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Women's anti-Trump march clogs Washington streets


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9 minutes ago, uptheos said:


C'mon Craig the left wing have been harping on ad nauseam about the little witch getting the popular vote by 3 Mil. How on earth is it all all possible if that is the case that Trump's approval ratings at this stage can be much above 40%? Lets have a look again this time next year when the democrat party has disintegrated and all the looney left have taken a rest.

I wasn't talking about margin of votes.  I was replying to a member that said a majority of Americans support Trump.  Which is not true.  As proven by polls both before and after the elections.

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I wasn't talking about margin of votes.  I was replying to a member that said a majority of Americans support Trump.  Which is not true.  As proven by polls both before and after the elections.

Yes but I was just pointing out the approval ratings cant possibly be high yet given the vote margin. But I guarantee in a year they will soar and the dems will just crumble, they have no one of substance.

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2 minutes ago, uptheos said:

Yes but I was just pointing out the approval ratings cant possibly be high yet given the vote margin. But I guarantee in a year they will soar and the dems will just crumble, they have no one of substance.

I don't care about the democrats.  I'm an independent.  I do care about Trump.  As do many others, show by the numbers here.  He needs to up his game as he's not POTUS.  Not just an ordinary salesman any more.

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

I don't care about the democrats.  I'm an independent.  I do care about Trump.  As do many others, show by the numbers here.  He needs to up his game as he's not POTUS.  Not just an ordinary salesman any more.

you're right, hes been POTUS two and half days waiting for his cabinet to be endorsed, time to up the game

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Maybe he should have picked better cabinet members? LOL  So much for draining the swamp.


I have no doubt Mike Pompeo will be endorsed also Tilierson, who's just being held up by silly Marco as a game, because Trump crushed him.

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7 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Knitting pink "pussy hats" made to look like cat ears AND a clitoris was sheer genius. 


Well that's what they do all day isn't it........knitting.......... and relieve the boredom with an occasional march. I wonder when they started knitting these ridiculous things?


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11 hours ago, howto said:

Jingthing,  Why do you care of women's issues?

You've not a dog in that fight. [edited for brevity]


Perhaps this poem will help answer your question:


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


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52 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:


Perhaps this poem will help answer your question:


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.



trump's explicit scapegoats are Muslims and undocumented Latinos. 


trump's IMPLICIT scapegoats (ENEMIES LIST) are:




Academics (high percentage are Jews)

Intellectuals / Writers (high percentage are Jews)

Artists (high percentage are Jews) (National Endowment for the Arts to be DEFUNDED by trump) 

"Hollywood" (high percentage are Jews)

Urbanites on the coasts (see electoral map)

Women (he's pledged to pick SCOTUS picks like Scalia that want to kill Roe v. Wade)

Liberal Jews (the vast majority of American Jews)

Journalists (high percentage are Jews)

GLBTQ people

African Americans (picked an Attorney General with a record of suppressing their votes)

All Latinos (picked an Attorney General with a record of suppressing their votes)


The slogan he chose to focus on, a slogan with a documented history of being associated with American fascists, white supremacists, and Nazis.


To proactively clarify, when I mention high percentage are Jews, I mean relative to the total American Jewish population. Jews are only 2 percent of the population in the U.S. so if 20 percent are working in Hollywood entertainment or journalism (for examples), that's a relatively high percentage.


On point to this post:




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11 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Not so fast on this Kelly Anne Conway has come up with a new catch phrase for reports of low favorability ratings and lower turn out claims at the inauguration. I think this will be a common phrase when things go pear shaped for the Donald and the Republic congress. The phrase is called "alternate facts" kind of catchy don't you think. She is a real peach of a pear this woman. 



Didnt check if it's already been done, but I started a hashtag "alternativefacts" with the following tweet:

In the alternative moon landing, .armstrong said as he did a No.2 on the moon: "one giant dump for mankind"

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10 hours ago, USPatriot said:

For all of the non US citizens posting   the reason we Americans have the electoral college is democratic states would control the elections the electoral college make it a level playing field. California Neyland York and illinoise have enough votes to win every election for Democrats. This is what gives the country a fair election.

