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Trump, now president, vows to put 'America First' in nationalist speech


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Just now, rijb said:


You believe that?  This is the same man that won't show you his tax returns.  :cheesy:

He made money off them going out of business, yes we know that, but that's not the same thing as operating them in profit and saving the jobs.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

He made money off them going out of business, yes we know that, but that's not the same thing as operating them in profit and saving the jobs.


A win is a win.  Just like the election.

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3 minutes ago, Ken Khomdee said:

Good riddance Obama and your global, New World Order!

What a concept: to have a US President, who wants to put America first! All those protesters know their "free" government benefits are going to eventually be gone and they might have to work like the rest of us. They wont have time to protest with having to support themselves and their families.

I only hope he can do even half of what he said during the Inauguration.

Name one president that didn't want to put America first?  They all did.  Trump used his campaign speechs for the inauguration.  It would have been nice if he had some specifics on how he was going to make America great again.  P.S. It's in pretty good shape right now. 


Populism at it's worst.

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4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Name one president that didn't want to put America first?  They all did.  Trump used his campaign speechs for the inauguration.  It would have been nice if he had some specifics on how he was going to make America great again.  P.S. It's in pretty good shape right now. 


Populism at it's worst.


Yes it is, but there must be a large chunk who feel disenfranchised, otherwise DJT could not have got so many votes in certain states.


BTW, I loved that Johnathan King guy on CNN

"There is only one path for DJT and that's going to be difficult"............later

" I can't see any path for Hillary Clinton" his face and Wolf Blitzers were wonderful.

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In the last 6 years 85% of jobs in the US manufacturing industry have been lost due to robots and automation.

A welding robot for a car costs around $8/hour to run, a human welder gets around $25/hour.


Jobs can be created but will the people be happy with a 66% reduction in wages or would the factories prefer to pay 3x more to employ a person to do the robots job?

Robots are taking way more jobs in manufacturing than anything else - it is the new industrial revolution - and to think you can resist the change and re-employ expensive humans to do the same job, is fantasy. Profit is needed.

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27 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Trump is salesman.  A good one.  His company is not that big, so he's not use to managing large staffs.  In politics, as you know, it's all about relationships.  If you want to get something done, you've got to build bridges to the other side.  Trump's knocking them down.  And creating a very divisive society.


Interesting stats I just read.  Trump is inheriting the US when the tail winds are strong.  Unemployment is down, job creation is OK (180,000/month), house prices are up, etc.  Completely the opposite when Obama took office.


The crash at the end of the GW Bush Administration happened primarily due to the removal of the Glass-Stegal banking-laws - an action taken under the Bill Clinton Administration, by architect Larry Summers.  This is not to absolve globalist-Republicans for cheerfully going along.


The official unemployment numbers are rubbish.  Many are not listed as "unemployed," because they are not even bothering to try for a job, anymore, given an endless supply of illegal aliens are busy bidding down available jobs to a "living 6-to-a-room" wage. 


  • The most recent labor participation rate was 62.7 percent, with slightly more than 94.5 million Americans out of the work force. Not just retirees, because ...
  • 301,000: Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office.  The number of jobs created under the Obama economy has not kept up with the working age population (not to mention the millions of foreigners flooding in).  And those "jobs of the future" the globalists promised us?  The sci/tech jobs not sent directly overseas are being handed to immigrants on special "H1B" visas - this while citizens graduating with degrees in sci/tech-fields outnumber new job openings by 2:1.
  • The number of Americans on food stamps - citizens who cannot even afford to eat without a handout - was 44.5 million in 2016.  Unlike the "soup kitchen" system from the Great Depression, they aren't all lined up at a few locations, so those who are not yet affected can live under the illusion everything is fine.
  • Obama nearly doubled the national-debt, even from the terrible number GW Bush left him
  • $531 Billion Trade deficit in 2015 with $99 Billion/yr more debt to China-trade than when Obama took office.
  • $54 Billion / yr in remittances - money siphoned directly out of the US-Economy from US-Paychecks.  $24 Billion / yr sent to Mexico, alone - it's largest single source of national-income.

Those who say "America is in pretty good shape" are exposing the very reason they are clueless as to why Trump won - because for many Americans, it's not. 

