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Trump, now president, vows to put 'America First' in nationalist speech


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5 hours ago, jayboy said:

Mathew Paris captures the feelings of many.


"The Americans have elected a turkey as their president. He looks like a turkey, walks like a turkey, gobbles like a turkey — he is a turkey. There is nothing in Donald Trump’s record, in the appointments he has made or in his disgusting inaugural speech yesterday that prompts second thoughts. The new president is no evil genius, he’s just tiresome, rude and silly: one of those vexatious, loud and unpleasant people we do best to avoid."

I think you will get a rude shock! He is the Man!

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44 minutes ago, Alexinthailand said:

Since when is it wrong for a country's leader to want the country first

I know your a newbie and knowing your age would help. I am in my 70's and have been listening to all this political horse puckey all my life. How much have politicians past and present put into country first when you have 8 people controlling half the worlds wealth and ALL countries are carrying major debt levels. Over the years CEO's pay levels have increased 10 fold. 

Edited by elgordo38
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10 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

LOL Where did I ever say these things? Never. Just saying there are NO easy answers. A well written speech doesn't solve anything. Time for Trump to up his game. I honestly wish him the best of luck. 


Good on you Craig. I can't understand why most Americans don't wish him luck now he's the POTUS, after all if America in fact does become a better country, isn't that a good thing?

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1 minute ago, uptheos said:


Good on you Craig. I can't understand why most Americans don't wish him luck now he's the POTUS, after all if America in fact does become a better country, isn't that a good thing?

Yes it would be a good thing. I have been waiting for 75 years for the "good" part to arrive. Does he deserve a chance yes does a leopard change his spots well we are about to find. 

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29 minutes ago, mike324 said:


Lets be realistic here, do you and your friends think the jobs will return? Answer is no. Even if it does, big corporation will be replacing humans with machines. That is the simple truth in regards to manufacturing. Sometimes an industry needs to move overseas to stay a live and be competitive. Your much lower wage problem, blame it on the Republicans for opposing raising minimum wages.


I do understand there are a lot of people without jobs or jobs lost, but thats the reality of some industries. I would like to know what specific industries you are talking about.



Sure it can be, are Americans willing to pay more for the same product? Because of Made in China products,  Americans can live/have a decent life. Your statement clearly shows you have no idea how manufacturing works and the supply chain it involves.

All these industries are using all the machines they can and they still have millions of workers don't they? Machines have been eliminating jobs for hundreds of years, have you discovered something new? Steel, textiles, printing, wire, furniture, TVs, Phones, A.Cs , Cars, Car parts, Appliances, heavy equipment.   Yes Americans used to be very happy to pay the price it takes to keep our workers in a good standard of living.    I think we are well aware that in manufacturing you have to find cost savings wherever you can but we don't allow our companies to use unsafe conditions or pollute the air, land and water to gain an advantage over our other companies do we? Why is it ok to allow our companies to do all that in other countries and then send the product back to us, saving millions of dollars over our companies that are trying to stay in the US?

     Your statement clearly shows that you have no clue what an equal playing field is, or that you don't care if the US workers gets to compete in one.

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3 hours ago, Thakkar said:


I don't know who wrote this, but it seems an apt response:


"I listened as they called my President a Muslim.
I listened as they called him and his family a pack of monkeys.
I listened as they said he wasn't born here.
I watched as they blocked every single path to progress that they could.
I saw the pictures of him as Hitler.
I watched them shut down the government and hurt the entire nation twice.
I watched them turn their backs on every opportunity to open worthwhile dialog.
I watched them say that they would not even listen to any choice for Supreme Court no matter who the nominee was.
I listened as they openly said that they will oppose him at every turn.
I watched as they did just that.
I listened.
I watched.
I paid attention.
Now, I'm being called on to be tolerant.
To move forward.
To denounce protesters.
To "Get over it."
To accept this...
I will not.
I will do my part to make sure this great American mistake becomes the embarrassing footnote of our history that it deserves to be.
I will do this as quickly as possible every chance I get.
I will do my part to limit the damage that this man can do to my country.
I will watch his every move and point out every single mistake and misdeed in a loud and proud voice.
I will let you know in a loud voice every time this man backs away from a promise he made to them.
Them. The people who voted for him.
The ones who sold their souls and prayed for him to win.I will do this so that they never forget.
And they will hear me.
They will see it in my eyes when I look at them.
They will hear it in my voice when I talk to them.
They will know that I know who they are.
They will know that I know what they are.
Do not call for my tolerance. I've tolerated all I can.
Now it's their turn to tolerate ridicule.
Be aware, make no mistake about it, every single thing that goes wrong in our country from this day forward is now Trump's fault just as much as they thought it was Obama's.
I find it unreasonable for them to expect from me what they were entirely unwilling to give.
Do not expect any quarters here!" Author unknown.
*         #TheResistance


