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SURVEY: With Trump as POTUS is the world safer or not?


SURVEY: With Trump as President, is the world a safer place or not?  

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1 hour ago, Fookhaht said:

So you use the same source to authenticate/verify itself?

OK, this line of reasoning is at a very necessary dead end. Bye.

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It's interesting that people such as you who are seemingly dedicated to the alt right POVs can never back up their claims., just double down with conspiracy theories. 

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Well let's say... so far he has:


- Made a public statement that we should have taken the oil in Iraq, and that maybe we'll have another chance. This is about the dumbest statement imaginable considering that we have U.S. Forces in Iraq and other parts of the Middle East who rely on the participation of local soldiers. 
- Picked fights with China. Threatening to use the military to prevent China from utilizing their man-made islands, and alluding towards a possible trade war while also refusing to abide by the "One China" policy.

- Banned any public speaking out of government agencies, removed factual information regarding climate change, and is looking for ways to push ahead with things like fracking and lifting regulations on the coal industry. While that may not be a military danger, it is an environmental danger that will affect the entire world.

- Sent shockwaves through the intelligence community and NATO rivals with his ill-conceived statements and his buddying up with Russia.,

- Plans to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusulaem, which will likely mean an end to peace talks. 


That's less than a week of Donald Trump. If this is any indication the world is going to be a much more dangerous and volatile place. 

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9 hours ago, jcsmith said:

Well let's say... so far he has:


- Made a public statement that we should have taken the oil in Iraq, and that maybe we'll have another chance. This is about the dumbest statement imaginable considering that we have U.S. Forces in Iraq and other parts of the Middle East who rely on the participation of local soldiers. 
- Picked fights with China. Threatening to use the military to prevent China from utilizing their man-made islands, and alluding towards a possible trade war while also refusing to abide by the "One China" policy.

- Banned any public speaking out of government agencies, removed factual information regarding climate change, and is looking for ways to push ahead with things like fracking and lifting regulations on the coal industry. While that may not be a military danger, it is an environmental danger that will affect the entire world.

- Sent shockwaves through the intelligence community and NATO rivals with his ill-conceived statements and his buddying up with Russia.,

- Plans to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusulaem, which will likely mean an end to peace talks. 


That's less than a week of Donald Trump. If this is any indication the world is going to be a much more dangerous and volatile place. 


Plus the threat to US democratic institutions by falsely asserting 3 - 5 million illegal votes were cast. Who are these 'people', presumably Trump appointed advisers, who are feeding him a false narrative, thereby undermining the credibility of the Office of the President of the United States?

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On 1/22/2017 at 9:26 PM, Jingthing said:

Not sure about that but anyone that had hoped his bizarre ego disordered personality would change when installed in the most powerful office on the planet with zero qualifications and experience, probably already realizes that AIN'T gonna happen. trump is trump and that is NOT good. 


      And he doesn't have god on his side as George W. Bush. That might make America to a fourth World country soon. 

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