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It's a sad fact that in order to compete with the cheap labor countries, we are going to have to manufacture products more efficiently. Unfortunately that means automation. That does mean fewer labor intensive jobs. The main goal of more automated manufacturing is to keep the dollars in the country and to balance trade. After 22 years of working for Chrysler I saw first hand the waste, most of which was created by the unions and corrupt management. Workers get a big raise and management also got a big raise. I was in management for most of those 22 years and I liked the big raises, but I could also see that we would soon be priced out. It never made any sense to me that floor sweepers made nearly as much as skilled productive workers. It also bothered me that connected useless management people made insane wages. The writing was on the wall. The best quality products were automated and the poor quality products were made by inefficient lazy workers. Automation was difficult to implement because the unions fought it tooth and nail.


The bottom line was that after 22 years, I was out of a job. The factory was sold to a liquidator and all those jobs were lost forever. You either become competitive or die. It is just as simple as that.

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4 hours ago, rudy h said:

Within PRC??? no what he has taken is from the favorable Chinese trade agreements through previous administrations that have allowed for preferential import status for PRC produced goods.

Now that he is POTUS he is explicitly forbidden constitutionally from receiving financial gain or favors from foreign powers (although he can start a foundation like someone else and get it indirectly and

Be funded from the Saudi's)

I'd rather him owe money to China through a clearly transparent loan rather than an indirectly owed favor to the Saudi's that contribute into "cloudy foundations".

Let us not forget how many Saudis were behind 9/11.


The deal that Trump boasted about with a Japanese company, Softbank, valued at $50 billion, is part funded by the Saudis. Wonder what his admirers of his proposed Muslim policies think about this...



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48 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Name one president that didn't want to put America first?  They all did.  ...


Not many in decades.  They put Globalist Transnational Corporations first.  Both Parties.  The US hasn't had a "labor party" since the "Democratic Leadership Conference" bought it out - an organization funded by the Koch Brothers which made then-gov of AK (Bill Clinton) it's first director.  Note that the Koch Bros pointedly did not support Trump. 

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6 minutes ago, JackThompson said:


The crash at the end of the GW Bush Administration happened primarily due to the removal of the Glass-Stegal banking-laws - an action taken under the Bill Clinton Administration, by architect Larry Summers.  This is not to absolve globalist-Republicans for cheerfully going along.


The official unemployment numbers are rubbish.  Many are not listed as "unemployed," because they are not even bothering to try for a job, anymore, given an endless supply of illegal aliens are busy bidding down available jobs to a "living 6-to-a-room" wage. 


  • The most recent labor participation rate was 62.7 percent, with slightly more than 94.5 million Americans out of the work force. Not just retirees, because ...
  • 301,000: Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office.  The number of jobs created under the Obama economy has not kept up with the working age population (not to mention the millions of foreigners flooding in).  And those "jobs of the future" the globalists promised us?  The sci/tech jobs not sent directly overseas are being handed to immigrants on special "H1B" visas - this while citizens graduating with degrees in sci/tech-fields outnumber new job openings by 2:1.
  • The number of Americans on food stamps - citizens who cannot even afford to eat without a handout - was 44.5 million in 2016.  Unlike the "soup kitchen" system from the Great Depression, they aren't all lined up at a few locations, so those who are not yet affected can live under the illusion everything is fine.
  • Obama nearly doubled the national-debt, even from the terrible number GW Bush left him
  • $531 Billion Trade deficit in 2015 with $99 Billion/yr more debt to China-trade than when Obama took office.
  • $54 Billion / yr in remittances - money siphoned directly out of the US-Economy from US-Paychecks.  $24 Billion / yr sent to Mexico, alone - it's largest single source of national-income.

Those who say "America is in pretty good shape" are exposing the very reason they are clueless as to why Trump won - because for many Americans, it's not. 

There are several figures for unemployment.  Pick the one you like, they are all down.


Obama was handed a disaster on day one when he took office.  He stopped a meltdown.  Yes, debt is up, but we dodged a huge bullet thanks to him.


Easy to spin things based on stats.  Not everybody is in great shape.  Change is needed.  Some need help.  But not all.  For many, life is pretty good right now.


No easy answers.

