago, Sooo Upto Me said:


Well done Sherlock Holmes.

A pat on the back for u.

Thanks, appreciate it but why the Sherlock Holmes reference?  No detective work is involved in keeping up to date with news as opposed to just making up nonsense.

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23 hours ago, fish monger said:

Asset seizure...? What...? I don't think so, he lives in Laos.

 What...?   Read what I said in the context of what I was responding to then you will understand.  I was making no prediction about the consequences for this dealer.

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On ‎1‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 8:49 PM, bassep said:

Only making room for another to fill his shoes. The world has had "drugs" for millennia, and outlawing them has NEVER worked. Think prohibition. And yes alchohol kills hundreds of thousands ever year all over the world and is legal almost everywhere.


Blah blah blah.   Time for new material.

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On 1/20/2017 at 11:31 AM, alation said:

Let's just hope that he and his associates get the correct penalty as I have no doubt that there would have been several deaths associated with the drugs he has gotten into the countryover that time. 

Not to mention the stupid desperate drug mules  used by him,who have been arrested and executed in places like Indonesia and Malaysia.

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On 1/20/2017 at 4:21 PM, tukkytuktuk said:

“He’s the biggest drug lord in Isaan,” Suppakit said.
Here's a photo of cartel bosses mansion in Buri Ram.


Oh bugger!  thats my house, how did they find me . As for confiscating my assets, they can have the motorcy, the chooks and the missus. but please leave the house.

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On 1/20/2017 at 6:08 PM, Peterphuket said:

Exactly what you say, it will never ended, and it makes no different when you say Singapore, USA, the Phillipines, or whatever country, it will always continue.

Trouble is, too many brain dead idiots willing to buy the shit. Arrest the  lot, pushers, users dealers whatever, wherever they can be found and bang them up all together in a special jail. Feed them chicken necks and rice. That

is it.

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On 1/20/2017 at 7:55 PM, InTransit said:


I think you are getting a bit carried away my friend, the article says he was with 1 other man and 2 women, not an army. 10 police would have been fine, plus you mentioned a bloody gun fight in your previous post, what drug dealers would go to an airport armed with guns if they are trying to keep a low profile????

But they are in the departure lounge, what chance of getting a gun in there unless you are some hi-so from Thai Air off on a fact finding junket.

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On 20/01/2017 at 5:24 AM, Mook23 said:

Too many vuittons. Not a good idea. I can see them getting replaced by fake ones at the police station soon. The mia noi of commander somchai has been breaking his b@lls for years now. Finally she will get what she's been doing it for all the time!!! ?????


They probably are fake but commander somchai probably couldn't tell anyway.

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