I would add:
I watched as they called them uppity.
I watched as they called it a terrorist fist jab
I watched as they called the First Lady, a baby mama.
Tolerate them now? Not a chance


I listened to all this too, and I didn't like it either but I will not lower myself to do the same. I do not want our country to fail on any front just to be able to point fingers at others.

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35 minutes ago, rudy h said:

Agree, it's going to be a deep freaking hole he has to dig America out of from his predecessors. He has dealt with the Chinese in business and also is his Casinos so he most likely knows firsthand not only the culture but the weaknesses


Trump has borrowed money from a Chinese bank/s, but what actual successful business has he built within PRC?

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As an American- I hope he can bring jobs back to Ameerica and improve the lives of the 'forgotten'. HOwever, I have my doubts mainly because he as a businessman is one of the reasons why America has lost it way.  There is a massive disproportion of wealth concentrated in the 1% and not trickling down to the 99%. This is exactly why Bernie Sanders was so popular. Bernie recognized that the real path of becoming a 'great' country waas through redistribution of wealth which would make the poor and middle class viable again and provide the upperward mobility that evens out wealth misappropriation.

If Trump did the following- I would sing hs praises-

-Get rid of money politics by making it impossible for wealthy donors to control candidates

-Go to a single payer healthcare system based upon what Europe and Japan have and get rid of the overbearing; wealthy insurance industry that makes American healthcare the most expensive i the World.

-Make a university education free and available to all.

-Increase the taxes on the wealthy to shore up Social Security and Medicare

-Decrease the defense budget which is the highest in the World and use the savings to fund healthcare and free tuition.

-Get rid of the 17 intelligence agencies and their billions of dollars budget and combine them all into a single unit.

-Propose a real Immigration policy that allows those in the country a way to legalisation and provide obtainable Visas for those workers who are essential to American industry such as farms; construction; processing plants etc. Everyone knows these industries run on foreign labor now.

-Raise the minimum wage to $15 immediately.

-Make the Veterans Administration work for veterans by funding it properly and settling the over 400,000 veterans claims that have been outstanding for decades.


To be honest, I would be surprised if he even did one of the above. The sad part of American politics is that had clinton been elected- I doubt she would have done any either. America does need a revolutionary President - let's see what Trump does besides give speeches that are short on substance and long on combative rhetoric.


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5 hours ago, dcutman said:

Well the globalist policy we have had for the last 25 years does not seem to have worked out all well for us.

Well as I recall it was the USA that pressured the World to Globalise and open up Trade and remove barriers. I am pretty sure the USA always said "You first" but still cannot compete

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3 hours ago, Thakkar said:


I don't know who wrote this, but it seems an apt response:


"I listened as they called my President a Muslim.
I listened as they called him and his family a pack of monkeys.
I listened as they said he wasn't born here.
I watched as they blocked every single path to progress that they could.
I saw the pictures of him as Hitler.
I watched them shut down the government and hurt the entire nation twice.
I watched them turn their backs on every opportunity to open worthwhile dialog.
I watched them say that they would not even listen to any choice for Supreme Court no matter who the nominee was.
I listened as they openly said that they will oppose him at every turn.
I watched as they did just that.
I listened.
I watched.
I paid attention.
Now, I'm being called on to be tolerant.
To move forward.
To denounce protesters.
To "Get over it."
To accept this...
I will not.
I will do my part to make sure this great American mistake becomes the embarrassing footnote of our history that it deserves to be.
I will do this as quickly as possible every chance I get.
I will do my part to limit the damage that this man can do to my country.
I will watch his every move and point out every single mistake and misdeed in a loud and proud voice.
I will let you know in a loud voice every time this man backs away from a promise he made to them.
Them. The people who voted for him.
The ones who sold their souls and prayed for him to win.I will do this so that they never forget.
And they will hear me.
They will see it in my eyes when I look at them.
They will hear it in my voice when I talk to them.
They will know that I know who they are.
They will know that I know what they are.
Do not call for my tolerance. I've tolerated all I can.
Now it's their turn to tolerate ridicule.
Be aware, make no mistake about it, every single thing that goes wrong in our country from this day forward is now Trump's fault just as much as they thought it was Obama's.
I find it unreasonable for them to expect from me what they were entirely unwilling to give.
Do not expect any quarters here!" Author unknown.
*         #TheResistance


I would add:
I watched as they called them uppity.
I watched as they called it a terrorist fist jab
I watched as they called the First Lady, a baby mama.
Tolerate them now? Not a chance


I think you summed it up really well. It is a sad day for America, but based on how many stupid people live there, I am not surprised. First Bush II and now this buffoon. The Founding Fathers must be turning in their graves. We got rid of Bush the Buffoon, and now eight years later we have another Clown. The Pussy King.

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35 minutes ago, rijb said:


I see you're still trying 'develop' your point.  


It sounds like you agree with the Op.  Trump should put America first, to focus on its 'development'.

I see you are still avoiding the obvious, but then again I wouldn't expect anything else from someone from a brainwashed conditioned area of the planet. I have never met such a bunch of wilfully ignorant people before, it's quite a talent I must admit. It's probably all of that nationalism and propaganda that you are subject to growing up in school etc; having to recite an anthem and bow down to a flag daily. 
Trump, I assume, is another puppet in front of a shadow government. In retrospect he has very little final word on what happens as the US system is set up so that a president has to have his ideas approved and put through the system. There will be no wall, there will be no mass ejection of immigrants and there be no draining of any swamp. You have all been played lol, he's already canoodling with people such as Henry Kissinger, not a good start imho 

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1 hour ago, uptheos said:
1 hour ago, sujoop said:

Size matters - unless one is a fan of teeny tiny fingers ala The Donald
(it appears many of his supporters are similarly like-handed & minded;)

Trump inauguration turnout dwarfed by Obama

2017 /  12 pm                                                                                                                          2009 / 12 pm

National Mall crowds attending the inauguration ceremonies to swear in U.S. President Donald Trump at 12:01pm (L) on January 20, 2017 and President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009,


So what, he's still the 45th President of the USA, that's all that really matters.


'Donald Trump said his inauguration will have "unbelievable, perhaps record-setting turnout".

Indications suggest that his hopes were greatly dashed...

Melania is probably long used to hearing 'HUUUGE' promises and going to sleep snickering. Similarly huuuge talkin' Trump supporters with their collective dumbed-down short-comings will say ' it just don't matter',  meanwhile the rest of us are just trying not to laugh while grimacing.

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30 minutes ago, JustNo said:

I see you are still avoiding the obvious, but then again I wouldn't expect anything else from someone from a brainwashed conditioned area of the planet. I have never met such a bunch of wilfully ignorant people before, it's quite a talent I must admit. It's probably all of that nationalism and propaganda that you are subject to growing up in school etc; having to recite an anthem and bow down to a flag daily. 
Trump, I assume, is another puppet in front of a shadow government. In retrospect he has very little final word on what happens as the US system is set up so that a president has to have his ideas approved and put through the system. There will be no wall, there will be no mass ejection of immigrants and there be no draining of any swamp. You have all been played lol, he's already canoodling with people such as Henry Kissinger, not a good start imho 


Calm yourself. 


I'm from the same country as you.

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1 minute ago, sujoop said:


'Donald Trump said his inauguration will have "unbelievable, perhaps record-setting turnout".

Indications suggest that his hopes were greatly dashed...

Melania is probably long used to hearing 'HUUUGE' promises and going to sleep snickering. Similarly huuuge talkin' Trump supporters with will say their collective dumbed-down short-comings 'just don't matter', meanwhile the rest of us are just trying not to laugh while grimacing.