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5 minutes ago, JackThompson said:


Not many in decades.  They put Globalist Transnational Corporations first.  Both Parties.  The US hasn't had a "labor party" since the "Democratic Leadership Conference" bought it out - an organization funded by the Koch Brothers which made then-gov of AK (Bill Clinton) it's first director.  Note that the Koch Bros pointedly did not support Trump. 

Globalist Transnational Corporations employ many Americans.  I'd say that's putting Americans first. LOL

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6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Excellent post. Though I do believe Obama helped get us out of one of the worst recessions in recent memory. 


That he did. But he also lied about the unemployment numbers, and the CPI, by changing the parameters monthly, to support his claim that the economy was improving dramatically. It did improve. But, there are many millions more out of work than he has reported, and this was deliberate. Same with the inflation numbers. They are wildly fictitious. I do not care what anyone tells me. I can see the opposite on the ground. Prices have gone up dramatically, right across the board. To tell me 3% is an insult to my intelligence. 

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1 hour ago, Ken Khomdee said:

Good riddance Obama and your global, New World Order!

What a concept: to have a US President, who wants to put America first! All those protesters know their "free" government benefits are going to eventually be gone and they might have to work like the rest of us. They wont have time to protest with having to support themselves and their families.

I only hope he can do even half of what he said during the Inauguration.

Firstly obviously I am not an American but a citizen of a Small US Ally and trading Partner. Firstly Obama did not invent or really push the New World Order. He simply continued US Policy since Nixon. I do not know about freeloaders in the USA. But I know under US pressure My Country Completely deregulated and dropped Trade Barriers. This allowed US and other Countries to freely sell their goods to Us. And in return your Agricultural Lobby has continued to block our Produce and meat into the US. Is it because we use excessive antibiotics, drugs , Chemicals or even Government Subsidies to make Our Farmers competitive. No it is because Our Farmers are damn good at it. The USA has never allowed free trade so when Trump if he keeps his word shuts the door. Happy trails for you all playing with yourselves. As the Mexicans have said if you shut off trade from them. Then Mexico, Central , South America and Canada will have their own free trade agreements. And kawawa USA all on it lonesome.

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45 minutes ago, JackThompson said:


  • The most recent labor participation rate was 62.7 percent, with slightly more than 94.5 million Americans out of the work force. Not just retirees, because ... 

Politifact fact checked this after Trump's recent press conference recently and here's an excerpt from that article on that very subject. The full article here: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/jan/11/live-coverage-donald-trumps-first-press-conference/

Excerpt below: 



A longtime skeptic of the official jobs figures, Trump claimed the "real number" is 96 million people without jobs, which would correspond to an unemployment rate of 37.8 percent out of potential workforce of 255 million (everyone age 16 and up).

The latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, meanwhile, says there were 7.5 million people unemployed in December, or an unemployment rate of 4.7 percent.

During the election, Trump repeatedly said the unemployment rate could be 42 percent, and received two Pants on Fire ratings for that claim.

To get to a rate that high, you’d have to count college and high school students, stay-at-home parents, job-training participants, those with disabilities, those with part-time jobs and senior citizens. The highest credible number we could calculate was 15.6 percent.



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11 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

Politifact fact checked this after Trump's recent press conference recently and here's an excerpt from that article on that very subject. The full article here: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/jan/11/live-coverage-donald-trumps-first-press-conference/

Excerpt below: 


According to Trump, all those people could be employed....


On chain gang construction crews building private toll bridges for his corrupt cronies.


They could also build a wall (if they prefer to work with the Mexican immigrants).


Up to them. ?

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"Tolerance [of  the persecution of the Jewish race in Germany by the Nazis]  is a virtue that depends upon peace and strength."





Yes the ADL explicitly asked trump not to use that slogan because of the fascist history but he did not agree. Using it is a dog whistle to the alt right, white supremacists, and Nazis.

More - -

"“America First” has a specific history, as a nativist and isolationist slogan, popular among Americans who resisted entry into World War II and were associated with the demagoguery and anti-Semitism of Charles Lindbergh. And it’s a fitting slogan for Trump, who has channeled those same resentments and who now deploys them as the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth. “We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs,” said Trump.