Gotya so the poverty rust belt states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and other northern ex industrial states carry the day while the votes of the big states mean nothing. I think the constitution is a great piece of work but time has marched on. The majority of votes should carry the day. 15 months of debates and caucusing is way to much time spent as well as money. It just give people like the Koch Brothers time to bring their big donations into play and time for them to do backroom deals. Constitutions are a great starting point and I am sure the founding fathers realized that over time some things had to change. Flack jacket on. 

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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Didnt check if it's already been done, but I started a hashtag "alternativefacts" with the following tweet:

In the alternative moon landing, .armstrong said as he did a No.2 on the moon: "one giant dump for mankind"

I wonder if the wind whistled up his petutie. 

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6 hours ago, thaihome said:


I don't believe the protests we have seen are disputing the result of the election, they are saying they do not agree with Trump and what he represents.  


The difference between disputing the results and protesting what he represents may be a bit subtle for some here to perceive.  


Of course,  they may also be indulging in a bit of disgenous fallacious logic knowing that the protest are not disputing the outcome.





Ah.... a bit subtle???


the post isn't for the protestors around the world, it's for some Thai visa readers.... specifically those disputing the results of the election.


"disputing"includes complaining about it.... trawling up rubbish about voting margins, discussing ways to remove him asap..... even simply refusing to give him a fair go.


hopefully that removes the need to wonder about subtlety. ... though I don't expect it helps some here in accepting the fact that Don is now the legally elected president of the US, and that's all there is about it.


yall are like a bunch of ranch hands, gathered around the open gate of a corral, wondering where the horses went.... hint... they bolted while y'all were kicking back laughing at the Dons hairdo.... reap what you sow

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3 minutes ago, farcanell said:


Ah.... a bit subtle???


the post isn't for the protestors around the world, it's for some Thai visa readers.... specifically those disputing the results of the election.


"disputing"includes complaining about it.... trawling up rubbish about voting margins, discussing ways to remove him asap..... even simply refusing to give him a fair go.


hopefully that removes the need to wonder about subtlety. ... though I don't expect it helps some here in accepting the fact that Don is now the legally elected president of the US, and that's all there is about it.


yall are like a bunch of ranch hands, gathered around the open gate of a corral, wondering where the horses went.... hint... they bolted while y'all were kicking back laughing at the Dons hairdo.... reap what you sow

Actually most of that rubbish is coming from Trump's supporters who claim that the election shows he has the backing of the majority of the country.

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20 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually most of that rubbish is coming from Trump's supporters who claim that the election shows he has the backing of the majority of the country.


Could be.... maybe anti trumpists should should start posts with an A.T.... before posting... and vise versus, trumpist should put a big T up front, as it can be confusing...lol... joke


Anyway, as that's not going to happen, instead, can you go back to page one, and re read the first dozen posts, and then confirm your statement, as I think you might be.. might be.... possibly... wrong


regardless.... per my post.... people are still herein disputing trumps right to rule the world, post election, in many and various ways.... hey y'all... it's too damn late!

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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


So, are Americans only allowed to be proud of one protest?  .....and therefore not proud of others?  Ridiculous argument.  The current protest is international and has many times more protesters than the MLK protests. I respect and admire MLK and his supporters, but why must one like one and not another?  Nutzoid.



 Yer... not sure what nutzoid means.... but you really must read replies in relation to the posts being replied too (I'm  not saying don't jump in... do, by all means, and welcome).... but i asked a question... hopefully the answer ( ungiven) was yes 


then I posted a picture, as had the previous poster, but mine didn't show people out playing around, smiling, having a good old time... mine showed a serious image, suited for the gravity of the situation ( not forgetting that I was also replying to a comment about dark times.... times where I feel people shouldn't be seen laughing and smiling), which provided context


as to your question... sure... be proud of multiple moments... multiple protests.... hell, I'm sure some here are proud as hell about protests surrounding Larry Flynt, others maybe not so much, but it matters not, as all I did was ask a question (which wasn't answered.... but derided.... mmmm.... politics hey?)

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2 minutes ago, farcanell said:

 Yer... not sure what nutzoid means.... but you really must read replies in relation to the posts being replied too (I'm  not saying don't jump in... do, by all means, and welcome).... but i asked a question... hopefully the answer ( ungiven) was yes 


then I posted a picture, as had the previous poster, but mine didn't show people out playing around, smiling, having a good old time... mine showed a serious image, suited for the gravity of the situation ( not forgetting that I was also replying to a comment about dark times.... times where I feel people shouldn't be seen laughing and smiling), which provided context


as to your question... sure... be proud of multiple moments... multiple protests.... hell, I'm sure some here are proud as hell about protests surrounding Larry Flynt, others maybe not so much, but it matters not, as all I did was ask a question (which wasn't answered.... but derided.... mmmm.... politics hey?)