Laugh all you want he is the president of all Americans for the next four years, laugh that one off.

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9 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

As an American- I hope he can bring jobs back to Ameerica and improve the lives of the 'forgotten'. HOwever, I have my doubts mainly because he as a businessman is one of the reasons why America has lost it way.  There is a massive disproportion of wealth concentrated in the 1% and not trickling down to the 99%. This is exactly why Bernie Sanders was so popular. Bernie recognized that the real path of becoming a 'great' country waas through redistribution of wealth which would make the poor and middle class viable again and provide the upperward mobility that evens out wealth misappropriation.

If Trump did the following- I would sing hs praises-

-Get rid of money politics by making it impossible for wealthy donors to control candidates

-Go to a single payer healthcare system based upon what Europe and Japan have and get rid of the overbearing; wealthy insurance industry that makes American healthcare the most expensive i the World.

-Make a university education free and available to all.

-Increase the taxes on the wealthy to shore up Social Security and Medicare

-Decrease the defense budget which is the highest in the World and use the savings to fund healthcare and free tuition.

-Get rid of the 17 intelligence agencies and their billions of dollars budget and combine them all into a single unit.

-Propose a real Immigration policy that allows those in the country a way to legalisation and provide obtainable Visas for those workers who are essential to American industry such as farms; construction; processing plants etc. Everyone knows these industries run on foreign labor now.

-Raise the minimum wage to $15 immediately.

-Make the Veterans Administration work for veterans by funding it properly and settling the over 400,000 veterans claims that have been outstanding for decades.


To be honest, I would be surprised if he even did one of the above. The sad part of American politics is that had clinton been elected- I doubt she would have done any either. America does need a revolutionary President - let's see what Trump does besides give speeches that are short on substance and long on combative rhetoric.


wow an American who is actually awake, I take my hat off to you! Corporations and businesses are meant to stay out of politics, not elected to run the show!! lol. But yes Hillary is just another puppet figure and the real string pullers are there behind the scenes. 4-8 years from now most of these Trump supporters will be let down and deflated, but there will be a new figure to lead them stray with a cool new buzzword catchphrase 

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2 minutes ago, uptheos said:


Laugh all you want he is the president of all Americans for the next four years, laugh that one off.

4 years subject to many things. I hope you are right but many things can happen in 4 years and with an unpredictable volatile man like Trump One cannot guarantee that.

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21 minutes ago, Grubster said:

All these industries are using all the machines they can and they still have millions of workers don't they? Machines have been eliminating jobs for hundreds of years, have you discovered something new? Steel, textiles, printing, wire, furniture, TVs, Phones, A.Cs , Cars, Car parts, Appliances, heavy equipment.   Yes Americans used to be very happy to pay the price it takes to keep our workers in a good standard of living.    I think we are well aware that in manufacturing you have to find cost savings wherever you can but we don't allow our companies to use unsafe conditions or pollute the air, land and water to gain an advantage over our other companies do we? Why is it ok to allow our companies to do all that in other countries and then send the product back to us, saving millions of dollars over our companies that are trying to stay in the US?

     Your statement clearly shows that you have no clue what an equal playing field is, or that you don't care if the US workers gets to compete in one.

Unfortunately, automation and robotics are rapidly reducing the percentage of workers involved in manufacuring. Even in Germany, which was and is enjoying an export boom in manufactured goods, the percentage of workers involved in manufacturing was still declining as of 2014.


In the USA 85 percent of the manufacturing jobs that are gone didn't go abroad to China or other low cost destinations, they just evaporated thanks to automation and robotics.



The fact is that the 1 percent have claimed virtually all the gains realized by the increase in worker productivity since about 1990

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

We live in a global society, a global economy.  Isolationist policies will only make things worse.


One need only look to Europe to see what the globalist's open borders policy is doing to Western Civilization. No Thanks!

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1 minute ago, Kiwiken said:

4 years subject to many things. I hope you are right but many things can happen in 4 years and with an unpredictable volatile man like Trump One cannot guarantee that.