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6 hours ago, Grubster said:

but we don't allow our companies to use unsafe conditions or pollute the air, land and water to gain an advantage over our other companies do we? Why is it ok to allow our companies to do all that in other countries and then send the product back to us, saving millions of dollars over our companies that are trying to stay in the US?

A very very good point. Sadly Grubster its greed plain and simple by the multinationals. They are starting to pack up in China now because of increased labor costs and Vietnam is now the hot spot. They are fast running out of "hot" spots to migrate to. Labor is in war plain and simple and the higher wage countries like the west are loosing. Yes China is opening plants there in the rust belts but the wages are not the good paying jobs Trump is boasting about they are $15 an hour jobs with Chinese working rules, uniforms and mantra. At a time of expanding available bodies of labor we are faced with AI robotics and 3D printing job killers. These fly by night economists will tell you there are increases in managerial positions but thats all hog wash. Yes we retirees are in the "sweet spot" but our loved ones not so much so. We balanced working with fun but I fear the fun part will soon disappear and the "company man" will replace it. Fighting this must be left to the young but the multi nationals are trying to scrub their bodies of the last vestige of  resistance. Demonstrations and marches mean little anymore and in some ways businesses want you to participate to show you the hopelessness of it all. The bully boys stand ready dressed in body armor clubs and tear gas to beat "sense" into you. 

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12 hours ago, jayboy said:

Mathew Paris captures the feelings of many.


"The Americans have elected a turkey as their president. He looks like a turkey, walks like a turkey, gobbles like a turkey — he is a turkey. There is nothing in Donald Trump’s record, in the appointments he has made or in his disgusting inaugural speech yesterday that prompts second thoughts. The new president is no evil genius, he’s just tiresome, rude and silly: one of those vexatious, loud and unpleasant people we do best to avoid."

Yep, not quite the mayor of London, huh mate? Where is that fellow from? I forgot. About the brexit, how is your pound doing?

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14 minutes ago, Dale59 said:

America is going to have a little well deserved "me time" and the rest of the world who has taken advantage of us at every turn will just need to suck it up and play by our rules for a change!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

And you think you have not had me time for the last 72 years. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha PML

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1 hour ago, SiSePuede419 said:

According to Trump, all those people could be employed....


On chain gang construction crews building private toll bridges for his corrupt cronies.


They could also build a wall (if they prefer to work with the Mexican immigrants).


Up to them. ?


Or, they could be employed where they were, at good middle-class wages, before illegal-aliens were used to destroy their lives.  Not blaming the illegal-aliens, btw, many of whom lost their farms due to NAFTA and ag-dumping from the USA into Mexico - corn in particular.  It's the architects of the game I blame.  To those saying the "new manufacturing jobs" won't pay as well as the old ones - they are right; inter-state competition to break unions ("right to work" laws = "right to work and be poor") will see to that.  But they still pay a heck of a lot better than Wal Mart, Starbucks, illegal-alien impoverished Construction jobs, or welfare (what bits are left of the safety-net, after Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich's handiwork).


Many are trying to defend Obama here.  Obama was one in a long line of anti-middle-class Globalists.  The banking crisis, in-progress when Obama took office, was a golden opportunity for meaningful change - namely, returning to what worked before.  The Dems controlled the House, Senate, and WH at that time.  He purportedly told the banksters he was "standing between them and the pitchforks," then proceeded to continue the bailouts (started under Bush 43), to NOT restore Glass-Steagall and derivative-related banking-regs (which would have fixed the cause of the threat), and to NOT use the bailout-money to re-finance all the homes facing foreclosure (with most money left over).  Like Bill Clinton, Obama used social issues as "left-cover" to continue enacting anti-middle-class economic-policies which the "right" openly supported. 


I find it silly when "the right" singles Obama out, while whistling past the Bushes cronyism, and Reagan's shamnesty.  Having seen Obama's policy-positions in action, including his tax-robbery-funded corporate-welfare system for health-insurance giants and for-profit medical corporations - nicknamed "Obamacare" - it is not surprising, in retrospect, that Obama didn't prosecute the Bush 43 gang for their crimes. 


My greatest worry with Trump, thus far (just getting started, folks), is watching him seem ready to give a pass to the corrupt Clintons.  There are a lot of people formerly involved in govt who need to be "locked up" - Hillary is just the tip of the iceberg.