Maybe if your remarks were a trifle - hell, make that a lot more coherent - it would be easier to reply to them. I don't think it should be incumbent upon us to edit your remarks to make them comprehensible, if not sensible.

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1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:


Perhaps this poem will help answer your question:


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.




I think that's the 1000th time that cliche poem has been used on TV

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However, the show it's over. It was the last shoot from Soros. He failed badly. The media failed badly. The Elite failed badly. And the Winner IIIIIIIIIS: Donald John Trump.


Now I would advise to the leftists to build self-help groups. And don't believe every sh*t what comes from the mainstream media. Learn to live in a new World.

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3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:
14 hours ago, howto said:

Jingthing,  Why do you care of women's issues?

You've not a dog in that fight. [edited for brevity]


Perhaps this poem will help answer your question:


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Poetry slam, written by a 19-YO, performed by Ashley Judd.


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2 hours ago, farcanell said:

yall are like a bunch of ranch hands, gathered around the open gate of a corral, wondering where the horses went.... hint... they bolted while y'all were kicking back laughing at the Dons hairdo.... reap what you sow


There is some truth in what you say. Democrats were busy bickering amongst themselves, asleep at the wheel, complacent, lazy, overconfident, smug, snarky, dismissive and this allowed the Russian efforts to succeed.


They learned their lesson and The March is just the first salvo in their message that that complacent state of affairs is at an end.


For example the petition put up at petition.whitehouse.gov asking .trump to release his tax returns as promised almost immediately got the required 100,000 signatures, forcing the administration to respond (they responded, for the first time with a clear response: they will not release the tax returns)


But more and more people have continued to sign the petition anyway. This will be an ongoing thorn on the administration's side.

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1 hour ago, alocacoc said:

However, the show it's over. It was the last shoot from Soros. He failed badly. The media failed badly. The Elite failed badly. And the Winner IIIIIIIIIS: Donald John Trump.


Now I would advise to the leftists to build self-help groups. And don't believe every sh*t what comes from the mainstream media. Learn to live in a new World.

Can you please name a reputable trustworthy news media source so all TV posters here can reference then?

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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Maybe if your remarks were a trifle - hell, make that a lot more coherent - it would be easier to reply to them. I don't think it should be incumbent upon us to edit your remarks to make them comprehensible, if not sensible.

Now your being silly.... unless, of course, you really do have a reading comprehension disorder.....  if so, I sincerely apologise for confusing you.


let me know if I need to explain that in more detail.... or s l o w e r.

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2 hours ago, uptheos said:


I think that's the 1000th time that cliche poem has been used on TV


Lol.... And ironically, taken from the words of a man who was making a statement about political apathy.... you know.... like when only 55% of eligible voters bother to vote.

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1 hour ago, farcanell said:


Lol.... And ironically, taken from the words of a man who was making a statement about political apathy.... you know.... like when only 55% of eligible voters bother to vote.

Not sure if you're American and don't understand the mechanics of U.S. presidential elections but for the benefit of all uninformed people, I will explain now why there are such low turnouts.


Most Americans do care very much who will be president, but once it gets down to two choices, a significant percentage don't love either choices, and find themselves in a lesser of two evils mode, and that's depressing, and that depresses the participation.


But the bigger reason is actually STRUCTURAL.


There are 50 states. In a typical presidential election, and this one included, 40 or more states presidential results are already known by everyone, including potential voters, BEFORE election day.


In other words in this election, if you live in Alabama you already knew 100 percent that trump would win the state. Whether you personally voted or not, you knew 100 percent it would not change the result.


The same in California. In that case, it was known 100 percent that HILLARY CLINTON would win that state, before election day.


Now of course many people come out to vote just as their duty knowing it won't make a difference in the presidential race, and there are also state and local races that motivate some people to come out.


Other than accusations of "sour grapes" this situation of already known presidential winners in the vast majority of states is actually an excellent reason in favor of trashing the electoral college. Then everyone's vote would really matter! I know it won't be trashed, but I hope I have explained now to misinformed people why the participation rate is so low. 

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