I think it's more a question of volatile, unpredictable democrat thugs, causing as much mayhem as demonstrated yesterday while USA was celebrating the inauguration of a president...disgraceful! Here's hoping the POTUS gives the police all they need to quell this uprising against a democratically elected president.

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US companies have used 'globalization' and automation as reasons why they cannot raise American workers wages. Yet -they move offshore and pay low wages offshore and then bring their product back and still raise prices- the company and the CEO/Executives obtaining huge wages and record profits. Trump is part of the same circle. His companies have used undocumented workers and paid minimum wage to American workers.  While he may cut deals to bring some jobs back- I doubt he will go after the real issues of wealth inequity, The economy will probably improve somewhat as some jobs come back and the infrastructure project gets going. However, this is not a long term solution. It just keeps the masses quiet for awhile  as the real problems continue to fester. There has to be a real change in corporate America and an abandonment of materialistic capitalism  before the 99% get batter.  Greed is not good.

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6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Unfortunately, automation and robotics are rapidly reducing the percentage of workers involved in manufacuring. Even in Germany, which was and is enjoying an export boom in manufactured goods, the percentage of workers involved in manufacturing was still declining as of 2014.


In the USA 85 percent of the manufacturing jobs that are gone didn't go abroad to China or other low cost destinations, they just evaporated thanks to automation and robotics.



The fact is that the 1 percent have claimed virtually all the gains realized by the increase in worker productivity since about 1990

Tell that to the workers displaced by cheaper workers in foreign countries. Find the numbers of employees for these companies that moved and you won't have to rely on percentages made up by anybody. The workers are real numbers.

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Trump has borrowed money from a Chinese bank/s, but what actual successful business has he built within PRC?

Within PRC??? no what he has taken is from the favorable Chinese trade agreements through previous administrations that have allowed for preferential import status for PRC produced goods.

Now that he is POTUS he is explicitly forbidden constitutionally from receiving financial gain or favors from foreign powers (although he can start a foundation like someone else and get it indirectly and

Be funded from the Saudi's)

I'd rather him owe money to China through a clearly transparent loan rather than an indirectly owed favor to the Saudi's that contribute into "cloudy foundations".

Let us not forget how many Saudis were behind 9/11.

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Protectionism doesn't work. 
Isolationism doesn't work.


Electing trump was a massive mistake without any doubt.  People that say give him a chance are missing the point. He has his chance and history shows people must RESIST his flavor of politics as aggressively as possible, as EARLY as possible. 





In his inaugural address, Trump leaves America’s better angels behind

This magical-mystical union of the people with one another (Mr. Trump gave “solidarity” its debut in a presidential inaugural address), and of the people with their president, will take place, we were told, under the banner of “America first.” Since World War II, American political leaders have been loath to invoke that slogan, due to its association with a long-discredited pre-war committee that preached American neutrality toward the rise of fascism in Europe. Mr. Trump now embraces it.





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28 minutes ago, JustNo said:

wow an American who is actually awake, I take my hat off to you! Corporations and businesses are meant to stay out of politics, not elected to run the show!! lol. But yes Hillary is just another puppet figure and the real string pullers are there behind the scenes. 4-8 years from now most of these Trump supporters will be let down and deflated, but there will be a new figure to lead them stray with a cool new buzzword catchphrase 


Business has always been intertwined with politics, in the world.  Unless you're advocating professional politicians.  Do you have someone in mind?  Queen Elizabeth?


Maybe you're confused with the concept of 'separation of church and state'.  Or maybe you're just confused.


Do you disagree with the Op?  Do you have a problem with Trump, or all business people?  


Or, at the risk of being obvious, do you just have a problem/fixation with America? 

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He has his chance and history shows people must RESIST his flavor of politics as aggressively as possible, as EARLY as possible. 


He says, from 10,000 miles away.

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Protectionism doesn't work. 
Isolationism doesn't work.


Electing trump was a massive mistake without any doubt.  People that say give him a chance are missing the point. He has his chance and history shows people must RESIST his flavor of politics as aggressively as possible, as EARLY as possible. 







  Why do posters link to opinion pieces like this and expect others to think it's somehow "factual" or "proof" of something?  Absurd, really.

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