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@JackThompson: Steve Bannon is that you? You have a lot of disdain for these "globalists". Serious questions though: What makes your life more valuable than someone else's just because of where you happened to be born? And what gives you the right to deny those same privileges to someone else because they were born on the other side of this imaginary line? 

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5 hours ago, JackThompson said:

The issue is changing the rules - not expecting businesses to fall on their swords in an act of pure patriotism. 


Appologies in advance. I realize further discussion along this line will take off topic, but I just want to get a word in.


Agreed that businesses shouldn't be expected to fall on their swords. They will play by the rules that their competitors play by. But let's remember that it was the businesses that lobbied for the rules in the first place.


Globalization lifted hundreds of millions from depravation in places like China, Vietnam, Thailand, etc. This was partly done at the expense of tens of millions of workers in developed countries. It need not have been a zero sum game if the same businesses hadn't also lobbied for reduced taxes, tax loopholes, exemption from pension obligations, etc thus depriving governments of funds with which to improve education, healthcare, retraining , etc.


But that's a different discussion.

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3 hours ago, mrfill said:

In the last 6 years 85% of jobs in the US manufacturing industry have been lost due to robots and automation.

A welding robot for a car costs around $8/hour to run, a human welder gets around $25/hour.


Jobs can be created but will the people be happy with a 66% reduction in wages or would the factories prefer to pay 3x more to employ a person to do the robots job?

Robots are taking way more jobs in manufacturing than anything else - it is the new industrial revolution - and to think you can resist the change and re-employ expensive humans to do the same job, is fantasy. Profit is needed.


Luddites the sequel!

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2 hours ago, sabaii69 said:

Yep, not quite the mayor of London, huh mate? Where is that fellow from? I forgot. About the brexit, how is your pound doing?


Please sir...


Mr Gove (he's a bit odd) and Mr Farage said that your nice Mr Trump would give a great trade deal to the UK quickly. Please don't forget little England.


I am a bit worried because Mr Trump always says "America First". Is he going to give us jobs too?

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5 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Appologies in advance. I realize further discussion along this line will take off topic, but I just want to get a word in.


Agreed that businesses shouldn't be expected to fall on their swords. They will play by the rules that their competitors play by. But let's remember that it was the businesses that lobbied for the rules in the first place.


Globalization lifted hundreds of millions from depravation in places like China, Vietnam, Thailand, etc. This was partly done at the expense of tens of millions of workers in developed countries. It need not have been a zero sum game if the same businesses hadn't also lobbied for reduced taxes, tax loopholes, exemption from pension obligations, etc thus depriving governments of funds with which to improve education, healthcare, retraining , etc.


But that's a different discussion.


I don't think this is OT, because it is 1/2 of the core issues which "America First" is all about. 


Agreed that the most powerful companies wrote the new "race to the lowest-wage rules."  But then everyone had to play by them.  To the extent that Trump can be traced to lobbying efforts for pro-globalizaton policies, he can be blamed.  I am not aware of any evidence of this.


Wealth can be created from land, resources, and labor.  Therefore, the now-less-poor countries did not need to extract wealth from the USA and other Western markets to become wealthy - they merely needed to open their own resources and markets to their own entrepreneurs to produce for their own populations.  Smaller nations may not have all the natural resources they need, so will need balanced-trade with select-others to have "all the pieces" of a 1st World economy.  The USA does not require this, so trade is purely a luxury to get bananas, trace-elements for phone-screens and a few other small things.


The communist-party members running China couldn't get the job done with a communist-economic model, though there was no reason they could not have built a free-market, 1st world nation by 1965 on their own, using WWII-era tech.  Hoarding of power and a broken-ideology was the obstacle.  The next generation were happy to sell the Chinese people as slave-labor in exchange for becoming "the immortal" mega-Billionaires through corruption - just as the post-WWII generations in America were willing to sell out their own population.

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9 minutes ago, Grouse said:


Please sir...


Mr Gove (he's a bit odd) and Mr Farage said that your nice Mr Trump would give a great trade deal to the UK quickly. Please don't forget little England.


I am a bit worried because Mr Trump always says "America First". Is he going to give us jobs too?


Given our standards of living are not too far apart, something should be possible which is a "win-win" for both Brits and Americans.

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